

unCoVer疫中人 unCoVer疫中人 2020-09-05





Editor's Note

刚刚过去的国际妇女节你是如何度过的?三月八日晚,上海纽约大学多元倡议项目举办了一场聚焦“疫情中的女性”的线上对话。活动邀请了来自BIE别的女孩的主编Alex Li、GirlSUP Shanghai的创办人Sakura Chan,以及上海纽约大学博士后研究员王菁。在接近两小时的谈话里,三位嘉宾和主持人Joyce Tan一起,对于疫情中女性工作者的角色、困境及媒体形象分享了自己的观察和思考。


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How did you celebrate International Women's Day this year? On the evening of March 8, 2020, the Office of Diversity Initiatives of Shanghai New York University (NYU Shanghai) organized an online panel discussion, “Women in the Time of Coronavirus: Action, Contribution and Media Representation.” Guest panelists were Alex Li, editor-in-chief of BiedeGirls; Sakura Chan, founder of GirlSUP Shanghai; and Jing Wang, a postdoctoral fellow at NYU Shanghai. Along with Joyce Tan, moderator of the discussion, the three panelists shared their observations and thoughts on the COVID-19 outbreak through the lens of gender. 

In this epidemic, women make up two-thirds of the medical force dispatched from all over China to assist with the treatment and containment efforts in Hubei. Among the frontline medical workers, more than half of the doctors and over 90% of the nurses are women. In various other fields such as scientific research, management, sanitation, construction, community service, and social work, women have also been playing an active and indispensable role. However, from biased media coverage and the neglected needs of female medical workers, we can also see how the outbreak has accentuated the already ubiquitous sexism. Starting from this topic, the panelists had a discussion on gender culture, media representation, and civil society. They also talked about the projects they initiated during the outbreak and addressed other social issues that intersect with gender.  



Meet the Panelists | 嘉宾介绍

Alex Li

Editor-in-chief, BiedeGirls

“BIE别的女孩” 主编 

Co-initiator, Firefly Plan

“萤火计划” 发起人之一

BiedeGirls is an online channel that explores issues, experiences and opinions through lenses of gender and sexuality. 


Sakura Chan

Founder, GirlSUP Shanghai | 

GirlSUP Shanghai 创办人

Co-initiator, Firefly Plan | 


Freelance Fashion Designer | 


GirlSUP Shanghai is a female network that connects and supports women from different professions and industries. In January 2020, together with BiedeGirls, GirlSUP co-founded the "Firefly Plan" aiming to support frontline female medical workers with a range of products, including disinfectants, hand creams, and period panties. 

GirlSUP Shanghai是一个将来自不同行业的职业女性联系起来并相互给予支持和帮助的在线社区。2020年1月,GirlSUP和“BIE别的女孩”共同发起了“萤火计划”,旨在为一线女性医疗工作者提供一系列产品,包括消毒剂,护手霜和卫生巾。

Jing Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow, NYU Shanghai


Co-initiator, Sinophobia Tracker |

Sinophobia Tracker发起人

Founded by Jing Wang and Li Li, Sinophabia Tracker is a site to document and archive Sinophobic phenomena and anti-racist efforts worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sinophobia-tracker/home

Sinophabia Tracker网站由王菁和李黎创立,旨在记录新冠肺炎疫情期间全球的排华现象以及各地对抗种族主义的行动。

Moderator | 主持人

Joyce Tan

Specialist, Diversity Initiatives, 

NYU Shanghai


Initiator, unCoVer疫中人


“unCoVer疫中人" is a project dedicated to amplifying the voices of those who are affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in and beyond China through translation, storytelling and interview.


Highlights | 对话亮点




Jing: 与朋友一同建立Sinophobia Tracker网站的初衷


Sakura: “萤火计划”的发起初衷,以及在发展中得到的来自女性同伴的支持

“ What does the project [GirlSUP] mean to me? I didn’t make any money from it. But this time when I wanted to do something for women through this platform, almost everyone I asked -- most of them girls -- said yes immediately. 

- Sakura




Sakura: 受到文化影响,人们对于在公众场合谈及个人卫生需求不适应;对女性需求的忽视早已有之


Alex: 女护士被剃头的事件[1]背后是女性身体被挪用、操控和展演的长期历史,性别文化是其根本的原因

“ The underlying reason for this misrepresentation or underrepresentation of women boils down to the consistent unwillingness to first see women’s bodies and then to acknowledge and respect their needs as equal to men’s -- not less important just because men don't have the same needs.   

- Alex




Alex: 女性总是被想象成充满美德、美好圣洁的形象,而非有各种正常生理需求的人—— “永恒女性”(eternal feminine)的塑造 [2]


Alex: 被神化后的女性身体成为宣传工具


Jing: 社会主义建设时期“妇女能顶半边天”的宣传话语及其影响

“ It’s essentially the archetype of women as beautiful, holy, and virtuous beings. This feminine entity -- they’re almost like goddesses, but they’re not real . . . The ‘eternal feminine’ is meant to be a praise but not a realistic portrayal of women . . . These female bodies are hyper-visible and invisible at the same time. 

- Alex

Tani Barlow’s text [3] traces the discursive shift of what is being considered or constructed as a woman in modern China. I think she would definitely agree . . . with how women are constructed as ‘the Other’ in the private sphere versus men in the public and political domains, and that the concepts of women are always relational. 

- Jing




Jing: 性别与阶层身份如何交织;女性后勤工作者在媒体报道中的缺席


Joyce: 《2018年农民工监测报告》显示女性占农民工总数的34.8%;看见屏幕上的,也看见屏幕后的:“每一块屏也是一块幕”

“ This is not just a gender issue. It’s a class issue as well.

- Jing

“ Every screen is also a panel that blocks what's behind it. So when we see what’s shown on the screen, we always have to question which narratives are presented and which are not. 

- Joyce




Jing: 方方——一位疫情期间被广泛阅读的作家 [5]


Alex: 郭晶的武汉封城日记[6];“未被记录的Ta们”项目[7]:悼念那些未被官方记录而逝去的生命

“ I have been reading Judith Butler's Precarious Life [8]. And to quote her, ‘If a life is not grievable, it is not quite a life; it does not qualify as a life and is not worth a note.’ 

- Alex




Alex: 所谓“黄金时代”即便有过现在也不复存在,但这次疫情让人们对有政治参与热情和公民意识的人有了更强的认可,一些年轻人对公共事务及话题的讨论产生了较大的共振 


Jing: 公民社会在中国的特殊性——限制与机遇[9]:从李文亮医生事件[10]看如何在夹缝中发声


Sakura: 国内社交媒体在日渐商业化的同时对社会热点事件的推动和影响;"萤火计划"借力媒体

“ [In] a heavily controlled system, there are always cracks and gaps at different levels. I think there are people who know how to use new media to self-educate and become [more politically conscious] citizens. 

- Jing

Q & A | 观众提问

[41:44] Question: 李文亮并没有面向公众披露新冠病毒疫情,为什么被称为“whistleblower”呢?


From the Audience | 观众留言

▲Scroll down to read 向上滑动阅读▲

"The event helped inform me of the nuances in how women are portrayed in China: to inspire boldness and bravery during this fight, while also casting an underlying notion that female bodies are not "suit"-able enough while working in healthcare professions." 

-- Rayna Wang, 

Intake Coordinator and Therapist, 

Child Center of New York; 

Alumna, New York University

"Female nurses in Wuhan’s hospitals need to work for 8 hours straight without drinking, eating, or going to the toilet. They are portrayed as “heroes,” but not many people actually care about improving their situation."

-- Kuntian Chen, 

Class of 2023, NYU Shanghai

"Women in the time of coronavirus should be seen. She might be a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, or just an ordinary person like you and me. I still remember that when a little girl was asked what her mother looked like in a protective suit, she said, 'like the sun.'"

-- Mia Zhang, 

Class of 2023, NYU Shanghai


-- Slyler Chen, 

Class of 2023, NYU Shanghai

"Definitely inspiring and heartwarming to hear from Chinese female activists and scholars about women in the time of the coronavirus, on the special day of International Women's Day! It's important to amplify the voices of women, and the panelists did that. "

-- Zixia Liu, 

Writing & Speaking Fellow, NYU Shanghai

Cloud Layer, 2014

by Yu Hong in Art|Basel





More on the Topic | 延伸阅读

▲Scroll down to read 向上滑动阅读▲

[1] Video of female nurses having their heads shaved | 甘肃护士集体剃光头视频

On February 17, 2020, a video stirred public outrage: it showed female medical workers from Gansu province collectively having their heads shaved before departing to Hubei province in order to “make work more convenient.” In the video, many had reddened eyes and furrowed brows from holding back tears. In mainstream media coverage, they were praised as "the most beautiful warriors to go on undeterred by the dangers ahead." 


[2] “Eternal Feminine” | “永恒女性”

At the end of Faust II (1832), Johann Wolfgang Goethe introduces the “eternal feminine,” an archetype that idealizes “woman” as pure, modest, graceful and virtuous. In contrast with the virtues of men, those regarded as feminine are inherently private.


[3] Tani E. Barlow, “Theorizing Woman: Funü, Guojia, Jiating (Chinese Woman, Chinese State, Chinese Family)”. Body, Subject, and Power in China, 1994, pp.253-290.

This text offers a genealogy of the concept of "women" from the late Qing dynasty to the 1970s. Barlow shows how the Chinese women were defined in relation to family and state in different periods as the “Other.”


[4] Intersectionality | 交叉性

Intersectionality focuses on the diversity of women's identities: women's status as the "Other" is not only shaped by their gender but also their race, ethnicity, language, and sexual orientation. Examining "intersectionality" is a paradigm for feminist research and a method for analyzing gender phenomena in societies. 


[5] Fang Fang | 方方

Fang Fang is the pen name of Wang Fang, a Chinese writer known for her simple yet powerful writing. Her empathetic portrayal of underprivileged people has earned her a place as a leader of “New Realism” literature. Since the first day of the Lunar New Year (January 25), Fang Fang, who grew up and currently lives in Wuhan, has kept a diary to record her experiences and reflections. Her "Wuhan Diary" has been widely circulated on the Internet. Supporters believe that she speaks out of conscience, while critics accuse her of "spreading negative energy."


[6] Guo Jing’s Diary of a Life in Locked-down Wuhan | 郭晶的武汉封城日记

In "Diary of a Life in Locked-down Wuhan", social worker Guo Jing recorded her living experiences, feelings and observations during the quarantine. After being taken down multiple times, the diary was reposted elsewhere so as to be read and circulated. In ISSUE 2, “unCoVer疫中人” presents a conversation with Guo Jing.


[7] The Unrecorded | 未被记录的Ta们

Due to the lack of medical care resources, some patients suspected of coronavirus infection could not be diagnosed and treated. After death, they were only filed with death causes like “severe pneumonia” or “viral pneumonia.” “The Unrecorded” collects information about suspected COVID-19 patients who died in the outbreak to leave a memory beyond official statistics. Website: https://cutt.ly/dtiv9qG


[8] Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence  |《脆弱不安的生命:哀悼与暴力的力量》

In this profound appraisal of post-9/11 America, Judith Butler reflects on the United States’ foreign policies and calls for a deeper understanding of how mourning and violence might instead inspire solidarity and a quest for global justice. Butler argues that in post-9/11 America, certain deaths are not deemed grievable because their “Otherized” lives are not considered human.


[9] Citizen Lab

The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto. It focuses on research, development, and high-level strategic policy and legal engagement at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security. On March 3, 2020, the Citizen Lab website published a report titled “Censored Contagion: How Information on the Coronavirus is Managed on Chinese Social Media.” Website: https://citizenlab.ca/

Citizen Lab是位于多伦多大学Munk全球事务与公共政策学院的跨学科实验室,致力于研究、开发信息和通信技术、人权和全球安全。Citizen Lab于3月3日发表了一份名为“被审查的传染:对新冠病毒相关信息在中国社交媒体上的管控”的报告。

[10] Doctor Li Wenliang | 李文亮医生

Li Wenliang (12 October 1986 – 7 February 2020) was a Chinese ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital. On December 30, 2019, he warned his colleagues in a WeChat group about a new “SARS-like pneumonia” -- which was later proven to be COVID-19. On January 3, 2020, Wuhan police summoned and admonished him for "spreading rumors on the Internet." Later, when his early warnings were exposed to the public, he was recognized as the “whistleblower” (chui shao ren 吹哨人) for the novel coronavirus epidemic. In its original Chinese context, this epithet is a praise of Li’s foresight and alertness that alarmed many of his colleagues when critical public attention was meager. Not long after returning to work, Li contracted the virus from an infected patient and died from it on February 7, 2020. His death resulted in waves of anger and grief on the Internet.


Grey Lines with Black, Blue and Yellow, c. 1923

by Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986)

Editors | Joyce, Lili, Bernice, Natasha

Proofreader | Huiyin 

Typesetting | Lili


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