
高引论文|国内外“生成词库理论”研究 TOP1—100

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被引频次  179

摘  要   本文首先介绍生成词库论为词项设计的四种语义表达平面(论元结构、事件结构、物性结构、词汇继承结构),着重讨论了其中的物性结构,追溯物性角色的哲学渊源(即亚里士多德的"四因说")。然后,根据汉语名词在文本中基本的组合方式、搭配习惯和语义解释,提出了一种汉语名词物性结构的描写体系,定义了十种物性角色(形式、构成、单位、评价、施成、材料、功用、行为、处置和定位),并且给出名词"水、椅子"的物性结构的描述样例。最后,展示了用名词的物性结构知识来分析汉语复杂的句法、语义现象的五个研究案例(隐含谓词、有价名词、中动句、话题结构、准定语句)。



被引频次  111

摘  要  本文在综述前人对形名组合研究的基础上提出一种概念整合理论和物性结构理论杂合的分析模式,并试图用这一模式分析三种不同语义类型的形名组合。这一新的杂合分析模式的优点是,物性结构为概念整合网络中的名词心理空间提供明确的知识框架,从而更清晰地说明,名词心理空间与形容词心理空间之间的映现和相互制约关系以及这两个空间与体现形名意义的整合空间之间的映现关系。



被引频次  97


摘  要  该文讨论如何构造合适的汉语语义描写体系并建设相应的语义知识库,从而为文本语义的计算机自动分析提供可靠的资源。文章提出的技术路线是:在生成词库论和论元结构理论的指导下,分别描写名词的物性结构和动词、形容词的论元结构(包括物性角色或论元角色集合及其句法配置格式集合),标定名词、动词和形容词的情感评价色彩,揭示相关名词、动词和形容词的物性角色和论元角色之间的关联和推导关系,从而形成比较完整的关于名词、动词和形容词的实体指称、概念关系和情感评价等多层面的语义知识。最后,还展示了这种多层面的语义知识在语义自动计算中的运用案例。



被引频次  82

J.Pustejovsky,北京大学张秀松,淮阴工学院人文系张爱玲,淮阴工学院人文系摘  要  本文从“语法化的单向性问题”、“语法化与仪式化”、“形式学派的语法化研究”、“语法化与语言接触”以及“主观化与交互主观化”五个方面 ,介绍近10年来国外语法化研究的进展。



被引频次  63

摘  要  本文旨在证明功用义是一种重要的语义特征,对名词词义和构词有系统性影响,具有语言价值和语言学价值。研究发现,功用义会影响汉语名词的范畴化、语义类体系、词义引申、词汇化和构词。跨语言考察显示,功用义在不同语言中都起作用,只是范畴化模式、表现形式和重要性不尽相同。功用义的引入会使我们对名词的范畴化、语义分类、多义、词与词组的区分、概念知识与语言知识的区分等有新认识,还有助于义项划分、同义词辨析和词典释义。



被引频次  63


摘  要   现代汉语中有些类词缀黏附在名词性成分NP后构成名词,其中隐含动词,在理解和释义中需要重建一个事件。本文基于生成词库理论,把这种现象归为一种事件强迫,给出统一的解释,从而解决了之前研究中一些尚存的问题。研究发现:1)能触发事件强迫的类词缀都是后置的,形式上表现为既能黏附在名词性成分NP后,也能黏附在动词性成分VP后,语义上与事件活动密切相关,包括指人、指物和指情状三类。其中前两类构成的多是施事名词,不能是受事名词,而且这些施事名词倾向于高度范畴化的恒常性名词、人造类名词。2)除了少数例外,隐含的动词基本上是名词性成分NP的目的角色或施成角色,具体选择哪种角色受类词缀语义的制约,也与NP的语义类有关。



被引频次  59

摘  要  针对前人在事件强迫研究中存在的问题,本文提出了一种基于生成词库理论和轻动词假设的处理方案,并给出了事件强迫的形式判定标准,使之可以对更多的现象做出统一的解释。在此基础上,文章对现代汉语述宾结构中的事件强迫,即宾语强迫进行了系统的考察,得到了一些有启发性的结论。重点分析了事件动词、隐含动词和宾语名词的特点,并把宾语强迫分成了六类:事件隐含、活动隐含、句法补位、词汇化、事件实体和轻动词补位。



被引频次  58

摘  要   隐喻广泛地存在于日常语言中,是我们理解抽象概念和进行抽象推理的主要工具。本文在概念整合理论的相关背景下,结合生成词库论中的物性结构描写体系,对名词的隐喻现象进行分析。通过提供四个例证,本文强调物性角色可以为概念整合的心理空间提供丰富的内容,从而帮助我们对名词隐喻的识别和理解。



被引频次  58


摘  要  文章认为名词动用属于逻辑转喻,可以用生成词库理论中的事件强迫来解释。对现代汉语中常见的十类名词动用的考察显示,这种方法是行之有效的。与前人的研究视角不同,这一方法不是看源名词在名源动词的语义结构中充当什么语义角色,而是反过来,看名源动词在源名词的语义结构中充当什么物性角色。这一独特的视角可以更好地解释一些问题,还可以揭示一些前人研究中没有发现的规律。与典型的逻辑转喻(宾语强迫)相比,名词动用呈现出一些自身独有的特点。

TOP 10


被引频次  52

摘  要  本文以现代汉语(特别是网络搜索词)中名名组合的语义关系及其解释为主要研究对象,尝试在《现代汉语语义词典》中名词的语义分类和"生成词库论"中物性角色思想的指导下,通过搜集和分析语料、人工总结,来建立名名组合的语义类组合模式,进而发现两个名词之间所隐含的谓词;藉此揭示和表示这两个名词之间的语义关系,构建名名组合的释义模板,并且汇集成一个汉语名名组合的释义模板库。正是在这个数据库的基础上,我们初步实现了一个汉语名名组合的自动释义程序。

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仅选Web of Science核心合集




The emptiness of the lexicon: Reflections on James Pustejovsky's the Generative LexiconCited frequency  103JA FodoRutgers University SystemE LeporeRutgers University New Brunswick

Abstract  We consider Pustejovsky's account of the semantic lexicon. We discuss and reject his argument that the complexity of lexical entries is required to account for lexical generativity. Finally, we defend a sort of lexical atomism: though, strictly speaking, we concede that lexical entries are typically complex, still we claim that their complexity does not jeopardize either the thesis that lexical meaning is atomistic or the identification of lexical meaning with denotation.


Coercion in sentence processing: evidence from eye-movements and self-paced readingCited frequency  90MJ Traxler, University of South Carolina, Department of PsychologyMJ Pickering, NewYork UniversityB Mcelree, Edinburgh University
Abstract  Seemingly simple expressions may require an enriched form of interpretative processing. Verbs like began and finished can be used felicitously only when one of their arguments denotes an event (e.g., reading). However, such verbs commonly appear with noun phrases whose literal interpretations denote entities (e.g., the book). It has been suggested that readers and listeners have to undertake additional computations to interpret strings like began the book that are not required when the book is interpreted as an entity (e.g., Pustejovsky, 1995). If so, began the book should be harder to process than strings like read the book, when the verb does not require an argument that denotes an event, or strings like began the fight, when the argument denotes an event. Experiment 1 found evidence from eye movements showing that entity noun phrases take longer to process following verbs that require event arguments than verbs that do not. Experiments 2 and 3, using eye-tracking and self-paced reading, respectively, found that difficulty did not appear when verbs like began had arguments that referred to events. We interpret the results with respect to accounts of semantic processing.


Context effects in coercion: Evidence from eye movementsCited frequency  56MJ Traxler, University of California, Department of PsychologyB Mcelree, New York University,RS Williams, The Florida State UniversityMJ PickeringUniversity of Edinburgh

Abstract Four eye-movement monitoring studies examined the processing of expressions argued to require enriched semantic composition ( Pustejovsky, 1995). Previous research found that noun phrases denoting entities (e.g., the book) were difficult to process following verbs that require event complements (e.g., begin). Expressions like began the book may be difficult to process because they require complex operations to construct an event sense (e.g., began writing the book), they engender competition between alternative interpretations (cf. began reading the book), or they require a costly retrieval operation to recover a suitable activity (e.g., reading). Introducing the activity before a target expression did not eliminate the processing cost (Experiments 1 and 2), but introducing the entire event sense did (Experiments 3 and 4). These findings are incompatible with accounts that would attribute the observed cost to the retrieval or selection of an implicit activity in the event sense of the expression. They suggest that interpretation is costly when composition requires the on-line construction of a sense not lexically stored or available in the immediate discourse.


The meaning of time:: polysemy, the lexicon and conceptual structureCited frequency  50Vyvyan EvansUniv Sussex, Dept Linguist & English Language
Abstract In this paper I argue that the lexeme time constitutes a lexical category of distinct senses instantiated in semantic memory. The array of distinct senses constitutes a motivated semantic network organised with respect to a central sense termed the SANCTIONING SENSE. The senses associated with time are derived by virtue of the interaction between the Sanctioning Sense, conceptual processing and structuring, and context. Hence, semantic representations, cognitive mechanisms, and situated language use are appealed to in accounting for the polysemy associated with time. The model adduced is termed PRINCIPLED POLYSEMY. The conclusion which emerges, in keeping with recent studies in lexical semantics, most notably Lakoff (1987), Pustejovsky (1995), Tyler & Evans (2003) and Evans (2004), is that the lexicon is not an arbitrary repository of unrelated lexemes; rather, the lexicon exhibits a significant degree of systematicity, and productivity. In order to adduce what constitutes a distinct sense, I introduce three criteria: (1) a meaning criterion, (2) a concept elaboration criterion and (3) a grammatical criterion. A further claim is that the lexicon exhibits significant redundancy. This position is at odds with SINGLE-MEANING APPROACHES to polysemy, which posit highly underspecified lexical META-ENTRIES, such as the generative approach of Pustejovsky (1995) or the monosemy position of Ruhl (1989). That is, I propose that lexical items constitute highly granular categories of senses, which are encoded in semantic memory (= the lexicon). This necessitates a set of criteria for determining what Counts as a distinct sense without deriving a proliferation of unwarranted senses, a criticism which has been levelled at some studies of word-meaning in cognitive linguistics (e.g. Lakoff 1987).


Coercion in a general theory of argument selectionCited frequency  36 James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University
Abstract In this article, I address the general mechanisms of argument selection in language, and specifically the role played by type coercion operations in linguistic theory. The view presented here is that compositional mechanisms must be open to more information than just the base type of an expression. Such "compositional flexibility" in the type that accommodates to the one selected by the verb has been the topic of considerable research recently. In this article, I position how such coercion mechanisms operate in the larger context of general selectional strategies in the grammar. I first outline my assumptions regarding the general theory of type selection, adopting a model of Generative Lexicon Theory (GL). I distinguish between two strategies at work in language, type matching and type coercion, both treated as strong compositional mechanisms. A library of possible coercion operations is defined, as well as apparent constraints on their application in language. I conclude with a discussion of corpus-based experiments based on the formal models of coercion and selection presented here.


Generativity and explanation in semantics: A reply to Fodor and Lepore

Cited frequency  35

James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University
Abstract  In this article I address the remarks made in Fodor and Lepore's article, “The Emptiness of the Lexicon: Reflections on James Pustejovsky's The Generative Lexicon,” regarding the research program outlined in Pustejovsky 1995. My response focuses on two themes, FL's misreadings and misinterpretations of the substance as well as the details of the theory, and the generally negative and unconstructive view of the study of semantics and natural language meaning inherent in their approach.


A Lexical-Constructional Model Account of Illocution

Cited frequency  14

Lorena Pérez Hernández, Universidad de la Rioja Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Universidad de la Rioja  
Abstract  The present article is a contribution to the understanding of non-inferential illocutionary meaning production. The theoretical framework, which is compatible with constructionist approaches to language such as Goldberg's (1995, 2006) Construction Grammar, is the Lexical Constructional Model or LCM (Ruiz de Mendoza and Mairal, 2008a; Mairal and Ruiz de Mendoza, 2009). In dealing with speech act meaning, the LCM has so far proposed the following meaning construction mechanisms: (i) cued inferencing based on the metonymic access of high-level situational models or speech act scenarios; (ii) illocutionary constructions, such as Can You X, please? for requests; (iii) lexical descriptions, which are the equivalent of classical performative predicates; (iv) argument structure constructions, like the manipulative subjective-transitive construction (e.g. I want you out by lunchtime). In the present article, we improve the existing proposal by exploring in what way the elements of speech act scenarios can be made part of lexical structure, thus enriching the description of lexical templates for speech act predicates (e.g. order, beg, threaten) on the basis of Pustejovsky's (1995) notion of qualia structure. In so doing, we show that such descriptions allow the analyst to account for the constraining factors on the syntactic behavior of speech act predicates in terms of lexical-constructional integration at the argument structure level (e.g. the use of a speech act predicate in the caused-motion construction). This account also allows us to study complementary ways of producing conventional speech act meaning through the use of other lexical and constructional resources such as the to be to construction for ordering and the constructional configuration You Are Going To X plus expressions of immediateness. The resulting account makes explicit links between lexical structure and high-level situational cognitive models. It also enhances the role of (non-inferential) lexical and constructional devices in conveying illocutionar.


An introduction to the Lexical semantics of predicative forms - A computational perspective

Cited frequency  11

Saint-Dizier PatrickUniversite Paul Sabatier

Abstract  This introduction presents the main paradigms considered in the papers of this volume: notions of argument structure and thematic roles, the notion of a network of word-senses, as embodied in WordNet, approaches for constructing verb semantic classes, the Lexical Conceptual Structure and the Generative Lexicon.


Lexical information and beyond:: Meaning coercion and constructional inference of the Mandarin verb GAN

Cited frequency  10

M Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract  This paper argues for the inclusion of constructional inferences in semantic representation of verbs. By examining the transitive pattern of the Mandarin verb GAN (趕) 'rush', it is found that verbal semantics can only be adequately represented if constructionally coerced information is taken into consideration. The construction ( GAN + NP) renders specific interpretations that cannot be directly derived from the lexical meaning of either the verb or the object NP. The construction itself carries salient information for the appropriate interpretation. The 'ellipsed' eventive information is analyzed from the perspective of Construction Grammar (Goldberg 1995). Moreover, a compositional framework based on Qualia Structure (Pustejovsky 1995) is utilized to resolve the potential ambiguity arising from the construction-triggered meaning. By combining the two complementary approaches, this paper attempts to account for and represent contextualized information as well as varied meaning facets associated with a partially-filled construction.

TOP 10

Effects of intensionality on sentence and discourse processing: Evidence from eye-movements

Cited frequency  7

 Francesca Delogua, University of Trento, Department of Cognitive Sciences and Education

Francesco VespignaniaUniversity of Glasgow, Department of Psychology

Anthony J. Sanfordb, University of Glasgow, Department of Psychology
Abstract  Intensional verbs like select for clausal complements expressing propositions, though they can be perfectly natural when combined with a direct object. There are two interesting phenomena associated with intensional transitive expressions. First, it has been suggested that their interpretation requires enriched compositional operations, similarly to expressions like Pustejovsky, 1995). Secondly, when the object position is filled by an indefinite NP, it preferentially receives an unspecific reading, under which definite anaphora is not supported (e.g., Moltmann, 1997). We report three eye-tracking experiments investigating the time-course of processing of sentence pairs like wanted to drink a beer). However, contrary to previous findings, the processing of the continuation sentence appears to be not affected by whether the definite NP (the beer) can be interpreted as coreferential with the indefinite or not. We interpret the results with respect to accounts of semantic processing relying on the notions of enriched composition and non-actuality implicature.


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Huang  Chu-Ren, Pustejovsky  James, Fellbaum  C, Gusatu  Ionela, Traxler  Mj, Pickering  Mj, Mcelree  B, Brown  Susan Windisch, Zaenen  Annie, Palmer  Martha, Jezek  Elisabetta, Wang  Shan, Koza  Walter, Zou  Xiao, Chin  Wei, Wang  Changsong, Xia  Yiqiao等.

\ 单位分析 /

以100篇论文的所有作者单位为数据,高引作者单位如下:Brandeis Univ, Univ Autonoma Madrid, Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Natl Taiwan Univ, Peking Univ, Univ Nacl Gen Sarmiento, CNR, Commun Univ China, NYU, Univ Colorado, Stanford Univ, Univ Pavia, Univ Stuttgart, Pontificia Univ Catolica Valparaiso, Univ Shandong,Univ La Laguna, Ludong Univ, Tohoku Univ, Financial Univ Govt Russian Federat等.

\ 篇名分析 /

以100篇论文的所有篇名为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):lexicon, generative, Chinese, lexical, nouns, verbs, semantic, qualia, polysemy, structure, semantics, construction, coercion, meaning, perspective, Mandarin, approach,information, Japanese, Pustejovsky, evidence, constructional, model, syntax, word, german, language, logical, relational, event, spanish, verbal, interpretation, processing, eye, movements, nominals, automatic, sub, adjective, telic, corpus等.

\关键词分析 /

以100篇论文的所有关键词为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):Qualia Structure, Generative Lexicon, Generative Lexicon Theory, Coercion, Polysemy, Lexical Semantics, Semantics, Telic Role, Sentence Processing, Qualia, Argument Structure, Event, tructure, Metaphor, Lexicon, Compositionality, Construction Grammar, Word Formation, German, Ontology, Type Theory, Lexical Constructional Model, Semantic Type, Qualia Role等.

\ 期刊分析 /

以100篇论文的所有期刊为数据,分词后词频排名(筛选):Circulo De Linguistica Aplicada A La Comunicacion, Revista Signos, Journal Of Memory And Language, Predicative Forms In Natural Language And In Lexical Knowledge Bases, Lingua, Linguistic Inquiry, Language Sciences, Language And Linguistics, Revista Espanola De Linguistica Aplicada, Journal Of Linguistics ,Linguistics, Journal Of Chinese Linguistics, Journal Of Logic Language And Information, Information And Computation, Intercultural Collaboration, Linguistic Review, Studia Linguistica.



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