
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言教学研究》2022年第3期

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Language Teaching Research

Volume 26, Issue 3, May 2022

《语言教学研究》(SSCI一区,2021 IF:3.401)2022年第3期共发文11篇,其中研究二语教学文章9篇,从业者研究2篇。研究论文涉及二语教学、二语习得、教学法、二语教师研究等方面。主题包括词汇习得、语法习得、认知发展、教师学习、在职教师教育等。


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言教学研究》2022年第2期

刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言教学研究》2022年第1期



■ Chinese compound word inference through context and word-internal cues, by Yi Xu and Jie Zhang, Pages 308–332.

Exploring teacher scaffolding in aCLIL-framed EFL intensive reading class: A classroom discourse analysisapproach, by Dongying Li and Lian Zhang, Pages 333–360.

■ Therelative effects of implicit and explicit corrective feedback on theacquisition of 3rd person -s by Chinese university students: A classroom-basedstudy, by Yongbin Zhao and Rod Ellis, Pages 361–381.

Measuring teacher cognition: ComparingChinese EFL teachers’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward English languageteaching method, by ChenSun, Linlin Wei and Richard F. Young, Pages 382–410.

The relative efficacy of input enhancement,input flooding, and output-based instructional approaches in the acquisition ofL2 request modifiers, by Zahra Fakher Ajabshir, Pages 411–433.

Effects of narrow listening on ESLlearners’ pronunciation and fluency: An ‘MP3 flood’ programme turning mundanehomework into an engaging hobby, by Art Tsang, Pages 434–454.

■ Understanding willingness to communicate in L2 between Korean and Taiwanese students, by Ju Seong Lee, Kilryoung Lee and Jun ChenHsieh, Pages 455–476.

Longitudinal research on EFL teacherprofessional development in (Japanese) contexts: Collaborative action researchprojects, by Kazuyoshi Sato, Nancy Mutoh and Robert C.Kleinsasser, Pages 477–503.

One situation doesn’t fit all: Variabilityand stability of state willingness to communicate in a Chinese College Englishclassroom, by JiayiZhang, Nadin Beckmann and Jens F. Beckmann, Pages 504–529.


■ Implementingtasks in young learners’ language classrooms: A collaborative teacher educationinitiative through task evaluation, by

Yan Zhu, Pages 530–551.

■ ‘Weteach, we record, we edit, and we reflect’: Engaging pre-service languageteachers in video-based reflective practice, by RuiYuan, Pauline Mak and Min Yang, Pages 552–571.


Chinese compound word inference through context and  word-internal cues

Yi Xu, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Jie Zhang, University of Oklahoma, USA

Abstract Lexical inference through reading is considered an important method for vocabulary building; however, empirical research has not consistently offered strong evidence of the application of lexical inference in second language vocabulary learning. A recently burgeoning line of research focuses on second language (L2) lexical inference of compounds in Chinese, a language that is both orthographically and typologically distant from English. In this study, we asked intermediate level Chinese L2 learners to think aloud while performing inferencing activities. We discuss the benefit of supportive context to inferencing and learning, and learners’ coordinate and interactive use of context and word-internal cues. Further, we proposed a model that captures such interactivity and highlights the composite of Chinese L2 learners’ intraword awareness. This suggests that interactive use of various cue sources and a simultaneous focus on form and on meaning can lead to encouraging outcomes for lexical inferencing and retention.

Key words Chinese as a second language; compounds;context; intraword awareness; lexical inference

Exploring teacher scaffolding in a CLIL-framed EFL intensive  reading class: A classroom discourse analysis approach

Dongying Li and Lian Zhang,  Beijing Foreign Studies University, China

Abstract Teacher scaffolding plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of classroom learning, yet little is known about the effective features of scaffolding in classes using content language integrated learning (CLIL), especially in terms of its effects on learners’ language and cognitive development. To address this issue, the study adopts a classroom discourse analysis approach to capture features of effective teacher scaffolding in a CLIL-framed intensive reading class. Results showed a perceived increase in learners’ language and cognitive abilities while also revealing a series of effective teacher scaffolding strategies in CLIL. These include frequent use of dialogic inquiry and incidental feedback in discourse extensions, and the variation of teacher scaffolding strategies in response to students’ learning needs. The findings will inform the development of the CLIL pedagogy in EFL (English as a foreign language) education in China and other parts of the world.

Key words classroom discourse analysis; CLIL;cognitive development; language development; teacher scaffolding

The relative effects of implicit and explicit corrective feedback  on the acquisition of 3rd person -s by Chinese university students: A classroom-based study

Yongbin Zhao, International College of Auckland, New Zealand

Rod Ellis, Curtin University, Australia; Shanghai International Studies University, China

Abstract This article reports a classroom-based study of the effects of two types of corrective feedback (CF) on the acquisition of 3rd person -s. One hundred and nine Chinese university students completed three communicative tasks: One group received implicit CF consisting of a single corrective move (implicit recasts), a second group received explicit CF consisting of a dual corrective move (a prompt followed by a more explicit recast), a third group performed the tasks without feedback, and a control group just completed two tests. The groups completed two pre-tests, immediate post-tests and delayed post-tests. Gains in accuracy in a test of procedural knowledge (an elicited imitation test) and in a test of declarative knowledge (an untimed grammaticality judgement test) were evident in the first three groups but with few differences among the test scores of these groups. No gains occurred in the test control group. Explicit feedback involving a dual feedback move elicited more uptake-with-repair but this was unrelated to gains in accuracy and overall the implicit CF involving a single feedback move was as effective as the explicit. This finding, which was unexpected, may reflect the Chinese learners’ general orientation to form in this particular classroom context.

Key words classroom research; grammar acquisition;implicit and explicit corrective feedback; noticing

Measuring teacher cognition: Comparing Chinese EFL  teachers’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward English
language teaching methods

Chen Sun, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Linlin Wei, Central China Normal University, China

Richard F. Young, Central China Normal University, China

Abstract Within the context of an ongoing reform of the curriculum for English as a foreign language (EFL) in China, we present the implicit association test (IAT) as a new way to measure Chinese EFL teachers’ implicit attitudes to a communicative language teaching (CLT) curriculum and to compare their attitudes to traditional language teaching (TLT) approaches. Our study is framed within the theory of teacher cognition – what teachers know, think, and believe as active decision makers (Borg, 2003) – and we propose the IAT as a new instrument for education researchers and policy makers. The IAT was used to discover the implicit attitudes of 24 Chinese EFL teachers, all graduates of the same teacher training institution in China, currently teaching at middle, high school, or college level in the same Chinese city. Results showed different degrees of implicit preference for CLT over TLT of the 24 teacher participants. We also found differences between implicit attitudes and explicit attitudes expressed by three teachers in interviews and we attributed those differences to the personal, institutional, and social contexts in which they were teaching. Results revealed that what teachers say is not necessarily what they think. By using the IAT, we have been able to measure implicit attitudes in a way that has never been done in teacher education study. We argue that such measures of teacher cognition are important for successfully implementing curriculum reform.

Key words communicative language teaching (CLT);curriculum reform; English as a foreign language (EFL); English languageteaching in China; implicit association test (IAT); teacher cognition

The relative efficacy of input enhancement, input flooding,  and output-based instructional approaches in the acquisition of L2 request modifiers

Zahra Fakher Ajabshir, University of Bonab, Iran

Abstract This study investigates the effects of input-based and output-based instructions on the acquisition of second language (L2) request modifiers. Four intact classes were randomly assigned to textual enhancement (TE), input flooding (IF), output-based instruction (OI), and control (CO) groups. The TE group watched some captioned videos on requests and read over the video transcripts with the target features typographically highlighted. The IF group watched twice more captioned videos and read over the video transcripts with no textual manipulation. The OI group watched videos with no captions and then engaged in dialogue reconstruction tasks. Results of the pragmatic comprehension and production pre-test and post-test revealed the overall effectiveness of the treatment. TE and OI groups performed rather similarly in the comprehension test. Concerning the production test, the OI group performed best, followed by TE, IF, and CO groups. The findings suggest employing input-based and output-based practices to promote learners’ L2 pragmatic knowledge.

Key words input flooding; L2 pragmatics; output-basedinstruction; request modifiers; textual input enhancement

Effects of narrow listening on ESL learners’ pronunciation  and fluency: An ‘MP3 flood’ programme turning mundane homework into an engaging hobby

Art Tsang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Abstract While most empirical studies have investigated the improvement of learners’ L2 spoken proficiency via speaking-related interventions, the present study examined the same topic through a different modality: listening. Ninety-five first-year tertiary-level students of English as a second language (ESL) in Hong Kong participated in this three-month experiment. They were separated randomly into three groups: (A) narrow listening with latitude for learners to choose their own materials; (B) narrow listening without such latitude; and (C) a control group without narrow listening. All participants attended a compulsory course on English phonology. Narrow listening was set as homework for the two experimental groups A and B. The overall results indicated that groups A and B improved significantly more than group C in pronunciation and fluency in reading aloud, performing a dialogue, and free production. There were also differences between group A and B in these tasks. The participants were generally highly positive about the narrow listening set as homework. This article ends with a discussion of the findings from theoretical and pedagogical perspectives.

Key words English as a second language (ESL);fluency; homework; L2 speaking; narrow listening; pronunciation

Understanding willingness to communicate in L2 between  Korean and Taiwanese students

Ju Seong Lee, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China

Kilryoung Lee, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

Jun Chen Hsieh, National Central University, Taiwan

Abstract This study examined Korean (n = 143) and Taiwanese (n = 261) EFL students’ willingness to communicate in a second language (L2 WTC) in in-class, out-of-class, and digital settings. Follow-up interviews (n = 20) were also conducted to identify factors that might have influenced their L2 WTC. Results showed that Korean and Taiwanese participants scored lowest on L2 WTC inside the classroom. The qualitative data suggest that L2 speaking anxiety might have equally influenced both groups’ L2 WTC. Additionally, while Korean students scored higher on L2 WTC outside the classroom than Taiwanese students, the Taiwanese scored higher on L2 WTC in digital settings than did the Koreans. The qualitative data revealed that these discrepancies might have been influenced by English environment and teaching practice. These findings suggest that East Asian learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) can become more willing to communicate when sufficient opportunities for English use are provided through instructional and institutional support.

Key words comparative study; instructional andinstitutional support; Korean EFL students; Taiwanese EFL students; willingnessto communicate in English

Longitudinal research on EFL teacher professional development in (Japanese) contexts: Collaborative action research projects

Kazuyoshi Sato, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Nancy Mutoh, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Robert C. Kleinsasser, Arizona State University, USA

Abstract This study examined how secondary teachers (junior and senior high school teachers) of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Japan participated in collaborative action research and engaged in their professional development over four years. In particular, little is known as to how EFL teachers challenge their beliefs and implement innovative practices based on communicative language teaching (CLT) through teacher learning processes. Using a mixed methods design, the study identified three developmental stages regardless of years of teaching experience: (1) Challenging teacher beliefs through TESOL classes and modeling teachers who have done similar action research (AR) through trial and error teaching as they practice communicative activities; (2) Making sense of teaching through adapting and modifying theories of CLT; and (3) Building confidence in teaching by actually seeing students change. These stages overlap and are not mutually exclusive, depending on teacher and teaching context. The study reveals teachers’ dynamic learning processes and professional development.

Key words action research; EFL; mixed methods;professional development; teacher learning

One situation doesn’t fit all: Variability and stability of state  willingness to communicate in a Chinese College English classroom

Jiayi Zhang, Beijing Normal University, China

Nadin Beckmann, Durham University, UK

Jens F. Beckmann, Durham University, UK

Abstract Willingness to communicate (WTC) used to be studied as a relatively stable, trait-like predisposition; however, recently attention has shifted to the more dynamic, state-like components of WTC. This research investigates variability and stability in state WTC, particularly focusing on within-person variability, which may lead to stable between-person differences, and situational antecedents that can either promote or hinder state WTC in L2 classrooms. To investigate whether, how and why state WTC varies over time, this study used a high-density repeated measurement design and a group of Chinese university students to describe fluctuations in state WTC in English classrooms over one semester. Data related to state WTC and selected situational antecedents were collected through a self-report questionnaire and statistically analysed. It was found that state WTC varied systematically within the person across the semester, and this variability was systematically related to changes in the psychological properties of the learning situations (e.g. teacher and peer support, task-interest, and task-importance). It was also found that within-person variability in state WTC predicted language learning performance, e.g. students whose state WTC increased as a function of perceived task interest tended to achieve higher grades at the end of the semester. This study calls for more attention to be directed at within-person variability in state WTC, and provides novel insights into how relationships between state WTC and its situational antecedents may be investigated within individuals. This work is of interest to researchers and practitioners who aim to enhance L2 learners’ state WTC and language learning performance by systematically shaping their situated learning experience.

Key words language learning performance; secondlanguage acquisition; situation contingencies; state willingness tocommunicate; within-person variability

Implementing tasks in young learners’ language classrooms:  A collaborative teacher education initiative through task evaluation

Yan Zhu, FudanUniversity, China

Abstract Despite empirical evidence in support of the effectiveness of using tasks in young learners’ classrooms, task implementation has been repeatedly reported as a thorny problem. An essential but under-researched issue is how in-service teacher education programme can be conducted to facilitate teachers’ implementing tasks in their classrooms. This practitioner research article reports on a researcher and teacher educator’s action research study in which she worked with Lucille (pseudonym), a novice English language teacher, to design and implement two repeated task-based language teaching (TBLT) lessons for Grade 2 students at a Chinese primary school. During a six-week teacher education program consisting of two cycles of TBLT lesson planning, implementation, evaluation, and reflection, the teacher educator provided continuous support to guide and scaffold Lucille’s reflective endeavours at crafting TBLT practices in her classrooms. The teacher educator also conducted student-based, response-based, learning-based, and community-based task evaluations to facilitate the teacher’s reflective practices. The study illustrates how an in-service teacher education program, fuelled by on-going professional support and empirical evaluation, facilitated a practitioner’s task implementation in young learners’ foreign language classrooms.

Key words action research; in-service teachereducation; task evaluation; task implementation

‘We teach, we record, we edit, and we reflect’: Engaging  pre-service language teachers in video-based reflective practice

Rui Yuan, Education University of Hong Kong, China

Pauline Mak, Education University of Hong Kong, China

Min Yang, Education University of Hong Kong, China

Abstract The significance of reflective practice (RP) has been widely recognized in both general education and language education. The past years have witnessed an exponential growth of studies in examining how technology can be utilized to promote teachers’ RP and video-based RP has been extensively reported as a powerful tool for teacher learning in many educational contexts. While existing literature has documented the potential benefits that student teachers may reap from video-based RP, there is a lack of attention to the complex interplay between the process of their RP and the contextual factors in their situated learning environment. This article reports on a study which aims to promote video-based RP among student teachers in a pre-service language teacher education course in Hong Kong. Drawing on data from post-course interviews with and the videoed reflection of six student teachers, the study uncovered the complex and dynamic process of the student teachers’ video-based RP. This article offers practical implications for language teachers, teacher educators and school leaders on how to promote RP in second language teacher education.

Key words pre-service language teachers; reflectivelearning; video-based reflection


Language Teaching Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well.


The journal is a venue for studies that demonstrate sound research methods and which report findings that have clear pedagogical implications.


A wide range of topics in the area oflanguage teaching is covered, including:

  • Programme

  • Syllabus

  • Materials design

  • Methodology

  • The teaching of specific skills andlanguage for specific purposes


  • 程序

  • 教学大纲

  • 教案设计

  • 教学法

  • 为特定目的教授特定技能和语言

This journal is a member of the Committeeon Publication Ethics (COPE).




本文来源:Language Teaching Research官网











刊讯|SSCI 期刊《英语语言教学》2022年第1期




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重  磅|2021 语言学 SSCI 期刊完整名单(194个)







审    核:心得小蔓





