
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《英语语言教学》2022年第1期

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重  磅|2021 语言学 SSCI 期刊完整名单(194个)



Volume 76,Issue 1(2022)

    ELT Journal(SSCI一区,2021 IF:2.481)2022年第1期共发文19篇,其中研究性论文5篇。研究论文涉及写作教学、中国英语课程研究、数字视频制作等内容。



  • Focusing on ESOL teachers’well-being during COVID-19 and beyond,by Chiu-Yin Wong, Alyson Pompeo-Fargnoli,Wendy Harriott,Pages 1-10
  • Virtual exchange in teacher education: focus on L2 writing,by Shannon M Hilliker, Özge Yol,Pages 11–19
  • Coping with COVID-19-related online English teaching challenges: teacher educators’suggestions,by Muhammad M M Abdel Latif, Pages 20–33
  • Insights into emergency remote teaching in EFL,by Iclal Can, Leyla Silman-Karanfil,Pages 34–43
  • Children’s and teachers’ views on digital games in the EFL classroom,by Julie Waddington, Daria Bannikova Charikova,Pages 44–57
  • Activity-induced boredom in online EFL classes,by Ali Derakhshan, Mariusz Kruk, Mostafa Mehdizadeh, Mirosław Pawlak, Pages 58–68


  • Decentring ELT: teacher associations as agents of change,by Darío Luis Banegas, Deborah Bullock, Richard Kiely, Kuchah Kuchah, Amol Padwad, Richard Smith, Martin Wedell,Pages 69–76
  • Does planning before writing help? Options for pre-task planning in the teaching of writing,by Rod Ellis,Pages 77–87
  • Towards a Global Englishes-aware National English Curriculum of China,by Haibo Liu, Fan Fang, Pages 88–98
  • Tackling the content of a course for academic legal purposes,by Smaragda Kampouri,Pages 99–108
  • Student engagement with digital video production,by Alastair Henry,Pages 109–118


  • Social robots for English language teaching,by Hansol Lee, Jang Ho Lee, Pages 119–124


  • A self-produced podcast to support EFL learners in Japan,by Richard Thomas Ingham,Pages 125–128


  • Translanguaging and the shifting sands of language education,by Emma Brooks, Pages 129–146


  • Language Teacher Recognition: Narratives of Filipino English Teachers in Japan,by Hohsung Choe, Pages 147–149
  • Using Tasks in Second Language Teaching: Practice in Diverse Contexts,by Thomas A Williams, Pages 150–153
  • Teaching in Challenging Circumstances,by Deborah Bullock, Pages 154–156
  • Doing a Master’s Dissertation in TESOL and Applied Linguistics,by Sedigh Mohammadi, Pages 157–159


  • Extending IATEFL’s influence: a case study in fostering inclusive science initiatives,by Bethany Cagnol, Pages 160–161


Decentring ELT: teacher associations as agents of change

Darío Luis Banegas

Deborah Bullock 

Richard Kiely

Kuchah Kuchah

Amol Padwad

Richard Smith

Martin Wedell

Abstract In 2018, the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust launched its ‘Decentring ELT’ initiative, with the aim of identifying, publicizing, and supporting ways in which English language educators in low- and middle-income countries work locally and collaboratively to develop activities that respond to their particular circumstances. This article aims to explore the notion of ‘decentring’ in ELT by means of a provisional characterization and by presenting examples of activities carried out by ELT teacher associations in Africa, Latin America, and South Asia which involve: localization/devolution; encouragement of success-sharing; support for teacher research; investigation of members’ needs and/or capabilities; and/or attempts to bring about wider change. On the basis of feedback received so far on our provisional characterization of decentring, we end by highlighting some ways in which this notion, and outside support for it, may need to be not only extended but also problematized and critiqued.

Does planning before writing help? Options for pre-task planning in the teaching of writing

Rod Ellis

Abstract An important issue in the teaching of writing is whether students should prepare a plan before they start writing. Teacher guides generally recommend pre-task planning (PTP) but with provisos. Research that has investigated PTP, however, does not lend unconditional support to PTP. This article takes a look at the research and draws from it a number of options that teachers of L2 writing can consider when deciding whether and how to undertake PTP in their own teaching context.

Towards a Global Englishes-aware National English Curriculum of China

Haibo Liu

College of English, Capital Normal University, China

Fan Fang (Gabriel)

College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, China

Abstract Although researchers and practitioners have discussed the concept of Global Englishes (GE), the degree of GE’s influence in the practical use of English is much wider and deeper in the real world than in the field of education. Mainstream ELT practices tend to adhere to native and fixed norms, which are regarded as the central problems in ELT from the perspective of the GE paradigm. Although a GE-oriented pedagogy has been discussed, studies on curriculum in the Chinese ELT context from the GE perspective are relatively rare. This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the National English Curriculum (NEC) in China reflects GE-oriented phonology and cultural learning. The study adopted a content analysis in which the NEC statements on phonology and cultural aspects were identified and discussed. After reporting the findings, the paper further discusses some pedagogic implications about curriculum and language teaching from the GE perspective.

Tackling the content of a course for academic legal purposes

Smaragda Kampouri

Assistant Professor in TESOL at the University of Nottingham ,Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK

Abstract This article addresses the practices that English for academic legal purposes (EALP) teachers employ to tackle law subject content. It draws on research that took place in a British university pre-sessional course for third-year undergraduate and postgraduate law students. The data come from tutorials, legal skills classroom observations and semi-structured interviews. The original study examined four EALP teachers; here I focus on the findings regarding one EALP teacher with sound experience of teaching EAP but no specific law background. The results of the study show that in EALP, as well as wider English for specific academic purposes (ESAP) contexts, limited subject-content knowledge (SCK) can lead to the frustration and lack of confidence of the ESAP teacher, and suggest utilizing the SCK of experienced colleagues and students to address this.

Student engagement with digital video production

Alastair Henry

Abstract In many contexts of contemporary ELT, the L2 can be widely encountered beyond the classroom. In these settings, teachers need to maximize opportunities for meaningful participation. Digital video production (DVP) provides one such opportunity. Little, however, is known about the types of DVP common in particular contexts of ELT, the extent to which DVP functions as a motivational resource, or how engagement is generated. This mixed-methods study in a Swedish context addresses these questions. Results show that DVP takes place in genre-specific forms and has significant motivational potential. Analyses suggest that DVP can generate embodied forms of engagement. By creating appealing characters and storylines, and through the use of mobile devices and easy-to-use video-editing software, students can engage in authentic self-expression in meaningful and satisfying ways. Insights into the ways in which engagement is generated can provide teachers with valuable knowledge when designing learning activities that incorporate DVP.


ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in English Language Teaching (ELT), whether as a second, additional, or foreign language, or as an international Lingua Franca. The Journal links the everyday concerns of practitioners with insights gained from relevant academic disciplines such as applied linguistics, education, psychology, and sociology.

ELT Journal 是所有参与英语语言教学 (ELT) 的人的季刊,无论是作为第二语言,外语,还是作为国际通用语。该杂志将从业者的日常关注与从相关学科(如应用语言学、教育、心理学和社会学)获得的见解联系起来。

ELT Journal aims to provide a medium for informed discussion of the principles and practice which determine the ways in which English is taught and learnt around the world. It also provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among members of the profession worldwide.

ELT Journal 旨在提供一种媒介,让人们对决定世界各地教授和学习英语的方式的原则和实践进行讨论。它还为全球专业人士之间交流信息和思想提供了一个平台。


https://ELT Journal | Oxford Academic (oup.com)

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重  磅|2021 语言学 SSCI 期刊完整名单(194个)








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