

Soren 经济学人双语精读 2022-06-09

2021年7月3日的《经济学人》China 版块中有篇文章,讲到了当今中国年轻人的「躺平」现象,题目是 Youth culture: Giving up, lying down,我从中挑选了两段,带大家一起精读。

  1. 躺平、内卷化、“丧”、佛系青年、割韭菜,这些词用英语怎么说?
  2. 年轻人为什么选择躺平?
  3. “渴望”用英语有哪些表达方式?
  4. 如何表达“逃避压力”和“直面压力”?
  5. 一个写作句型;
  6. input 的妙用;
  7. yield 的用法;
  8. stagnate 的两种用法;
  9. 平行结构的省略用法。
  1. 听力练习;

  2. 原文阅读;

  3. 精读解析。


点击下方小程序卡片,先不看字幕听 1-2 遍,再对照字幕听 1 遍,看看哪些地方没有听出来:

Tangping describes a longing to escape the pressures of modern life in China, where young people are expected to work long hours, buy property, get married and have children. Many people in their 20s and 30s grumble that hard work no longer rewards them with a better quality of life. They have adopted an academic term, neijuan or “involution”, to describe how extra input no longer yields more output. Unlike their parents, who enjoyed a booming economy, they feel that society is stagnating and inequality growing.
Other ways of expressing this mood have also become common. One is sang, or “dejected”: many young people now talk of the spread of a “sang culture” in China. They refer to “Buddhist youth”, meaning those who are never disappointed since they want nothing. Some young Chinese call themselves chives, harvested or exploited by firms. As they point out online, it is difficult to harvest chives when they are lying flat.



①Tangping describes a longing to escape the pressures of modern life in China, where young people are expected to work long hours, buy property, get married and have children.



这句话的核心结构是:Tangping describes a longing 躺平描述了一种渴望。所以,tangping 本质上是一种 longing.

什么样的 longing 呢?后面嵌套了一个 to do 结构进行补充:to escape the pressures of modern life in China 为了逃避中国当代生活的压力。

中国青年面临哪些压力呢?China 后面又嵌套了一个 where 引导的定语从句,进行补充:where young people are expected to work long hours, buy property, get married and have children. 在中国,年轻人要加班、买房、结婚、生孩子。

longing 是名词,指“渴望”,后面可以加 to do,也可以加 for sth,比如小别胜新婚,好久没见到你的男女朋友,你会:
I felt a longing to throw myself into his arms. 我感到一种渴望,要扑到他怀里去。 
好久没回家,你会 be filled with a longing for home 充满对故乡的思念。
longing 一词有很多同义替换,比如 desire, craving, thirst, yearning 等,比如,有了社交媒体,你会一直忍不住去刷动态、联系朋友,《经济学人》是这么说的:
Social media creates a craving for connection. 社交媒体带来一种对联系的渴望。
thirst 本是名词“口渴”的意思,口渴的时候非常想喝水,所以它又引申为“渴望渴求”,有人每天都会问自己“今天变得更博学了吗”,这就是一种对知识的渴望:
a thirst for knowledge 如饥似渴的求知欲。

escape the pressures of...可以当成一个语块记下来,表示“逃脱...的压力”,也可以用 get away from the pressures of...替换,看个例句:
It’s an ideal place in which to relax and escape the pressures of modern life. 那是松弛神经、避开现代生活压力的理想地方。
如果表示“应对压力直面压力”,可以说 cope with, withstand, face, resist the pressures.
加班”除了文中的 work long hours,也可以说 sb be overworkedsb overworks,比如:
You've been overworking – why don't you take a week off?你已经劳累过度了 — 为什么不休息一周呢?


②Many people in their 20s and 30s grumble that hard work no longer rewards them with a better quality of life.很多二三十岁的人都抱怨说,努力工作已经不能提高自己的生活质量。


这句话的核心结构是:Many people grumble that hard work no longer rewards them with a better quality of life. 许多人抱怨说,努力工作不能再带给他们更好的生活质量。

in their 20s and 30s 是介词后置定语,修饰 Many people,意思是:二三十岁的年轻人。

in one's 20s 指“20多岁”;“奔三”可以说 in one's late 20s.
grumble 指“抱怨”,也可以用 complain 替换。
reward sb with sth 很好理解,表示“用sth奖励sb”,比如我们社群会对坚持学习的同学发放优惠券奖励,可以说:
Those with impressive performance will be rewarded with vouchers.表现优秀的学员会得到优惠券奖励。

Our patience / hard work / perseverance will be finally rewarded. 我们的耐心最终会得到回报。
Hard work / Patience / Perseverance builds character, and will be amply rewarded. 努力/耐心/毅力塑造性格,最终会让你有所收获。

③They have adopted an academic term, neijuan or “involution”, to describe how extra input no longer yields more output.



adopt 这里不要翻译成“采纳”这么严肃、正式的说法,它本质就是 use 的意思,可以翻译成“使用”。
involution 是“内卷”的意思,它源自拉丁文 involutionem,指 rolling up 卷起来。跟它对应的词是 evolution,也就是进化
input 是名词,本义是“输入”,我们经常强调学英语要增加输入,就是 input,与之相对的则是 output “输出”。
另外,input 也常常表示时间、知识、劳动力方面的投入,比如《瑞克和莫蒂》第四季中就出现了这个含义:

We owe it all to everyone's input.
在实际使用中,我们就可以用 input 表达“付出、贡献”的意思,替换 contribution, efforts, devotiondedication 等词。
文中的 input 就是指个人努力与付出,output 指收获、得到的东西
yield 是个很常见的表达,这里作动词,相当于 produce,可以指庄稼、利润产生产出,比如:
Crop fields planted with Yuan Longping's hybrid rice could yield two more tonnes per hectare.种植袁隆平杂交水稻的稻田,每公顷能多产出两吨稻米。
China's tourist industry yielded an estimated 6.63 trillion RMB for the country last year.去年 中国旅游业为国家创造了估计有 6.63 万亿元的收入。
文中 extra input no longer yields more output = extra input no longer produces more output 额外投入无法带来更多收获。

④Unlike their parents, who enjoyed a booming economy, they feel that society is stagnating and inequality growing.



booming 就是 rapidly developing, prosperous 的意思,a booming economy 意为“飞速发展的经济”,这个词我们在《中国医美为何会越来越火?医美行业存在哪些问题?》中也讲过,原话是:
China’s cosmetic-surgery market is booming.中国的整容市场正在蓬勃发展。

stagnate 是经济类题材中常出现的词汇,表示 stop developing,和前面的 boom 相对。比如经济科技停滞不前,就可以说 The economy / technology is stagnating.
I'm stagnating in this job. 这份工作我没有长进。

stagnate 的形容词是 stagnant,很常见,比如 a stagnant economy 疲软的经济。

再补充两个类似的词:第一个是 anaemic [əˈniːmɪk],形容词,本义为“患贫血症的、贫血的”,引申为“缺乏活力的”;第二个是 lacklustre (美式拼写为 lackluster),读音 [ˈlæklʌstə],它是由 lack “缺少”与 lustre“光泽”合成,字面意思为“缺少光泽的”,也就是“无生气的、乏味的”,比如 the anaemic / lacklustre economy 缺乏活力的经济、疲软的经济。

society is stagnating and inequality growing 是一个省略句,省略了 is,我们补充进去:
society is stagnating and inequality (is) growing

再看个类似的句子,我们在 16 期精读写作课 中会讲到《经济学人》为袁隆平先生写的讣告,文中有这么一句话:
The leaves were straighter and taller than ordinary, and the grains plumper.比起普通水稻,超级稻的叶片更直更高,谷粒也更饱满。
the grains plumper 省略了 be 动词 were,我们补充进去:
The leaves were straighter and taller than ordinary, and the grains (were) plumper.
Tangping describes a longing to escape the pressures of modern life in China, where young people are expected to work long hours, buy property, get married and have children. Many people in their 20s and 30s grumble that hard work no longer rewards them with a better quality of life. They have adopted an academic term, neijuan or “involution”, to describe how extra input no longer yields more output. Unlike their parents, who enjoyed a booming economy, they feel that society is stagnating and inequality growing.



①Other ways of expressing this mood have also become common.



this mood 指上段的“逃避生活压力”的情绪。
表达“普遍”,除了 common,还可以用以下表达:
1)be/become a commonplace
Over the past few years, cheating in the exam has become a commonplace, and thus how to prevent it rushed into the forefront of news and other media.过去几年,考试作弊现象非常普遍,因此如何防止作弊成了新闻和其它媒体的头条内容。
2)become the rule 
Today, a growing number of youngsters are playing on their phones  while walking on the street, with their heads bowed and eyes glued. That has become the rule over the past few years.当今,街上越来越多的年轻人一边走一边目不转睛的低头玩手机。最近几年,这种现象已变得非常普遍。

3)become routine
But if the idea can be applied to industrial practice, then long-lived, self-cleaning surfaces may at last become routine.不过,假如这个创意能够应用于工业实践,使用寿命长且有自洁功能的表面也许终会变得司空见惯。

4)be not new
Cheating in college admissions, or accusations of it, is not new in India. 在印度,高校入学舞弊,或指控有这种行为,都不是什么新鲜事。

②One is sang, or “dejected”: many young people now talk of the spread of a “sang culture” in China.



or “dejected 是对 sang 的解释,dejected 根据前缀“de-”就可以判断出,这个词的感情色彩是向下的负面的,词典中对它的解释是 unhappy and disappointed 垂头丧气的,比如我上篇公众号推文被恶意投诉了,我就 felt dejected 感到情绪低落。

③They refer to “Buddhist youth”, meaning those who are never disappointed since they want nothing.



refer to 在这里是 mention 的意思,“提及”,也可以用上句的 talk of 替换。
Buddhist 是“佛门弟子”,“佛教”是 Buddhism.
meaning those who are never disappointed since they want nothing 是对“Buddhist youth”的解释,即,佛教青年指那些无所期待、亦无所失望之人。

④Some young Chinese call themselves chives, harvested or exploited by the firms.



chives 读音为 [tʃaɪvz],是“韭菜”的意思,复数名词。harvested or exploited by the firms 是过去分词作 chives 的后置定语,进行修饰,我们可以还原成定语从句的形式:
Some young Chinese call themselves chives, which are harvested or exploited by the firms.

⑤As they point out online, it is difficult to harvest chives when they are lying flat.



lying flat 呼应了上段的 tangping,flat 是形容词“平的”意思,比如车胎爆了,就可以说 I had a flat tire.
flat 也可以用来形容情绪、市场低迷,比如受疫情和加息政策的影响,房地产市场持续低迷,我们可以说:
The housing market has been flat for months. 房地产市场已有好几个月处于低迷状态。 
再比如开完 party 一个人从闹哄哄的环境中回到自己清冷的小窝,会突然感到心情 down 下去,可以说:
I felt very flat after my friends had gone home. 朋友们回家后,我感到兴味索然。 

Other ways of expressing this mood have also become common. One is sang, or “dejected”: many young people now talk of the spread of a “sang culture” in China. They refer to “Buddhist youth”, meaning those who are never disappointed since they want nothing. Some young Chinese call themselves chives, harvested or exploited by the government and firms. As they point out online, it is difficult to harvest chives when they are lying flat.

今天就讲到这里,欢迎大家在留言区分享你最近学到的表达或句型,点赞最多的五位同学可获得 6.6 元红包奖励~








