

Francesco Verso 钓鱼城科幻 2022-07-18

/弗朗西斯科·沃尔索     译/李懿
































By Francesco Verso

As one of the Honorable Deans of the Fishing Fortress Center of SF during a global pandemic time, I feel a bit frustrated: that’s because I live in Rome (Italy), half a world away from the team, and I can only watch meetings, read about classrooms and look at pictures of  conventions. I am left with WeChat posts, online conferences, shared videos, emails and vocal messages, while the Future is being deployed at full speed in Chongqing.

And yet I feel so lucky to be able to talk about it.

Just one year one, on the 27th of December, Zhang Fan was taking me for a walk along the Hechuan Campus showing me all the locations where many activities would have taken place. The campus was spreading up and down the hills of a northwestern district of Chongqing, one of the biggest and most cyberpunkish megacities of China.   

While we passed in front of many students’ dorms, sport facilities and teaching buildings, his words sounded like an incredible mirage: “Here we’ll build an Auditorium, there we’ll have a Science Fiction Translation Center, and then 3D SF Atelier, a chill-out zone for writers, a Meditation Room and a place for kids to read and play…”

After a 10 minute walking we reached the top of the hill to enter into a round, 2-story building that was still under construction. There he continued to tell me some other plans: “Here we’ll organize a 4 weeks long Future Fiction Workshop to teach a whole new generation of young and emerging authors how to become professionals in Science Fiction, from writers to translators, from illustrators to designers, from screenwriters to directors.”

One month before my visit in Hechuan, during another Science Fiction convention in Beijing, Zhang Fan and I sat town at a table and sketched the outline of a creative writing workshop, a new Science Fiction Award and a whole new path to develop editorial relationships with cultural and entertaining sectors in China and the rest of the World.

We were dreaming exactly the same dream: a global multicultural community revolving around China that the coronavirus could only delay but not erase.  

Such powerful vision was made possible thanks to the help of the Xiangmei Education Group that gave him the financial support to deploy a long-term investment in Science Fiction. It’s crucial indeed to highlight the fact that the Fishing Fortress Center of SF is a non-profit project, that money comes in for a good reason: to teach and enable new generations with the tools to understand and cope with the incredible transformations that await us in this new troubled millennium:

Will AIs take over the majority of human jobs in a matter of 50-100 years?

Will climate emergency affect economic developments, mass migrations and land management?

Will blockchain applications and tracking systems help to improve chain food safety?

Will social networks and fake news influence any scientific truth and common knowledge polarizing every discussion?

Will carbon-based economies and gloomy cyberpunk urban setting be replaced by more sustainable solarpunk resilient communities?

Will demography and human reproduction be transformed by achievements in biotechnology and CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing?

Will new ethics and moral value help us to navigate better among the dense fog of future realities?

 Although the whole world is eager to understand what will happen in the coming years  and Future Studies are being taught in some universities in the USA and Europe, it’s only in China that I’ve found an immense level of interest and support for Science Fiction, a literature that projects the present into the future to test any possible outcome, the only kind of literature that is able to create and destroy worlds in the safest possible way.    

At that time, Zhang Fan was hiring 15 people to create the first team. He was busy making interviews to applicants, receiving CVs and setting up all the bureaucratic procedures that such challenging enterprise required.

“We’ll invite the most promising talents from the Chinese universities,” he told during a break for eating hot-pot or drinking tea next to the Campus, “they will learn from the best contemporary SF writers and international guests. We’ll set up the most prestigious SF Award in China – and possibly in Asia – to strengthen literary relationships with Japan, Korea and India.”

Step by step, sentence by sentence, I was left with the feeling that the Fishing Fortress Center would contribute to shape an amazing reality, both for national Chinese SF and maybe even at the International level, also because Future Literacy fosters innovation in any society just like an excellent novum does in Science Fiction books.

The idea of a Science Fiction center should be embraced by many other countries interested in exploring the “shape of the things to come”…  

“After the first year,” he continued, “if all goes according to the plan, we’ll hire more people in order to have around 50 persons in three years, because we’ll have two other universities involved, one in Shaanxi and the other one in Shandong province.”

The roll-out was already imagined, while the first bricks were being laid down.

Fishing New Futures is a powerful concept: if you consider that Science Fiction has been traditionally “fishing” stories always in the same lake of American and English fiction, you realize that developing a Science Fiction Center in Chongqing is a real journey into the unknown. But isn’t Science Fiction about exploring new frontiers? Isn’t Science Fiction a quest to push the borders of what we considered impossible just yesterday? But most of all, isn’t Science Fiction the best (and perhaps the only) tool to subvert what reality consider common sense?  

I am deeply convinced that to keep the Science Fiction genre alive and fresh we’ll have to brave enough to walk on new terrains, to translate from unknown languages, to include who has always been excluded from the global conversation about the future, and to give voice to whoever is still considered an “alien” or simply an outsider, just because she/he/they didn’t speak English.

If we will continue to fish in the same old lake, sitting on the same comfortable shores, with the usual fishing pole, we will surely keep on eating the same juicy fishes, but over and over again… and we will never have the chance to meet the White Whale or discover the wonderful creatures that populate the Oceans, because the only way we have to go chasing them is to board on a boat and sail together with a translator, an expert of different waters, cultures and languages, the only explorer that can understand and bring back precious stories from the uncharted maps of tomorrow.

During these months of forced separation from the team, I’ve witnessed it’s incredible growth and development. More people are joining the project, more energies are being infused into the making of a cultural breakthrough: chasing the Future where it’s just dawning.

The challenge is clear and the many missions of the Fishing Fortress could be the following:

-to scout and nurture literary quality coming from Chinese students and established International authors.

-to foster and promote interdisciplinary studies in literature, cinema, comics, videogames, design, theater, music, performing arts and much more…

-to strengthen and facilitate international relationships across borders through meetings, workshop, conventions, professional residencies, translations and awards. 

Surely the Future doesn’t wait for us and it will arrive one way or another, so instead of trying to predict it, it would much better to prepare for it, like it’s already happening in the Fishing Fortress Center of Chongqing… 


文编/阿    猫

美编/吴灵霜 吴冰鑫








