
两大高手领衔CPAR征稿:Advancing Research on Representative Bureaucracy

CPAR 读品贩子 2022-05-14



Call for Papers

Chinese Public Administration Review Symposium

Advancing Research on Representative Bureaucracy

Guest co-editors:

Kenneth J. Meier

American University

Cardiff University

Norma M. Riccucci
Rutgers University, Newark

Representative bureaucracy is a significant theoretical framework in public administration that has amassed a great deal of empirical research as well as theoretical insights. In 2019, Meier wrote a theoretical essay on representative bureaucracy that offered a number of suggestions for future research, including an inquiry into who is being represented and what values are being pursued. Meier also proposed several testable hypotheses and a number of modeling recommendations for empirical analysis. There have also been good-quality systematic reviews of the literature and critical assessments (Bishu and Kennedy 2020; Ding, Lu, and Riccucci 2020; Kennedy 2014).


We are interested in papers that advance existing research on representative bureaucracy by addressing a number of questions. This could include research but is not limited to the following questions:

  • What values get represented at the aggregate level?

  • How general are the existing findings?  Applications to new organizations or country contexts would be especially welcome in the symposium.

  • Is a critical mass of bureaucrats necessary to translate passive representation to active representation?

  • How are symbolic and active representation related?

  • How can we move the concept of intersectionality from an interesting idea to a major explanatory variable in representative bureaucracy?

  • Does the need for representation decline once disadvantaged client groups achieve equity in policy outcomes?



Please send the guest co-editors (CPARsubmission@gmail.com) a title and a short abstract of about 300 words, plus your contact details by August 31, 2021.


We will convey a decision with feedback about which abstracts are accepted to develop into potential papers by early October 2021.


On this basis, authors will develop their proposals into full papers by April 30, 2022.


After feedback is provided, authors will submit their manuscripts to CPAR by August 31, 2022.


Each article submitted to the symposium will be peer-reviewed and subject to the same academic standards that CPAR upholds for all manuscripts. Please visit CPAR.net for more information.



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