
CPAR panels @2019 ASPA Call for Proposals

李华芳 读品贩子 2021-09-11


想把自己与Ken Meier, Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr., David Rosenbloom等大牛列在一起吗?

想获得Marc Holzer Best Article Award吗?


2019年ASPA年会的主题是call to action,很重要的一个原因是要回应现实提出的各种挑战。CPAR会一如既往在场,作为一个公共平台,供学者和专业人士发声。今年由CUNY-John Jay的陆毅老师和我一起组织CPAR的panels,我们希望投稿到CPAR panels的文章,都能转变成投稿,最终发表。 

Call for Proposals

The CPAR panels 

@ 2019 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration

March 8-12 Washington DC, United States


TheJournal Chinese Public Administration Review (CPAR) invites you to submit a proposal for the CPAR panels at the2019 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration.


Over the past several years, we have successfully organized the CPAR panels for various conferences around the world. The latest issue of CPAR (Vol.9 No.1) resulted from such a panel.


Articles published in CPAR also have the opportunity to win the MarcHolzer Best Article Award that is recognized at the annual ASPAconferences.


This year, we call proposals for two panels with the expectation of potential publications in CPAR. The theme of this year’s conference is “Call to Action.” Practitioners as well as academics are encouraged to submit proposals. We are particularly interested in but not limited to the following topics:

·     The Significance and Contribution of Chinese Public Administration

·     Public Budgeting and Finance in Transition Countries

·     Collaborative Governance in Non-democratic Societies


Submission Details

The deadline for panel proposal submissions is 24:00, September 9, 2018. In your proposal, please include:

1.     Paper title

2.     Author names, affiliations, and the contact information of the corresponding author

3.     A300-500 word abstract and 3-5 keywords

4.     Three learning outcomes in 100-200 words


Please include in the subject line: CPAR panels at ASPA. Proposals should be submitted directly to CPARsubmission@gmail.com. CPAR editors will review and competitively select proposals, pending ASPA final approval.


Authors whose proposals are selected will have the opportunity to publish their work with CPAR. Manuscripts should be submitted to CPARsubmission@gmail.com or via www.cpar.net, subject to a blind peer review process. The manuscripts shall be original, unpublished work, and not under review elsewhere.


For further information, please contact Professor Elaine Yi Lu of City University of New York (ylu@jjay.cuny.edu) and Assistant Professor Huafang Li of Grand Valley State University (lih@gvsu.edu).



CPAR新一期介绍(Vol.9 No.1)


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