
你还在纠结用哪个工具学英语吗 | 晨读笔记03

立里 场市英语 2021-02-10
  • 泛读精句

1. 条条框框是伪装下的优势。有限的资源强迫你用手上仅有的东西来凑合,来应对。没有浪费的空间。(A is B in disguise)

2. 牺牲一些你的偏好来成就更好的产品。砍掉一半的野心。有个很厉害的半成品比有个啥都不是的成品更好。

3. 当你第一次上手做一件事的时候,会有很多股力量把你往各个方向扯。

4. 从最重要的开始。XXX最重要,其他的都是次要的。(2)

5. 你推迟各种决定的时候,他们就堆起来了。这堆决定最后要不就是被忽略了,被匆忙解决了,或者直接放弃。

6. 很多公司关注下一件大事,热衷于最热最新的事,追赶潮流和科技。

7. 只是因为你还有一堆事情要做,但这不代表你没做好这件事。

1. Constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited resources force you to make do with what you've got. There's no room for waste. 

2. Sacrifice some of your darlings for the greater good. Cut your ambition in half. You're better off with a kick-ass half than a half-assed whole. 

3. When you start anything new, there are forces pulling you in a variety of directions. 

4. Start at the epicenter. XXX comes first. Everything else is secondary. (sideshow)

5. When you put off decisions, they pile up. And piles end up ignored, dealt with in haste, or thrown out. 

6. A lot of companies focus on the next big thing. They latch on to what's hot and new. They follow the latest trends and technology. 

7. Just because you've still got a list of things to do doesn't mean it's not done. 

  • 精读01-会做减法

1. 一个好的博物馆里,并不是把世界上所有的艺术品堆到一个屋里。

2. 减少数量直到只留下最重要的事情。

1. You don't make a great museum by putting all the art in the world into a single room.

2. Pare things down until you're left with only the most important stuff. 

  • 精读02-重要的是实力,不是工具

1. 音调在你指尖。

2. 人们太容易纠结于选择工具,而不去想到底该用这些工具做什么。

3. 争论胶片好还是数码好的业余摄影师,并没有在真正关注什么是一张好的照片。

4. 在想发博、做博客、拍视频的人身上同样存在,最后纠结在选取什么工具上。

5. 人们把器材当拐杖。重要的并不是设备。而是能尽你所能将手头事做到最好。

1. Tone is in your fingers. 

2. It's tempting for people to obsess over tools instead of waht they're going to do with those tools. 

3. Amateur photographers who want to debate film versus digital endlessly are not focuing on what actually makes a photograph great. 

4. You also see it in people who want to blog, podcast, or shoot videos for their business but get hung up on which tools to use. 

5. People use equipment as a crutch. It's not the gear that matters. It's playing what you've got as well as you can. 

  • 多样化表达积累

纠结 (5)

fixating on, infatuated with, obsess over, latch on to, get hung up on

减少,修剪 (6)

leave out, remove, simplify, pare down, cut back, trim,

限制 (3)

constraint, limitation, box


make do, get by

  • 词组表达

1. 十四行诗,俳句,打油诗

2. 热狗摊, 调料

3. 全部的菜

4. 相同水平的

5. 附加产品

1. sonnet, haiku, limerick

2. hot dog stand, condiments

3. every dish under the sun

4. on a par with

5. by-product

  • 好用的小词





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