
成功是成功之母 | 晨读笔记01

立里 场市英语 2021-02-10



担心没有场景来使用,那我就自己创造场景,看着自己写的中文意思,来回忆背诵文章里的表达。Let's kick butt!

  • 泛读好句

1. 有人说我们是互联网公司,这就比较尴尬了。

2. 我们的成功就是走了狗屎运。

3. 他们说你们不能把成功的秘诀分享出来,还想赢得竞争。他们说你们没有庞大市场广告预算是不可能和大公司竞争的。他们说你不能见招拆招。

4. 你不适合,你不是这块料。

5. 曾经难以得到的工具如今唾手可得。

6. 真实的世界并不是一个地点,而是一个借口,一个给不努力找的原因。

7. 计划让过去决定未来,给你戴上了眼罩。要学会即兴发挥,要能随机应变。

1. Some people consider us an Internet company, but that makes us cringe

2. They say we don't know what we do. They call us a fluke

3. They say you can't share your recipes and bare your secrets and still withstand the competition. They say you can't simply compete with the big companies without a hefty marketing and advertising budget. They say you can't make it all up as you go. 

4. You are not cut for it. 

5. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. 

6. The real world isn't a place, it's an excuse. It's a justification for not trying. 

7. Plans let the past drive the future. They put blinders on you. You have to be able to improvise, to pick up opportunities that come along. It's OK to wing it. 

  • 精读01-失败不是成功之母,成功才是

1. 失败变成必要的仪式了。你总是在听到这些话:十个公司里九个会失败,成功的机会近乎没有,失败锻造性格。

2. 从失败里我们能学到什么?我们知道了什么不能做,但是还是不知道接下来什么要做。

3. 而成功能给你真枪实弹,事情成功了,你才知道什么是有效的。

4. 失败不是成功的必要前提。成功才是有意义的经验。

5. 毕竟进化过程不是取决于过去的失败,而是取决于现在的成功。

1. Failure has become an expected rite of passage. You hear all the time how nine out of ten new businesses fail, that your business's chances are slim to none, and that failure builds character. 

2. What do you really learn from mistakes? You might learn what not to do again. You still don't know what you should do next. 

3. Success gives you real ammunition. When someting succeeds, you know what worked. 

4. Failure is not a prerequisite for success. Success is the experience that actually counts. 

5. Evolution doesn't linger on past failures, it's always building upon what worked. 

  • 精读02-工作狂的工作哲学

1. 我们推崇加班文化,人们挑灯夜战,工作中忙的不可开交还被视为一种荣誉。

2. 工作狂们其实导致了更多问题。首先,这样工作是不能长期持续下去的,崩溃的那一刻一旦来临,会带来更大的打击。

3. 只是靠单纯的增加工作时长来解决问题,用战术的勤奋掩盖战略的懒惰。

4. 他们还会让不加班的同事觉得完成规定的工作时间还不够,让他们感到内疚,打击士气。人们加班只是不得已为之,并不是有效率。

5. 只知道工作工作工作,是难有理智判断的,已经决定不了什么是正确的什么是错误的,最终只会变得很疲劳。

6. 工作狂自称是完美主义者,其实只是浪费时间纠结无关紧要的细节而不是开展下一个工作。

7. 工作狂不是英雄,他们没有节约一天的时间,而只是把一天的时间耗尽。真正的英雄早回家了,因为他们找到了更快解决事情的方法。

1. Our culture celebrates the idea of the workaholic. We hear about people burning the midnight oil. It's considered a badge of honor to kill yourself over a project. 

2. Workaholics wind up creating more problems than they solve. First off, working like that just isn't sustainable over time. When the burnout crash comes, it'll hit that much harder. 

3. They try to fix problems by throwing sheer hours at them. They try to make up for intellectual laziness with brute force

4. They make the people who don't stay late feel inadequate for working reasonable hours. That leads to guilt and poor morale all around. 

5. If all you do is work, you are unlikely to have sound judgments. You stop being able to decide what's worth extra effort and what's not. You wind up just plain tired

6. They claim to be perfectionists, but that just means they are wasting time fixaing on inconsequential details instead of moving on to the next task. 

7. Workaholics aren't heroes. They don't save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured out a faster way to get things done. 

  • 硬核创业家

hard-core entrepreneurs

  • 优秀的行动派

type-A go-getters

