
Android 15 周年纪念 |Google 员工回顾这些年的有趣经历


作者:Sameer Samat, GM and VP of Android Ecosystem


It’s been 15 years since the first version of the Android operating system with Android Market (now Google Play) debuted on the T-Mobile G1. That’s a lot of phones, statues, desserts and events.

自从带有 Android Market(现在的 Google Play)的第一版 Android 操作系统在 T-Mobile G1 上亮相以来,已经过去了 15 年。这些年有许多手机、雕像、“甜点”和活动诞生。

All that fun aside, our mission has always been to bring computing to everyone -- and at the end of the day, the fact that over 3 billion people in the world rely on Android every day is the most satisfying and fulfilling part of our work.

撇开这些有趣的事不谈,我们的使命始终是「将计算带给每一个人」-- 到如今,全球每天有超过 30 亿人依赖于安卓系统,这是我们工作中最令人满意和有成就感的部分。

To commemorate this milestone, I asked my colleagues to share some of their favorite memories from over the years. Here's what they said:



“On Android, we are always giving demos because we believe it’s always better to show rather than tell. I remember the first demo and developer talk that I gave about Android. It was in 2007 at a "Future of Mobile" event held at an IMAX theater in London. I live coded a simple web browser — a textbox with a WebView. I told folks usually it takes me 10 minutes, but at Google we give engineers large monitors to improve productivity. Since I was on an 80-foot IMAX screen, I reckoned I could do it in 8 minutes. I started a timer. When I finished, the timer showed exactly 8 minutes, 0 seconds. The crowd erupted in applause.”

–Dave Burke, VP of Engineering

"在介绍 Android 时,我们总是会现场开发 demo,因为我们相信 demo 比讲述要好。我还记得自己第一次做 Android demo 并发表开发者演讲的情景。那是在 2007 年在伦敦一家 IMAX 影院举行的 "移动的未来 "活动上。我现场开发了一个简单的网络浏览器--一个带有 WebView 的文本框。我告诉大家,这通常需要 10 分钟,但在谷歌我们会给工程师配备大显示器以提高工作效率。由于我是在一个 80 英尺的 IMAX 屏幕上,我想我可以在 8 分钟内完成。我开始计时。当我完成时,计时器显示正好是 8 分 0 秒。全场爆发出热烈的掌声。"

工程副总裁戴夫-伯克(Dave Burke)




“We always celebrate each Android release with a statue. I remember them arriving by truck to the Mountain View office, and Tracey Cole (Android’s first administrative assistant) would send a message to everyone in the building asking for help to unload it. Then the next year, we’d add another statue and continue to just find space on the lawn. Pretty quickly it got crowded and we didn't know what to do with all these statues! I'm happy to report we've now found a good home for them in Mountain View, and that we have continued our tradition of statue unveilings with each release.”

–Elyse Seigle, Program Manager (and Android’s second administrative assistant)

"我们总是用雕像来庆祝每次安卓系统的发布。我记得它们是用卡车运到山景城办公室的,特蕾西-科尔(Tracey Cole, Android 的第一位行政助理)会给大楼里的所有人发消息,请求大家帮忙卸货。第二年我们会再增加一座雕像,并继续在草坪上寻找空间。很快,草坪就变得拥挤不堪,我们不知道该如何处理这些雕像!我很高兴地告诉大家,我们现在已经在山景城为这些雕像找到了一个很好的归宿,而且我们延续了每次发布都为雕像揭幕的传统"。

-项目经理(Android 第二行政助理)Elyse Seigle

在户外展示的安卓 14 雕像是一个倒立的安卓机器人,它的手臂在一个倒立的蛋糕上保持平衡。

当我们的办公桌上摆满 KitKats 和奥利奥时

“My favorite releases are the fun and timely ones! For example with Android K, someone on the team called KitKat’s parent company to see if they'd be interested in partnering, and they were! A few months later, Android’s bugdroid was printed on millions of KitKat wrappers around the world. Another that comes to mind was Android O and when we realized it would fall on the same date as the Great American Eclipse, and that the eclipsing sun in the sky would look exactly like...an Oreo. So we built an Android Oreo super hero, embodied it with all of the superpowers packed into the latest release and timed it (and Android Oreo's reveal) to be the exact moment of the eclipse in New York City.”

–Christopher Katsaros, Head of Android Developer Marketing

"我最喜欢那些有趣而及时的发布!例如,在发布 Android K 时,团队中有人给 KitKat(奇巧,雀巢旗下巧克力) 的母公司打了电话,询问他们是否有兴趣合作,他们真的答应了!几个月后,全球数百万个 KitKat 包装上都印上了 Android 的 logo。另一个让人印象深刻的是 Android O,当我们意识到它将与美国大日食同日,而天空中的日食太阳看起来就像......一个奥利奥。因此,我们打造了一个 Android Oreo 超级英雄,将它与最新版本中的所有超能力结合在一起,并将它(以及 Android Oreo )的发布时间定在纽约市日食的准确时刻"。

-Android 开发者营销主管 克里斯托弗-卡萨罗斯(Christopher Katsaros)


早期 Android 平板电脑用户界面的白板图。

白板草图上有一排图标,表示聊天、Gmail 和 Youtube,第二排是时钟、返回、菜单和主页图标,下面是一系列草图,有 Android bugdroid、时钟和各种方形图标。角落里的标签写着 "Android 白板用户界面,FPO 图形"。

“It's funny to look back at some of our early work, and how fast we moved to build and get things done. One of the early projects that I have some amusing evidence of was our early tablet work: we just had a very small design team at that point, and they hadn’t had time to develop any artwork for the brand-new tablet UI. So I just walked to the end of the building in the Cambridge office, where we had a very large whiteboard, and just drew a bunch of rough icons and widgets, just as placeholders. I took a photo with a Nexus One, cut the image up into assets, and threw them into the work-in-progress code. Our product development and review processes are quite a bit more structured now! But we still approach how we design, code and iterate with the same creative, ‘let’s work it out on a whiteboard’ mentality.”

–Dan Sandler, Engineering Director

"回顾我们早期如何快速地构建和完成工作是一件有趣的事。我还保留着一个早期项目的有趣照片,它是关于早期的平板电脑工作:当时我们只有一个很小的设计团队,他们还没有时间为全新的平板电脑用户界面开发任何美工设计。所以我就走到剑桥办公室大楼的尽头,那里有一块很大的白板,我画了一堆粗糙的图标和小部件作为代替。我用 Nexus One 拍了一张照片,把图片剪切成一个个素材,然后把它们扔进正在编写的代码中。现在,我们的产品开发和审查流程更加有序了,但我们仍然以'让我们在白板上解决它'的创意心态来进行设计、编码和迭代"。

-工程总监 Dan Sandler


一些早期的 Android IDE 草图和迭代。

Android IDE 的六种不同草图和迭代,包括竖起大拇指的 Android 机器人、带有绿色物质的玻璃杯、带有 Android 机器人天线的螺栓、带有圆圈的 Android 文字、ADE 文字以及带有 Android 机器人的电路板

“We launched Android Studio at I/O 2013, an integrated development environment (IDE) built for Android. We went through many rounds of product names... for example: Android Coding Environment (ACE), Android Developer Environment (ADE), Android Omicron (that would've been interesting post-pandemic!), and Android Maker. We settled on Android Studio and scribbled an icon days before the launch. No one could have predicted that Android Studio would go on to become the best and most widely used IDE for developing Android apps. It’s remarkable that what started out as a sketch has gone on to make a huge difference in developing the vibrant app ecosystem that makes Android what it is today.”

–Patricia Correa, Senior Director, Global Developer Marketing

"我们在 2013 年 I/O 大会上推出了 Android Studio,这是一款专为 Android 打造的集成开发环境 (IDE)。我们经历了多轮产品名称的选择......比如 Android Coding Environment (ACE)、Android Developer Environment (ADE)、Android Omicron(这在疫情后会很有趣!)和 Android Maker。我们最终选择了 Android Studio,并在发布前几天潦草地画了一个图标。没人能预料到,Android Studio 会成为开发 Android 应用程序的最佳和最广泛使用的集成开发环境。令人瞩目的是,最初的草图如今在开发充满活力的应用程序生态系统方面发挥了巨大作用,使 Android 成为今天的 Android。

-全球开发者营销高级总监帕特里夏-科雷亚(Patricia Correa)

今天的 Android Studio 图标。

Android Studio 图标由一个蓝色模板和一个从右侧探出的绿色 Android 机器人头像组成。




“In 2017, some of our favorite edible emoji began trending for missing the mark on Android! The cheese on the cheeseburger lay at the bottom of the bun (setting off quite the internet debate), the foam on beer sat at the top of the glass rather than the beer, and the holes on a wedge of cheese had the wrong shadowing. Sundar Pichai tweeted that it would be a top priority for the team to get this right. The emoji team came together quickly, incorporated the feedback – and all was made right in the edible emoji world again.” –Lily Lin, VP of Communications

"2017年,我们最喜欢的一些食用表情符号因为在 Android 系统上失误而开始流行!芝士汉堡上的芝士位于面包的底部(在网上引起了不小的争论),啤酒上的泡沫位于杯子的顶部而不是啤酒,而楔形芝士上的洞则出现了错误的阴影。桑达尔-皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)在推特上说,团队的首要任务就是把这些问题解决好。表情符号团队迅速团结起来,采纳了反馈意见--可食用表情符号世界的一切又恢复了正常。

-传播副总裁林莉莉(Lily Lin)

尊重 Android 的价值,同时也享受乐趣



"With the Android brand, we never took ourselves too seriously, and that personality brought joy and a unique sense of inclusion to Android users around the world. This year, when we began the challenge of modernizing the brand's identity, our goal was to ensure what Android stood for remained at the center of our work. This allowed us to bring the dimensionality of our brand personality, reflect the diverse communities we serve all over the world, and still not take ourselves too seriously. (After all, our bugdroids can have mohawks.)" –Adrienne Lofton, VP of Integrated Marketing for Platforms and Ecosystems

"在 Android 品牌中,我们从不把自己看得太重,这种个性给全球的 Android 用户带来了快乐和独特的包容感。今年,当我们开始迎接品牌形象现代化的挑战时,我们的目标是「确保 Android 所代表的价值始终是我们工作的中心」。这让我们能够展现品牌的个性,反映世界各地社区的不同,同时又不会把自己看得太重(毕竟,我们的机器人可以留莫霍克头)"。

-平台和生态系统整合营销副总裁阿德里安娜-洛夫顿(Adrienne Lofton)


“In April 2020, we partnered with the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) to help get Android tablets in hospital rooms. It was powerful to see our technology be used to help families manage care and stay connected to loved ones that were being treated in intensive care units for COVID.”

–Liesl Schumacher, Chief of Staff

"2020 年 4 月,我们与英国国家医疗服务系统(NHS)合作,让 Android 平板电脑进入病房。看到我们的技术被用于帮助家庭管理护理,并与在重症监护室接受 COVID 治疗的亲人保持联系,我感到非常震撼。

-参谋长 Liesl Schumacher

我的 Android 之旅

This whole journey has been nothing short of unpredictable. When I first joined the team, Dianne Hackborn, one of the earliest engineers on the project, let me know she'd been asked to write a chapter on Android for the 4th edition of the Modern Operating Systems book by Andrew S. Tannenbaum. Many of you that studied computer science will remember that book – edition 2 still sits on my shelf at home. At this moment, I realized what an honor and privilege it is to work on something that has had such an impact on the world.

Android 发展的整个旅程充满了变数。我刚加入团队时,项目最早的工程师之一 Dianne Hackborn 告诉我,她受邀为 Andrew S. Tannenbaum 所著的《现代操作系统》(Modern Operating Systems)一书的第四版撰写有关 Android 的章节。相信很多学过计算机科学的人都记得这本书--第二版现在还摆在我家里的书架上。此时此刻,我意识到能从事对世界产生如此大影响的工作是何等的荣幸。

Happy 15th birthday to the whole Android ecosystem and thanks for all the support over years. Together, I'm sure we'll make the next 15 years even more memorable.

祝整个 Android 生态系统 15 岁生日快乐,感谢大家多年来的支持。我相信,我们将共同创造更加难忘的下一个 15 年。

-总经理兼 Android 生态系统副总裁 Sameer Samat












两位阿里 P10 的成长经历,让我学到这几点


