
纸水设计 | 毓SPA会所

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2023-09-24

Paper Water Design毓SPA会所



This project is the second collaboration between Paper Water Design and Yu Spa, a new store that combines both spa and skin management. The designers have created a calm and soft healing interior space where they hope users can have an immersive experience of self-healing and refinement.

" 时间印记 "



"Beauty is not in objects. Rather, it lies in the luxuriant light and shade thatemerges from the combination of objects and objects." The designers intend to create an emerging experience of cultural nostalgia by infusing the space with the concept of "time". The choice of materials and the control of shapes are therefore exceptionally critical.


The design uses rough cement art lacquer, black matte floor tiles, and red bricks in different shades. The rough texture echoes the calm walnut-colored wood veneer. The material becomes soft in the right light atmosphere, quietly enveloping the space. 


At the top of the lobby on the ground floor and the coffee break area on the negative floor, the shape matrix shape of wooden strips and the hollow shape of microcement are used respectively to enhance the rhythm of the space. By extending the spatial imagination, the deep and quiet atmosphere this creates highlights the sense of history, allowing the viewer to imagine time and store time.




Sitting west facing east, the site consists of one floor and one underground floor. The natural lighting conditions are fragile. The designer created a dark interior space with the theme of "calm" in response to the objective conditions. In the designer's understanding, light means more to create an atmosphere and set off the object. Therefore, point light sources, medium, high and low lights, are set at different points in the space, which gently guide the light to the surroundings through reflection and refraction, reflecting the different beauty of space and matter under weak light. In this dark and varied atmosphere, the experiencer can feel the leisurely artistic conception of "holding the shadow of the moon in the water in both hands".




There are many ways to please oneself, which include music, books, food, fragrances, and so on. As a spa club, the designers here wanted to create a multi-dimensional healing place, hoping that the experience would be treated with multiple senses in an indoor atmosphere. Through light and shade, color, texture, and other elements, the designer has built many exciting story scenes in the space: the coffee break area on the first and negative first floors, dressing rooms, stairwells, etc. At the same time, these scene-based designs are by no means a single unrelated static display but a coherent organic whole formed by culture and imagination. In this whole, the designer introduces the experiencer to another "time and space", allowing them to enter the mood and coexist with their actual self-time. "Have the most tender dreams, and use dreams to fill the deeds of earthly people in a hurry. In the vague time and space, listen to the voice of millions of people." The designers did not intend to discuss serious topics or promote profound traditions in the space. Instead, the designer simply projects a focus on each individual who needs to be healed.



项目名称 |SPA会所设计范围 | 室内空间及软装设计项目地点 | 中国扬州项目面积 | 300平米设计机构 | 纸水设计设计主案 | 张剑男设计团队 | 陈子龙、赵斌斌设计时间 | 20229竣工时间 | 202212空间摄影 | 生辉

设计师 / 张剑男

纸水空间设计有限公司位于中国扬州。主要提供空间设计、视觉设计两大板块服务。空间设计板块从事建筑设计,室内外设计,景观设计,产品设计。 视觉设计板块从事品牌设计,包装设计,vi设计,原创手绘等一系列平面类相关设计。

INSTINK研行设计 | 小居室的蜕变

陈飞波 | 唯此松筠Muka Architects丨C House时尚疗愈居

