
Therese Carrodus以设计熔铸时间

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Full Of Grace Interiors

Bondi Terrace



There was nothing explicitly ‘wrong’ with this Bondi terrace, but its existing configuration was awkward, and the interiors lacked identity.Turning to Full Of Grace Interiors, the owners requested a home that better accommodated the needs of their growing family, and reflected their Melbourne heritage. 

室内设计师Therese Carrodus:“重新布局,从底层空间开始,设计了起居和用餐区,增加了娱乐室、新浴室、洗衣房和客房。”

‘The original ground floor comprised numerous dead spaces, so the layout was reconfigured to introduce both informal and formal living and dining areas, with the addition of a rumpus room, a new bathroom, laundry, and guest bedroom,’ explains Therese Carrodus, interior designer and owner of Full Of Grace Interiors. 




The interiors draw on Melbourne design sensibilities both in their look and feel, allowing the clients to recreate cosy dinners previously spent in Melbourne, around an open fire. The dining room with its original Victorian fireplace captures this intent with its sumptuous built-in banquette seating, black timber detailing, fluted glass and subdued blue palette reminiscent of a Melbourne restaurant aesthetic.


Other spaces are light-filled and more relaxed, indicative of the home’s beachside setting. For example, the open-plan kitchen and living area is a refreshingly bright haven introducing natural light from the rear garden, while the bathroom and rumpus room showcases playful yet sophisticated blush hues (Dulux Basic Coral among them). There’s also dramatic moments facilitated in the ice green kitchen marble, and deep red deep-crimson velvet curtains in the guest bedroom.


‘I also wanted to reference the Bondi locale and climate by drawing in the natural light from the sun drenched rear garden and by selecting a palette that is relaxed and unpretentious,’ says Therese. ‘I like that each of the rooms has its own flavour.’ 

Full of Grace Interiors

Therese Carrodus / 创始人

Therese Carrodus拥有超过15年的室内设计经验,有着对所有与设计相关的事物的强烈热情,她是Full of Grace Interiors的创始人,这是一家全方位的室内设计服务,对每个建筑项目都采用开放的设计方法。

With over 15 years of interior design experience and a keen passion for all things design-related, Therese Carrodus is the founder of Full of Grace Interiors, a full-range interior design service with a fresh, open approach to every architectural project. 

在墨尔本和哥本哈根学习之后,Therese于 2003年毕业,获得了设计(室内建筑)(荣誉)学士学位。

After studying in both Melbourne and Copenhagen, Therese graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor of Design (Interior Architecture) (Honours).

在2006年搬到伦敦之前,Therese 在墨尔本的高端住宅和企业部门工作过,然后在接下来的八年里,作为室内设计师在David Collins Studio 和 Anouska Hempel Design两个著名的设计事务所中工作。随后,她在伦敦的一家精品建筑公司从事高端医疗诊所和高端住宅项目。

Having worked in the high-end residential and corporate sectors of Melbourne before moving to London in 2006, Therese then spent the following eight years living and working as an interior designer for two highly renowned design practices, David Collins Studio and Anouska Hempel Design. She then went on to work for a boutique architectural firm in London, Designclinic, working on high-end health clinics and high-end residential projects. 

从那以后,Therese 搬回了墨尔本,创办了 Full of Grace Interiors。她与丈夫克里斯和三个孩子愉快地住在市中心,享受当地的生活。

Therese has since moved back to Melbourne to start-up Full of Grace Interiors. She happily resides in an inner-city area enjoying its countless local haunts with her husband Chris and three children, Rosie, Barnaby and Hugh.





