
会议回顾 | 2017年“转折中的早期英国文学研究:青年学者论坛”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开



会议回顾 | 2019年“中世纪与文艺复兴欧洲文学研究青年学者国际研讨会”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开

议回顾 | 2018年“中世纪与文艺复兴欧洲文学研究青年学者国际研讨会”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开


Symposium on Studies of Early English Literature in Transition Successfully Held 

Organized by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) of the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, the Symposium on Studies of Early English Literature in Transition was held in Hangzhou on October 14-15, 2017. According to Professor Nie Zhenzhao, Distinguished Professor and editor of Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, the Symposium was “successful and perfect,” a “first-rate conference.”

(Group photo taken after the opening ceremony)

In the opening ceremony, chaired by Prof. Fang Fan, vice dean of the School of International Studies, representatives of the School and the CMRS, Prof. Chu Chaofu, Prof. Cheng Le, and Prof. Hao Tianhu warmly welcomed all the guests. Prof. Hao, the director of the CMRS, then thanked the support from school leaders and colleagues and explained the aim and arrangement of our symposium, that is—to promote dialogues between the two generations of medieval and Renaissance researchers through academic communication. The opening ceremony closed with Prof. Hao quoting Milton: “Aim at the highest” and “Be lowly wise.”

(The first keynote address of Prof. Lee on Beowulf)

The second part of our program was the plenary session, with seven keynote speakers altogether, each with a junior scholar as the respondent. Prof. Dongill Lee from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Prof. Leonard Neidorf from Nanjing University, Prof. Denise Wang from National Chung Cheng University, and Prof. Zhang Yan from Beijing Normal University delivered their keynote addresses on the morning of Oct. 14. The other keynote speakers, Prof. Nicholas Koss from Peking University, Prof. Shen Hong and Prof. Hao Tianhu from Zhejiang University, presented their keynote addresses before the closing ceremony on the morning of Oct. 15. The exchanges between the keynote speakers and their respondents were stimulating and productive. All the keynote addresses are listed at the end of this news bulletin.

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(Keynote speakers )

The third part of our symposium were the concurrent sessions held on the afternoon of Oct. 14. Scholars were divided into six sessions to share their research findings, namely Shakespeare I and II, Medieval English Literature I and II, Early Modern English Poets, and Early English Plays. Each of the six panels was attended by a senior researcher as respondent. All the respondents have offered critical comments on the papers and apt suggestions for improvement.

(Scholars discussing in one of the concurrent sessions)

The closing ceremony was chaired by Prof. Hao Tianhu. The chairs of the six concurrent sessions respectively made a brief report of their sessions. As the representative of conference guests, Prof. Denise Wang expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the sponsor of the Symposium, including the excellent work of the student coordinators. In particular she praised the symposium as designed by Prof. Hao Tianhu, the major organizer. Prof. Shen Hong, on behalf of the CMRS, sent our appreciation to our International Consultative Committee--especially Professor Koss who was present--for their strong and constant support. The closing ceremony was followed by a free discussion.


(Prof. Shen Hong speaking in the closing ceremony)

The very first Symposium of the CMRS has attracted more than 30 scholars from various universities and research institutions in East Asia, including, among others, National Chung Cheng University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, Sichuan University, and Zhejiang University.

Keynote Addresses:

l   Prof. Nicholas Koss, Image and Action: The 16th-Century English Search for the Northwest Passage to China.

  • Prof. Dongill Lee, The Implication of Unferth’s Intervention in Beowulf.

  • Prof. Leonard Neidorf, On Historical Aesthetics: The Conversion to Christianity and the Appositive Style of Beowulf.

  • Prof. Shen Hong, An Analysis of William Langland’s Critical Spirit.

  • Prof. Denise Wang, Voluntary Exchange: The Concept of Salvation in Everyman.

  • Prof. Zhang Yan, Multiplicity in Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis.

  • Prof. Hao Tianhu, Milton and the Theory of Evolution, Self-Help, and the Formation of Modern Education in Early-20th-Century China.

Two lectures were also organized by the CMRS around the time of the Symposium. One was given by Prof. Denise Wang on Oct. 13, “The Making of Chaucer away from Home: Understanding Middle English, Literature, and Culture,” and the other jointly by Prof. Nicholas Koss and Prof. Zhang Yan on the afternoon after the closing ceremony, “Foreign Literature Research, Humanism, and the Creation of a First-Rate Discipline.”

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(Two lectures also organized by CMRS)

The CMRS plans to have an annual symposium. This very first symposium having been successfully held, the CMRS will take the opportunity to help build a more accessible platform for academic exchanges, so as to make our due contribution to medieval and Renaissance studies in China and in the world.

CMRS, Zhejiang University

(Lin Weijian, Wu Yarong, Zhou Lan)

Oct. 22, 2017


  浙江大学外语学院中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心(Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,简称CMRS)于2016年12月30日在杭州成立。作为国内第一家中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心,CMRS的使命是整合研究力量,推进浙江大学的中世纪与文艺复兴研究,搭建中国大陆、海峡两岸和国际学术交流平台,服务中世纪与文艺复兴研究学术共同体。著名学者沈弘教授担任中心名誉主任。CMRS目前出版三套丛书:中世纪与文艺复兴译丛、《中世纪与文艺复兴研究》丛刊和文艺复兴论丛,均由中心主任郝田虎教授主编,浙江大学出版社出版。


