
前沿 | AER: Social Ties & the Selection of China’s Political Elite

道器网淘气包 道器 2020-08-30

近日,对外经济贸易大学吴卫星教授等在经济学顶级期刊 American Economic Review 发表论文:Social Ties and the Selection of China’s Political Elite。


We study how sharing a hometown or college connection with an incumbent member of China’s Politburo affects a candidate’s likelihood of selection as a new member. In specifications that include fixed effects to absorb quality differences across cities and colleges, we find that hometown and college connections are each associated with 5–9 percentage point reductions in selection probability. This “connections penalty” is equally strong for retiring Politburo members, arguing against quota-based explanations, and it is much stronger for junior Politburo members, consistent with a role for intra-factional competition. Our findings differ from earlier work because of our emphasis on within-group variation, and our focus on shared hometown and college, rather than shared workplace, connections. 

In this paper we document that, among candidates for China’s Politburo, those with hometown or college ties to incumbent Politburo members are less likely to be elected. Our results are of particular note because they stand in sharp contrast to the findings of earlier papers. We examine heterogeneity in the connections penalty, and observe that it is much stronger for ties to more junior Politburo members, which suggests that competition among officials with shared backgrounds may at least partly explain our main results. The fact that we observe a similar connections penalty for ties to retiring and non-retiring Politburo members argues against quota-based explanations. 

Because our results contrast with those of earlier papers, we delve into the features of our estimation to account for the differences in findings. We suggest that both the type of shared background that one uses to measure connections, as well as the use of within- versus between-group variation, can help to explain our findings of a connections penalty.

Taking a broader view, our main analysis and findings emphasize also the care required in analyzing observational data on connections. In particular, in considering the full set of potential explanations for our results, we highlight the nuanced relationship between shared backgrounds and promotion. And by comparing results based on within- versus between-group variation, we show how cross-sectional analyses may be biased toward finding a positive effect of connections when none exists.


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