

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-06-16

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. The White House releases National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology


2. EU new patent rules will come into force on June 1


3. “2022 New Generation Automotive Patent Development Report” released


4. The 145th Annual Conference of INTA grandly opened in Singapore


IP Practice

6. Natera wins $19 million from ArcherDX in cancer-detection patent case


6. GE, IKEA defeated UC in patent infringement case


7. Ed Sheeran beats copyright lawsuit over 'Thinking Out Loud'

艾德-希兰在《Thinking Out Loud》版权纠纷中获得胜利

8. Fuzhou Intermediate Court rules that Zhuhai Guangyu infringes Ningde New Energy's patent on "winding type electric core" and shall pay 10 million yuan in damages


Case Analysis

9. Hangzhou Longfun Internet Technology Co., Ltd. v. Beijing iQIYI Science & Technology Co., Ltd.

“马上玩 App”不正当竞争纠纷案



The White House releases National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology


On May 4, the White House website released the National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology, which will strengthen the foundation for securing U.S. consumer-related technologies at the national level and maintaining international standard-setting in U.S. leadership and competitiveness in international standard setting. The strategy will update the U.S. rule-based approach to standards development, which are guidelines for ensuring the universal safety and interoperability of everyday products for the citizens. The strategy will also emphasize federal support for international standards for Critical and Emerging Technology (CETs), which will help accelerate private-sector-led standards development efforts, promote global markets, improve interoperability, and enhance U.S. competitiveness and innovation.

5月4日,美国白宫网站发布《关键和新兴技术国家标准战略》(National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology),该战略将加强国家层面保障美国消费者相关技术的基础以及保持在国际标准制定方面美国的领导地位和竞争力。标准是用来保障美国人民日常用品普遍安全、可互操作的指导方针,该战略将更新美国基于规则的标准制定方法。战略还将强调联邦政府对关键和新兴技术(Critical and Emerging Technology)国际标准的支持,这将有助于加快由私营部门主导的标准制定工作,促进全球市场、提高互操作性,并提升美国的竞争力和创新。


EU new patent rules will come into force on June 1


Recently, the Commission has proposed new rules to help companies, especially small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), make the most of their inventions, leverage new technologies and contribute to the EU's competitiveness and technological sovereignty.

The new rules, which include standard-essential patents (SEP), compulsory patent licenses under crisis and amendments to supplementary protection certificates, will aim to create a more transparent, efficient and future-proof IP framework that will complement the existing harmonized patent system in the EU and will come into force on June 1.



“2022 New Generation Automotive Patent Development Report” released


On May 17, at the 2023 China Automotive Intellectual Property Annual Conference, the "2022 New Generation Automotive Patent Development Report" was released. Based on the global automotive industry, the Report analyzes the global patent situation, cutting-edge patent dynamics, investment and financing hotspots, enterprise intellectual property management of the new generation automobiles, including new energy vehicles, intelligent networked vehicles and their related components. It also analyzes the innovation development direction and strategy of of automobile industry, showing China's leading advantage in the global new generation of automobile patents, which will strongly promote the breakthrough innovation and high-quality development of the automobile industry.



The 145th Annual Conference of INTA grandly opened in Singapore


5月17日下午,第145届国际商标协会年会在新加坡金沙会展中心盛大开幕。而China IP作为INTA长期媒体合作伙伴,有幸在开幕式现场见证了这一盛典。INTA官方数据显示,本届年会共吸引了来自140个国家的8000多名参会者,截止开幕式前一日(5月16日),线下参会人数为7545人。本次年会共设置了250多场主题对话、150多场委员会会议、50多场教育议题、10余场招待会以及多场主题会议,覆盖元宇宙、人工智能、区块链等最新热点。共有151家展商参展,排名前五的分别是中国、美国、英国、印度及法国,其中第一次参展的展商为68家。

On the afternoon of May 17, the 145th Annual Conference of the International Trademark Association (INTA) grandly opened at the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Singapore. As a long-term media partner of INTA, China IP was honored to witness this grand event at the opening ceremony. The annual conference of this year has attracted more than 8,000 attendees from 140 countries, with 7,545 offline attendees as of the day before the opening ceremony (May 16), according to the official data of INTA. This year, more than 250 keynote dialogues, 150 committee meetings, 50 education topics, 10 receptions and many theme sessions covering the latest hot spots such as metaverse, artificial intelligence and blockchain are set up. 151 exhibitors from all over the world has joined the event, with the top five being China, USA, UK, India and France, of which 68 were first-time exhibitors.

IP Practice


Natera wins $19 million from ArcherDX in cancer-detection patent case


On May 15, Genetic testing company Natera Inc convinced the jury in Delaware to award it $19.3 million in damages from Invitae Corp's ArcherDX for infringing patents related to cancer detection. The jury agreed with Natera that biotech company ArcherDX Inc's blood-based DNA tests for detecting and monitoring cancer infringed three of its patents. Earlier in 2020, Natera first sued ArcherDX and said in an amended 2021 complaint that several ArcherDX cancer tests violated its patent rights in technology for non-invasive cancer tests that use "cell-free DNA" from a patient's blood.

5月15日,基因检测公司Natera成功获得了特拉华州法院的陪审团支持,就Invitae 旗下ArcherDX公司侵犯其与癌症检测有关的专利一案,得到了1930万美元的侵权赔偿。陪审团支持了Natera公司提出的主张,即生物技术公司ArcherDX Inc基于血液进行的,用于检测、监测癌症的DNA测试侵犯了其三项专利。早在2020年,Natera公司首次起诉ArcherDX公司,并在2021年修改的诉状中指控ArcherDX公司的几项癌症测试侵犯了其使用病人血液中 "无细胞DNA "的非侵入性癌症测试技术的专利权。


GE, IKEA defeated UC in patent infringement case


On May 16, a group of companies including General Electric Co, Ikea Supply AG and Home Depot Inc defeated a request by the University of California for a U.S. appeals court to block imports of light bulbs that allegedly infringe its patents. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed that the companies' light bulbs did not include a key element of the university's patented technology. The university lodged the ITC complaint in 2020, in which the school accused the companies of violating its patent rights in "filament" LED light bulbs, which use less energy and last longer than traditional light bulbs. It also filed related patent infringement lawsuits in federal court in 2019 against the companies and others including Amazon, Walmart and Target.

5月16日,包括通用电气公司、宜家供应股份公司和家得宝公司在内多家公司成功胜诉,驳回了加州大学向美国上诉法提起的、要求法院阻止上述公司进口被称侵犯该大学专利权的灯泡的请求。美国联邦巡回上诉法院的决定再次确认了这些公司的灯泡并不包含加州大学已申请专利的关键技术要素。2020年,该大学即向ITC(国际贸易委员会)提出申诉,称这些公司侵犯了其在 “灯丝”LED灯泡方面的专利权,这种灯泡比传统灯泡在使用时的能耗更少,寿命更长。该学校还2019年针对这些公司及包括亚马逊、沃尔玛和塔吉特在内的其他公司在联邦法院提起了相关的专利侵权诉讼。


Ed Sheeran beats copyright lawsuit over 'Thinking Out Loud'

艾德-希兰在《Thinking Out Loud》版权纠纷中获得胜利

On May 16, British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran defeated a second copyright lawsuit in federal court in Manhattan over similarities between his hit "Thinking Out Loud" and Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On."U.S. District Judge dismissed the case brought by Structured Asset Sales LLC, ruling that the parts of "Let's Get It On" Sheeran was accused of infringing were too common for copyright protection. However, Structured Asset Sales has filed another lawsuit against Sheeran based on its rights to Gaye's recording, which is still pending.

5月16日,英国歌手艾德-希兰在曼哈顿的联邦法院获得了其第二起版权诉讼的胜利。早前,在该纠纷中,原告称希兰的主打歌《Thinking Out Loud》与马文-盖伊的《Let's Get It On》相似,涉嫌侵权。但是此次,美国地区法官则驳回了这起由Structured Asset Sales LLC提起的诉讼,认为希兰被指控侵权的《Let's Get It On》歌曲部分过于普通,不受版权保护。然而,Structured Asset Sales公司基于其对盖伊录音所享有的权利对希兰提起的另一项诉讼仍在审理中。


Fuzhou Intermediate Court rules that Zhuhai Guangyu infringes Ningde New Energy's patent on "winding type electric core" and shall pay 10 million yuan in damages


On May 14, Zhuhai Guangyu Battery Co., Ltd. released an announcement on the progress of a lawsuit, stating that Zhuhai Guangyu had recently received the judgment issued by the Fuzhou Intermediate Court, according to the verdict of which, Zhuhai Guangyu shall immediately stop the manufacture and sale of "a kind of winding type electric cell" patent infringing the plaintiff Ningde New Energy from the effective date of the verdict, and Zhuhai Guangyu shall compensate Dongguan New Energy and Ningde New Energy for the economic loss and reasonable expenses RMB 10 million to stop the infringement within ten days from the effective date of the verdict and Zuhai Guangyu shall pay RMB 120,000 of the case costs.

2023年5月14日,珠海冠宇电池股份有限公司发布涉诉进展公告,称珠海冠宇近日收到了福州中院出具的《民事判决书》。根据此次的判决结果,珠海冠宇应于判决生效之日起立即停止制造、 销售侵害原告宁德新能源“一种卷绕式电芯”专利,并且,珠海冠宇应于判决生效之日起十日内赔偿东莞新能源、宁德新能经济损失和为制止侵权行为而支出的合理费用共计人民币1千万元;而珠海冠宇负担案件受理费中的12万元。

Case Analysis


Hangzhou Longfun Internet Technology Co., Ltd. v. Beijing iQIYI Science & Technology Co., Ltd.

“马上玩 App”不正当竞争纠纷案

iQIYI is the operator of vip.iqiyi.com and the iQIYI App. Users who have paid the appropriate consideration to become iQIYI VIP members are able to enjoy different membership privileges such as skipping ads and watching VIP videos. However, the use rights obtained by a member cannot be transferred, lent, rented, sold or shared to others. iQIYI found that Longfun and Longene had illegally rented out iQIYI VIP accounts based on time slots in the "Play Now" app ("App involved") through technical means, so that their users could obtain iQIYI VIP video services without paying iQIYI. iQIYI believed that the acts involved in this case conducted by Longfun and Longene had, on the one hand, diverted traffic by attracting users to watch videos, causing a decrease in the download of the iQIYI App, and on the other hand, restricted some of the functions of the iQIYI App, leading to a decrease in user experience and damaging the legitimate rights and interests of iQIYI. Therefore, iQIYI appealed to the Beijing Haidian District People's Court, demanding Longfun and Longene to eliminate the impact and jointly and severally compensate the economic losses and reasonable expenses which totaled RMB 3 million.




编译:China IP 国际部






七国集团同意立法监管人工智能; 福特胜诉!105亿美元商业秘密赔偿裁决被推翻; 中国电动汽车充电专利在全球遥遥领先

