

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-06-16

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. Five Chinese companies rank in the top 10 list of Global ranking of 5G SEP 


2. USPTO Proposes Patent Fee Increases


3. Huawei accused in suit of seeking excessive fees for patent use


4. ByteDance eyes a new chapter in book publishing


IP Practice

5. German Court of Appeals sides with Hytera over patent case


6. Louboutin files lawsuit over red-sole trademark


7. U.S. appeals court denies apple’s claim that Corellium infringe its copyright


8. BOE lodged lawsuits against Samsung for patent infringement


Case Analysis

9. Hunan Eefung Software Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Weimeng Internet Technology Co., Ltd.




Five Chinese companies rank in the top 10 list of Global ranking of 5G SEP 


According to news on May 9, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) recently released a “Research Report on Global 5G Standard Essential Patents and Standard Proposals (2023)”. The report reveals that among the top 10 enterprises having the largest number of valid global patent families, five are Chinese companies, one more than last year. The top 10 enterprises include Huawei, Qualcomm, Samsung, ZTE, LG, Nokia, Ericsson, DT, OPPO and Xiaomi, with Apple missing from the top 10.



USPTO Proposes Patent Fee Increases


The US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) recently announced proposed patent fee increases. Patent fees would increase by about 5% across the board because of inflation. Certain fees would be increased by substantially more than the 5% inflationary increase to reduce subsidization from other fee sources. For example, the overall design patent fees would increase by 48%, based on a 27% increase in filing, search and examination fees and a 76% issue fee increase. The USPTO anticipates that the fee changes will be implemented around January 2025. 

美国专利商标局(USPTO)近日宣布或将提高专利费。据悉,由于通货膨胀,总体专利费将增加约5%。其中某些费用会大幅增加,超过5%的通胀增长,以减少对其他费用的补贴。例如,鉴于申请、检索和审查费用增加27%,授权费增加 76%,外观设计专利总体费用将增加48%。USPTO预计,费用调整将在2025年1月左右实施。


Huawei accused in suit of seeking excessive fees for patent use


ADVA Optical Networking’s North American unit  said in a lawsuit filed on Monday in Texas  that Huawei refuses to license its patents  on “fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory” terms.

ADVA said in the lawsuit that Huawei, holder of the world’s largest portfolio of 5G patents, is asking it to pay excessive royalties and also wants it to pay for the use of patents that are not essential to international standards. It also claims Huawei has infringed on ADVA patents. Huawei didn’t have an immediate comment on the lawsuit. 

欧洲电信供应商ADVA Optical Networking的北美子公司周一在德克萨斯州对华为提起诉讼,指控华为拒绝按照FRAND(公平、合理和非歧视性)的条款许可其专利。ADVA在诉讼中表示,拥有全球最大5G专利组合的华为向其索要的专利使用费过高,且华为希望ADVA 为其对于国际标准而言并非必要的专利使用付费。ADVA还声称,华为侵犯了ADVA的专利。目前,华为尚未对此置评。


ByteDance eyes a new chapter in book publishing


Lemon Inc., a subsidiary of ByteDance, has submitted a trademark application for a range of book publishing products and services, according to a filing posted on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The trademark, which is called “8TH NOTE PRESS” , suggests ByteDance’s apparent e-publishing ambitions, according to industry insiders. The list of products and services registered with “8TH NOTE PRESS” includes an app to read, download and discuss fiction e-books in an online community; retail bookstore services; ordering books in audio, printed and digital formats; publishing e-books, audiobooks and physical books, as well as providing online, non-downloadable fiction and non-fiction books.


IP Practice


German Court of Appeals sides with Hytera over patent case


On May 5, Hytera Communications announced that the Court of Appeals Düsseldorf has ruled in favor of Hytera and its subsidiary HMF Smart Solutions GmbH in patent infringement proceedings initiated by Motorola Solutions Inc. The Court of Appeals Düsseldorf reversed the decision of the lower court, found the patent-in-suit not infringed by Hytera and HMF, and dismissed Motorola’s complaints. The Court of Appeals also ordered MSI to pay the costs of the court proceedings in the first and second instances. In 2017, Motorola filed a complaint  alleging infringement of its European patent EP 2 342 851 B1 by Hytera’s Pseudo-Trunking/TDMA direct mode/TX-none radio functionality. The Regional Court Düsseldorf found infringement of Motorola’s patent in the first instance decisions.

5月5日,海能达通信公司宣布,杜塞尔多夫上诉法院已在专利侵权诉讼中做出了有利于海能达及其子公司HMF智能解决方案公司的裁决。上诉法院推翻了此前下级法院的判决,裁定海能达和HMF未侵犯摩托罗拉专利,并驳回了摩托罗拉的诉讼。此外,上诉法院还命令摩托罗拉支付一审和二审诉讼的相关费用。2017年,摩托罗拉在杜塞尔多夫地区法院提起专利侵权诉讼,指控海能达的Pseudo-Trunking/TDMA direct mode/TX-none对讲机功能侵犯了摩托罗拉的欧洲专利EP 2 342 851 B1。杜塞尔多夫地区法院在初审中裁定海能达侵犯了摩托罗拉专利权。海能达和HMF对该判决提出了上诉。


澳大利亚法院:海能达侵犯摩托罗拉知识产权,获永久禁令并支付惩罚性赔偿! 5.97亿美元商业秘密案:摩托罗拉称海能达拒不执行法院判决,请求法院做出裁决 5.97亿美元商业秘密案:海能达未获永久禁令,但需向摩托罗拉付授权费


Louboutin files lawsuit over red-sole trademark


Christian Louboutin has filed last Friday a trademark complaint against shoemaker Vinci Leather, Inc., alleging deceptive trade practices, design patent infringement and trademark infringement, according to a court filing last week. The complaint alleges Vinci Leather manufactures and sells knockoffs that infringe on the French luxury company’s trademarked red-sole footwear, its design patents and the Spiked Sneaker Trade Dress associated with its Loubishark line of sneakers. Louboutin is seeking an injunction from Vinci Leather, as well as damages and attorneys’ fees. The Vinci complaint is reportedly the latest in a series of Louboutin filing complaints against shoemakers for violating the red-sole trademark, spurring years of discussions and legal decisions over whether a specific color used on the soles of shoes could warrant trademark protection. 

根据上周提交的一份法庭文件,法国奢侈品公司Christian Louboutin上周五对Vinci Leather公司提起商标诉讼,指控Vinci从事欺骗性的贸易行为、设计专利侵权和商标侵权。 起诉书称,Vinci 制造和销售的仿冒品侵犯了Louboutin的红底鞋商标,设计专利和其他与Loubishark系列运动鞋有关的商业外观。Louboutin要求获得禁令、损害赔偿及律师费。据报道,这是Louboutin发起的最新一起的红底鞋商标诉讼,多年来一直在引发讨论和法律决定,即在鞋底上使用的特定颜色是否可以申请商标保护。


U.S. appeals court denies apple’s claim that Corellium infringe its copyright


Apple Inc failed to convince a U.S. appeals court on Monday that Corellium Inc infringed its copyrights by simulating its iOS operating system to help researchers find security flaws in Apple devices. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Corellium lawfully recreated Apple's system under the U.S. copyright doctrine of fair use, furthering scientific progress by aiding important security research. Florida-based Corellium's software allows users to run iOS on non-Apple devices and inspect and modify the operating system in ways that allow security researchers to search for vulnerabilities more effectively. Apple sued Corellium for copyright infringement in South Florida federal court in 2019.



BOE lodged lawsuits against Samsung for patent infringement


BOE has lodged a number of patent infringement lawsuits against Samsung, according to new court session announcement at the Chongqing No.1 Intermediate People's Court. The lawsuits reportedly involves 9 cases, which will be heard in public on May 18. Industry insiders familiar with the matter said the move was BOE's counterattack to Samsung's patent infringement act against the company. As early as last year, Samsung filed a patent infringement lawsuit against BOE. Earlier this year, Samsung launched a 337 investigation into a number of mobile phone repair businesses at the ITC, which ultimately aims to ban the sale of BOE OLED panels. It is reported that as of December 2022, BOE has accumulated more than 80,000 independent patent applications, including more than 28,000 flexible OLED related patent applications.

根据重庆市第一中级人民法院新增开庭公告,京东方近日在对三星发起了多起专利侵权诉讼,共涉及九起案件。案件将于 5 月 18 日于进行公开审理。业内人士称,此举是京东方对三星专利围堵攻势的反击。早在去年,三星就对京东方提起了专利侵权诉讼。今年年初,三星又在ITC对多家手机设备维修商发起337调查,意图禁售京东方OLED面板。据悉,截至 2022 年 12 月,京东方累计自主专利申请已超 8 万件,其中柔性 OLED 相关专利申请超 2.8 万件。

Case Analysis


Hunan Eefung Software Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Weimeng Internet Technology Co., Ltd.


Platform data can be divided into public data and non-public data. The illegal capturing of non-public data to which access rights have been set is of obvious impropriety. Capturing the data from a platform and storing it may lead to the leakage and infringement of the users' personal information and damage the platform's right to the relevant data, constituting unfair competition; Since it is an unfair act to capture and store the platform data, the subsequent use of such data for display and analysis does not have a legitimate basis as the source of the data is illegal. In addition, if it is impossible to prove that public platform data has been captured through normal channels, the act of capturing the public data also constitutes unfair competition.









三星加入Avanci 4G专利池; 2022年全国共登记计算机软件著作权183.5万件; 利多赢得了对乐购的商标诉讼

七国集团同意立法监管人工智能; 福特胜诉!105亿美元商业秘密赔偿裁决被推翻; 中国电动汽车充电专利在全球遥遥领先

