
Facebook在37亿美元集体诉讼中取得暂时胜利;FTC: 暂不出手阻止亚马逊收购One Medical

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-03-20

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. WIPO China:Brazil Joins the Hague System

WIPO中国: 巴西加入海牙体系

2. 798,000 invention patents were granted in China in 2022


3. KIPO releases a patent survey of ChatGPT super AI technology


IP Practice

4. Brazilian court issues a preliminary injunction to OPPO


5. Vivint hit with $189.7 million verdict for stealing rival's customers


6. Facebook secures temporary victory against $3.7 billion class-action lawsuit


7. FTC will not challenge Amazon.com's plan to buy One Medical for now

FTC: 暂不出手阻止亚马逊收购One Medical

8. Apple Watch faces a potential ban in the US over patent dispute

Apple watch专利侵权,在美或面临禁售

Case Analysis

9. Wyeth, LLC et al v. Guangzhou Wyeth Baby Maternal and Infant Product Co., Ltd. et al




WIPO China:Brazil Joins the Hague System

WIPO中国: 巴西加入海牙体系

Brazil has joined the Hague System, extending the geographical scope of WIPO’s international design system to 96 countries, WIPO China said on Thursday. Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and its accession strengthens the status of the Hague System as a truly global option for securing design protection. The Government of Brazil deposited its instrument of accession to the 1999 Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement on February 13, 2023. Brazil is the 71st Contracting Party to the 1999 Act and the 79th member of the Hague Union. The 1999 Act will enter into force in Brazil on August 1, 2023.



798,000 invention patents were granted in China in 2022


A total of 798,000 invention patents were granted in 2022 and the patent review results secured an accuracy rate of 93.4%, according to news released at the CNIPA press conference on Wednesday. “In 2023, CNIPA will continue to improve the IP review quality and efficiency, reducing patent review period to 16 months within the year, and maintaining a review accuracy rate of more than 93%,” said Heng Fuguang, spokesman of the administration. Heng also stated that the administration is improving the review of utility model, industrial design and international application, with an intelligent review system to be available online this year.



KIPO releases a patent survey of ChatGPT super AI technology


On Feb 20, the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) released a patent survey of "super artificial intelligence (AI)" technology with ChatGPT as the core, which found that super AI patent applications have increased by about 28 times in the past decade. In particular, the average annual growth rate in the last five years (from 2016 to 2020) is 61.3%. In terms of applicant countries, the United States (35.6%, 15,035), China (31.0%, 13,103) and Japan (11.6%, 4,906) ranked the top three, while South Korea (11.3%, 4,785) narrowly ranked fourth. In terms of major applicants, Samsung (1,213, 2.9%) ranked first, followed by IBM (928, 2.2%), Google (824, 2.0%), Microsoft (731, 1.7%) and Baidu (572, 1.4%).


IP Practice


Brazilian court issues a preliminary injunction to OPPO


Nokia's global patent litigation with OPPO has made new progress in Brazil. Recently, the First Business Court of Rio De Janeiro has issued a preliminary injunction against OPPO. According to the court filings, OPPO, under penalty of daily fine in the amount of BRL 10,000.00 ( US $1,935), was enjoined from implementing Nokia’s AMR-WB technology in any product commercialized in Brazil, including the “Reno7”, “A77” and “A57” devices, without prior authorization. Besides, OPPO was ordered to monthly present to the court official accounting documents that discriminate current information referring to all OPPO devices imported, sold and marketed in Brazil, both current and future models, which use the AMR-WB standard, as well as sales projection for the next six months.

诺基亚与OPPO的全球专利诉讼在巴西取得了新进展。近日,巴西里约热内卢第一商业法院(First Business Court of Rio De Janeiro)对OPPO颁布了初步禁令。根据法庭文件,对OPPO每日罚款为10,000巴西里亚尔(约合1935美元);在未经授权的情况下,禁止OPPO在巴西销售任何实施了诺基亚AMR-WB技术的产品,包括 "Reno7"、"A77 "和 "A57 "设备;OPPO需每月向法院提交正式的会计文件,其中包括所有进口、销售和在巴西销售的OPPO设备的当前信息,包括使用AMR-WB标准的当前和未来型号,以及未来6个月的销售预期。


Vivint hit with $189.7 million verdict for stealing rival's customers


Home security provider Vivint Smart Home Inc owes rival CPI Security Systems Inc $189.7 million for tricking its customers into moving to Vivint's service, a North Carolina jury decided Friday. The federal jury in Charlotte found Vivint sales representatives unlawfully deceived CPI customers into signing contracts with Vivint by falsely claiming that Vivint had bought the company. The jury said Vivint violated federal trademark law, competed unfairly with CPI, interfered with CPI contracts and committed other misconduct. A Vivint spokesperson said the company would appeal the decision.



Facebook secures temporary victory against $3.7 billion class-action lawsuit


Facebook on Monday temporarily fought off a collective lawsuit valued at up to 3 billion pounds ($3.7 billion) over allegations the social media giant abused its dominant position to monetize users' personal data. However, a London tribunal gave the proposed claimants' lawyers up to six months to "have another go" at establishing any alleged losses by users. The mass action was brought by Legal academic Liza Lovdahl Gormsen on behalf of around 45 million Facebook users in Britain. Liza says Facebook users were not properly compensated for the value of personal data they had to provide to use the platform.

周一,Facebook暂时击退了一场价值高达30亿英镑(约合37亿美元)的集体诉讼。这家社交媒体巨头在诉讼中被指控滥用其主导地位,利用用户的个人数据牟利。然而,伦敦一法庭给了原告律师为期6个月的时间以重新确定用户的任何损失。这起大规模集体诉讼是由法律学者Liza Lovdahl Gormsen代表英国约4500万Facebook用户发起的。Liza表示,Facebook用户在使用该平台时必须提供个人数据,但没有得到适当的补偿。


FTC will not challenge Amazon.com's plan to buy One Medical for now

FTC: 暂不出手阻止亚马逊收购One Medical

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission will not file a complaint aimed at stopping Amazon.com's plan to buy primary care provider One Medical, an FTC official said on Tuesday. Amazon.com Inc said in July it would buy One Medical for $3.49 billion, expanding the e-commerce giant's virtual healthcare business and adding brick-and-mortar doctors' offices for the first time. The FTC official said that the agency planned to send a pre-consummation warning letter that would say it still had specific concerns about the deal. The official said the agency would watch for any potential harm to competition as well as how consumer data was used.

美国联邦贸易委员会一位官员周二表示,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)不会提起诉讼,以阻止亚马逊收购医疗保健商 One Medical的计划。亚马逊去年7月表示,将以34.9亿美元收购One Medical公司,扩大这家电子商务巨头的虚拟医疗保健业务,并首次增加实体医生办公室。该官员表示,FTC计划提前发出一封警告信,表示其仍对该交易有担忧。该官员称,FTC将关注该计划对竞争造成的任何潜在危害,以及消费者数据的使用方式。


Apple Watch faces a potential ban in the US over patent dispute

Apple watch专利侵权,在美或面临禁售

Apple Watch faces a potential import ban in the US based on a ruling by the U. S. International Trade Commission (ITC) finding that Apple Watch infringed patents held by medical device maker AliveCor, according to news on Feb 22. On December 23, the International Trade Commission found that Apple Watch’s ECG functionality infringed on AliveCor’s patents. Following ITC’s decision, the matter was sent to President Joe Biden, who has 60 days under ITC procedures to do a final assessment to verify the judgement followed all essential requirements. The judgement was made public today, with Biden declining to veto the ITC’s decision, granting AliveCor a major victory. This brings Apple dangerously close to having imports of the Apple Watch banned.

2月22日消息,美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)的一项裁决可能会导致苹果Apple Watch被禁止进口到美国,因Apple Watch侵犯了医疗设备制造商AliveCor的专利。去年12月13日,ITC认定Apple Watch的心电图功能侵犯了AliveCor的专利。该裁决随后被移交到拜登总统处。根据国际贸易委员会的程序,拜登有60天的时间进行最终评估,以确认裁决符合所有基本要求。根据22日公开的判决书,拜登支持了国际贸易委员会的决定。对AliveCor来说这是一大胜利,而Apple Watch则很可能被禁止进口。

Case Analysis


Wyeth, LLC et al v. Guangzhou Wyeth Baby Maternal and Infant Product Co., Ltd. et al


Since the 1980s, WYETH, LLC ("Wyeth") has applied for the registration of trademarks such as "Wyeth" and "Wyeth" in China. The approved products include baby food and infant milk powder. After long-term use and publicity, the "Wyeth" and "Wyeth" trademarks have gained a very high reputation.


Guangzhou Wyeth Baby Maternal and Infant Products Co., Ltd. ("Guangzhou Wyeth") was established on July 27, 2010. It produced and sold baby care products such as talcum powder and shampoo with the trademarks of "Wyeth" and included "Wyeth" in its domain name. Besides, Guangzhou Wyeth implied that it was associated with Wyeth in its marketing campaigns. Guan XX and Chen XX were a couple. Guan XX established Wyeth China Co., Ltd. (later renamed Huihui Company) in Hong Kong. Guan XX and Chen XX established Guangzhou Zheng'ai Consumer Product Co., Ltd. ("Zheng'ai"), Qingdao Wyeth Baby Product Co., Ltd. ("Qingdao Wyeth") separately or jointly. Xu XX, a relative of the former Guangzhou Wyeth's shareholder, established Hangzhou Shanheng Maternal and Infant Product Co., Ltd. ("Shanheng"). Zheng'ai, Shanheng, and Qingdao Wyeth were authorized by Guangzhou Wyeth to sell the alleged infringing goods on the online store.









