
HOW+SPACE 新展预告 | 陈轩荣:都市遗迹

HOW+ HOW昊美术馆 2023-02-05


Roy XR Chen: Wild Walls

展期:2022年08月27日 - 2022年10月21日


HOW+策展人:Nara Huang

地址:HOW+SPACE 展厅一



*Please scroll down for English version.

HOW+很荣幸地宣布,将于2022年08月27日起在HOW+项目空间展厅一呈现艺术家陈轩荣(Roy XR Chen)的全新个展“都市遗迹”Wild Walls)。


陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G1.0.6.0 (The Fire Hydrant), 2020

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

195cm x 155cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist


陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G2.0.1.3(Vision&Hulk), 2020

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

255cm x 345cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist

陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G2.0.1.0 (5POINTZ), 2020

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

210cm x 320cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist


陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G1.0.5.0(The Restroom), 2018

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

195cm x 155cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist



  陈轩荣 | Roy XR Chen  

陈轩荣,一位活跃的艺术家和策划人,本科硕士皆毕业于中央美术学院。陈轩荣作为艺术家致力于创作与流行文化和亚文化相关的绘画作品,因此他也是潮流文化和青年文化的观察者,研究者,实践者。陈轩荣迄今为止举办的部分个展及个人项目有“Dope&Duang”(北京,松美术馆,2020),“砍浪”(北京,陌上画廊,2017),“额外的作品”(台北,台北当代艺术馆,2016)、“挣脱藩篱”(上海,昊美艺术酒店,2016)等。他的作品曾被中央美术学院美术馆、中央美术学院版画系、松美术馆、昊美术馆、Longlati基金会、汤臣一品、华为集团、般若PROCHAIN等机构收藏。陈轩荣同时活跃于跨界合作领域,曾与路虎揽胜极光、雅典表(Ulysse Nardin)、YOHO潮流志、NEOCHA、BIGBANG乐团等进行跨界合作。作为策划人迄今为止策划了“5POINTZ重建计划”(漳州,蚁巢美术馆),“出山入江:漳州当代绘画邀请展”(漳州,漳州市美术馆,2018),“观世界·世界观:漳州国际当代艺术展”(漳州,漳州市博物馆,2017)等大型 艺术项目。


Roy XR Chen: Wild Walls

Dates: August 27 - October 21, 2022

Artist: Roy XR Chen

HOW+Curator: Nara Huang

Venue: HOW+SPACE ONE (3F, No. 1, Lane 2277, Zuchongzhi Road, Shanghai)

Organizer: HOW+

HOW+ is pleased to announce the opening of Wild Walls, solo exhibition by Roy XR Chen, on August 27, 2022, at HOW+ SPACE ONE.

The works on view at "Wild Walls", Roy XR Chen’s solo exhibition at HOW+SPACE, are selected from his "G Series". The series intends to cast more light on what behind the graffiti through the passing of time rather than merely the content of the graffiti itself. When he creates the works, Chen’s role constantly swifts between a graffiti artist, an observer and a recorder. His works delicately depict the rich layers of graffiti: the top layer of fresh paint, the base layer showing decadent walls, and the sediments left over by the washing of time in the middle layer. The whole series conveys the message that human creation, be it graffiti or industrial productions, can never withstand the power of nature and time for good. In Roy XR Chen’s paintings, we see modern cities eroded by nature, and buildings slowly deteriorating as if they had life in them. Old graffiti on the walls are covered and replaced by new ones over and over, leaving human traces in abandoned cities all the more distinct.

陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G1.0.5.3(The Restroom), 2019

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

195cm x 155cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist

Roy XR Chen is deeply intrigued by the interplay between the sense of incompletion and dilapidation of ancient murals caused by the force of nature and traces of human intervention. His works depict scenes of post-human civilization. There are streets, walls and toilets, all with human traces, but not a single human figure. In these scenes, graffiti is the only non-industrial mark left by human beings. Viewers become both the observers of and pedestrians on these streets. Roy XR Chen sees graffiti as a modern form of mural painting that has emerged since the last century. With the development of industry and urban construction, graffiti start to be seen on surfaces other than walls, for instance, toilets, vehicles, garbage cans and skateparks. In ancient times, to make recordings was a main purpose of mural. Nowadays quite likewise, graffiti has also turned out to become a medium to witness and record the ongoing urban and community cultures. The graffiti and surfaces where they are presented collectively define the "Wild Walls".

陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G1.0.2.8(The Restroom), 2017

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

210cm x 140cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist

陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G2.0.0.2(The Trolleybus), 2017

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

210cm x 320cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist

In the eyes of some observers, graffiti continues the purpose of murals as a public art form. Great graffiti works as not only decoration but also a voice for people from certain communities. However, the question whether this kind of works is an innovative art form or a public nuisance has always remained controversial. In the discussion of the use of public space, graffiti artists are often regarded as intruders of urban public space. But at the same time, people give consent to displaying something more offensive in public places: advertisements. Ads always tells us that we are not good enough, not pretty enough, not wealthy enough. Although graffiti can be aesthetically immature in some aspects, at its best, it can be the opening of a communal space: a commentary, a conversation, a concept captured in an image on a wall. Real street art holds up a mirror to the world so that we can see the absurdity of it. It shows us who we really are, both good and bad, as a community. Street art has an amazing ability to do this because it exists in our real and everyday world, not vacuum-sealed and shuffled away in a privileged private space. Its very public nature makes street art unique and powerful.

陈轩荣 Roy XR Chen

G1.0.6.2 (The Toilet Paper), 2020

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

150cm x 200cm

致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist

Touring around the "Wild Walls", viewers would easily notice that there is a large number of works under the theme of toilets. What makes toilet graffiti special, and worthy of its own entire category, is the uniqueness of the space in which people are painting or writing. There’s a tension to doing private activities in a public space, with only the flimsiest of boundaries hiding and displaying some of our culture’s biggest taboos. Toilet graffiti also offers an interesting contrast to the way people typically behave in the bathroom. The unspoken rules of keeping to oneself, not making eye contact, and avoiding talking to strangers, all contribute to a sometimes-tense environment with the goal of shifting focus away from what’s actually happening behind stall doors. But the graffiti on the stall doors does not ignore it one bit. It crudely acknowledges and pokes fun at what we all go to the bathroom to do, and flouts the politeness surrounding it as well. These "aggressive" graffiti enter spaces that should not have been entered, and now these spaces are moved into the art museum. The exhibition "Wild Walls" have also become a carrier of graffiti. Together with the paintings in the exhibition, they record the time and space of these graffiti, or the dynamic superposition of several different spaces and times, generating an moment of uncertainty.


  Roy XR Chen  

Roy Xuanrong Chen, an active artist and curator, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree. As an artist, Roy Xuanrong Chen is committed to creating paintings related to pop culture and subculture, so he is also an observer, researcher and practitioner of trendy culture and youth culture. Some of Chen xuan-wing's solo exhibitions and projects so far include "Dope&Duang" (Song Art Museum, Beijing, 2020), "Freaking Awesome" (MoShang Gallery, Beijing, 2017), "Additional Works" (MoCA Taipei, Taipei, 2016), "Breaking Free from The Fence" (OneHome How Art Hotel, Shanghai, 2016), etc. His works have been collected by CAFA Museum , CAFA Printmaking Department, Song Art Museum, How Art Museum, Longlati Foundation, Tomson Group, Huawei Group, Prajna PROCHAIN, etc. Roy XR Chen is also active in the field of cross-border cooperation, and has worked with Range Rover , Ulysse Nardin, YOHO , NEOCHA, BIGBANG, etc. As the curator, I have planned the 5POINTZ Reconstruction Plan (Ant nest Art Museum, Zhangzhou), Out of the Mountains into the River: Zhangzhou Contemporary Painting Invitational Exhibition (Zhangzhou art Museum, Zhangzhou, 2018), View the World: Zhangzhou International Contemporary Art Exhibition (Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou Museum, 2017) and other large-scale art projects.







