
HOW+SPACE 新展预告 | 龚旭:虎罗汉

HOW+ HOW昊美术馆 2023-02-05


Gong Xu: Tiger Arhat

展期:2022年07月15日 - 2022年08月18日



地址:HOW+SPACE 展厅一



*Please scroll down for English version.





综合材料,30 x 60cm




320 x 180 cm




 龚旭 | Gong Xu 

龚旭,1986年出生于上海。2006年毕业于中国美术学院附中。2010年毕业于中国美术学院油画系,获学士学位。2017年创立个人品牌 “魔都⻰王”。作为品牌创始人, 他大胆的使用商业模式作为中国传统文化的多元化输出端口, 将众多富含古老文化精粹的艺术产品推向大众。 


Gong Xu: Tiger Arhat

Dates: July 15 - August 18, 2022

Artist: Gong Xu

HOW+ Curator: Zheng Guo

Venue: HOW+SPACE ONE (3F, No. 1, Lane 2277, Zuchongzhi Road, Shanghai)

Organizer: HOW+

HOW+ is pleased to announce the opening of Tiger Arhat, solo exhibition by Gong Xu, on July 15, 2022, at HOW+SPACE ONE.

Shanghai-based young artist Gong Xu is an independent art practitioner slash brand owner. Known for a very distinct personal style, Gong Xu manages to unfold diverse artistic expressions and subversive world-views through bold colors, narrative structures and the delineation of the cultural background unique to those born in the 80s and 90s while retaining elements of traditional eastern culture.

Born in the zodiac year of tiger in 1986, he is in the third round of zodiac year of birth. Tiger Arhat as a work to commemorate the year of special meaning marks a kind of continuation of his The Twelve fierce animals of the Chinese zodiac project. The exhibition takes household folk tales and literature as its source of inspiration, and presents a mind-opening and unconventional perspective of interpretation. Seeing himself as a narrator of the contemporary times, the artist takes the position of the imaginary “painter from Dunhuang” and shares his perception of traditional literature and folk culture in a non-preachy and story-telling manner. The contrasting combination between a philosophical delineation of temples and bar elements featuring entertaining and pop colors presents an intriguingly vivid imagery.

Gong Xu, The “war” series, 2017

Comprehensive material, 30 x 60 cm

Courtesy of the artist

In terms of the form of the works, the artist has also managed to make a breakthrough and tried something different from before. This time he endeavors to put large-scale installation on view in juxtaposition with the comic-book style paintings to imbue new verve into the interpretation of the totems of Zodiac symbols. As a matter of fact, the comic-book style derives from the cave paintings in Dunhuang which, to some extent, are like a panoramic comic book. By building connection between the paintings and two large-scale tiger installations, the artist manages to transform the two-dimensional images on the paintings into three-dimensional, which brings a visual spectacle to the viewing experience of the audience.

Gong Xu, Pilgrim Wu Song Teasing a Tiger, 2022

Draft, 320 x 180 cm

Courtesy of the artist

Take the work Pilgrim Wu Song Teasing a Tiger for instance. It reshapes the relation between the protagonist Wu Song, the famous tiger-beater, and the tiger, breaking the viewers’ fixed impression of the widely familiar story and inspiring new and different associations through re-narration. The exhibition intends to cast light on the artist’s adoration for an amicable and harmonious nature as well as his perception of the pop elements of the “now” while diluting the sense of violence commonly seen in traditional folk stories. In the meantime, the exhibition also probes into the difference between the depiction of characters in the East and the West by interweaving different cultures into the same context. 

About the Artist

 龚旭 | Gong Xu 

Born in Shanghai in 1986, Gong Xu graduated from the Affiliated High School of China Academy of Art in 2006. In 2010, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of CAA with a bachelor's degree. In 2017, he founded his personal brand "SHANGHAI DRAGON KING". As the founder of the brand, he boldly uses the business model as a diversified outlet of Chinese traditional culture and has brought to the public many art products rich in the essence of ancient culture.






