
HOW 新展预告 | 皮肤之下,机器之间

昊美术馆 HOW昊美术馆 2022-10-12


2022年01月15日 - 2022年04月24日

艺术家:雷维托·科恩与图尔·范·巴伦、 西蒙·丹尼、 Fabric | ch建筑事务所、法证建筑、哈伦·法罗基 、尼古拉斯·拉马斯、琳恩·赫什曼·李森、陆扬、林博彦、大卫·奥赖利、帕奎硬件、乔恩·拉夫曼、黑特·史德耶尔、施政、郑金亨







“人只是在其表面称之为人,去掉皮肤解析,人瞬间成为机器。”当保罗·瓦莱里在100年前写下这句话的时候,可能还不能完全肯定今天的人类——这一生物有机体,在高度信息化的时空中,已被深度地纳入机器之中,或恰如马克思所预言的那样,成为机器中“一个有意识的连接”[ 卡尔·马克思, “机器絮语”,《政治经济学批判大纲》]。尽管在今天,机器不仅以物质的形式出现,更化身为数据、算法、编码等一切可操作、可计算、可思考之物,但人机之间的关系自关于机器人的构想诞生至今仍一直缠绕在人们对于过去、现今、未来的想象、憧憬与恐惧中。

机器从某种角度来说是人类对自身的投射,人类将关于奴役与自由的观念应用于这种新关系——即与代替人类作为技术个体或工具载体的机器之间的关系。与机器的“具身化”相反(或可以说实则相似)的是,人或有机物正在走向去身体化。与此同时,人类所创造的社会系统也从未停下其吸纳新技术的进程,而所谓“新”的技术在试错的过程中,其差异性和偶然性亦被系统所吸纳,使得“每个意外、每次冲动每个错误(对系统来说)都是生产性的”[ 尼克拉斯·卢曼,《社会系统》],成为了可预期、可计算之物。在此系统下,差异被混淆和抹去了,但不同领域之间却因专业技术的复杂性变得孤立和不可交流。

正因如此,技术在今天高度中心化、同质化,也更加精密化,它深度地进入了每一个人的皮肤之下,却并不真正可知、可感、可思。在此语境下,作为身处中国最重要的科技园区——张江高新技术产业开发区的艺术机构,昊美术馆希望借由展览“皮肤之下,机器之间” 提供一个开放而非闭合的场域,邀请公众进入其间共同提问:我们如何触摸机器?机器何以思考我们?在与机器的关系中,我们应该将自身实践放置在何种位置?从这些问题出发,展览呈现艺术家雷维托·科恩与图尔·范·巴伦、 西蒙·丹尼、法证建筑、哈伦·法罗基 、尼古拉斯·拉马斯、琳恩·赫什曼·李森、陆扬、林博彦、大卫·奥赖利、帕奎硬件、乔恩·拉夫曼、黑特·史德耶尔、施政、郑锦衡的作品,同设置一个在展览过程中持续发展的“论坛装置”, 由建筑事务所Fabric | ch为展览特别创作,试图借此在紧密地交流中,连接不同领域的工作者和每一位参与者,触发差异性的对话与质询。


 付了了丨Fu Liaoliao 
付了了是一位策展人、写作者。她的策展研究围绕历史、经济、技术语境下的艺术实践和理论批判而展开,涉及技术发展与人类处境、公共空间的功能及其边界、参与式艺术实践等。她近期策划的展览包括“暗光”(2020/2021)、“被打断的饭局”(2020)、“严肃游戏”(2019)、“流动者会议”(2017)等。她亦为Thomas Hirschhorn、何子彦、厉槟源等艺术家策划个展。她目前担任昊美术馆展览总监。




APENFT于2021年3月29日正式注册成立,是以全球知名公链以太坊Ethereum及波场TRON底层技术为支持,结合全球最大的分布式数据存储系统 Bittorrent File System (BTFS),致力于推动创作者经济并促进元宇宙中金融和文化艺术的融合,虚拟世界与现实世界的融合。APENFT基金会曾成功赞助纽约佳士得“艺术+科技”峰会,艺术藏品包括现代艺术家毕加索、安迪沃霍尔、阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂以及新兴加密艺术家Beeple、Pak、FEWOCiOUS、Mitchell F. Chan等10余位顶级艺术家作品,是全球首个实现跨界收藏,并为传统顶级艺术家进军NFT提供桥梁的艺术基金会,未来将策划一系列线上、线下展览等艺术活动并用优质流量促进元宇宙生态发展。

Beneath the Skin, Between the Machines

Duration:January. 15th- April. 24th, 2022

Artists:Forensic Architecture, Revital Cohen & Tuur Van Balen, Simon Denny, Fabric | ch, Harun Farocki, Geumhyung Jeong, Nicolás Lamas, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Lu Yang, Lam Pok Yin, David OReilly, Pakui Hardware, Jon Rafman, Hito Steyerl, Shi Zheng, Geumhyung Jeong

Curator:Fu Liaoliao

Curatorial Assistants:Sun Mingdong、Li Xinyi

Venue:F1, HOW Art Museum (Shanghai), #2277 Zuchongzhi Rd., Pudong, Shanghai

Organizer:HOW Art Museum

Lead Sponsor:APENFT Foundation

HOW Art Museum is pleased to announce that the exhibition Beneath the Skin, Between the Machines will be on view from January 15th , 2022. 

“Man is only man at the surface. Remove the skin, dissect, and immediately you come to machinery.” When Paul Valéry wrote this down a century ago, he might not foresee that human beings – a biological organism – would indeed be incorporated into machinery at such a profound level in a highly informationized time and space. In a sense, it is just as what Marx predicted: a conscious connection of machine[ Karl Marx, “Fragment on Machines”, Foundations of a Critique of Political Economy]. Today, machine exists not only as a material form but also in the forms of data, algorithm and coding – virtually everything that is operable, calculable and thinkable. Ever since the idea of cyborg emerges, the relation between man and machine has always been intertwined with our imagination, vision and fear of the past, present and future. 

In a sense, machine represents a projection of human beings. We transfer ideas of slavery and freedom to other beings, namely a machine that could replace human beings as technical entities or tools. Opposite (and similar, in a sense,) to the “embodiment” of machine, organic beings such as human beings are hurrying to move towards “disembodiment”. In the meantime, the social system that human beings have created never stops absorbing new technologies. During the process of trial and error, the difference and fortuity accompanying the “new” are taken in and internalized by the system. “Every accident, every impulse, every error is productive (of the social system),”[ Niklas Luhmann, Social Systems] and hence is predictable and calculable. Within such a system, differences are obfuscated and erased, but meanwhile all the different disciplines/fields are becoming increasingly isolated, and interdisciplinary communication, almost impossible. 

As a result, technologies today are highly centralized and highly sophisticated. They penetrate deeply into our skin, but beyond knowing, sensing and thinking. Under such a context, as an art institute located at Shanhgai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, one of the most important hi-tech parks in China, HOW Art Museum intends to carve out an open rather than enclosed field through Beneath the Skin, Between the Machines, inviting the public to immerse themselves and ponder upon the questions such as “How people touch machines?”, “What the machines think of us?” and “Where to position ourselves in the relation with the machines?” Departing from these issues, the exhibition presents the works of Forensic Architecture, Revital Cohen & Tuur Van Balen, Simon Denny, Harun Farocki, Pakui Hardware, Geumhyung Jeong, Nicolás Lamas, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Lu Yang, Lam Pok Yin, David OReilly, Jon Rafman, Hito Steyerl and Shi Zheng. In the meantime, it intends to set up a “panel installation”, created by Fabric | ch, fostering in-depth and insightful communication to build connections among practitioners from different fields and the audiences, inspiring more dialogues and reflection on the topic of difference. 

About the curator
 Fu Liaoliao 
Fu Liaoliao is a curator based in Shanghai. Her curatorial research and practice include the critiques in the context of socio-economic system, live-based works and the function of public space and its borders. Her recent curatorial works include Noire Lumière (2020/2021), Interrupted Meals (2020), Serious Games (2019) and Precariats’ Meeting (2017). She also curated solo shows for artists such as Thomas Hirschhorn (2018), Ho Tzu Nyen (2018) and Li Binyuan (2019). She is nominated as the curator of the year by Art Award China (AAC) in 2019 and is currently the director of exhibition department of HOW Art Museum.

About HOW Art Museum
HOW Art Museum (Shanghai) opened to public on September 20, after five years’ preparation with its inaugural exhibition “MANIFESTO: Julian Rosefeldt Works 2005-2017”. The museum pioneers to create a new model of operating a “Night Art Museum” for the convenience of the public, that is to say, it opens its door from 1 p.m to 10 p.m regularly, and the opening hours are extended ranging from 10 a.m to 10 p.m on the weekends, festivals and holidays. The move is adopted to enable more audience to have opportunities for appreciating the exhibition in the museum on weekdays, so as to develop an authentic “Night Art Museum” which deserves the reputation. Meanwhile, HOW Art Museum also carries out many international exchange programs and outdoor public activities, such as the “International Curatorial Residency Program”, “Outdoor Film Festival” and “Sculpture Park” to establish a brand-new art complex and cultural landmark in Pudong New District of Shanghai.

About APENFT Foundation‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
Officially registered in Singapore on March 29, 2021, APENFT is backed by the underlying technology of the Ethereum and TRON blockchains with support from Bittorrent File System (BTFS), the world's largest distributed storage solution. The mission is to provide a dynamic platform for the creator economy while creating a financial bridge between the metaverse and the real world. The APENFT Foundation is a partner to such renowned art institutions such as Sotheby’s and Christie's, for whom it sponsored the fourth annual "Christie's Art + Tech Summit: NFTs and Beyond” in New York. APENFT’s extraordinary collection of art from the Modern era to today includes masterworks by Picasso, Andy Warhol, and Alberto Giacometti alongside key examples from Beeple, Pak, FEWOCiOUS, Mitchell F. Chan, and other emerging crypto artists—all of which is made available for the entire community through a series of curated online virtual exhibitions. As the leading tech-driven art foundation, APENFT aims to drive high-quality traffic to support the development of the decentralised metaverse’s ecosystem.

翻译 Translate/邬晨云 Wu Chenyun

实习生&志愿者招募  WE NEED YOU












周二至周五 12:00-20:30(每周一闭馆)

周末及节假日 10:00-20:30






周二至周日 13:00-20:00(每周一闭馆)

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