
HOW 新展预告 | 霍安·科内拉:无人之境

昊美术馆(上海) HOW昊美术馆 2021-11-23


Joan Cornellà: Send Yourself 

Nowhere But Shanghai



Please scroll down for English version.


亚克力 帆布,145cm x 200cm

致谢艺术家与主办单位 AllRightsReserved


亚克力 帆布,200cm x 145cm

致谢艺术家与主办单位 AllRightsReserved


亚克力 帆布,164cm x 180cm

致谢艺术家与主办单位 AllRightsReserved



 霍安·科内拉|Joan Cornellà 
Joan Cornellà(霍安·科内拉)是以超现实创作、暗黑幽默风格⽽闻名的⻄班⽛艺术家,擅长以明亮简洁的绘画风格诠释暗黑元素,透过简单视觉语言,利用童趣笔触与揶揄⼿法,呈现出社会的无奈或⼈性阴暗⾯,作品往往令人深刻思考,同时忍俊不禁。他在社交媒体上拥有逾800万追随者,在国际间享负盛名,作品曾在香港、东京、首尔、北京、伦敦、巴黎及纽约等展出。新冠肺炎疫情无阻科内拉的人气,苏富比及AllRightsReserved在2020年12月曾为他举办香港最大型个人展览。其作品不但于拍卖市场屡创佳绩,近年更被比利时MIMA美术馆、西班牙马德里Espacio SOLO等主要艺术机构收藏。

霍安·科内拉近年个展包括:《生即是空》(苏富比艺术空间,香港,2020-2021);《Joan Cornellà: Paris Solo Show》(Galerie Arts Factory,巴黎,2020);《Keep it Real!》(GR gallery,纽约,2019);《Joan Cornellà: I'm Good Thanks》(PUBLIC Gallery,伦敦,2019);(NextStreet Gallery,巴黎 2018);《A Beijing Solo Exhibition》(Parkview Green Art 798, 北京,2018);《Joan Cornellà: Seoul Solo Exhibition》(Studio Concrete,首尔,2018);《Joan Cornella: Japan Solo Exhibition》(Warehouse TERRADA,东京,2017);《Joan Cornellà Solo Exhibition》(Avenue des Arts,洛杉矶,2017);《Joan Cornellà:A Hong Kong Themed Solo Exhibition》(Space 27,香港,2017)等。


AllRightsReserved(ARR)艺术创意工作室,成立于2003年,在过去近二十年致力于艺术界开创先河,与众多当代艺术界的友好单位携手,在世界各地举办多个大型公共艺术项目,为民众带来惊喜,包括自2010年起携手著名当代艺术家 KAWS举办以惬意悠游为中心思想的KAWS:HOLIDAY世界巡回展览。ARR凭借这个展览,成功带领艺术家的标志性巨型充气雕塑COMPANION游走多个国家,上天下海,甚至冲出宇宙,展出地点遍及韩国(2018 年 7月)、台北(2019 年 1 月)、香港(2019 年 3 月)、日本(2019 年 7 月)、太空(2020 年 8月)、英国(2021 年 5 月)及新加坡(2021年11月)。

ARR在国内的展览也获得空前成功,在三个重要城市策划永久巨型户外雕塑作品,分别为九龙仓置业成都IFS「爬墙」大熊猫装置、长沙IFS KAWS SEEING/WATCHING 大型铜像雕塑、及华润置地集团深圳万象天地「抱抱象」大型装置。ARR也曾与荷兰概念艺术大师Florentijn Hofman携手合作,将其经典橡皮鸭作品带到香港,让16米高的黄色巨型橡皮鸭在维多利亚港畅泳,为作品于亚洲首个公共艺术展览。

Joan Cornellà: Send Yourself 

Nowhere But Shanghai

Duration: December 11, 2021 - March 13, 2022

Venue: F3, HOW Art Museum (Shanghai)
Organizer:HOW Art Museum                 AllRightsReserved(ARR)

Presented by HOW Art Museum in collaboration with AllRightsReserved, Send Yourself Nowhere But Shanghai, the first large-scale museum solo exhibition of Spanish artist Joan Cornellà in China will be on view on the third floor gallery of the museum from December 11, 2021.

Spanish artist Joan Cornellà is known for his dark humor that is both entertaining and stimulating. The iconic works have earned him nearly 8 million followers on social media. With a bright and bold palette, simplistic and cheerful language of painting, Cornellà probes deeply into the contemporary society, inspiring viewers to ponder upon themselves as well as the surrounding world.

Joan Cornellà, Nothing is possible, 2021

Acrylic on Canvas, 145cm x 200cm

Courtesy to the Artist and Organizer AllRightsReserved

Joan Cornellà, Missing, 2021

Acrylic on Canvas, 200cm x 145cm

Courtesy to the Artist and Organizer AllRightsReserved

Being Joan Cornellà’s first large-scale museum solo exhibition in China, Send Yourself Nowhere But Shanghai will feature the artist’s latest works of acrylic on canvas and sculptural installations. Different from his previous works which often feature succinct and pure color blocks, the acrylic on canvases on view feature subtle and detailed delineation against the brightly colored backgrounds, laying a new milestone in his creative career. 

Joan Cornellà, Doubah, 2021

Acrylic on Canvas, 164cm x 180cm

Courtesy to the Artist and Organizer AllRightsReserved

The exhibition will run through March 13, 2022.


 Joan Cornellà 
Joan Cornellà is an acclaimed Spanish artist who is known for his surreal and dark humor. Adept at interpreting dark elements through cheery and succinct painting style, he manages to comment on the frustrations of the society and bleak side of human nature with simplistic visual language, childlike brushstrokes and satirical approach. Thought-provoking as his works are, they are also light-heartedly entertaining. With nearly 8 million followers on social media, Cornellà is highly regarded on the international stage and his works have been exhibited globally, from HongKong, Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing to London, Paris and New York. Enthusiasm for his art cannot be stopped even by the pandemic. In December last year, his biggest solo exhibition ever in Hong Kong was presented at Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery as a collaboration with AllRightsReserved. Besides the impressive performance at auction, his works have also been widely collected by major art institutes such as MIMA Museum in Brussels, Belgium, and Espacio SOLO in Madrid, Spain.
Joan Cornellà’s recent solo exhibitions include: Contemporary Showcase: My Life Is Pointless by Joan Cornellà (Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery, HK, 2020-2021); Joan Cornellà: Paris Solo Show (Galerie Arts Factory, Paris, 2020); Keep it Real! (GR gallery, New York, 2019); Joan Cornellà: I'm Good Thanks (PUBLIC Gallery, London, 2019); (NextStreet Gallery, Paris, 2018); A Beijing Solo Exhibition (Parkview Green Art 798, Beijing, 2018); Joan Cornellà: Seoul Solo Exhibition (Studio Concrete, Seoul, 2018); Joan Cornella: Japan Solo Exhibition (Warehouse TERRADA, Tokyo, 2017); Joan Cornellà Solo Exhibition (Avenue des Arts, LA, 2017); Joan Cornellà:A Hong Kong Themed Solo Exhibition (Space 27, HK, 2017), etc.

ABOUT AllRightsReserved Ltd.

Established in 2003, AllRightsReserved (ARR) is a creative studio based in Hong Kong.
Over the years, ARR has designed and organized numerous bespoke branding and marketing solutions for leading international labels. Projects throughout Asia have regularly commissioned the studio in their respective cities. For many of these projects, ARR has mobilized its vast network of friends and colleagues in the world of contemporary art in order to engineer the most relevant and potent projects. Often monumental in scale, they not only garner unparalleled levels of interestand attention but also serve the public citizenry at large.
Perhaps the studio's most well-known and long-running partnership is with American contemporary artist KAWS. From KAWS:PASSING THROUGH that date back to 2010, "KAWS:HOLIDAY" is the most recent ongoing project: since 2018, a giant inflatable COMPANION in various relaxed positions has travelled to a number of different sites that include Seoul, Korea (July 2018), Taipei, Taiwan (January 2019), Hong Kong (March 2019) and Tokyo, Japan (July 2019), Space (August 2020), United Kingdom (May 2021) and Singapore (November 2021).
Without a doubt the most memorable exhibition for the local Hong Kong community, as well as that of greater Asia, was Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman's installation of a colossal yellow rubber duckie—as if in an oversized bath tub—in the city's famed Victoria Harbour. Following the massive excitement of "Rubber Duck Project - HK Tour", ARR also curated and made possible three permanent outdoor sculptures in Chengdu, Shenzhen and Changsha, the fast-growing cities in the Greater China area.
Met with record attendance numbers and overwhelming acclaim, the project marked yet another victorious instance in which ARR managed to completely overhaul previously established notions and ideas of familiar sites and spaces to reinvent novel presentations and achieve remarkable results.

*图片致谢艺术家与主办单位 AllRightsReserved
Courtesy to the Artist and Organizer AllRightsReserved
翻译 Translate / 邬晨云 Wu Chenyun
编辑 Edit / Zack、Murphy

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昊美术馆(上海) HOW ART MUSEUM (SHANGHAI)图片©昊美术馆
开馆时间周二至周五开放时间为 12:00-20:30(每周一闭馆)周末及节假日开放时间为 10:00-20:30

昊美术馆(温州) HOW ART MUSEUM (WENZHOU)图片©昊美术馆
特殊时期开馆时间周二至周日 13:00-20:00(每周一闭馆)

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