

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06



1. What distinguishes Mixue's approach in its market expansion across South-East Asia?

A) Focusing exclusively on high-income urban areas.

B) Offering a premium range of bubble tea and ice cream.

C) Positioning itself as an affordable and cheerful brand.

D) Collaborating with local celebrity endorsers.

2. What was a key factor in Mixue's rise to fame in China?

A) Its collaboration with major Chinese celebrities.

B) The viral videos of its mascot on social media.

C) Winning a national award for best bubble tea.

D) Its expansion into major Chinese cities.


Chinese bubble tea chains go viral in South-East Asia

From: The Economist

Apr 13th 2023

Opposite a university campus on the outskirts of Jakarta, motorbikes line the front of Ricky Salim’s ice-cream and tea store. One of thousands of Mixue franchise owners across Asia, Mr Salim says his business is so good he hopes to open more outlets this year. Mixue, a Chinese firm which built its brand selling flavoured teas and soft-serve ice-cream in smaller Chinese cities with relatively modest average incomes, is exporting its model across South-East Asia. Its nearly 22,000 franchised stores worldwide, by early last year, made it the fifth-largest fast-food chain in the world by outlet, behind McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks and kfc.

Part of the reason for Mixue’s success is that it sells rising Asia’s favourite drink: bubble (or “boba”) tea, a milky tea containing chewy tapioca balls. In China, the market for these newfangled, flavoured teas was twice that for coffee in 2021, with a $20bn turnover, according to Momentum Works, a research firm in Singapore. As growth has slowed in China, bubble-tea brands have set their sights on South-East Asia, where the market was worth $4bn. Several other large, Chinese, ready-made tea brands, including HeyTea, Nayuki Tea, ChaGee and Happy Lemon, have also moved into the region.

Yet no bubble-tea chain has spread faster than Mixue, which opened its first store in Vietnam in 2018. By March it had around 1,500 stores in Indonesia; the firm wants to double its presence there by the end of this year, says Andy Meitri Hartanto, Mixue Indonesia’s franchise manager. The brand’s bright red signage and snowman logo can already be found in malls, along dusty side streets and on shophouses across Indonesia. Many branches stock board games, magazines, picture books and soft toys. On weekends Mr Salim’s outlet fills with parents taking their children out for ice-cream, while during the week his main customers are students and office workers looking for an affordable, comfortable place to study or work. An ice-cream costs just 8,000 rupiah ($0.50).

Almost all Mixue branches are franchises. Around 95% of the firm’s 10.3bn yuan ($1.5bn) in revenue in 2021 came from selling ingredients, packaging and equipment to franchise-holders. Huge factories and extensive supply chains let it keep down the store-price of ice-creams and teas, according to Zheshang Securities, a Chinese broker. Around 90% of Mixue Indonesia’s products are imported from China. But the company’s Indonesia operation has grown to such an extent that it plans to start making ingredients locally, says Mr Hartanto. Mixue has also adapted to local conditions. The Indonesian Ulema Council, a religious body, declared Mixue halal in February. In a country with 230m Muslims, “this decision was a big deal”, says Mr Salim.

Mixue dates from 1997, when its founder, Zhang Hongchao, started selling shaved ice and drinks at a roadside stall in the central Chinese province of Henan. Yet it wasn’t until videos of its mascot, a chubby snowman, singing the Mixue theme song went viral on Chinese social media a few years ago that the brand became a household name. Short videos on Mixue, which means “honey snow” in Mandarin, have been viewed more than 17bn times on Douyin, TikTok’s Chinese sister app.

Unlike fancier bubble-tea brands, Mixue markets itself as cheap and cheerful, rather than trendy, both in China and South-East Asia. Its viral song has been translated into 20 languages and is often played relentlessly in its franchises. “What it took our China team ten or 20 years to figure out, we’ve been able to perfect in just one year by learning from their experiences,” says Mr Hartanto.

Mixue’s biggest ambitions for growth are in countries with rapidly growing economies and many young people, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Yet over the past year Mixue stores have also opened in Australia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea, and the firm has registered its trademark in markets from Europe and America to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It has announced plans for an initial public offering on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The singing snowman is coming your way. 

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Chinese bubble tea chains go viral in South-East Asia

From: The Economist

Apr 13th 2023

Opposite a university campus on the outskirts of Jakarta, motorbikes line the front of Ricky Salim’s ice-cream and tea store. One of thousands of Mixue franchise owners across Asia, Mr Salim says his business is so good he hopes to open more outlets this year. Mixue, a Chinese firm which built its brand selling flavoured teas and soft-serve ice-cream in smaller Chinese cities with relatively modest average incomes, is exporting its model across South-East Asia. Its nearly 22,000 franchised stores worldwide, by early last year, made it the fifth-largest fast-food chain in the world by outlet, behind McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks and kfc.

位于雅加达(Yakarta)郊区一所大学校园对面,里基·萨利姆(Ricky Salim)的冰淇淋和茶饮店门前排满了摩托车。作为亚洲数千家蜜雪冰城加盟店之一的老板,萨利姆先生表示,由于生意兴隆,他希望今年能开设更多分店。蜜雪冰城,这家中国公司最初在中国平均收入水平相对适中的小城市销售风味茶饮和软冰淇淋打响了品牌名声,如今正将其业务模式推广至东南亚地区。截至去年初,全球拥有近2.2万家门店的蜜雪冰城,成为全球第五大快餐连锁品牌,仅次于麦当劳、赛百味、星巴克和肯德基。


the outskirts /ˈaʊt.skɜːts/ 表示“市郊,郊区”,英文解释为“the areas that form the edge of a town or city”举个🌰:The factory is in/on the outskirts of New Delhi. 这家工厂在新德里郊区。


franchise /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ 最常见的意思与“特许经营权”有关,既可以作可数名词,又可以做及物动词。作可数名词时具体表示“(公司授予某人的)特许经营权”,英文解释为“A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls.”比如“建造、运营隧道的特许权”就可以用“the franchise to build and operate the tunnel.”表示。

📍可以理解为「一部电影的所有系列,系列电影」A film series is also called a film “franchise” which consists of a number of films based on the same characters.

📍作及物动词时具体表示“出售…的特许经营权”,英文解释为“If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services.”举个🌰:She has recently franchised her business. 她最近已出售了其公司的特许经营权。

📍它还有另外一个意思,表示“选举权”,用作不可数名词,英文解释为“Franchise is the right to vote in an election.”

📍而在体育运动领域,指的是“球队,职业运动队”(a professional sports team),代指的就是“火箭队”,如在“湖人总冠军!”文中出现过:Second, Pelinka lived up to Bryant's prediction that Pelinka would help turn the franchise around within two to three years after the Lakers hired him in 2017. 第二,佩林卡不负布莱恩特的预言,在2017年湖人队聘请他之后,佩林卡将在两到三年内帮助球队扭转局面。


outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。


此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。

📍美式英语里还可以表示“电源插座(同 power point)”。


flavour /ˈfleɪ.vər/ 作动词,表示“给(食物或饮料)调味”,英文解释为“to give a particular taste to food or drink”举个🌰:This sauce is flavoured with garlic and herbs. 这种酱加了大蒜和芳草调味。

📍-flavoured / -fleɪ.vəd/ 表示“有…味的”,英文解释为“tasting of the thing stated”如:orange-flavoured chocolate 橙味巧克力,mint-flavoured sweets 薄荷糖。

📍flavoured Teas:指的是加入了不同风味的茶饮料。这些茶通常是将传统茶叶(如绿茶、红茶等)与各种风味(如水果、奶油、香料等)结合,制作成各种口味的茶饮。

soft-serve ice-cream

📍soft-serve ice-cream 软冰淇淋,一种光滑的半固体冰淇淋,其含有的牛奶脂肪比普通冰淇淋少,并且是在一个能够使其充气和持续搅拌的冷冻机中制作和分配的。


modest /ˈmɒd.ɪst/ 表示“不大(或多、贵)的;适中的”,英文解释为“not large in size or amount, or not expensive”举个🌰:They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth. 就他们拥有的财富而言,他们的住所不大。

Part of the reason for Mixue’s success is that it sells rising Asia’s favourite drink: bubble (or “boba”) tea, a milky tea containing chewy tapioca balls. In China, the market for these newfangled, flavoured teas was twice that for coffee in 2021, with a $20bn turnover, according to Momentum Works, a research firm in Singapore. As growth has slowed in China, bubble-tea brands have set their sights on South-East Asia, where the market was worth $4bn. Several other large, Chinese, ready-made tea brands, including HeyTea, Nayuki Tea, ChaGee and Happy Lemon, have also moved into the region.

蜜雪冰城取得成功的部分原因是,它销售了亚洲新兴市场最受欢迎的饮品:珍珠奶茶,这是一种含有嚼劲十足的木薯珍珠的奶茶。根据新加坡研究公司墨腾创投(Momentum Works)的数据,2021年中国这种新式风味茶饮的市场规模是咖啡的两倍,营业额达到200亿美元。随着中国增长放缓,珍珠奶茶品牌开始瞄准东南亚市场,该地区市场价值达40亿美元。喜茶(HeyTea)、奈雪的茶(Nayuki Tea)、霸王茶姬(ChaGee)和快乐柠檬(Happy Lemon)等其他几个中国预制茶大品牌也已进军该地区。


chewy /ˈtʃuːi/ 表示“需要多嚼的;不易嚼烂的;耐嚼的”,英文解释为“needing to be chewed a lot before it can be swallowed”


tapioca /ˌtæpɪˈəʊkə/ 表示“木薯粉;木薯淀粉”,英文解释为“Tapioca is a food consisting of white grains, similar to rice, which come from the cassava plant. It is used as a thickener and as a dessert.”


newfangled /ˌnjuːˈfæŋ.ɡəld/ 表示“新奇的;新式的;新花样的”,英文解释为“recently made for the first time, but not always an improvement on what existed before”举个🌰:I really don't understand these newfangled computer games that my grandchildren play. 我真弄不懂我的孙孩们总在玩的那些新式电脑游戏。


turnover /ˈtɜːnˌəʊ.vər/ 表示“(一定时期内的)营业额,成交量”,英文解释为“the amount of business that a company does in a period of time”举个🌰:Large supermarkets have high turnovers (= their goods sell very quickly). 大型超市的货品销售量很大。


ready-made /ˌred.iˈmeɪd/ 表示“现成的;预先做好的;成品的”,英文解释为“bought or found in a finished form and available to use immediately”如:a ready-made frozen meal 预制冷冻膳食。

Yet no bubble-tea chain has spread faster than Mixue, which opened its first store in Vietnam in 2018. By March it had around 1,500 stores in Indonesia; the firm wants to double its presence there by the end of this year, says Andy Meitri Hartanto, Mixue Indonesia’s franchise manager. The brand’s bright red signage and snowman logo can already be found in malls, along dusty side streets and on shophouses across Indonesia. Many branches stock board games, magazines, picture books and soft toys. On weekends Mr Salim’s outlet fills with parents taking their children out for ice-cream, while during the week his main customers are students and office workers looking for an affordable, comfortable place to study or work. An ice-cream costs just 8,000 rupiah ($0.50).

然而,没有哪个珍珠奶茶连锁店的扩张速度比蜜雪冰城更快,它于2018年在越南开设了第一家门店。到今年3月,蜜雪冰城在印度尼西亚大约有1,500家门店;该公司的加盟经理安迪·梅特里·哈坦托(Andy Meitri Hartanto)表示,该品牌计划在今年年底之前将其在印尼的业务翻一番。在印尼,这个品牌醒目的红色招牌和雪人标志已遍布商场、尘土飞扬的小巷和店屋。许多分店备有棋盘游戏、杂志、绘本和毛绒玩具。周末时,萨利姆先生的门店里挤满了带孩子来吃冰淇淋的父母,而工作日则主要是寻找价格合理、舒适的学习或工作场所的学生和上班族。一份冰淇淋仅售8,000印尼盾(约合0.50美元)。


signage /ˈsaɪnɪdʒ/ 不可数名词,表示“标志,标识,标记;尤指路标和广告牌”,英文解释为“signs that tell people what something is or where to go”举个🌰:He suggested signage could make it clear that the area is open to the public. 他建议通过标志清楚表明这一区域对公众开放。


dusty /ˈdʌs.ti/ 表示“布满灰尘的”,英文解释为“covered in dust”举个🌰:Piles of dusty books lay on the floor. 一堆堆落满灰尘的书摊在地板上。


branch /brɑːntʃ/ 1)表示“分支机构;分部;分行;分店”,英文解释为“one of the offices or groups that form part of a large business organization”举个🌰:I used to work in the local branch of a large bank. 我曾在一家大型银行设在当地的分行工作。

2)表示“支流;支路;支线”,英文解释为“a smaller or less important part of a river, road, railway/railroad, etc. that leads away from the main part”如:a branch of the Rhine 莱茵河的支流。

Almost all Mixue branches are franchises. Around 95% of the firm’s 10.3bn yuan ($1.5bn) in revenue in 2021 came from selling ingredients, packaging and equipment to franchise-holders. Huge factories and extensive supply chains let it keep down the store-price of ice-creams and teas, according to Zheshang Securities, a Chinese broker. Around 90% of Mixue Indonesia’s products are imported from China. But the company’s Indonesia operation has grown to such an extent that it plans to start making ingredients locally, says Mr Hartanto. Mixue has also adapted to local conditions. The Indonesian Ulema Council, a religious body, declared Mixue halal in February. In a country with 230m Muslims, “this decision was a big deal”, says Mr Salim.

几乎所有蜜雪冰城分店都是加盟店。2021年该公司103亿元人民币(约合15亿美元)的收入中,约95%来自于向加盟店出售原料、包装和设备。据中国券商浙商证券(Zheshang Securities)称,庞大的工厂和广泛的供应链使其能够压低冰淇淋和茶饮的门店价格。约90%的蜜雪冰城印尼产品从中国进口。但哈坦托先生表示,随着公司在印尼业务的快速增长,公司计划开始在当地生产原料。蜜雪冰城还因地制宜。今年2月,宗教机构印尼伊斯兰学者理事会(Indonesian Ulema Council)宣布蜜雪冰城获得清真食品认证。萨利姆先生说,在这个有2.3亿穆斯林的国家,这一决定意义重大。


1)表示“(成功的)要素,因素”,英文解释为“one of the parts of something successful”举个🌰:Trust is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage. 信任是婚姻幸福的重要因素。

2)表示“(尤指烹调用的)原料”,英文解释为“Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.”举个🌰:Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. 椰子是多种咖喱菜的基本成分。


复数形式securities,熟词僻义,表示“证券”,英文解释为“documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company”。


作名词,broker /ˈbrəʊ.kər/ 表示“经纪人,掮客”,英文解释为“a person who buys and sells foreign money, shares in companies, etc., for other people”如:a commodity/insurance/mortgage broker 商品/保险/抵押经纪人。

作动词,表示“作为经纪人(或中间人)安排(交易、协议等)”,英文解释为“to arrange something such as a deal, agreement, etc. between two or more groups or countries”举个🌰:The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire. 外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。


halal /hælˈæl/ 表示“(肉)按伊斯兰教教规宰杀牲畜取得的,合伊斯兰教教规的”,英文解释为“used to refer to meat from an animal that has been killed in the way that is demanded by Islamic law, or someone who sells this meat”如:halal meat 伊斯兰教的合法畜肉。

Mixue dates from 1997, when its founder, Zhang Hongchao, started selling shaved ice and drinks at a roadside stall in the central Chinese province of Henan. Yet it wasn’t until videos of its mascot, a chubby snowman, singing the Mixue theme song went viral on Chinese social media a few years ago that the brand became a household name. Short videos on Mixue, which means “honey snow” in Mandarin, have been viewed more than 17bn times on Douyin, TikTok’s Chinese sister app.


shaved ice

Shaved ice 刨冰,一种甜点,包括细碎或刨成薄片的冰和甜糖浆,主要由刨成细薄片状的冰块制成,通常会浇上各种口味的糖浆或者加入其他配料,如水果、红豆、糖果或者奶油等。这种甜点在全球很多地区都有不同的变体和特色,例如在夏威夷称为Hawaiian shaved ice,在日本称为kakigori,在韩国则被称为bingsu。


1)表示“(房间内的)小隔间,淋浴室,洗手间”,英文解释为“a small area in a room, surrounded by glass, walls, etc., that contains a shower or toilet”。

2)表示“(农场建筑中圈养单只牲畜的)隔栏,分隔间”,英文解释为“a small closed area within a farm building in which there is space for one animal to be kept”

3)表示“货摊,摊位;售货亭”,英文解释为“a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place”


mascot /ˈmæs.kɑːt/ 表示“吉祥物”,英文解释为“a person, animal, or object that is believed to bring good luck, or one that represents an organization”如:a team mascot 球队的吉祥物。


chubby /ˈtʃʌb.i/ 表示“(尤指儿童)圆圆胖胖的,胖乎乎的,丰满的”,英文解释为“(especially of children) fat in a pleasant and attractive way”如:chubby legs 胖乎乎的腿。


表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。

📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.

Unlike fancier bubble-tea brands, Mixue markets itself as cheap and cheerful, rather than trendy, both in China and South-East Asia. Its viral song has been translated into 20 languages and is often played relentlessly in its franchises. “What it took our China team ten or 20 years to figure out, we’ve been able to perfect in just one year by learning from their experiences,” says Mr Hartanto.



作形容词,1)表示“装饰的;花哨的;繁复的”,英文解释为“decorative or complicated”举个🌰:The decorations were a little too fancy for my tastes. 这种装饰风格过于繁复,不合我的喜好。

2)表示“昂贵的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive”如:a fancy restaurant 豪华餐厅。


relentlessly /rɪˈlent.ləs.li/ 表示“不间断地,持续地”,英文解释为“in an extreme way that continues without stopping”

Mixue’s biggest ambitions for growth are in countries with rapidly growing economies and many young people, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Yet over the past year Mixue stores have also opened in Australia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea, and the firm has registered its trademark in markets from Europe and America to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It has announced plans for an initial public offering on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The singing snowman is coming your way.



1)表示“商标”,英文解释为“a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot be used by other companies without permission”

2)表示“(某人的)标记,特征”,英文解释为“something very noticeable that a person typically has or does”举个🌰:He was wearing one of the brightly coloured ties that are his trademark. 他戴着一条他标志性的亮色领带。

initial public offering

首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering, IPO)是指一家企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。(百度百科)

- 词汇盘点 -

outskirts、 franchise、 outlet、 flavoured、 soft-serve ice-cream、 modest、 chewy、 tapioca、 newfangled、 turnover、 ready-made、 signage、 dusty、 branch、 ingredient、 security、 broker、 halal、 shaved ice、 stall、 mascot、 chubby、 viral、 fancy、 relentlessly、 trademark、 initial public offering

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

On the outskirts, a newfangled franchise outlet selling flavoured soft-serve ice-cream with chewy tapioca became a viral sensation. Its modest stall, featuring a chubby mascot, relentlessly attracted crowds for its halal ingredients, including shaved ice. Dusty signage couldn't deter its soaring turnover. Soon, ready-made security and fancy trademarks led to an initial public offering, expanding branches beyond their original branch.
- 推荐阅读 -
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