

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,NBA 2019-20 赛季终于正式落幕,洛杉矶湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)拿下了总!冠!军!🏆

Lakers GM Rob Pelinka thanks Kobe Bryant after winning the NBA title


Kobe and Gianna Bryant ‘guided this team the entire year,' Lakers GM Rob Pelinka says


As he wore a championship hat that covered up some of the grief that his facial expressions conveyed, Los Angeles Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka looked up toward the heavens and exhaled.

It has been a painful 8½ months since former Lakers star Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others died in a helicopter crash. After the Lakers finished with a 106-93 win over the Miami Heat on Sunday in Game 6 of the NBA Finals, however, Pelinka had two reasons to smile.

One, the Lakers won their 17th NBA championship and their first since 2010. Second, Pelinka lived up to Bryant’s prediction that Pelinka would help turn the franchise around within two to three years after the Lakers hired him in 2017.

"I guess you were right, man," Pelinka said as he stared up above. "You give me the energy to do it."

Pelinka routinely sought that inspiration from Bryant, whom he represented as his agent for the latter half of his NBA career. Pelinka was also Gianna’s godfather. So while staying at the Gran Destino Tower in the NBA campus bubble for nearly three months, Pelinka often woke in the middle of the night and imagined hearing Bryant’s voice. Pelinka said he heard Bryant say "stay the course" and "finish the task."

"Kobe and Gianna have guided this team the entire year," Pelinka said. "Kobe's voice is always in my head, always, every day, every minute."

Other members of the Lakers organization reported feeling the same way.  The Lakers grieved and sought inspiration from Bryant after he helped lead them to five NBA championships and finished as the franchise’s all-time leading scorer. So much that LeBron James said "a day doesn’t go by when I don’t think about him."

So shortly after Bryant’s passing, the Lakers concluded practice and game huddles by yelling out "1, 2, 3, Mamba." The Lakers shined a light on Bryant’s retired jerseys in their practice facility. Before the playoffs, they watched a Bryant-related video. During the season restart, the Lakers displayed a Bryant-themed message on their game-ops video board that read, "Leave a Legacy."

They also wore "Black Mamba" City Edition jerseys that Bryant once collaborated with Nike on the design. With the Lakers winning their first four games while donning those jerseys, they wore them again for a potentially decisive Game 5. Players admittedly felt they disappointed Bryant for not closing out the Finals in those jerseys, but they were vindicated after winning Game 6 in their traditional uniforms.

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Kobe and Gianna Bryant ‘guided this team the entire year,' Lakers GM Rob Pelinka says


As he wore a championship hat that covered up some of the grief that his facial expressions conveyed, Los Angeles Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka looked up toward the heavens and exhaled.

洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)总经理(general manager)罗伯·佩林卡(Rob Pelinka)戴着一顶冠军帽,掩盖了他面部表情所传达出的悲伤,他抬头望向天空,呼了一口气。

exhale /ɛksˈheɪl/

表示“呼气;呼出,吐出(肺中的空气、烟等)”,英文解释为“When you exhale, you breathe out the air that is in your lungs.”举个🌰:

He sat back and exhaled deeply.



原句:As he wore a championship hat that covered up some of the grief that his facial expressions conveyed, Los Angeles Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka looked up toward the heavens ...


1)As引导时间状语从句,主句是Los Angeles Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka ...

2)第一个that定语从句,a championship hat that covered up some of the grief,什么样的帽子?掩盖了的悲伤的帽子。先行词hat,关系代词that,在从句中作主语。

3)第二个that再来一个从句,the grief that his facial expressions conveyed 什么样的悲伤?他面部表情所传达出的悲伤之情。先行词grief,关系代词that,在从句中作宾语。

It has been a painful 8½ months since former Lakers star Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others died in a helicopter crash. After the Lakers finished with a 106-93 win over the Miami Heat on Sunday in Game 6 of the NBA Finals, however, Pelinka had two reasons to smile.

自从前湖人队球星科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)、他13岁的女儿吉安娜(Gianna)和其他7人在直升机坠毁事件中丧生以来,已经经历了痛苦的8个半月。不过,在周日NBA总决赛第六场湖人队以106-93战胜迈阿密热火队的比赛结束后,佩林卡笑了,理由有二。

One, the Lakers won their 17th NBA championship and their first since 2010. Second, Pelinka lived up to Bryant's prediction that Pelinka would help turn the franchise around within two to three years after the Lakers hired him in 2017.


live up to

表示“达到;做到,不辜负”,英文解释为“If someone or something lives up to what they were expected to be, they are as good as they were expected to be.”举个🌰:

The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations.



franchise /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ 这个词经常出现,最常见的意思与“特许经营权”有关,既可以作可数名词,又可以做及物动词。作可数名词时具体表示“(公司授予某人的)特许经营权”,英文解释为“A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls.”比如“建造、运营隧道的特许权”就可以用“the franchise to build and operate the tunnel.”表示。

📍作及物动词时具体表示“出售…的特许经营权”,英文解释为“If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services.”举个🌰:
She has recently franchised her business.

📍它还有另外一个意思,表示“选举权”,用作不可数名词,英文解释为“Franchise is the right to vote in an election.”

📍然而,此处熟词僻义,意思是“职业运动队”(a professional sports team),代指的就是“湖人队”。

"I guess you were right, man," Pelinka said as he stared up above. "You give me the energy to do it."


Pelinka routinely sought that inspiration from Bryant, whom he represented as his agent for the latter half of his NBA career. Pelinka was also Gianna's godfather. So while staying at the Gran Destino Tower in the NBA campus bubble for nearly three months, Pelinka often woke in the middle of the night and imagined hearing Bryant’s voice. Pelinka said he heard Bryant say "stay the course" and "finish the task."

作为其NBA生涯后半段的经纪人,佩林卡经常从布莱恩特那里获得这种鼓舞。佩林卡也是吉安娜的教父。因此,在NBA隔离区Gran Destino Tower酒店住了近三个月中,佩林卡经常在半夜醒来,想象着听到布莱恩特的声音。佩林卡说,他听到布赖恩特说“坚持到底”、“完成任务”。


作名词大家都很熟悉,表示“泡;气泡;泡沫”,英文解释为“a ball of gas that appears in a liquid, or a ball formed of air surrounded by liquid that floats in the air”。NBA复赛以来,如果你有关注相关媒体或者社交平台咨询的话,你可能会经常看到这个词。

📍比如,当时詹姆斯发了推特提到“to head to the bubble”,准备前往bubble;

📍华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)的标题:A farewell to the NBA bubble after three grueling and exhilarating months. 艰苦和兴奋的三个月后,要告别这个NBA Bubble了,

📍纽约时报(The New York Times)提到的:The True Cost of Life in the N.B.A. Bubble,


The 2020 NBA Bubble, also referred to as the Disney Bubble or Orlando Bubble, was the isolation zone at Walt Disney World in Bay Lake, Florida, near Orlando, that was created by the National Basketball Association (NBA) to protect its players from the COVID-19 pandemic during the final eight games of the 2019–20 regular season and throughout the 2020 NBA playoffs.

📍实际上指的就是,因疫情防疫需要,NBA复赛时要求所有球队人员都集中到某个地方隔离(比如前面提到的Gran Destino Tower五星级酒店),不能随意外出串门之类的,等等要求严格遵守各种防疫措施。这个地区,或者说园区,就好像一个“泡泡”一样,与外界隔离开了,就叫做bubble,是不是很形象!

Inside the NBA bubble

"Kobe and Gianna have guided this team the entire year," Pelinka said. "Kobe's voice is always in my head, always, every day, every minute."


Other members of the Lakers organization reported feeling the same way. The Lakers grieved and sought inspiration from Bryant after he helped lead them to five NBA championships and finished as the franchise's all-time leading scorer. So much that LeBron James said "a day doesn't go by when I don't think about him."

湖人队的其他成员也表示有同样的感受。布莱恩特帮助湖人队夺得5个NBA总冠军,并成为球队历史上的最佳射手。湖人队悲痛欲绝并从他身上寻求鼓舞。以至于勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)说:“我没有一天不想起他。”


all-time表示“前所未有的,空前的”,英文解释为“An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been.举个🌰:

After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.


So shortly after Bryant's passing, the Lakers concluded practice and game huddles by yelling out "1, 2, 3, Mamba." The Lakers shined a light on Bryant's retired jerseys in their practice facility. Before the playoffs, they watched a Bryant-related video. During the season restart, the Lakers displayed a Bryant-themed message on their game-ops video board that read, "Leave a Legacy."

因此在布莱恩特去世后不久,湖人队在结束训练和队员靠拢(磋商战术)时,都会大喊“1,2,3,曼巴”。湖人队在训练馆里用灯照亮了布莱恩特的退役球衣。季后赛前,他们观看了一段与布莱恩特有关的视频。在赛季重新开始时,湖人队在比赛录像板上展示了一条以布莱恩特为主题的信息,上面写着“Leave A Legacy”。


熟词僻义,表示“队员靠拢(在继续比赛前聚成一团磋商战术)”,英文解释为“a group formed by the members of a team in American football before they separate and continue to play”。


表示“(体育运动队队员穿的)运动衫”,英文解释为“a shirt that is worn by a member of a sports team”。

📍另外还有“针织套衫”(A jersey is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms and does not open at the front. Jerseys are usually worn over a shirt or blouse.)以及“细而柔软的布料”(soft thin cloth, usually made from wool, cotton, or silk, that is used for making clothes)的含义,如:100 percent cotton jersey 含棉量100%的细柔棉织物。


表示“季后赛;夺标决赛”,英文解释为“You use playoffs to refer to a series of games that are played to decide the winner of a championship.”另外也可以指“加时赛”(A playoff is an extra game that is played to decide the winner of a sports competition when two or more people have the same score.)

Leave a Legacy

Leave ALegacy,是湖人队本赛季的季后赛口号,字面上直译就是留下一笔遗产,其缩写为LAL,和Los Angeles Lakers(洛杉矶湖人)缩写相呼应。湖人队官方微博将其译为“书写伟大、留下成就”。

📍科比此前发过这样一段话:“LA is the land of opportunity. It’s as big or small as you want it be. What you get out of LA reflects what you put in. It’s the place where you can learn from the greats who came before you. And where you can continue their journey farther. It's where you leave a legacy for the next generation of LA greats to carry on after you.”


They also wore "Black Mamba" City Edition jerseys that Bryant once collaborated with Nike on the design. With the Lakers winning their first four games while donning those jerseys, they wore them again for a potentially decisive Game 5. Players admittedly felt they disappointed Bryant for not closing out the Finals in those jerseys, but they were vindicated after winning Game 6 in their traditional uniforms.



表示“穿/戴上”,英文解释为“to put on a piece of clothing”举个🌰:

He donned his finest coat and hat.


📺美剧《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)中的台词提到:My father has donned the ancient crown of salt and rock 我父亲已戴上海盐与磐石的古老王冠。


表示“证明是正确的;证明…是真的;证明(某人)无辜,澄清”,英文解释为“If a person or their decisions, actions, or ideas are vindicated, they are proved to be correct, after people have said that they were wrong.”举个🌰:

The director said he had been vindicated by the experts' report.







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