

LearnAndRecord 2023-07-03

近日,一个联邦陪审团裁定特朗普(Donald Trump)对性虐待和诽谤卡罗尔(E.Jean Carroll)负有责任,并命令他支付500万美元赔偿金;在这次民事审判中,这位建议专栏作家指控这位前总统近30年前在曼哈顿的一家百货商店强奸了她。


1. What was the jury's decision regarding E. Jean Carroll's claim that Donald Trump raped her?

A. They agreed with her claim and awarded her $2 million.

B. They disagreed with her claim but found Trump liable for sexual abuse.

C. They found her claim inconclusive and awarded her no compensation.

D. They agreed with her claim and awarded her $5 million.

2. What was the reason for awarding an additional $3 million to E. Jean Carroll?

A. For emotional distress caused by the incident.

B. For Trump's defamatory claims about her allegations.

C. For legal fees incurred during the lawsuit.

D. As a punitive measure against Trump's behavior.

3. What was the main goal of E. Jean Carroll in filing the lawsuit against Donald Trump?

A. To gain fame and recognition.

B. To receive financial compensation for her suffering.

C. To clear her name and regain her life.

D. To prevent Trump from running for office again.


Jury Finds Trump Sexually Abused Woman Decades Ago, Awards Her $5 Million

From: VOA

A federal jury in New York on Tuesday awarded a onetime magazine advice columnist $5 million after concluding Donald Trump was liable for sexually abusing her 20 years before he became a U.S. president and then defamed her by dismissing the encounter as a "hoax."

The nine-member jury — six men and three women — reached its decision after three hours of deliberation, the first time Trump has faced a trial to hold him accountable for widespread allegations over many years from women accusing him of unwanted sexual advances.

The jury rejected the claim by E. Jean Carroll, now 79, that Trump raped her in the dressing room of an upscale department store in New York sometime in 1996. But it concluded that he sexually abused her, awarding her $2 million on that allegation.

It awarded Carroll another $3 million for Trump's repeated claims publicly and on his social media accounts that her allegations were "a scam" and "a complete con job."

Carroll emerged from the courthouse smiling but did not stop to talk to a gaggle of news reporters.

A woman yelled to her, "You're so brave and beautiful," to which Carroll said, "Thank you, thank you so much."

Later, she said in a statement, "I filed this lawsuit against Donald Trump to clear my name and to get my life back. Today, the world finally knows the truth. This victory is not just for me but for every woman who has suffered because she was not believed."

'Bogus case'

Trump slammed the decision, insisting he is the subject of a witch hunt.

"This verdict is a disgrace — a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time," the former president posted, using all capital letters, on his Truth Social media platform.

"I have absolutely no idea who this woman is," he said of Carroll.

The Trump campaign promoting his 2024 run for the Republican presidential nomination said, "Make no mistake, this entire bogus case is a political endeavor targeting President Trump because he is now an overwhelming front-runner to be once again elected president of the United States."

Trump defense lawyer Joseph Tacopina said the former president would appeal the outcome, with the lawyer adding that he believes there are "plenty of issues" on which to try to overturn the verdict.

Tacopina said he does not believe Trump can get a fair trial in New York, which, even though Trump grew up and lived in the city for decades, voted overwhelmingly against him in his two previous campaigns for the White House.

Trump lost his 2020 reelection bid to Democrat Joe Biden and now is facing several criminal investigations stemming from his efforts to overturn that election outcome and his retention of classified documents from his presidency at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

But the allegations made by Carroll were adjudicated in a civil, not criminal case, and as a result carried no threat of a conviction or imprisonment for the 76-year-old Trump.

Trump did not appear in the courtroom to hear Carroll's account nor was he required to. Two other women testified on her behalf that Trump assaulted them decades ago in similar fashion: A onetime stock broker said he groped her in the first-class cabin of a New York-bound flight, and a journalist alleged that he suddenly started kissing her at Mar-a-Lago while she was there to report a story for People magazine on the first anniversary of his marriage to his third wife, former first lady Melania Trump.

Tacopina called no defense witnesses in the case and instead tried to chip away at Carroll's account of the incident, noting that she could not remember the exact date the attack occurred, never reported it to police at the time nor went to a hospital for treatment, and only first made her allegation public in a 2019 memoir.

"It's the most ridiculous, disgusting story. It's just made up," Tacopina told the jurors in his closing argument on Monday. Earlier, as the case opened two weeks ago, Tacopina said, "There are no witnesses to call to prove a negative" and that jurors would have to "believe the unbelievable" to rule in favor of Carroll, who sought a retraction of Trump's denial of the incident and unspecified monetary damages.

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Jury Finds Trump Sexually Abused Woman Decades Ago, Awards Her $5 Million

From: VOA

A federal jury in New York on Tuesday awarded a onetime magazine advice columnist $5 million after concluding Donald Trump was liable for sexually abusing her 20 years before he became a U.S. president and then defamed her by dismissing the encounter as a "hoax."

纽约的一个联邦法庭陪审团星期二(5月9日)裁决,前杂志咨询栏目作家E·珍·卡罗尔(E. Jean Carroll)将获得大约5百万美元的赔偿,卡罗尔指称,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)成为总统之前曾在20年前性侵她,后来在她说出这段遭遇后,将其斥为“骗局”,从而对她构成诽谤。陪审团做出了对她有利的裁决,认定特朗普要承担民事责任。


1)奥运会裁判是怎么选出来的?文中出现表示“(竞赛的)裁判团,评判委员会”,英文解释为“a group of people chosen to decide the winner of a competition”。

2)此处表示“陪审团”,英文解释为“a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty or not guilty, or if a claim has been proved”如:members of the jury 陪审团成员。


表示“(报纸、杂志的)专栏作家”,英文解释为“someone who writes a regular article for a newspaper or magazine”如:a gossip/sports columnist 漫谈/体育专栏作家。


表示“承担责任的;负有(法律)责任的”,英文解释为“having (legal) responsibility for something or someone”举个🌰:The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school. 法律规定孩子不上学父母要负责任。


表示“诋毁,中伤,败坏…的名誉”,英文解释为“to damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them that are not true”举个🌰:He claimed the editorial had defamed him. 他声称那篇社论损害了他的名誉。


1)表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering”举个🌰:I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me. 我认为他和我见面5分钟后就把我归入了傻瓜之列。

2)表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job”举个🌰:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她声称自己被无理免职。


hoax /hoʊks/ 表示“骗局;恶作剧”,英文解释为“an act intended to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially sth unpleasant”,如:a bomb hoax 炸弹骗局。

The nine-member jury — six men and three women — reached its decision after three hours of deliberation, the first time Trump has faced a trial to hold him accountable for widespread allegations over many years from women accusing him of unwanted sexual advances.



表示“细想;考虑;商议;审议”,英文解释为“the process of carefully considering or discussing sth”举个🌰:After ten hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of ‘not guilty’. 经过十小时的商议,陪审团宣告了“无罪”的裁决。

📍2023年政府工作报告「Part 1」中「请予审议」处理为:(ask) for your deliberation and approval;


1)表示“审讯,审理,审判”,英文解释为“A trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.”举个🌰:I have the right to a trial with a jury of my peers. 我有权要求由和我一样的平民组成的陪审团参加审判。

2)表示“(对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用”,英文解释为“the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of sb/sth, especially before you make a final decision about them”。


📍trail作名词则表示“小路,小径”,如:a forest/mountain trail 林间/山间小道,以及“臭迹;踪迹;痕迹;蛛丝马迹,线索”等意思(the smell or series of marks left by a person, animal, or thing as it moves along;various pieces of information that together show where someone you are searching for has gone)举个🌰:The dogs are trained to follow the trail left by the fox. 这些狗经过特别的训练,能够追踪狐狸留下的气味。


表示“指控,指责”,英文解释为“An allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.”举个🌰:The company has denied the allegations. 该公司否认了这些指控。

The jury rejected the claim by E. Jean Carroll, now 79, that Trump raped her in the dressing room of an upscale department store in New York sometime in 1996. But it concluded that he sexually abused her, awarding her $2 million on that allegation.

今年79岁的卡罗尔指称,特朗普1996年某天在纽约的高档百货店波道夫·古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman)的试衣间强奸了(raped)她。陪审团驳回了她的这一说法,然而,陪审团得出结论认为,他对她进行了性侵(sexually abused),并因此而给予她大约2百万美元的赔偿。


表示“(商品、产品)高档的,高级的”,英文解释为“Upscale goods and products are of very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich.”如:an upscale brand name 高档品牌。

It awarded Carroll another $3 million for Trump's repeated claims publicly and on his social media accounts that her allegations were "a scam" and "a complete con job."



表示“(商品、产品)高档的,高级的”,英文解释为“Upscale goods and products are of very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich.”如:an upscale brand name 高档品牌。


con /kɒn/ 表示“骗局;圈套;花招”,英文解释为“a trick to get someone's money or make someone do what you want”如:a con trick 骗局,举个🌰:It's a con - you get half the food for twice the price! 这是个圈套——你花两倍的钱才买到一半的食物!

Carroll emerged from the courthouse smiling but did not stop to talk to a gaggle of news reporters.



gaggle /ˈɡæɡ.əl/ 表示“一群喧闹的人;一帮蠢人”,英文解释为“a group of noisy or silly people”举个🌰:There was the usual gaggle of journalists waiting for the star. 像往常一样,一群记者闹哄哄地等着明星露面。

A woman yelled to her, "You're so brave and beautiful," to which Carroll said, "Thank you, thank you so much."


Later, she said in a statement, "I filed this lawsuit against Donald Trump to clear my name and to get my life back. Today, the world finally knows the truth. This victory is not just for me but for every woman who has suffered because she was not believed."


'Bogus case' “伪造案件”

Trump slammed the decision, insisting he is the subject of a witch hunt.



bogus /ˈbəʊ.ɡəs/ 表示“假的;假冒的,伪造的;非法的”,英文解释为“false, not real, or not legal”举个🌰:On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus. 调查发现,他的说法并不属实。


slam表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谎言。”

📍类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against.

witch hunt

表示“对反对派的搜捕;政治迫害”,英文解释为“an attempt to find and punish people whose opinions are unpopular and who are said to be a danger to society”。

"This verdict is a disgrace — a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time," the former president posted, using all capital letters, on his Truth Social media platform.

这位前总统在他的真相社交(Truth Social)平台上全用大写英文字母发帖说:“这项裁决是一个耻辱——史上最大猎巫的持续。”


1)表示“(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论,意见”,英文解释为“a decision that you make or an opinion that you give about sth, after you have tested it or considered it carefully”举个🌰:The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy. 这名医生的判断是他完全是健康的。

2)另一个常用含义,表示“裁定,裁决,裁断”(In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.)

🎬电影《真实故事》(True Story)中的台词提到:And the verdict was you're a liar. 而判决是,你是个骗子。


表示“耻辱,丢脸;不光彩的行为”,英文解释为“embarrassment and the loss of other people's respect, or behaviour that causes this”举个🌰:They were sent home in disgrace. 他们被灰溜溜地送回了家里。


continuation /kənˌtɪn.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“继续;持续;延续”,英文解释为“the fact of continuing or a thing that continues or follows from something else”举个🌰:It's just a continuation of the bigger river, but with a different name. 它实际上是那条大河的延续,只是名称不同而已。

capital letter

capital/capital letter 表示“大写字母”,英文解释为“a letter of the alphabet in the form and larger size that is used at the beginning of sentences and names”举个🌰:Please print your name in capitals. 请用大写字母以印刷体填写你的名字。

"I have absolutely no idea who this woman is," he said of Carroll.


The Trump campaign promoting his 2024 run for the Republican presidential nomination said, "Make no mistake, this entire bogus case is a political endeavor targeting President Trump because he is now an overwhelming front-runner to be once again elected president of the United States."


make no mistake

make no mistake (about it) 表示“没有半点怀疑,完全可以肯定”,英文解释为“used to show that you are certain about something”举个🌰:Make no mistake, this decision is going to cause you a lot of problems. 毫无疑问,这个决定会给你带来许多问题。


美式 endeavor 英式 endeavour /enˈdev.ər/ 可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“努力;奋力”,英文解释为“to try to do something”举个🌰:(动词)Engineers are endeavoring to locate the source of the problem. 工程师们正竭尽全力查找问题的根源。(名词)In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her. 尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但最后还是未能联系上她。


overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋ/ 1)表示“难以抵挡的;无法抗拒的;强悍而令人难以应对的”,英文解释为“difficult to fight against”举个🌰:She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened. 她感到有一种抑制不住的冲动/欲望/需要想告诉别人所发生的事情。

2)表示“巨大的,极大的;(数量上)压倒性的”,英文解释为“You can use overwhelming to emphasize that an amount or quantity is much greater than other amounts or quantities.”举个🌰:An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal. 绝大多数的人投票赞成该提议。


表示“(比赛、竞赛中的)领先者;赛跑中跑在前头的人;最有可能获胜者”,英文解释为“In a competition or contest, the front-runner is the person who seems most likely to win it.”举个🌰:She is one of the front-runners in the contest. 她是竞赛中的领先者之一。

Trump defense lawyer Joseph Tacopina said the former president would appeal the outcome, with the lawyer adding that he believes there are "plenty of issues" on which to try to overturn the verdict.

特朗普的辩护律师约瑟夫·塔科皮纳(Joseph Tacopina)说,这位前总统将对这一裁决提出上诉。这位律师补充说,他相信有“很多问题”可以作为依据来推翻裁决。


1)常见含义表示“对…有吸引力;对…有感染力;引起兴趣”,英文解释为“to interest or attract someone”举个🌰:It's a programme designed to appeal mainly to 16 to 25-year-olds. 这个节目的目标观众主要是16到25岁的年轻人。

2)表示“(尤指为了改变法律或官方裁决而提出的)诉请,异议,申诉”,英文解释为“a request made to a court of law or to someone in authority to change a previous decision”举个🌰:The case went to the court of appeal/the appeal court. 案件被提交到上诉法院。

3)表示“(尤指为寻求减轻处罚而向更高一级法院提出)上诉”,英文解释为“to request a higher court of law to consider again a decision made by a lower court, especially in order to reduce or prevent a punishment”


表示“(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;打翻”,英文解释为“if you overturn something, or if it overturns, it turns upside down or falls over on its side”举个🌰:His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal. 他的有罪裁决被上诉法院推翻了。

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季中的台词提到:Even then, would we have enough to overturn the verdict? 即使拿到证词,就真能推翻判决吗?

Tacopina said he does not believe Trump can get a fair trial in New York, which, even though Trump grew up and lived in the city for decades, voted overwhelmingly against him in his two previous campaigns for the White House.


Trump lost his 2020 reelection bid to Democrat Joe Biden and now is facing several criminal investigations stemming from his efforts to overturn that election outcome and his retention of classified documents from his presidency at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.


stem from sth

stem /stem/ 表示“源自;由…造成”,英文解释为“to start or develop as the result of something”举个🌰:Her problems stem from her difficult childhood. 她的问题主要是由艰难的童年生活造成的。


表示“保留;保持;维持”,英文解释为“the continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone”如:water/heat retention 水分保持/热量滞留。

📍2023年政府工作报告Part 13提到:义务教育巩固率由93.8%提高到95.5%。The retention rate in nine-year compulsory education rose from 93.8 percent to 95.5 percent. 其中,The retention rate 巩固率是2013年公布的教育学名词,是指在特定教育阶段内,完成了某一年级学习的学生人数占这届学生入学时总人数的比例。


表示“机密的;保密的”,英文解释为“Classified information is officially stated to be secret.”举个🌰:These documents contain classified material. 这些文件中有机密材料。

But the allegations made by Carroll were adjudicated in a civil, not criminal case, and as a result carried no threat of a conviction or imprisonment for the 76-year-old Trump.



adjudicate /əˈdʒuː.dɪ.keɪt/ 表示“担任裁判;判决,裁定,裁决”,英文解释为“to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something”举个🌰:He was asked to adjudicate on the dispute. 人们请他来对这场争端作出裁定。


1)表示“坚定的看法;坚定的信念;坚定的信仰”,英文解释为“a strong opinion or belief”如:a deep/strong/lifelong conviction 深深的/坚定的/终生的信仰。

2)表示“定罪,判罪”,英文解释为“the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty”举个🌰:Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence. 由于她是初次犯盗窃罪,对她的量刑不是很重。

🎬电影《玉子》(Okja)中的台词提到:I admire your conviction, Silver, 我敬佩你的决心。


imprisonment表示“囚禁;服刑;刑期”,英文解释为“the state of being in prison, or the time someone spends there”,举个🌰:They were sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment. 他们被判处六年监禁。

Trump did not appear in the courtroom to hear Carroll's account nor was he required to. Two other women testified on her behalf that Trump assaulted them decades ago in similar fashion: A onetime stock broker said he groped her in the first-class cabin of a New York-bound flight, and a journalist alleged that he suddenly started kissing her at Mar-a-Lago while she was there to report a story for People magazine on the first anniversary of his marriage to his third wife, former first lady Melania Trump.

特朗普没有出庭听取卡罗尔的说法,法律也不要求他必须出庭。两名女子为卡罗尔一方出庭作证,她们说,几十年前,特朗普曾以类似方式性侵了她们:一位前股票经纪人说,他曾在一架飞往纽约的航班头等舱抓过她的身体部位;一名记者指称,她为《人物》(People)杂志去海湖庄园报道他与第三任妻子、后来成为第一夫人的梅拉妮亚·特朗普(Melania Trump)结婚一周年时,特朗普突然开始亲吻她。


作名词,表示“报道;报告;记述;描述”,英文解释为“a written or spoken description of an event”举个🌰:She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle. 她把自己在丛林中生活的经历描述得惊险刺激。


表示“证明,证实;作证”,英文解释为“to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof”举个🌰:He testified that he had seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder. 他作证说,自己看到那人在谋杀发生前后离开了大楼。


assault可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“袭击,攻击,猛攻”,英文解释为“a violent attack”;作名词时以表示“侵犯人身(罪),殴击他人身体(罪)”,如:sexual/indecent assault 性侵/猥亵。举个🌰:He was charged with sexual assault. 他被指控性侵犯。


stockbroker /ˈstɒkˌbrəʊ.kər/ 表示“股票(或证券)经纪人;股票(或证券)经纪公司”,英文解释为“a person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people”


1)表示“摸索;(尤指)摸寻,探寻,摸索着前进”,英文解释为“to feel with your hands, especially in order to find or move towards something when you cannot see easily”;

2)表示“摸(某人);(通常指)猥亵”,英文解释为“to touch someone's body in order to get sexual pleasure, usually when the person does not like it”

📍这个词在2021年专八阅读 | 心是孤独的猎手文中也出现了:He glided open the back of the case and his fat hand groped lovingly for some particular dainty inside which he had wanted. 他滑开柜子的后门,一只胖手深情地摸索他渴望的某种特别的美味。

Tacopina called no defense witnesses in the case and instead tried to chip away at Carroll's account of the incident, noting that she could not remember the exact date the attack occurred, never reported it to police at the time nor went to a hospital for treatment, and only first made her allegation public in a 2019 memoir.


chip away at sth

表示“逐渐削弱或减少;一点点地除掉;从……抽去实质性的东西”,英文解释为"to gradually reduce or weaken something over a long period of time"。举个🌰:The constant stress of his job was chipping away at his health. 他工作时持续存在的压力正在逐渐影响他的健康。


memoir /ˈmɛmwɑː/ 表示“(尤指名人的)回忆录;自传”,英文解释为“an account written by sb, especially sb famous, about their life and experiences”。

"It's the most ridiculous, disgusting story. It's just made up," Tacopina told the jurors in his closing argument on Monday. Earlier, as the case opened two weeks ago, Tacopina said, "There are no witnesses to call to prove a negative" and that jurors would have to "believe the unbelievable" to rule in favor of Carroll, who sought a retraction of Trump's denial of the incident and unspecified monetary damages.



表示“愚蠢的;荒唐的;可笑的”,英文解释为“stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at”举个🌰:Do I look ridiculous in this hat? 我戴这顶帽子看着很可笑吗?


表示“令人厌恶的,让人憎恶的,使人反感的”,英文解释为“extremely unpleasant or unacceptable”举个🌰:It's disgusting that there are no schools or hospitals for these people. 没有面向这些人的学校和医院,这真令人无法接受。


juror /ˈdʒʊə.rər/ 表示“陪审员,陪审团成员”,英文解释为“a member of a jury”


retraction /rɪˈtræk.ʃən/ 表示“撤销,收回”,英文解释为“the act of taking back an offer or statement, or admitting that a statement was false”举个🌰:The newspaper printed a retraction for their previous error. 报纸刊登了对他们先前错误的撤回声明。

- 今日要点 -

Trump Sexually Abused Woman

  • $5 million awarded to E. Jean Carroll
    • $2 million for abuse
    • $3 million for defamation


  • Carroll: victory for all women
  • Trump: calls verdict disgrace, plans appeal


  • Lawyer Tacopina
    • Questioned Carroll's account

- 词汇盘点 -

jury、 columnist、 liable、 defame、 dismiss、 hoax、 deliberation、 trial、 allegation、 upscale、 upscale、 con、 gaggle、 bogus、 slam、 witch hunt、 verdict、 disgrace、 continuation、 capital letter、 make no mistake、 endeavor、 overwhelming、 front-runner、 appeal、 overturn、 stem from sth、 retention、 classified、 adjudicate、 conviction、 imprisonment、 account、 testify、 assault、 stockbroker、 grope、 chip away at sth、 memoir、 ridiculous、 disgusting、 juror、 retraction

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In an upscale city, a stockbroker faced trial over allegations of assault and groping. Jurors deliberated, weighing the account of a columnist who testified, claiming the defendant's bogus endeavor to defame them was a hoax. Amidst the gaggle, the front-runner juror, known for his memoir, found the allegations both ridiculous and disgusting, while the others chipped away at the defendant's credibility. The final verdict: a conviction for the assault and defamation, with imprisonment and a retraction demanded.
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