
谷歌将推出聊天机器人Bard 抗衡ChatGPT

LearnAndRecord 2023-03-26



1. play catch-up是什么意思?
2. high bar是什么意思?dogfood是什么意思?


Google Opens ChatGPT Rival Bard for Testing, as AI War Heats Up

From: The Wall Street Journal

Google is rolling out a new conversational artificial-intelligence service to a select set of testers, and plans a broader public launch in coming weeks, part of the company’s effort to play catch-up with challengers such as OpenAI, creator of the popular chatbot ChatGPT.

The new experimental service, called Bard, generates textual responses to questions posed by users, based on information drawn from the web, Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Google parent Alphabet Inc., said in a blog post published Monday.

In that post, Mr. Pichai also shared a glimpse of new search engine features that will use AI to answer user queries, and said it would open up some of its AI programs to outside developers.

Google’s new products come amid a flurry of announcements by rival Microsoft Corp. about its use of AI technologies developed by OpenAI. Microsoft said last month it is making a multiyear, multibillion-dollar investment in the San Francisco AI startup. It said it would be opening up its tools for developers to build upon, and integrating them into services such as its Bing search engine—raising the specter of a new challenge to Google Search’s market power.

Microsoft says it is planning an event on Tuesday to announce “progress on a few exciting projects,” which are widely expected to include a chatbot-infused version of Bing. Sam Altman, chief executive of OpenAI, on Monday tweeted a picture of himself next to Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella, saying “excited for the event tomorrow.”

Microsoft’s announcements have led to complaints from investors that Google hasn’t moved quickly enough to release its in-house AI tools, despite being the pioneer of some of the technologies used to build tools such as ChatGPT. Those complaints have been echoed by some of its own researchers, The Wall Street Journal has reported.

In response, Google executives have recently sped up work to review and release artificial-intelligence programs to the general public, while also assigning teams of engineers to work on new ways to integrate new developments into areas such as the core search experience, the Journal reported.

Google executives have also suggested they haven’t been slow so much as careful with their tools, drawing an implicit contrast to competitors tools, such as ChatGPT, that can spout made-up information in response to some user queries. Google executives say they must test new tools to make sure they don’t show bias, and guard against misuse, concerns shared by many academics.

 “It’s critical that we bring experiences rooted in these models to the world in a bold and responsible way,” Mr. Pichai in his blog post on Monday. “That’s why we’re committed to developing AI responsibly.”

He added that the new external testing period for Bard will be combined with internal research to make sure that it gives responses that meet Google’s “high bar for quality, safety and groundedness in real-world information.” Mr. Pichai said in a separate internal email seen by The Wall Street Journal that Google’s entire staff will get access to Bard next week in order to give feedback as part of a “company-wide dogfood,” or tech-industry slang for testing or using one’s own products.

Google is under the spotlight of regulators in the European Union, U.S. and other parts of the globe. In the EU, policy makers are considering a new AI law that could require companies to conduct risk assessments before launching new tools.

Google says its Bard service is based on its experimental artificial-intelligence program called LaMDA, which stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications. Google last year suspended an engineer who contended that LaMDA had become sentient—a claim roundly rejected by scientists in the field. 

When OpenAI released ChatGPT late last year, it took off as a viral sensation.

While it was based on AI tools widely available to researchers, the breadth of its capabilities opened up the possibilities of so-called generative AI—or AI that can create content in response to short user inputs—to a wider audience of potential users. People posted the chatbot’s humorous responses to their queries, like a retelling of the Goldilocks fairy tale in the style of a police blotter, as well as complex computer software coding that it could provide when asked. 

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Google Opens ChatGPT Rival Bard for Testing, as AI War Heats Up

From: The Wall Street Journal

Google is rolling out a new conversational artificial-intelligence service to a select set of testers, and plans a broader public launch in coming weeks, part of the company’s effort to play catch-up with challengers such as OpenAI, creator of the popular chatbot ChatGPT.


roll out

表示“推出(新产品或服务)”,英文解释为“If a company rolls out a new product or service, or if the product or service rolls out, it is made available to the public.”举个🌰:

Microsoft rolls out its new operating system. 微软推出了它的新操作系统。

📍此外,roll out还有另一个含义,表示“将…轧平”,英文解释为“to make sth flat by pushing sth over it”举个🌰:

Roll out the pastry. 将油酥面团擀平。

🎬电影《老爸上战场》(Dad's Army)中刚好有这个例句:Shall I roll out the pastry?  我要把面团轧平吗?

📍rollout作名词时,表示“首次提供(产品或服务)”,英文解释为“the act of making something, especially a product or service, available for the first time”举个🌰:

Since its rollout in 2011, Wechat has gained billions of members. 自从2011年首次提供使用以来,微信已经吸引了数以亿计的用户。

📍2020年政府工作报告Part 12中就提到:We will support the rollout of e-commerce and express delivery services in rural areas to expand rural consumption. 支持电商、快递进农村,拓展农村消费。

play catch-up

play catch-up catch /kætʃ/ 表示“追赶…以达到同样的水平(或程度)”,英文解释为“to try to reach the same standard, stage, or level as others after you have fallen behind them”举个🌰:

They raced ahead into new markets, leaving other companies to play catch-up. 他们快速进入新的市场,其他企业只能在后追赶。

The new experimental service, called Bard, generates textual responses to questions posed by users, based on information drawn from the web, Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Google parent Alphabet Inc., said in a blog post published Monday.

谷歌母公司Alphabet Inc.的首席执行官桑达·皮采(Sundar Pichai)在周一发表的一篇博文中说,这项名为Bard的新实验性服务,根据从网络上获取的信息,对用户提出的问题生成文本回复。

In that post, Mr. Pichai also shared a glimpse of new search engine features that will use AI to answer user queries, and said it would open up some of its AI programs to outside developers.



glimpse一词在iOS 14来了!文中出现过Apple just offered a glimpse at how the experience of using an iPhone is about to change.

1)表示“瞥;”,英文解释为“an occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time”举个🌰:

He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd. 他一眼瞥见她在人群里。

2)表示“短暂的感受(或领会/体验)”,英文解释为“a quick idea or understanding of what something is like”举个🌰:

This biography offers a few glimpses of his life before he became famous. 这部传记展示了他成名前的一些生活情况。

📺英剧《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)第一季中的台词提到:I've given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse. 我给过你暗示 夏洛克 一点点提示/只字片语。

Google’s new products come amid a flurry of announcements by rival Microsoft Corp. about its use of AI technologies developed by OpenAI. Microsoft said last month it is making a multiyear, multibillion-dollar investment in the San Francisco AI startup. It said it would be opening up its tools for developers to build upon, and integrating them into services such as its Bing search engine—raising the specter of a new challenge to Google Search’s market power.

谷歌推出上述新产品之际,竞争对手微软(Microsoft Corp.)不断宣布使用OpenAI开发的AI技术的情况。微软上个月表示,正在对这家旧金山人工智能初创公司进行为期数年、价值数以十亿美元计的投资。微软称将开放其工具供开发者使用,并将它们整合到其必应(Bing)搜索引擎中。这让人担心微软此举可能会对谷歌搜索的市场地位构成新的挑战。


1)表示“一阵忙乱(或激动、关注)”,英文解释为“a sudden, short period of activity, excitement, or interest”举个🌰:

The prince's words on marriage have prompted a flurry of speculation in the press this week. 本周王子就结婚问题所说的话引起新闻界一片猜测。

2)表示“小阵雪(或雨等)”,英文解释为“a small amount of snow, rain, etc. that falls for a short time and then stops”如:snow flurries 小雪阵阵,flurries of snow 阵阵小雪。


startup / start-up /ˈstɑːt.ʌp/ 表示“刚起步的小企业,新兴小型企业”,英文解释为“a small business that has just been started”如:start-up costs 创业成本,举个🌰:

Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world. 商界中刚起步的小企业非常脆弱。


integrate /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪt/ 1)表示“使合并,使成为一体”,英文解释为“to combine two or more things in order to become more effective”举个🌰:

You need to integrate exercise into your normal life. 你必须让锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分。

2)表示“(使)融入(某社会或群体);(使)成为一体”,英文解释为“to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits, and customs”举个🌰:

He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially. 他似乎觉得很难与别人打成一片。


英式spectre /ˈspek.tər/ 美式 specter,the spectre of sth 表示“对于…的恐惧(或忧虑)”,英文解释为“the idea of something unpleasant that might happen in the future”举个🌰:

The awful spectre of civil war looms over the country. 内战的阴云笼罩着全国。

Microsoft says it is planning an event on Tuesday to announce “progress on a few exciting projects,” which are widely expected to include a chatbot-infused version of Bing. Sam Altman, chief executive of OpenAI, on Monday tweeted a picture of himself next to Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella, saying “excited for the event tomorrow.”

微软表示,正计划在周二举行一次活动,宣布“几个令人兴奋的项目的进展情况”。人们普遍预计这些项目将包括一个嵌入聊天机器人的必应版本。OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman周一在Twitter上发布了一张自己与微软首席执行官纳德拉(Satya Nadella)的合照,并配上文字:“对明天的活动感到兴奋”。


infuse 在医学上的“输注(药物等)”,英文解释为“to slowly put a drug or other substance into a person's vein”;infuse本身还有“使充满(某种感觉);向…灌输(某一品质,某一特性);使具有,注入(特性)”,英文解释为“to fill something or someone with a particular feeling or quality  be infused with sth”,举个🌰:

Her books are infused with humour and wisdom. 她的书充满了幽默和智慧。

Microsoft’s announcements have led to complaints from investors that Google hasn’t moved quickly enough to release its in-house AI tools, despite being the pioneer of some of the technologies used to build tools such as ChatGPT. Those complaints have been echoed by some of its own researchers, The Wall Street Journal has reported.

微软的这些声明导致投资者抱怨称,尽管谷歌是构建ChatGPT等工具所用一些技术的先驱,但在发布内部AI工具方面行动不够迅速。据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)报道,投资者的这些抱怨得到了谷歌内部一些研究人员的响应。


表示“在组织内部的;在机构内部的”,英文解释为“Something that is done in-house is done within an organization or business by its employees rather than by other people.”如:an in-house training scheme 内部培训计划。


作动词,表示“重复,附和;使产生似曾相识的感觉”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.举个🌰:

Their views often echo each other. 他们的见解常常彼此附和。

作名词,1)表示“回声,回音,回响”,英文解释为“a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff”举个🌰:

The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫声在洞中回荡了好几秒钟。

2)表示“十分相似的东西;如出一辙的事物;仿效”,英文解释为“a detail that is similar to and makes you remember something else”举个🌰:

There are echoes of Mozart in her first piano compositions. 她最早创作的钢琴曲有些地方模仿了莫扎特。

In response, Google executives have recently sped up work to review and release artificial-intelligence programs to the general public, while also assigning teams of engineers to work on new ways to integrate new developments into areas such as the core search experience, the Journal reported.


Google executives have also suggested they haven’t been slow so much as careful with their tools, drawing an implicit contrast to competitors tools, such as ChatGPT, that can spout made-up information in response to some user queries. Google executives say they must test new tools to make sure they don’t show bias, and guard against misuse, concerns shared by many academics.



implicit /ɪmˈplɪs.ɪt/ 1)表示“不明言的,含蓄的”,英文解释为“suggested but not communicated directly”举个🌰:

He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism. 他将她的评论理解为含蓄批评。

2)表示“无疑问的;无保留的”,英文解释为“complete and without any doubts”如:implicit trust 绝对的信任。


spout /spaʊt/ 表示“喋喋不休地说,滔滔不绝地说”,英文解释为“to speak a lot, in a way that is boring or annoying for other people”举个🌰:

He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him! 他滔滔不绝地胡乱吹嘘了一通,人们竟然蠢得相信了他!


表示“偏见;偏心;偏向”,英文解释为“a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of people, or one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement”举个🌰:

Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.


 “It’s critical that we bring experiences rooted in these models to the world in a bold and responsible way,” Mr. Pichai in his blog post on Monday. “That’s why we’re committed to developing AI responsibly.”


He added that the new external testing period for Bard will be combined with internal research to make sure that it gives responses that meet Google’s “high bar for quality, safety and groundedness in real-world information.” Mr. Pichai said in a separate internal email seen by The Wall Street Journal that Google’s entire staff will get access to Bard next week in order to give feedback as part of a “company-wide dogfood,” or tech-industry slang for testing or using one’s own products.



作名词,表示“条状物”,英文解释为“a substance that has been made into a solid rectangular shape”如:a bar of soap 一块肥皂,a chocolate bar 一条巧克力棒。

作动词,表示“禁止,阻止”,英文解释为“If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it.”举个🌰:

The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match. 运动员在参赛前夜不得喝酒。

🎬电影《逆转王牌》(Runner Runner)中的台词提到:He said I'd be barred from re-entering the country.他说我下次回国时会被禁止入境。

📍set the bar high/low = put the bar high/low 表示设定高/低标准、高/低要求(to set a high/low standard for something)


表示“产品内部测试”,英文解释为“a company's use of its own product, as a way of testing and helping to sell it”举个🌰:Most software companies understand the benefits of dogfooding. 大多数软件公司都清楚进行产品内部测试的益处。


1)作名词,表示“俚语”,英文解释为“very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people”如:a slang expression 一句俚语;

2)作动词,表示“谩骂”,英文解释为“to attack with angry, uncontrolled language”举个🌰:

The players started slanging each other in the middle of the game. 比赛到中局阶段时,球员们开始互相谩骂。

Google is under the spotlight of regulators in the European Union, U.S. and other parts of the globe. In the EU, policy makers are considering a new AI law that could require companies to conduct risk assessments before launching new tools.



1)作名词,除了聚光灯,还可以表示“媒体和公众的注意”,英文解释为“attention from newspapers, television and the public”举个🌰:

Unemployment is once again in the spotlight. 失业问题再次受到人们的关注。

2)作动词,表示“特别关注,突出报道(以使公众注意)”,英文解释为“to give special attention to a problem, situation, etc. so that people notice it”举个🌰:

The programme spotlights problems in the health service. 节目突出报道了公共医疗机构的问题。

📺动画片《鲍勃汉堡店》(Bob's Burgers)中的台词提到:You couldn't share the spotlight with Francis, could you? 你无法忍受弗兰西斯抢你风头是吧?

Google says its Bard service is based on its experimental artificial-intelligence program called LaMDA, which stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications. Google last year suspended an engineer who contended that LaMDA had become sentient—a claim roundly rejected by scientists in the field. 

谷歌表示,其Bard服务是基于其实验性人工智能程序LaMDA,即对话应用语言模型(Language Model for Dialogue Applications)。谷歌去年暂停了一名工程师的职务,该工程师声称LaMDA已经有了感知能力——这一说法遭到了该领域科学家的全面驳斥。


1)表示“(因犯错而)暂令停职;暂令停学;暂令停止参加活动”,英文解释为“If someone is suspended from work, school, etc., they are temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity because of having done something wrong.”举个🌰:

He was suspended for four games after arguing with the referee. 跟裁判发生争执之后,他被停赛4场。

2)表示“暂停”,英文解释为“If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about it”举个🌰:

The union suspended the action this week. 工会本周暂停了这一行动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述英国房价上涨的文章中提到:Britain has temporarily suspended stamp duty, a tax on buying houses. 英国已经暂停征收购房印花税。

3)表示“悬挂”,英文解释为“to hang”举个🌰:

The builders worked on wooden platforms, suspended by ropes from the roof of the building. 建筑工人站在用绳子从房顶上吊下来的木制平台上作业。


1)表示“竞争;争夺”,英文解释为“to compete in order to win something”举个🌰:

There are three world-class tennis players contending for this title. 有3位世界顶级网球选手争夺这项冠军。

2)表示“(尤指在争论中)声称,主张,认为”,英文解释为“to say that sth is true, especially in an argument”举个🌰:

I would contend that his thinking is flawed on this point. 我倒认为部他的想法在这一点上有漏洞。


表示“有知觉力的;有感觉力的”,英文解释为“able to experience feelings”举个🌰:

It is hard for a sentient person to understand how any parents could treat their child so badly. 通人情的人很难理解一些父母怎么能如此虐待自己的孩子。


roundly /ˈraʊnd.li/ 表示“严厉地;尖刻地;狠狠地”,英文解释为“severely”举个🌰:

The home team was roundly defeated. 主队一败涂地。

When OpenAI released ChatGPT late last year, it took off as a viral sensation.


take off

表示“突然开始成功;开始走红,流行起来”,英文解释为“to suddenly start to be successful or popular”举个🌰:

Her singing career had just begun to take off. 她的歌唱事业刚刚起飞。


表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。

📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


1)表示“轰动;哗然;引起轰动的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise”举个🌰:

The band became a sensation overnight. 一夜之间,这支乐队名声大振。

📍此前,戳爷Troye Sivan被传已分手数月?文中出现过,pop sensation可以理解为“流行巨星”,“流行天王”。还有,63岁中国爷爷成油管网红文中标题就是Master carpenter's ancient Chinese skills are a YouTube sensation.

2)作可数名词,还可以表示“感觉;知觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that you get when sth affects your body”,如:a tingling/burning sensation 刺痛/烧灼的感觉。

3)作不可数名词,可以表示“感觉能力;知觉能力”,英文解释为“the ability to feel through your sense of touch”,举个🌰:

She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms. 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。

🎬电影《困在爱中》(Stuck in Love)中的台词提到:I was overcome by the oddest sensation. 我像是被一种怪异的冲动(感觉)驱使着。

While it was based on AI tools widely available to researchers, the breadth of its capabilities opened up the possibilities of so-called generative AI—or AI that can create content in response to short user inputs—to a wider audience of potential users. People posted the chatbot’s humorous responses to their queries, like a retelling of the Goldilocks fairy tale in the style of a police blotter, as well as complex computer software coding that it could provide when asked. 



generative /ˈdʒen.ər.ə.tɪv/ 表示“有生产能力的;能生成的”,英文解释为“able to produce or create something”如:the generative power of the mind 大脑的生成能力。

fairy tale

fairy tale /ˈfeə.ri ˌteɪl/ 表示“童话故事”,英文解释为“a traditional story written for children that usually involves imaginary creatures and magic”

- 今日盘点 -

roll out、 play catch-up、 glimpse、 flurry、 startup、 integrate、 specter、 infuse、 in-house、 echo、 implicit、 spout、 bias、 bar、 dogfood、 slang、 spotlight、 suspend、 contend、 sentient、 roundly、 take off、 viral、 sensation、 generative、 fairy tale

- Generated by ChatGPT -

A startup integrated new AI tech into their product and tested it in-house. The generative AI caused a viral sensation with its fairy tale touch. In the spotlight, the startup was roundly praised until rumors of the AI having a sentient bias echoed through the public. To contend with the backlash, they rolled out a new version with a higher bias bar. The public only got a glimpse of the improved technology, forcing the startup to play catch-up. Despite their employees "dogfooding" and spouting positive experiences, the specter of implicit discrimination still lingered. The startup had to suspend the AI and infuse a new approach to win back the public's trust.


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