

LearnAndRecord 2022-12-06




1. gaslighting是什么意思?
2. trolling是什么意思?
3. all in your head是什么意思?


What headline? ‘Gaslighting’ Merriam-Webster’s word of 2022


“Gaslighting” — mind manipulating, grossly misleading, downright deceitful — is Merriam-Webster’s word of the year.

Lookups for the word on merriam-webster.com increased 1,740% in 2022 over the year before. But something else happened. There wasn’t a single event that drove significant spikes in the curiosity, as it usually goes with the chosen word of the year.

The gaslighting was pervasive.

“It’s a word that has risen so quickly in the English language, and especially in the last four years, that it actually came as a surprise to me and to many of us,” said Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster’s editor at large, in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press ahead of Monday’s unveiling.

“It was a word looked up frequently every single day of the year,” he said.

There were deepfakes and the dark web. There were deep states and fake news. And there was a whole lot of trolling.

Merriam-Webster’s top definition for gaslighting is the psychological manipulation of a person, usually over an extended period of time, that “causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.”

Gaslighting is a heinous tool frequently used by abusers in relationships — and by politicians and other newsmakers. It can happen between romantic partners, within a broader family unit and among friends. It can be a corporate tactic, or a way to mislead the public. There’s also “medical gaslighting,” when a health care professional dismisses a patient’s symptoms or illness as “all in your head.”

Despite its relatively recent prominence — including “Gaslighter,” The Chicks’ 2020 album featuring the rousingly angry titular single — the word was brought to life more than 80 years ago with “Gas Light,” a 1938 play by Patrick Hamilton.

It birthed two film adaptations in the 1940s. One, George Cukor’s “Gaslight” in 1944, starred Ingrid Bergman as Paula Alquist and Charles Boyer as Gregory Anton. The two marry after a whirlwind romance and Gregory turns out to be a champion gaslighter. Among other instances, he insists her complains over the constant dimming of their London townhouse’s gaslights is a figment of her troubled mind. It wasn’t.

The death of Angela Lansbury in October drove some interest in lookups of the word, Sokolowski said. She played Nancy Oliver, a young maid hired by Gregory and told not to bother his “high-strung” wife.

The term gaslighting was later used by mental health practitioners to clinically describe a form of prolonged coercive control in abusive relationships.

“There is this implication of an intentional deception,” Sokolowski said. “And once one is aware of that deception, it’s not just a straightforward lie, as in, you know, I didn’t eat the cookies in the cookie jar. It’s something that has a little bit more devious quality to it. It has possibly an idea of strategy or a long-term plan.”

Merriam-Webster, which logs 100 million pageviews a month on its site, chooses its word of the year based solely on data. Sokolowski and his team weed out evergreen words most commonly looked up to gauge which word received a significant bump over the year before.

They don’t slice and dice why people look up words, which can be anything from quick spelling and definition checks to some sort of attempt at inspiration or motivation. Some of the droves who looked up “gaslighting” this year might have wanted to know, simply, if it’s one or two words, or whether it’s hyphenated.

“Gaslighting,” Sokolowski said, spent all of 2022 in the top 50 words looked up on merriam-webster.com to earn top dog word of the year status. Last year’s pick was “vaccine.” Rounding out this year’s Top 10 are:

— “Oligarch,” driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

— “Omicron,” the persistent COVID-19 variant and the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet.

— “Codify,” as in turning abortion rights into federal law.

— “Queen consort,” what King Charles’ wife, Camilla is newly known as.

— “Raid,” as in the search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

— “Sentient,” with lookups brought on by Google canning the engineer who claimed an unreleased AI system had become sentient.

— “Cancel culture,” enough said.

— “LGBTQIA,” for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual, aromantic or agender.

— “Loamy,” which many Wordle users tried back in August, though the right word that day was “clown.”

- ◆ -



What headline? ‘Gaslighting’ Merriam-Webster’s word of 2022


Gaslighting” — mind manipulating, grossly misleading, downright deceitful — is Merriam-Webster’s word of the year.



gaslighting /ˈɡæs.laɪ.tɪŋ/ 表示“情感操纵,煤气灯效应”,英文解释为“the action of tricking or controlling someone by making them believe things that are not true, especially by suggesting that they may be mentally ill”举个🌰:

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse. 情感操纵是一种心理虐待。


1)表示“操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly”举个🌰:
Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media. 她在整个职业生涯中非常成功地控制了媒体。

2)表示“(用手)操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something using the hands”举个🌰:
The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate. 轮椅设计得很容易用手控制。

📍rig表示“(采取不正当的手段)操纵;对…做手脚”,英文解释为“to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed”举个🌰:
He said the election had been rigged. 他说选举被人操纵了。

📍此前,在故意改低女生成绩 东京医科大学被曝操控男女录取比例一文中,纽约时报的标题就用了rig这个词:Japanese Medical School Accused of Rigging Admissions to Keep Women Out. 操纵录取结果 rig admissions.


grossly /ˈɡrəʊs.li/ 表示“非常,极端,极其”,英文解释为“extremely”举个🌰:

He's grossly overweight. 他严重超重。


downright /ˈdaʊn.raɪt/ 表示“(尤指不好的事情)极端的,极大的,十足的”,英文解释为“(especially of something bad) extremely or very great”举个🌰:

I think the way she was treated is a downright disgrace. 我认为那样对待她是非常不光彩的。


deceitful /dɪˈsiːt.fəl/ 表示“欺骗的,不诚实的”,英文解释为“dishonest or hiding the truth”如:deceitful behaviour 欺骗行为。

Lookups for the word on merriam-webster.com increased 1,740% in 2022 over the year before. But something else happened. There wasn’t a single event that drove significant spikes in the curiosity, as it usually goes with the chosen word of the year.


The gaslighting was pervasive.



表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情带来的影响的文章中提到:But there will also be residual fear, pervasive uncertainty, a lack of innovative fervour and deepened inequalities. 但同时也会有残留的恐惧感、普遍的不确定性、匮乏的创新激情,以及加剧的不平等。

“It’s a word that has risen so quickly in the English language, and especially in the last four years, that it actually came as a surprise to me and to many of us,” said Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster’s editor at large, in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press ahead of Monday’s unveiling.

韦氏词典的特约编辑彼得·索科洛夫斯基(Peter Sokolowski)在周一揭晓前接受美联社(The Associated Press)独家采访时说:“这是一个在英语中发展如此之快的词,尤其是在过去四年里,它实际上让我、让我们许多人感到惊讶。”

editor at large



1)表示“ 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔”,英文解释为“to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time”举个🌰:

She unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital. 她主持揭幕式,标志着医院正式启用。

2)表示“(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众”,英文解释为“to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time”举个🌰:

They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show. 他们将在汽车大展上首次推出自己的新型汽车。

🎬电影《复仇者联盟1》(The Avengers)中的台词提到:We look beyond the Earth to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil. 而我们则放眼地球之外 那些将被宇宙魔方开启的更广博的世界。

🎬电影《超人高校》(Sky High)中的台词提到:We can't unveil the Stronghold Three without Will. 我们不能在威尔(Will)不在场时 向大家介绍斯特朗霍德三侠(Stronghold Three)。

“It was a word looked up frequently every single day of the year,” he said.


There were deepfakes and the dark web. There were deep states and fake news. And there was a whole lot of trolling.



作为名词,原意指“(斯堪的纳维亚地区传说中的)山精,巨人,侏儒”(an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves);

📍另一个常见意思是,指在因特网上为吸引别人关注或捣乱故意留下令人生气的帖子,可以理解为“喷子,键盘侠”,英文解释为“someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble”。

Merriam-Webster’s top definition for gaslighting is the psychological manipulation of a person, usually over an extended period of time, that “causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.”



psychological /ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“心灵的;心理的;精神上的”,英文解释为“connected with a person's mind and the way in which it works”如:the psychological development of children 儿童的心理发展。


1)表示“认识,观念,看法”,英文解释为“a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem”举个🌰:

These photographs will affect people's perceptions of war. 这些照片会影响人们对战争的看法。

2)表示“知觉;感知”,英文解释为“the way you notice things, especially with the senses”如:visual perception 视觉;

🎬电影《失落的大陆》(Land of the Lost)中的台词提到:he has terrible depth perception 他的深度感知力很差。


perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ 表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)

Gaslighting is a heinous tool frequently used by abusers in relationships — and by politicians and other newsmakers. It can happen between romantic partners, within a broader family unit and among friends. It can be a corporate tactic, or a way to mislead the public. There’s also “medical gaslighting,” when a health care professional dismisses a patient’s symptoms or illness as “all in your head.”



heinous /ˈheɪnəs/ 表示“极其恶劣的,令人震惊的”,英文解释为“very bad and shocking”如:a heinous crime 令人发指的罪行。


1)表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering举个🌰:
I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me. 我认为他和我见面5分钟后就把我归入了傻瓜之列。

2)表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job举个🌰:
She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她声称自己被无理免职。

3)表示“(常指法官因证据不足而)驳回,不受理”,英文解释为“When a judge dismisses a court case, he or she formally stops the trial, often because there is not enough proof that someone is guilty.”举个🌰:
The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed. 辩护律师请求驳回对其委托人的指控。

all in one's head

all in one's head相当于in one's imagination表示“凭空想象,想太多了,全是心理作用”,英文解释为“Not substantial or real; having been imagined or invented.” 也可以说all in the/one's mind.

Despite its relatively recent prominence — including “Gaslighter,” The Chicks’ 2020 album featuring the rousingly angry titular single — the word was brought to life more than 80 years ago with “Gas Light,” a 1938 play by Patrick Hamilton.

尽管这个词最近很流行——包括南方小鸡2020年的专辑及其同名单曲都是这个词——但80多年前,帕特里克·汉密尔顿(Patrick Hamilton)1938年的一部舞台剧《煤气灯》(Gas Light)就出现了这个说法。


表示“重要;突出;卓越;出名”,英文解释为“the state of being important, well known or noticeable”如:a young actor who has recently risen to prominence 最近崭露头角的一名年轻演员。


形容词性 rousing /ˈraʊ.zɪŋ/ 表示“激动人心的,鼓舞人心的;激励人(行动)的”,英文解释为“making people feel excited and proud or ready to take action”举个🌰:

We sang a last rousing chorus of the national anthem. 我们一起合唱国歌中激动人心的最后一节。


titular /ˈtɪtʃ.ə.lər/ 表示“名义上的;有名无实的;有头衔的;标题的”,英文解释为“having the title of a position but not the responsibilities, duties, or power; in name only”举个🌰:

He will be the titular head of the new bank. 他将成为这家新银行的名誉行长。

It birthed two film adaptations in the 1940s. One, George Cukor’s “Gaslight” in 1944, starred Ingrid Bergman as Paula Alquist and Charles Boyer as Gregory Anton. The two marry after a whirlwind romance and Gregory turns out to be a champion gaslighter. Among other instances, he insists her complains over the constant dimming of their London townhouse’s gaslights is a figment of her troubled mind. It wasn’t.

该剧在20世纪40年代催生了两部改编电影。其中一部是乔治·库克(George Cukor)1944年的《煤气灯下》(Gaslight),由英格丽·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)饰演宝拉·阿尔奎斯特(Paula Alquist),查尔斯·博耶(Charles Boyer)饰演高利·安东(Gregory Anton)。两人在一场闪电式恋爱后结婚,而高利·安东实际上是一个心理操纵狂魔。比如,他坚称她对他们伦敦连栋房屋里煤气灯不断变暗的抱怨是她胡思乱想的幻觉。而实际都是高利·安东一手操纵的。


1)表示“适应”,英文解释为“the process of changing to suit different conditions”举个🌰:

Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments. 进化是生物适应新环境的结果。

2)表示“(电影、书、剧本等的)改编”,英文解释为“a film, book, play, etc. that has been made from another film, book, play, etc.”


whirlwind /ˈwɝːl.wɪnd/ 1)作名词,表示“旋风”,英文解释为“a tall, spinning column of air that moves across the surface of the land or sea.”

2)表示“一片忙乱”,英文解释为“a situation or series of events where a lot of things happen very quickly”

To recover from the divorce, he threw himself into a whirlwind of activities. 为了从离婚中恢复过来,他马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。

3)作形容词,表示“(事件)旋风般的,飞快的”,英文解释为“A whirlwind event happens very fast, and often unexpectedly.”举个🌰:

They married three months after they met - it was a real whirlwind romance. 他们认识3个月后就结婚了——真是旋风式的恋爱。


1)表示“(使)变暗,(使)亮度降低”,英文解释为“to (make something) become less bright”举个🌰:

Someone dimmed the lights. 有人调低了灯的亮度。

2)表示“(使)减弱,(使)变淡”,英文解释为“to (make a positive feeling or quality) become less strong”举个🌰:

Our hopes/expectations dimmed as the hours passed. 我们的希望/期望随着时间的流逝变得越来越渺茫了。


通常用a figment of sb's imagination表示“凭空想象的事物;虚构的事;臆造的事物”,英文解释为“f you say that something is a figment of someone's imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it.”

The death of Angela Lansbury in October drove some interest in lookups of the word, Sokolowski said. She played Nancy Oliver, a young maid hired by Gregory and told not to bother his “high-strung” wife.

索科洛夫斯基说,10月份安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞(Angela Lansbury)去世引起了一些人对这个词的兴趣。她扮演南希·奥利弗(Nancy Oliver),是高利·安东雇佣的一名年轻女佣,并被告知不要打扰他“高度紧张”的妻子。


high-strung /ˌhaɪˈstrʌŋ/ 表示“紧张的;易生气的”,英文解释为“very nervous and easily upset”如:a high-strung young woman 神经紧张的年轻女子。

The term gaslighting was later used by mental health practitioners to clinically describe a form of prolonged coercive control in abusive relationships.



表示“执业者;从业人员”,英文解释为“someone involved in a skilled job or activity”举个🌰:

She is a London-based practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. 她是一位在伦敦执业的中医医师。


表示“延续很久的,长期的”,英文解释为“continuing for a long time”举个🌰:
Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects. 据了解,长期服用此药会产生对人体有害的副作用。


coercive /ko'ɝsɪv/表示“强制的;胁迫的”,英文解释为“using threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do”,如:coercive measures to reduce absenteeism 减少旷工现象的高压措施。

“There is this implication of an intentional deception,” Sokolowski said. “And once one is aware of that deception, it’s not just a straightforward lie, as in, you know, I didn’t eat the cookies in the cookie jar. It’s something that has a little bit more devious quality to it. It has possibly an idea of strategy or a long-term plan.”



1)表示“可能的影响(或作用、结果)”,英文解释为“a possible effect or result of an action or a decision”举个🌰:

The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside. 这个地点的开发将会影响周围的乡村。

2)表示“含意;暗指,暗示”,英文解释为“an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly”举个🌰:

From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up. 她的话中暗示他们将要分手。


deception /dɪˈsep.ʃən/ 表示“欺骗;欺诈;隐瞒”,英文解释为“the act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage”举个🌰:

He was found guilty of obtaining money by deception. 他骗取钱财的罪名被判成立。


devious /ˈdiː.vi.əs/ 表示“会算计的,会耍手腕的;精心设计的”,英文解释为“Devious people or plans and methods are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful.”举个🌰:

You have to be devious if you're going to succeed in business. 要想在生意场上取得成功就必须会耍点手腕。

Merriam-Webster, which logs 100 million pageviews a month on its site, chooses its word of the year based solely on data. Sokolowski and his team weed out evergreen words most commonly looked up to gauge which word received a significant bump over the year before.


weed sth/sb out

表示“清除;剔除;淘汰”,英文解释为“to get rid of unwanted things or people from a group”举个🌰:

The first round of interviews only really serves to weed out the very weakest of applicants. 第一轮面试实际上只是要淘汰那些实力最弱的申请者。

🎬电影《美眉校探》(Veronica Mars)中的台词提到:I'm just gonna go out there, see my dad...and help Logan weed out the shysters. 我只是去那儿看我爸爸...并且帮助罗根赶走那些讼棍。


evergreen /ˈev.ə.ɡriːn/ 表示“永葆青春的;不衰的;持久的”,英文解释为“always seeming fresh or remaining popular”如:that evergreen TV series "Friends" 那部经久不衰的电视连续剧《老友记》。


gauge /ɡeɪdʒ/ 1)表示“判定,判断(通常指人的感受)”,英文解释为“to make a judgment about something, usually people's feelings”举个🌰:

A poll was conducted to gauge consumers' attitudes. 为了摸清消费者的看法,进行了一次民意调查。

2)表示“(尤指用测量仪器)测量,计量,测算”,英文解释为“to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device”举个🌰:

Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature. 用温度计测量一下温度。


bump /bʌmp/ 表示“增加”,英文解释为“an increase in something”举个🌰:

There had been a bump in the number of students with learning disorders. 有学习障碍的学生数量增加了。

They don’t slice and dice why people look up words, which can be anything from quick spelling and definition checks to some sort of attempt at inspiration or motivation. Some of the droves who looked up “gaslighting” this year might have wanted to know, simply, if it’s one or two words, or whether it’s hyphenated.



hyphenated /ˈhaɪ.fən.eɪ.tɪd/ 表示“带有连字符的”,英文解释为“written with a hyphen”如:hyphenated compounds 带连字符的复合词。

“Gaslighting,” Sokolowski said, spent all of 2022 in the top 50 words looked up on merriam-webster.com to earn top dog word of the year status. Last year’s pick was “vaccine.” Rounding out this year’s Top 10 are:


top dog

top dog /ˌtɒp ˈdɒɡ/ 表示“权威;优胜者;夺魁者”,英文解释为“a person who has achieved a position of authority”

— “Oligarch,” driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.



oligarch /ˈɒl.ɪ.ɡɑː.k/ 表示“寡头政治家;寡头统治集团成员”,英文解释为“one of the people in an oligarchy”

— “Omicron,” the persistent COVID-19 variant and the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet.



表示“变体;变种”,英文解释为“A variant of a particular thing is something that has a different form from that thing, although it is related to it.举个🌰:

The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.


— “Codify,” as in turning abortion rights into federal law.



codify /ˈkəʊ.dɪ.faɪ/ 表示“把…编成法典;编纂(法典、条例等)”,英文解释为“to arrange something, such as laws or rules, into a system”

— “Queen consort,” what King Charles’ wife, Camilla is newly known as.

-“Queen consort(王后)”,查尔斯国王的妻子卡米拉如今的称谓。


表示“(统治者的)配偶”,英文解释为“the husband or wife of a ruler”,如:the prince consort (= the queen's husband) 亲王(女王的丈夫)。

— “Raid,” as in the search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.



作动词,表示“(警方)突击检查,突然搜查”,英文解释为“(of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something”举个🌰:

Police officers from the organized crime division have raided businesses in central London.


作名词,1)表示“(通常由一小队人发起的)突袭,袭击”,英文解释为“a short sudden attack, usually by a small group of people”举个🌰:

The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid (on the enemy).


2)表示“抢劫;打劫”,英文解释为“the act of entering a place by force in order to steal from it”举个🌰:

Millions of dollars were stolen in a bank raid last night.


3)表示“(警方)查抄,突然搜查”,英文解释为“an occasion when the police enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something”举个🌰:

The drugs were found during a police raid on the house.


📍 air raid 表示“空袭”,英文解释为“an attack by enemy aircraft, usually dropping bombs”如:an air raid shelter/siren 防空洞/空袭警报

— “Sentient,” with lookups brought on by Google canning the engineer who claimed an unreleased AI system had become sentient.



表示“有知觉力的;有感觉力的”,英文解释为“able to experience feelings”举个🌰:

It is hard for a sentient person to understand how any parents could treat their child so badly.



can作动词,非正式用法,表示「解雇;拒绝接受」,英文解释为“dismiss (someone) from their job”;作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(装食品或饮料的)金属罐”,英文解释为“a metal container in which food or drink is preserved without air”,如:a Coke can 可乐罐。

📍说到can让我想起很有意思的一句英文绕口令:Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你知道什么意思吗?

— “Cancel culture,” enough said.

-“Cancel culture(取消文化/抵制文化)”,无须多讲。

enough said

enough said 表示“不必再讲,无需多说”,英文解释为“something you say to tell someone that you understand what they have said and that there is no need to say any more”举个🌰:

"Someone has to explain the situation to her." "Enough said." “得有人向她说明一下情况。”“已经说得够多了。”

— “LGBTQIA,” for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual, aromantic or agender.


— “Loamy,” which many Wordle users tried back in August, though the right word that day was “clown.”



loamy /ˈləʊ.mi/ 表示“壤土的,沃土的”,英文解释为“consisting of or similar to loam (= high-quality earth that is a mixture of sand, clay, and decaying plant material)”举个🌰:

The rich, loamy soil is well suited for farming. 这种肥沃的壤土非常适合耕种。

- 今日盘点 -

editor at large
all in one's head
weed sth/sb out
top dog
enough said









- 推荐阅读 -





- END -






