

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-22

近日,加拿大安大略省省长(Ontario Premier)道格·福特(Doug Ford)在讲话时一只蜜蜂顺势飞进了他的嘴里,被他吞了下去......


Doug Ford swallowed a bee while talking about the possibility of privatizing health care

CBC News

Ontario Premier Doug Ford created quite a buzz on Friday when a bee entered his mouth and got down his throat.

Ford was taking questions from reporters in Dundalk, Ont., about the provincewide health-care staff shortage and the possibility of privatization when the bee flew into his mouth.

"Holy Christ, I just swallowed a bee," he said, coughing violently. 

Members of the audience could be heard expressing their concern for Ford.

After taking a sip of water from a bottle, Ford made light of the situation, saying: "This is going to be played over and over again."

But the discomfort the premier was experiencing was visible.

"Sorry guys. The little bugger got away in there," he said.

Someone from the audience asked if he was all right to continue, to which Ford responded: "I'm OK. It's buzzing in there."

"Man, he went right down the hatch," he said, laughing.

Ford told reporters he's a strong believer in public health care, but his government is going to "get creative" when looking at how it could be delivered.

Ford said Friday that "everything is on the table" when asked if Ontario is considering further privatization of the health-care system.

"I'm not gonna do anything without consulting with the experts out there," he said. "There's one thing we'll guarantee: you'll always be covered by OHIP, not the credit card."

When asked if patients would have to pay anything if they had surgery at a private clinic, Ford said it would be "100 per cent" covered.

"We're never gonna waver from that," he said.

"Are we gonna get creative? Absolutely. As I mentioned, we just can't as a province keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result."

Earlier this week, Health Minister Sylvia Jones said the government is looking at all options to improve the health system, sparking fears of further privatization. She later said what is not under consideration is asking people to pay out of pocket for services currently covered by OHIP.

Severe shortage of nurses

Several emergency departments across the province have closed for hours or days this summer due to a severe shortage of nurses. The shortage has affected smaller rural hospitals more than larger urban ones.

Ford said his government is talking to health-care experts across the sector in an effort to figure out how to solve the staffing problem. But he and Jones have thus far refused to specify what options they are looking at.

NDP health critic France Gélinas criticized the idea of further privatization.

"They'll bleed staff away from our public hospitals and urgent care centres, making the health care crisis much worse," she said in a written statement.

"If private surgery clinics accept your OHIP card for your procedure, they bill you for your room, the painkillers you take, your meals, the physical therapy you need and more."

Bee stole the spotlight

As for the bee, who stole the spotlight Friday, Ford said: "This is a good one … I can't remember what we were talking about. I'll be rushing to the hospital to get this bee out of here."

It was not immediately clear if the premier indeed went to a hospital.

Later, he said the bee "is working hard building a hive down there."

"That sucker is still buzzing away," he said as the news conference ended.

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Doug Ford swallowed a bee while talking about the possibility of privatizing health care

CBC News

Ontario Premier Doug Ford created quite a buzz on Friday when a bee entered his mouth and got down his throat.

周五,加拿大安大略省(Ontario)省长道格·福特(Doug Ford)引起了不小的轰动:一只蜜蜂进入他的嘴里,钻进了他的喉咙。


premier作名词,“(尤用于新闻报道)首相,总理;(加拿大的)省总理,地区总理”;作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists.



buzz的本义是指“嗡嗡声,蜂鸣声”(a continuous noise like the sound of a bee),还有“闹哄哄;喧闹”(a lot of activity, noise, and excitement)、“兴奋之感,喜悦心情”(a strong feeling of excitement, pleasure, or success, or a similar feeling from drinking alcohol or taking drugs)的含义。

此处buzz,韦氏词典(Merriam-Webster)给出的英文解释为:“speculative or excited talk or attention relating especially to a new or forthcoming product or event”或者是“an instance of such talk or attention”,(引起)关注/热议等,如:their first song created a huge buzz 他们的第一首引起热烈反响,create a buzz 制造话题,造势,炒作,制造噱头。

📍此外,比较常见的一个词buzzword,表示“流行语,热词,时髦用语,流行术语”(a word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is very important)


throat /θrəʊt/ 表示“颈前部;咽喉,喉咙”,英文解释为“the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go”举个🌰:

A fish bone got stuck in my throat.


Ford was taking questions from reporters in Dundalk, Ont., about the provincewide health-care staff shortage and the possibility of privatization when the bee flew into his mouth.



privatization /ˌpraɪ.və.taɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“私有化”,英文解释为“the act of selling an industry, company or service that was owned and controlled by the government, so it becomes privately owned and controlled”举个🌰:

The last few years have seen the privatization of many industries previously owned by the state.


"Holy Christ, I just swallowed a bee," he said, coughing violently. 


Members of the audience could be heard expressing their concern for Ford.


After taking a sip of water from a bottle, Ford made light of the situation, saying: "This is going to be played over and over again."



表示“一小口(饮料)”,英文解释为“a very small amount of a drink that you take into your mouth”如:to have/take a sip of water 喝一小口水。

make light of sth

表示“轻视,忽视(尤指问题)”,英文解释为“to behave as if a situation, especially a problem, is not serious or important”举个🌰:

It is easy to make light of other people's problems.


But the discomfort the premier was experiencing was visible.



表示“不适,不安;令人不适(或不安)的事物”,英文解释为“a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or something that causes this”举个🌰:

You may feel a little discomfort for a few days after the operation.


"Sorry guys. The little bugger got away in there," he said.



表示“(人或动物)家伙;(尤指)小东西,小家伙”,英文解释为“a person or animal, especially a young one that you like very much”举个🌰:

He's a cute little bugger, isn't he?


Someone from the audience asked if he was all right to continue, to which Ford responded: "I'm OK. It's buzzing in there."


"Man, he went right down the hatch," he said, laughing.


down the hatch

down the hatch英文解释为“into the mouth and down the throat”举个🌰:

This whiskey sure goes down the hatch easily!


作为idiom表示“一饮而尽;干杯;一口气喝了”(said before swallowing a drink, especially an alcoholic one)举个🌰:

Honey - down the hatch.


Ford told reporters he's a strong believer in public health care, but his government is going to "get creative" when looking at how it could be delivered.


Ford said Friday that "everything is on the table" when asked if Ontario is considering further privatization of the health-care system.


on the table

表示“(计划、建议等)被提交讨论中,正式提交考虑”,英文解释为“If a plan or suggestion has been put/laid on the table, it has been made available for people to hear, read, or discuss.”

"I'm not gonna do anything without consulting with the experts out there," he said. "There's one thing we'll guarantee: you'll always be covered by OHIP, not the credit card."


When asked if patients would have to pay anything if they had surgery at a private clinic, Ford said it would be "100 per cent" covered.



表示“诊所”,英文解释为“A clinic is a building where people go to receive medical advice or treatment.”如:a family planning clinic 计划生育诊所。


熟词僻义,1)表示“给…保险,承保”,英文解释为“to protect someone against loss, damage, accident, or having something stolen, by having insurance”举个🌰:

Does your travel insurance cover you against/for the loss or theft of cash?


2)表示“足够支付”,英文解释为“to be enough money to pay for something”举个🌰:

The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials.


"We're never gonna waver from that," he said.



waver /ˈweɪ.vər/ 1)表示“(尤指暂时地)动摇”,英文解释为“to lose strength, determination, or purpose, especially temporarily”举个🌰:

I'm afraid my concentration began to waver as lunch approached.


2)表示“(在两个选择之间)踌躇,犹豫不决”,英文解释为“If you waver between two possibilities, you cannot decide which of them to choose or you keep choosing one way and then the other.”举个🌰:

I'm wavering between the soup and the cake.


🎬电影《犯罪活动》(Criminal Activities)中的台词提到:That if opportunity presents itself, do not hesitate, do not waver. 如果机会出现,不要犹豫,不要动摇。

"Are we gonna get creative? Absolutely. As I mentioned, we just can't as a province keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result."


Earlier this week, Health Minister Sylvia Jones said the government is looking at all options to improve the health system, sparking fears of further privatization. She later said what is not under consideration is asking people to pay out of pocket for services currently covered by OHIP.

本周早些时候,卫生部长西尔维亚·琼斯(Sylvia Jones)表示,政府正在想尽办法改善卫生系统,这引发了对进一步私有化的担忧。她后来说,要求人们为OHIP目前覆盖的服务自掏腰包不在考虑之列。


表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个🌰:

My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest.


此前,《后浪》和「青年」一文的标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。

Severe shortage of nurses 护士严重短缺

Several emergency departments across the province have closed for hours or days this summer due to a severe shortage of nurses. The shortage has affected smaller rural hospitals more than larger urban ones.


Ford said his government is talking to health-care experts across the sector in an effort to figure out how to solve the staffing problem. But he and Jones have thus far refused to specify what options they are looking at.



表示“具体说明;明确指出”,英文解释为“to explain or describe something clearly and exactly”举个🌰:

He said we should meet but didn't specify a time.


NDP health critic France Gélinas criticized the idea of further privatization.

加拿大新民主党(NDP)健康评论家弗朗斯·盖利纳斯(France Gélinas)批评了进一步私有化的想法。

"They'll bleed staff away from our public hospitals and urgent care centres, making the health care crisis much worse," she said in a written statement.


"If private surgery clinics accept your OHIP card for your procedure, they bill you for your room, the painkillers you take, your meals, the physical therapy you need and more."



1)表示“程序;步骤;常规”,英文解释为“a set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something”举个🌰:

The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.


2)表示“医疗处理;手术”,英文解释为“a medical operation”举个🌰:

It's a routine/standard surgical procedure.


Bee stole the spotlight 蜜蜂抢了风头

As for the bee, who stole the spotlight Friday, Ford said: "This is a good one … I can't remember what we were talking about. I'll be rushing to the hospital to get this bee out of here."


It was not immediately clear if the premier indeed went to a hospital.


Later, he said the bee "is working hard building a hive down there."



表示“蜂巢,蜂窝;蜂群”,英文解释为“a structure where bees live, especially a beehive (= container like a box) or the group of bees living there”

"That sucker is still buzzing away," he said as the news conference ended.



表示“(令人不快或困难的)东西,家伙”,英文解释为“used to refer to a thing or person that is unpleasant or difficult”举个🌰:

I've been working on that paper for weeks and almost have the sucker finished.


- 今日盘点 -






make light of sth



down the hatch

on the table

















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