

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-20




Dangerous Heat Wave Strikes China

The New York Times

As dozens of cities in eastern and southern China issued heat alerts on Tuesday, with some temperature forecasts exceeding 104 degrees over the next 24 hours, health workers conducted outdoor coronavirus tests with packets of frozen snacks strapped to their white hazmat suits. Roofs melted, roads cracked and some residents sought relief in underground air-raid shelters.

The heat wave is forecast to persist for at least two weeks.

The scorching heat reflects a global trend of increasingly frequent episodes of extreme weather driven by climate change. In June, weeks of heat waves plagued northern China, at the same time that floods displaced millions of people in the central and southwestern parts of the country.

A museum in Chongqing displaying imperial relics from the Palace Museum closed for repairs after sections of its tiled roof melted, according to a notice on Monday. In a town in southern Jiangxi Province, state TV showed a heat-damaged section of a road arched up at least six inches, according to the Reuters news service.

Residents of the city of Nanjing rested on socially distant chairs in underground shelters that have been open to the public since Sunday. At the Chengdu Zoo and the Shanghai Zoo, animals were given slices of watermelon and bite-size ice treats.

Health workers, stuck in full protective gear for long hours, resorted to creative ways to keep cool.

A photograph posted on social media showed health workers from the Suixi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine tying frozen desserts to the hoods of their hazmat suits as residents lined up for coronavirus tests. A video showed a Shanghai health care worker releasing pools of sweat that had collected in the suit’s foot covering.

Another video showed a health worker in Henan succumbing to heat stroke, panting on the ground as his colleagues fanned him with packaging from test kits.

Mortality related to excess heat has risen in China by a factor of four between 1990 and 2019, reaching 26,800 deaths in 2019 according to a study published by The Lancet in 2020. The rising temperatures have also increased the risks of wildfires and encouraged the spread of dengue fever in the country, the study said.

Heatwaves hammer megacities in China's Yangtze River basin


Searing heatwaves swept across China's vast Yangtze River basin on Wednesday, hammering densely populated megacities from Shanghai on the coast to Chengdu deep in the heartlands.

More than 90 red alerts, the most severe in a three-rung warning system, were active across China as of 3:30 p.m.. Most were in the Yangtze basin, which spans nearly 2,000 km (1,200 miles).

Shanghai, China's commercial capital, issued its second red alert in four days, warning of temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Construction and other outdoor activities are reduced or halted under a red alert, historically very rare for the city of 25 million.

In Nanjing, a nearby city of over 9 million, the summer "has never been hotter," said one 77-year-old resident.

The province of Zhejiang south of Shanghai issued a record 51 red alerts in one day, with local media reporting people being admitted to hospitals for heatstroke or even dying from it.

The hot spell of the past 30 days has been described by Chinese weather watchers as widespread, prolonged and extreme and, due to higher demand for air-conditioning, the load on the power grids of seven provinces and regions has hit a record high, according to state media.

The hashtag #heatstroke was trending on social media with 2.45 million views on the Weibo platform, with discussions ranging from people being admitted to hospital to the detrimental effects of long-term heat exposure.


In Chengdu, the capital of southwestern Sichuan province, a scheduled outage and upgrade of the grid this week coincided with hot weather, sparking outrage from some of its 21 million residents on social media.

"This is a large-scale blackout," said a netizen on Weibo.

"Residents can't be guaranteed their power supply. No one is doing anything about it."

In the city of Yanjin, also in China's southwest, temperatures reached 44 degrees Celsius on Monday, the highest since record-keeping started in 1959, state television reported.

In the past month, high-temperature events have affected more than 900 million of China's 1.4 billion people and a total area of 5 million square kilometres, or half of the country, the National Climate Center said on Wednesday.

In Henan province, maintenance workers cleaned and checked air-conditioners on top of trains that pass through its capital Zhengzhou, a transportation hub in central China, under the piercing rays of the sun.

"Up here, it is very hot, it is like a food steamer," said one worker.

"Our clothes are wet every day. Sometimes they never dry."

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Dangerous Heat Wave Strikes China

The New York Times

As dozens of cities in eastern and southern China issued heat alerts on Tuesday, with some temperature forecasts exceeding 104 degrees over the next 24 hours, health workers conducted outdoor coronavirus tests with packets of frozen snacks strapped to their white hazmat suits. Roofs melted, roads cracked and some residents sought relief in underground air-raid shelters.



表示“超过,超出(数量);超越(规定的范围)”,英文解释为“to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit”举个🌰:

The final cost should not exceed ¥100.



表示“用带子系(或捆、绑)”,英文解释为“to fasten something in position by fastening a narrow piece of leather or other strong material around it”举个🌰:

Are the kids strapped into their car seats?



hazardous material的缩写,表示“危险物品,危险物料”,举个🌰:

Each volunteer was given a disposable white hazmat suit (= a suit that protects against dangerous substances).


📍 hazmat suits 指的就是(危险物品)防护服。


1)表示“(通常由一小队人发起的)突袭,袭击”,英文解释为“a short sudden attack, usually by a small group of people”举个🌰:

The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid (on the enemy).


2)表示“抢劫;打劫”,英文解释为“the act of entering a place by force in order to steal from it”举个🌰:

Millions of dollars were stolen in a bank raid last night.


3)表示“(警方)查抄,突然搜查”,英文解释为“an occasion when the police enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something”举个🌰:

The drugs were found during a police raid on the house.


📍 air raid 表示“空袭”,英文解释为“an attack by enemy aircraft, usually dropping bombs”如:an air raid shelter/siren 防空洞/空袭警报

The heat wave is forecast to persist for at least two weeks.



1) 表示“继续存在(发生)”,英文解释为“If something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen”举个🌰:

If the pain persists, you must see a doctor.


2) 表示“坚持;执意”,英文解释为“to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people oppose it”举个🌰:

‘I don't think it's right,’ He persisted.


The scorching heat reflects a global trend of increasingly frequent episodes of extreme weather driven by climate change. In June, weeks of heat waves plagued northern China, at the same time that floods displaced millions of people in the central and southwestern parts of the country.



scorching /ˈskɔː.tʃɪŋ/ 表示“灼热的(地);极热的(地)”,英文解释为“very hot”如:a scorching summer day 炎热的夏日。


1)作名词可表示“瘟疫,疫病”,如:a fresh outbreak of plague 瘟疫的新一轮爆发;

2)作动词表示“不断困扰,折磨,使苦恼”,英文解释为“to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time”,举个🌰 :

She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.


🎬电影《白宫管家》(The Butler)中的台词提到:It's time we take a stand against these injustices that have plagued our community. 现在是时候该表明立场和采取行动来对抗这些已困扰我们很久了的不公。


表示“迫使…离开常居地(或原位)”,英文解释为“to force something or someone out of its usual or original position”举个🌰:

The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.


🎬电影《米尔克》(Milk)中的台词提到:And these are kids that would be displaced from families. 住在里面的都是些离家出走的孩子。

A museum in Chongqing displaying imperial relics from the Palace Museum closed for repairs after sections of its tiled roof melted, according to a notice on Monday. In a town in southern Jiangxi Province, state TV showed a heat-damaged section of a road arched up at least six inches, according to the Reuters news service.



表示“帝国的;皇帝的”,英文解释为“belonging or relating to an empire or the person or country that rules it”如:Imperial China 中华帝国。


表示“遗物;遗迹;遗风;遗俗”,英文解释为“an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist”举个🌰:

During the dig, the archaeological team found some relics from the Stone Age.



表示“(使)拱起;(使)成拱形”,英文解释为“to make the shape of an arch”举个🌰:

Trees arch over the river.


Residents of the city of Nanjing rested on socially distant chairs in underground shelters that have been open to the public since Sunday. At the Chengdu Zoo and the Shanghai Zoo, animals were given slices of watermelon and bite-size ice treats.



bite-size/bite-sized 表示“一口能吃下去的;小块儿的”,英文解释为“A bite-sized piece of food is small enough to put in your mouth whole.”举个🌰:

Cut the cheese into bite-sized pieces.



表示“乐事;享受;特别款待”,英文解释为“a special and enjoyable occasion or experience”举个🌰:

As a special treat, I'll take you to my favourite restaurant.


Health workers, stuck in full protective gear for long hours, resorted to creative ways to keep cool.



表示“(从事某活动的)装备,用具,衣服”,英文解释为“the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a particular activity”,如:fishing/camping gear 钓鱼/野营用具,又是联邦快递!文中提到华为公司时用的telecom-gear maker 通讯/电信设备制造商。

📍gear可以指衣服(clothes),如:all the latest gear 最新潮的衣服。

resort to sth

表示“(别无办法的情况下)诉诸,依靠,采用”,英文解释为“to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something”举个🌰:

I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.


A photograph posted on social media showed health workers from the Suixi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine tying frozen desserts to the hoods of their hazmat suits as residents lined up for coronavirus tests. A video showed a Shanghai health care worker releasing pools of sweat that had collected in the suit’s foot covering.



表示“(衣服上的)兜帽,风帽”,英文解释为“part of a piece of clothing that can be pulled up to cover the top and back of the head”举个🌰:

The coat has a detachable hood.


Another video showed a health worker in Henan succumbing to heat stroke, panting on the ground as his colleagues fanned him with packaging from test kits.



succumb /səˈkʌm/ 1)表示“屈从,屈服;放弃抵抗;承认失败”,英文解释为“to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat”举个🌰:

I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cake.


2)表示“病死;生病;受病痛折磨”,英文解释为“to die or suffer badly from an illness”举个🌰:

Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in the past few months.



表示“中暑”,英文解释为“a condition that can lead to death, caused by being too long in a very hot place”


表示“气喘,喘息”,英文解释为“to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth, usually because you have been doing something very energetic”举个🌰:

He arrived at the top of the hill, panting and covered in sweat.


Mortality related to excess heat has risen in China by a factor of four between 1990 and 2019, reaching 26,800 deaths in 2019 according to a study published by The Lancet in 2020. The rising temperatures have also increased the risks of wildfires and encouraged the spread of dengue fever in the country, the study said.



dengue /ˈdeŋ.ɡi/ = dengue fever 表示“登革热”,英文解释为“a serious tropical disease that is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. It causes a high fever and severe pain in the joints of the body.”

Heatwaves hammer megacities in China's Yangtze River basin


Searing heatwaves swept across China's vast Yangtze River basin on Wednesday, hammering densely populated megacities from Shanghai on the coast to Chengdu deep in the heartlands.



表示“(感觉、温度等)极度的,强烈的”,英文解释为“If something, such as a feeling or temperature, is described as searing, it is extreme.”举个🌰:

A searing pain shot up her arm.



sweep作动词,可以表示“风行,风靡,迅速蔓延,迅速传播;席卷;横扫”,英文解释为“to quickly spread through and influence an area”举个🌰:

A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.


📺电视剧《王冠》(The Crown)中的台词提到:Independence is sweeping across the continent. 独立运动席卷这片大陆。

📺动画片《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)中的台词提到:A plague is sweeping through Springfield. 一场瘟疫正席卷斯普林菲尔德。

📍sweeping作形容词,1)表示“影响广泛的;大范围的;根本性的;意义深远的”,英文解释为“having an important effect on a large part of sth”如:sweeping changes 彻底变化,举个🌰:

They were given sweeping powers to search homes.


🎬电影《沉默》(Silence)中的台词提到:He wrote those words during the most sweeping persecution of all. 他写下这些话时 正经历着最为残酷的迫害。

2)sweeping statement/generalization 表示“泛泛之谈;一概而论的说法;过于笼统的概括”,英文解释为“something that you say or write that is too general and that has not been carefully thought about”举个🌰:

Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful.




The southeast is the most densely populated area


More than 90 red alerts, the most severe in a three-rung warning system, were active across China as of 3:30 p.m.. Most were in the Yangtze basin, which spans nearly 2,000 km (1,200 miles).



rung /rʌŋ/ 表示“(梯子的)横档;梯级(尤指社会等级或职业结构)”,英文解释为“any of the short bars that form the steps of a ladder”


表示“流域”,英文解释为“the area of land from which streams run into a river, lake, or sea”

Shanghai, China's commercial capital, issued its second red alert in four days, warning of temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Construction and other outdoor activities are reduced or halted under a red alert, historically very rare for the city of 25 million.



1)表示“使停住;停住”,英文解释为“When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.”举个🌰:

They halted at a short distance from the house.


2)表示“使完全停止;完全停止”,英文解释为“When something such as growth, development, or activity halts or when you halt it, it stops completely.”举个🌰:

Workers halted production at the auto plant yesterday.


🎬电影《危情时速》(Unstoppable)中的台词提到:Emergency responders want to halt all activity near the line 应急响应人员打算停止铁路附近的所有活

In Nanjing, a nearby city of over 9 million, the summer "has never been hotter," said one 77-year-old resident.


The province of Zhejiang south of Shanghai issued a record 51 red alerts in one day, with local media reporting people being admitted to hospitals for heatstroke or even dying from it.



表示“接收…入院;收治”,英文解释为“to allow someone to enter a hospital because they need medical care”举个🌰:

She was admitted to hospital suffering from shock.


The hot spell of the past 30 days has been described by Chinese weather watchers as widespread, prolonged and extreme and, due to higher demand for air-conditioning, the load on the power grids of seven provinces and regions has hit a record high, according to state media.



霍格沃茨新生报到文中提到,spell 熟词僻义,1)表示“咒语,符咒;魔法;着魔”,英文解释为“spoken words that are thought to have magical power, or (the condition of being under) the influence or control of such words”举个🌰:

The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.


2)表示“(持续的)一段时间”,英文解释为“a period of time for which an activity or condition lasts continuously”举个🌰:

I lived in Shanghai for a spell.


也表示“(特定天气的)一段短暂持续时间”,英文解释为“a short period of a particular type of weather”如:a spell of dry weather 一段天气干燥的日子。


表示“延续很久的,长期的”,英文解释为“continuing for a long time”举个🌰:

Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects.


The hashtag #heatstroke was trending on social media with 2.45 million views on the Weibo platform, with discussions ranging from people being admitted to hospital to the detrimental effects of long-term heat exposure.



表示“在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号”,英文解释为“used on social media for describing the general subject of a Tweet or other post (= message)”.


trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


表示“有害的;不利的”,英文解释为“Something that is detrimental to something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it.”举个🌰:

These chemicals have a detrimental effect/impact on the environment.



In Chengdu, the capital of southwestern Sichuan province, a scheduled outage and upgrade of the grid this week coincided with hot weather, sparking outrage from some of its 21 million residents on social media.



表示“蒸笼;蒸锅”,英文解释为“a container with holes in the bottom that is put over boiling water in order to cook food in steam, or a machine that cooks food with steam”如:a rice steamer 米饭蒸锅。


表示“停电(等)期间”,英文解释为“a period when a service, such as electricity, is not available”举个🌰:

The radio news reported power outages affecting 12 homes.



1)表示“与…一致,相符;相似”,英文解释为“to be the same or similar”举个🌰:

Our views coincide on a range of subjects.


2)表示“(几乎)同时发生”,英文解释为“to happen at or near the same time”举个🌰:

I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's.



表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个🌰:

My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest.


此前,《后浪》和「青年」一文的标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。


表示“怒;义愤;愤慨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of shock and anger举个🌰:

The judge's remarks caused public outrage.


"This is a large-scale blackout," said a netizen on Weibo.



1)表示“灯火管制时期;断电时期;断电,停电”,英文解释为“a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure”如:wartime blackouts 战时灯火管制,举个🌰:

Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several hours.


2)表示“消息封锁”,英文解释为“the action taken to make certain that information about something is not reported to the public”如:a news blackout 新闻封锁。

🎬电影《科洛弗道10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今天下午的大面积停电之后,...

"Residents can't be guaranteed their power supply. No one is doing anything about it."


In the city of Yanjin, also in China's southwest, temperatures reached 44 degrees Celsius on Monday, the highest since record-keeping started in 1959, state television reported.


In the past month, high-temperature events have affected more than 900 million of China's 1.4 billion people and a total area of 5 million square kilometres, or half of the country, the National Climate Center said on Wednesday.

国家气候中心(National Climate Center)周三表示,在过去的一个月里,高温事件影响了中国14亿人口中的9亿多人,覆盖面积达500万平方公里,约是中国国土面积的一半。

In Henan province, maintenance workers cleaned and checked air-conditioners on top of trains that pass through its capital Zhengzhou, a transportation hub in central China, under the piercing rays of the sun.



hub一词可以理解为“(某地/活动)中心,枢纽,核心”,如:the commercial hub of the city 城市的商业中心,a hub airport 大型中转机场,举个🌰:

The kitchen was the hub of family life.

📍郑州挺住,河南加油!文中,路透社(Reuters)介绍河南就说的是: a major logistics hub in central China 中国中部的主要物流中枢,原句:Many train services across Henan, a major logistics hub in central China, have been suspended. Many highways have also been closed and flights delayed or cancelled. 河南是中国中部的一个主要物流中枢,整个河南的许多火车服务已经暂停。许多高速公路也被关闭,航班被推迟或取消。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)2018年8月一篇提到B站的文章是这么表达的,Bilibili, an online hub for fans of comics and games.


piercing /ˈpɪəsɪŋ/ 1)表示“(让人觉得)非常寒冷的;刺骨的;凛冽的”,英文解释为“very cold, or making you feel very cold”举个🌰:

We shivered in the piercing wind.


2)表示“(声音)尖厉的,刺耳的”,英文解释为“(of a sound) high, loud, and unpleasant”如:piercing screams 刺耳的尖叫。

3)表示“锋利的;锐利的”,英文解释为“sharp and able to make a hole in sth”

4)表示“(眼睛或眼神)锐利的;逼人的;尖利的”,英文解释为“seeming to notice things about another person that would not normally be noticed, especially in a way that makes that person feel anxious or embarrassed”

"Up here, it is very hot, it is like a food steamer," said one worker.


"Our clothes are wet every day. Sometimes they never dry."










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