
海底火山爆发 汤加全国通讯中断

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Tsunami from Tonga volcano eruption leaves trail of flood damage

The Guardian

Tsunami waves caused by an undersea volcano have flooded the Pacific Island country of Tonga, where entire towns have been inundated with water and scientists warn the main island could be blanketed in volcanic ash.

Videos shared on social media after the eruption showed people running for higher ground as the one metre high floods hit coastal areas and made their way farther inland while the sky darkened with ash.

There were no official reports of injuries or deaths by Sunday evening, with communications limited.

Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister of New Zealand, told a news conference on Sunday that contact had not been established with coastal areas beyond the capital, Nuku’alofa. “Nuku’alofa is covered in thick plumes of volcanic dust but otherwise conditions are calm and stable,” Ardern said. “We have not yet received news from other coastal areas,” she said.

Ardern said the main undersea communications cable was affected, likely due to loss of power. Power was being restored in some areas on the islands and local mobile phones were slowly starting to work, she added. The New Zealand high commission in Nuku’alofa had said the tsunami has damaged boats, shops and other infrastructure.

Tonga’s cabinet held a crisis meeting on Sunday and was reaching out for assistance, said the office of Zed Seselja, Australia’s minister for the Pacific. Australia would send a P8 surveillance aircraft to Tonga on Monday.

As the tsunami struck on Saturday, a video shot from the roof of a building on the coast showed large waves breaching the coastal wall seconds apart, while a video shot from the New Zealand high commission in Nuku’alofa, where people ran for shelter, showed the downtown area of Patangata had been completely submerged, including the Royal Palace and Tonga’s largest bank.

Another video, shot inside a church, showed children crying out as water surrounded the building and waves begin lapping up against the windows. In a video posted to YouTube after the eruption, Abraham Leilua begins by telling his followers that “it’s not that bad” but within minutes, as the water rises, saying: “I have to run for my life” before ending the video.

Blake Smith-Tatafi, a Tongan based in Australia, said they were praying and in fear. “If you don’t know, the island of Tonga is flat. This leaves their people with nowhere of realistic safety to evacuate. Villages completely underwater. We haven’t had contact for hours now. This is a crisis,” he said.

Pita Taufatoua, a Tongan Olympian based in Australia, said he had not heard from his father or family in Ha’apai, the lowest lying islands in Tonga.

“Initial reports of damage have been catastrophic and all communications with Tonga have been wiped out,” he said. “Whilst I can’t assist family at this moment I will focus on country as more information comes out.”

Southern Cross Cable Network said on Sunday that it had been able to confirm contact with a communications centre in Tonga and work was under way to have internet and phone links restored.

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Tsunami from Tonga volcano eruption leaves trail of flood damage

The Guardian

Tsunami waves caused by an undersea volcano have flooded the Pacific Island country of Tonga, where entire towns have been inundated with water and scientists warn the main island could be blanketed in volcanic ash.



tsunami /tsuːˈnɑː.mi/ 表示“海啸”,英文解释为“an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea”


inundate /ˈɪnʌnˌdeɪt/ 表示“(被)淹没,应接不暇”,英文解释为“to receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all”举个🌰:

After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information.



📍be swamped by/with:表示“使陷入(大量工作);使面临(大量问题)”(to suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal with)举个🌰:

We've been swamped with phone calls since the advert appeared.



作名词,表示“毛毯,毯子”,作动词,表示“以厚层覆盖”,英文解释为“to cover something completely with a thick layer”举个🌰:

Outside the fields were blanketed in fog.



表示“(尤指烟草、煤、木头燃烧后的)灰,灰烬”,英文解释为“the soft grey or black powder that is left after a substance, especially tobacco, coal, or wood, has burned”如:cigarette ash 烟灰。

Videos shared on social media after the eruption showed people running for higher ground as the one metre high floods hit coastal areas and made their way farther inland while the sky darkened with ash.



表示“(位于)海岸的;临海的;沿海的”,英文解释为“positioned on, or relating to the coast”如:a coastal town 海滨城镇。

There were no official reports of injuries or deaths by Sunday evening, with communications limited.


Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister of New Zealand, told a news conference on Sunday that contact had not been established with coastal areas beyond the capital, Nuku’alofa. “Nuku’alofa is covered in thick plumes of volcanic dust but otherwise conditions are calm and stable,” Ardern said. “We have not yet received news from other coastal areas,” she said.

新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)在周日的新闻发布会上说,尚未与首都努库阿洛法(Nuku’alofa)以外的沿海地区建立联系。阿德恩说:“努库阿洛法被厚厚的火山灰覆盖,但除此之外,情况是平息且稳定的。”她说:“我们还没有收到其他沿海地区的消息。”


plume /pluːm/ 表示“一缕(烟雾)、尘土等;一股(水柱);一道(火光)”,英文解释为“A plume of smoke, dust, fire, or water is a large quantity of it that rises into the air in a column.”举个🌰:

The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Hangzhou.


🎬电影《坚强》(Strong)中提到:Coming up in a big plume. 浓烟滚滚。

Ardern said the main undersea communications cable was affected, likely due to loss of power. Power was being restored in some areas on the islands and local mobile phones were slowly starting to work, she added. The New Zealand high commission in Nuku’alofa had said the tsunami has damaged boats, shops and other infrastructure.



1)表示“(传输电、电话信号等的)电缆”,英文解释为“a set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, phone signals, etc.”如:a length of cable 一根电缆。

2)表示“(电视节目或电话信号的)有线传输系统”,同 cable televisioin,举个🌰:

The office has gone over to cable.


Tonga's cabinet held a crisis meeting on Sunday and was reaching out for assistance, said the office of Zed Seselja, Australia's minister for the Pacific. Australia would send a P8 surveillance aircraft to Tonga on Monday.

澳大利亚太平洋事务部长泽德·塞瑟利亚(Zed Seselja)发言人表示,汤加内阁在周日举行了一次危机会议,并正在向外寻求援助。澳大利亚将于周一向汤加派出一架P8侦察机。


表示“内阁”,英文解释为“The cabinet is a group of the most senior advisers or ministers in a government, who meet regularly to discuss policies.”举个🌰:

The announcement came after a three-hour cabinet meeting.


As the tsunami struck on Saturday, a video shot from the roof of a building on the coast showed large waves breaching the coastal wall seconds apart, while a video shot from the New Zealand high commission in Nuku’alofa, where people ran for shelter, showed the downtown area of Patangata had been completely submerged, including the Royal Palace and Tonga’s largest bank.



1)表示“破坏,违犯;违反,不履行”,英文解释为“to break a law, promise, agreement, or relationship”举个🌰:

They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.


2)表示“(尤指为从背后突袭)在…上打开缺口”,英文解释为“to make an opening in a wall or fence, especially in order to attack someone or something behind it”举个🌰:

Their defences were easily breached.



可以作名词,也可以作形容词表示“在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区)”,英文解释为“in or towards the centre of a city, especially its main business area”。


表示“(使)潜入水中,没入水中,浸没,淹没”,英文解释为“to go under the surface of water or liquid; to put sth or make sth go under the surface of water or liquid”举个🌰:

The fields had been submerged by floodwater.


Another video, shot inside a church, showed children crying out as water surrounded the building and waves begin lapping up against the windows. In a video posted to YouTube after the eruption, Abraham Leilua begins by telling his followers that “it's not that bad” but within minutes, as the water rises, saying: “I have to run for my life” before ending the video.

另一段在教堂内拍摄的视频显示,海浪拍打窗户,被水围困在建筑物内,孩子们哭了起来。火山爆发后发布在YouTube上的一段视频中,亚伯拉罕·莱卢阿(Abraham Leilua)一开始告诉他的粉丝,“没有那么糟糕”,但在几分钟内,随着水位的上升,他说,“我必须要逃命”,然后视频结束了。


表示“(波浪)轻轻地拍击,轻轻地敲打”,英文解释为“(of waves) to hit something gently, producing quiet sounds”举个🌰:

The water lapped against the side of the pool.


Blake Smith-Tatafi, a Tongan based in Australia, said they were praying and in fear. “If you don't know, the island of Tonga is flat. This leaves their people with nowhere of realistic safety to evacuate. Villages completely underwater. We haven't had contact for hours now. This is a crisis,” he said.

居住在澳大利亚的汤加人布莱克·史密斯-塔塔菲(Blake Smith-Tatafi)说,他们在祈祷,很恐惧。“汤加岛是平的。这使得汤加人民没有任何安全的地方能够疏散。村庄完全被水淹没。我们已经有几个小时没有联系了。这是一场危机。”他说。


表示“疏散; 使…撤离”,英文解释为“To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area.”举个🌰:

They were planning to evacuate the ten officials still in the country.


Pita Taufatoua, a Tongan Olympian based in Australia, said he had not heard from his father or family in Ha’apai, the lowest lying islands in Tonga.

居住在澳大利亚的汤加奥运选手比塔·陶法托富阿(Pita Taufatoua)说,他没有收到他在汤加地势最低的岛屿--哈阿派(Ha'apai)的父亲或家人的消息。

“Initial reports of damage have been catastrophic and all communications with Tonga have been wiped out,” he said. “Whilst I can't assist family at this moment I will focus on country as more information comes out.”



catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ 1)表示“灾难性的”,英文解释为“Something that is catastrophic involves or causes a sudden terrible disaster.”举个🌰:

The water shortage is potentially catastrophic.


2)表示“极糟的;失败的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as catastrophic, you mean that it is very bad or unsuccessful.”

wipe out

表示“摧毁;使灭绝”,英文解释为“To wipe out something such as a place or a group of people or animals means to destroy them completely.”举个🌰:

Experts say if the island is not protected, the spill could wipe out the gulf's turtle population.



whilst /waɪlst/ 同while,表示“当…时;在…的过程中;虽然,尽管”,英文解释为“Whilst means the same as the conjunction while”。


📍whistle /ˈwɪsəl/作名词表示“哨子,口哨声”(a small object that produces a high whistling sound when you blow into it);

Southern Cross Cable Network said on Sunday that it had been able to confirm contact with a communications centre in Tonga and work was under way to have internet and phone links restored.

南十字星有线电视网(Southern Cross Cable Network)周日表示,已经能够确认与汤加的一个通信中心的联系,并且正在努力恢复互联网和电话连接。









- 那年今日 -

2021 为啥最近都在讨论车厘子

2020 瑞典“环保少女”背后马甲曝光

2019 中国英语能力等级对接雅思

2018 独一无二的小红莓主唱离世

2017 每个人都应该知道的事实



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