
R.I.P. | 独一无二的小红莓主唱离世

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


小红莓是世界著名的乐队,最经典的热单当属反战歌曲《Zombie》,主唱声音“既能空灵缥缈,又可铿锵有力”,一起来回顾小红莓(The Cranberries)的万人经典现场~



Dolores O’Riordan, Lead Singer of the Cranberries, Dies at 46

“爱尔兰享誉国际的歌手多洛雷丝·奥莱尔登今天在伦敦突然离世,”名为林赛·霍尔梅斯(Lindsey Holmes)的这名宣传人员在一份通过电子邮件发布的声明中写道,并补充说奥莱尔登去世前一直在伦敦参加录制活动。

“Irish and international singer Dolores O’Riordan has died suddenly in London today,” Lindsey Holmes, the publicist, said in an emailed statement, adding that Ms. O’Riordan had been in London for a recording session.

爱尔兰摇滚乐队小红莓(Cranberries)主唱多洛雷丝·奥莱尔登(Dolores O’Riordan)周一在伦敦去世,终年46岁。她的宣传人员宣布了她离世的消息,但没有详细介绍死因。

Dolores O’Riordan, the lead singer of the Irish rock band the Cranberries, died on Monday in London. She was 46. Her death was announced by her publicist, who did not specify the cause.


The statement said that family members are “devastated to[1] hear the breaking news and have requested privacy at this very difficult time.”

[1]devastated: if you are devastated by something, you are very shocked and upset by it. 十分震惊的

Teresa was devastated, her dreams shattered. 


伦敦警察局(Metropolitan Police)的一名发言人周一说,上午大约9点05分,警方在接到报警后到达威斯敏斯特的帕克莱恩(Park Lane)酒店,多洛雷丝·奥莱尔登被当场宣布死亡。这名发言人说,她的死亡被当作 “不明原因”处理。

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police said on Monday that the police were called to a Park Lane hotel in Westminster at about 9:05 a.m., and that Ms. O’Riordan was pronounced dead at the scene. Her death is being treated as “unexplained,” the spokeswoman said.


In the band, her voice — high and breathy, but far more determined than fragile — rode atop a rich wash of electric guitars. Her unmistakable Irish accent and the Celtic inflections of her melodies gave her singing a plaintive[2] individuality and a flinty core.

[2]plaintive: used to describe something that sounds slightly sad 伤感的

the plaintive sound of the bagpipes


小红莓1989年成立时叫“小红莓看见我们”(Cranberry Saw Us)。1990年奥莱尔登接任主唱后,乐队改名为小红莓。除吉他手诺埃尔·霍根(Noel Hogan)和贝斯手迈克·霍根(Mike Hogan)兄弟外,乐队成员还包括鼓手费格尔·劳勒(Fergal Lawler)。

The Cranberries were formed in 1989 as the Cranberry Saw Us and renamed the Cranberries after Ms. O’Riordan took over as lead singer in 1990. Along with the brothers Noel Hogan on guitar and Mike Hogan on bass, the band includes the drummer Fergal Lawler.


The group arrived during the early 1990s ascendance of alternative rock: tuneful, punk-derived, guitar-driven songs that often made their way from college-radio playlists to commercial radio.

在小红莓之前,已有西妮德·奥康纳(Sinead O’Connor)和周日乐队(Sundays)的哈丽雅特·惠勒(Harriet Wheeler)等女性摇滚歌手登上流行音乐榜单。该乐队也深受史密斯乐队(Smiths)的影响。后者是80年代的一支乐队,用后朋克风格的鼓乐搭配温暖、圆润的吉他声和告白式的歌词。

Female rock singers like Sinead O’Connor and Harriet Wheeler of the Sundays had recently preceded[先于...] the Cranberries on the pop charts, and the band also drew deeply on[3] the musical example of the Smiths, the 1980s band that propelled[4] warm, rounded guitars and confessional lyrics with post-punk drumming.

[3]draw on: If you draw on or draw upon something such as your skill or experience, you make use of it in order to do something. 利用

He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme. 


[4]propel: to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force 推进,推动

The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.


After “Zombie,” the Cranberries lost much of their pop audience as their late-1990s albums grew harsher and more concerned with sociopolitical messages than with love songs. The Cranberries disbanded in 2003. In 2007 Ms. O’Riordan released her first solo album, “Are You Listening?”

在《僵尸》之后,随着乐队在90年代末的专辑变得更加严肃,更关心传递社会政治信息而不是爱情歌曲,小红莓失去了很多流行音乐歌迷。2003年,乐队解散。2007年,奥莱尔登发表了首张个人专辑《你在听吗》(Are You Listening)。

在去年《卫报》(The Gardian)的一篇采访中,奥莱尔登描述了乐队一起创作第一首歌《徘徊》时的情景。“我写了被拒绝的经历,”她说。“我做梦都没想到它会成为名曲。”

In an interview published in The Guardian last year, Ms. O’Riordan described how the band wrote “Linger,” its first song together. “I wrote about being rejected,” she said. “I never imagined that that it would become a big song.”

1996年,《纽约时报》的流行音乐乐评人尼尔·斯特劳斯(Neil Strauss)称奥莱尔登是一位“几乎什么都能唱,并能把它变得像音乐一样”的演奏者。

In 1996, Neil Strauss, a pop music critic for The New York Times, described Ms. O’Riordan as a performer who can “sing almost anything and make it seem musical.”


Ms. O’Riordan’s death was also announced on the group’s Twitter account, where fans shared messages of mourning and of the impact that the group’s music had on their lives.

“她是我DNA的一部分,是我生活的背景乐,”一个名为Michael Traboulsi的用户写道。

“She was part of my DNA, the soundtrack[电影配乐] to my life,” wrote one, Michael Traboulsi.

奥莱尔登生于1971年9月6日,在爱尔兰利默里克郡的巴里布里肯地区长大。1994年,她和杜兰杜兰乐队(Duran Duran)的前巡演经纪人唐·伯顿(Don Burton)结婚。2014年,两人离婚。她身后留下了三个孩子,分别是泰勒(Taylor)、莫利(Molly)和达科塔(Dakota),还有她的母亲艾琳·奥莱尔登(Eileen O’Riordan)。

Ms. O’Riordan was born on Sept. 6, 1971, and grew up in the Ballybricken area of County Limerick, Ireland. In 1994, she married Don Burton, a former tour manager for Duran Duran; the couple divorced in 2014. She is survived by her three children, Taylor, Molly and Dakota, and her mother, Eileen O’Riordan.


Six years after the Cranberries’ split, the group reunited and began touring again. But last year, the band canceled dates on its European and North America tours due to Ms. O’Riordan’s ongoing back problems.


“There have been some comments suggesting that Dolores could perform if she sat while singing. Unfortunately it is not as simple as that,” a statement on the group’s Facebook page said then.

小红莓在2017年发表了原生专辑《其他》(Something Else),并计划在欧洲和北美演出。但这些巡演被缩短或取消,因为乐队说演唱导致奥莱尔登的部分脊柱承受压力,让她疼痛难忍。

The Cranberries released the acoustic album “Something Else” in 2017 and had plans to perform shows in Europe and North America. But the tours were cut short or canceled because the band said that singing put pressure on the parts of her spine that were giving her so much pain.








