

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


可以看到,英文名为:League of Legends: Wild Rift,香港和台湾地区译作“英雄联盟:激斗峡谷”,简称LoL: WR或LoLWR。


League of Legends: Wild Rift makes one of the world’s biggest games more accessible

The Verge

By Andrew Webster

Mar 30, 2021

League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the world, and it has been for the better part of a decade. But it’s also incredibly intimidating: a 5 vs. 5 competitive experience with all kinds of complex rules and quirks. It’s not a game you pick up and understand right away. That’s part of what makes Wild Rift, a new spinoff for mobile, so surprising. It takes the core of League and packages it in a way that makes it much more approachable for newcomers. This is by far the best way to start playing.

First, it’s important to note that Wild Rift isn’t a direct port of League. Instead, it’s a new version designed specifically for mobile (and, at some point in the future, consoles). It still feels like League in a lot of ways, but there are some key differences. The core is identical: it’s a team game where squads of five go up against each other with the goal of taking down the opposing team’s base. You still navigate a map made up of three lanes, with a jungle full of creatures to kill in between, and you have to choose between a variety of heroes with unique skills.

But the changes, while seemingly small, are noticeable. For one thing, the map is smaller, so it’ll take less time to clear out lanes on your way to the enemy’s base. In my experience, matches last around 20 minutes in Wild Rift, compared to League on PC where they can stretch out past 45 minutes. It’s just about the ideal length for playing on your phone.

The addition of touchscreen controls is a big shift as well. Riot has replaced a mouse and keyboard with lots and lots of on-screen buttons. There’s a virtual joystick for movement — it’s serviceable, but like all virtual joysticks, it can be unresponsive at times — and buttons for all of your different attacks. There are also auto-attack buttons so you can focus on killing nearby minions or destroying towers, one for warping back to base, as well as a mini-map and pop-ups whenever you can buy a new item. The screen can get pretty cluttered on a phone. (It’s a bit better if you’re on a tablet; I played on an iPad Pro, and the UI had a lot more room to breathe.)

Surprisingly, though, aside from a few small issues, the controls have worked fine for me across a dozen or so matches. The joystick can get sticky, and it’s easy to accidentally start recalling yourself back to base, but other than that, I haven’t had any issues. So long as you aren’t planning to go pro, you should be fine. Riot seems to have found a nice balance between streamlined controls and giving you lots of information. The game also has fewer characters to choose from — around 60, compared to well over 100 in the PC version — simplifying yet another aspect of the experience.

So basically, Wild Rift is a slightly lightweight take on League. But aside from the controls and smaller map, the thing that really makes it work is the onboarding. Wild Rift has an excellent tutorial series that teaches you the basics — how positions work, why you might want to wander off to kill a dragon — and it even gives you some in-game rewards for completing it. You can also bring up a version of the in-game map at any point and refresh yourself on everything from how the monsters work to what a top laner is supposed to do. It’s still an incredibly complex game, and you won’t learn everything from the tutorial, but it does an excellent job of easing in new players by explaining the basics in simple terms.

A mobile version of League makes a lot of sense — so much so that it’s surprising it took so long. Most of the biggest online games are available on smartphones. Sometimes, like with Fortnite and Genshin Impact, those games offer an identical experience across platforms. Others, like PUBG, Rocket League, and — now — League of Legends, have opted for a mobile-specific spinoff. (That strategy worked out for PUBG, which recently celebrated 1 billion downloads.)

It may be a decade old, but League is arguably as popular as it’s ever been, with multiple spinoffs and even an animated series in the works. Wild Rift may be a bit late to the party, but it looks to be an important part of the game’s next decade.

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League of Legends: Wild Rift makes one of the world's biggest games more accessible

The Verge

By Andrew Webster

Mar 30, 2021

League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the world, and it has been for the better part of a decade. But it's also incredibly intimidating: a 5 vs. 5 competitive experience with all kinds of complex rules and quirks. It's not a game you pick up and understand right away. That's part of what makes Wild Rift, a new spinoff for mobile, so surprising. It takes the core of League and packages it in a way that makes it much more approachable for newcomers. This is by far the best way to start playing.

《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一,在过去的十年中一直如此。但它也是极其令人紧张的:5对5竞技游戏,有各种复杂的规则和古怪之处。这不是一个你立刻就能学会和理解的游戏。这也是《英雄联盟:激斗峡谷》,这款新衍生的手游,让人如此惊讶的部分原因。它采用了《英雄联盟》的核心,并以一种使新人更容易上手的方式进行封装。这是迄今为止开始游戏的最佳方式。

the best/better part o

表示“大部分,大半”,相当于most of,举个🌰:

I spent the better part of a day cleaning that kitchen!



表示“令人紧张不安的;令人胆怯的”,英文解释为“making you feel worried and not confident”举个🌰:

Some people find interview situations very intimidating.


pick up

表示“(不费力地)学会;获得”,英文解释为“If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time.”举个🌰:

Where did you pick up your English


📍pick up一词意义繁多,列举常见的几种:

· 捡起,拾起,如pick his cap up, 捡起帽子

·(跌倒或被击倒后)慢慢站起身,如pick himself/herself up, 慢慢站起来

·(开车)接,取,如pick up some clean clothes, 取几件干净衣服

·(不费力地)学会;习得,如pick up french, 偶然学会了法语

· 染上(疾病),如pick up a nasty infection, 染上严重的传染病

· 接起(某观点、话题),如pick up his point, 接着谈一谈他的观点

·(贸易、经济)改善,如Industrial production is beginning to pick up, 工业生产正在开始好转。


1)表示“(地面或岩石上的)裂缝,裂口”,英文解释为“a large crack in the ground or in rock”举个🌰:

The stream had cut a deep rift in the rock.


2)表示“(人际关系的)裂痕;分歧,不和”,英文解释为“a serious disagreement that separates two people who have been friends and stops their friendship continuin”。


1)表示“意外收获;意外效应”,英文解释为“A spinoff is an unexpected but useful or valuable result of an activity that was designed to achieve something else.”举个🌰:

The company put out a report on commercial spinoffs from its research.


2)表示“(书、电影或电视连续剧的)衍生物;派生产品,副产品;衍生物”,英文解释为“A spinoff is a book, film, or television series that comes after and is related to a successful book, film, or television series. A product that develops from another more important product”

First, it's important to note that Wild Rift isn't a direct port of League. Instead, it's a new version designed specifically for mobile (and, at some point in the future, consoles). It still feels like League in a lot of ways, but there are some key differences. The core is identical: it's a team game where squads of five go up against each other with the goal of taking down the opposing team's base. You still navigate a map made up of three lanes, with a jungle full of creatures to kill in between, and you have to choose between a variety of heroes with unique skills.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“转移,移植(软件)”,英文解释为“to move software from one computer system to another”举个🌰:

Can Windows applications be ported to Unix?



表示“(电子设备或机器的)操纵台,控制台,仪表板”,英文解释为“a surface on which you find the controls for a piece of electrical equipment or a machine”。


squad /skwɒd/ 1)表示“(为参加某体育比赛而组成的)运动队;球队”,英文解释为“a group of players from which a team will be chosen for a particular sports event”,如:the Chinese World Cup squad 表中国参加世界杯的球队。


📍team的英文解释为“a group of people who play a game or sport together against another group”(游戏或体育比赛的)队。

2)squad表示“(警察的)特别行动小组”和“(士兵组成的)班,小队”,如:bomb squad officers 爆破小组的队员,a drill squad 操练小队。


jungle /ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ 表示“丛林,密林”,英文解释为“an area of tropical forest where trees and plants grow very thickly”。

But the changes, while seemingly small, are noticeable. For one thing, the map is smaller, so it'll take less time to clear out lanes on your way to the enemy's base. In my experience, matches last around 20 minutes in Wild Rift, compared to League on PC where they can stretch out past 45 minutes. It's just about the ideal length for playing on your phone.


The addition of touchscreen controls is a big shift as well. Riot has replaced a mouse and keyboard with lots and lots of on-screen buttons. There's a virtual joystick for movement — it's serviceable, but like all virtual joysticks, it can be unresponsive at times — and buttons for all of your different attacks. There are also auto-attack buttons so you can focus on killing nearby minions or destroying towers, one for warping back to base, as well as a mini-map and pop-ups whenever you can buy a new item. The screen can get pretty cluttered on a phone. (It's a bit better if you're on a tablet; I played on an iPad Pro, and the UI had a lot more room to breathe.)

触屏控制的增加也是一个很大的转变。拳头游戏(Riot Games)用大量屏幕上的按钮取代了鼠标和键盘。有一个用于移动的虚拟操纵杆--它是可用的,但像所有的虚拟操纵杆一样,它有时会没有反应--以及用于各种不同攻击的按钮。还有自动攻击按钮,这样你就可以专注于杀死附近的小兵或摧毁防御塔,一个用于回城的按钮,以及一个迷你地图和每当你可以购买新物品时的弹出窗口。在手机上屏幕可能会变得很杂乱。(如果你用的是平板电脑,情况会好一点;我在iPad Pro上玩,用户界面留有更多的空间。)


表示“操纵杆,驾驶杆”,英文解释为“a vertical handle that can be moved forwards, backwards, and sideways to control the direction or height of an aircraft or to control a machine or computer game”


表示“可用的; 够用的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as serviceable, you mean that it is good enough to be used and to perform its function.”


minion /ˈmɪnjən/ 表示“下属;小卒;杂役”,英文解释为“an unimportant person in an organization who has to obey orders; a servant”


pop-up 指的就是App或者电脑上的弹出式窗口(弹窗),英文解释为“a window , often containing an advertisement, that suddenly appears on a computer screen, especially when you are looking at a website”。


clutter /ˈklʌtə/ 表示“凌乱地塞满;乱堆放”,英文解释为“to fill a place with too many things, so that it is untidy”举个🌰:

Every shelf is cluttered with ornaments.


Surprisingly, though, aside from a few small issues, the controls have worked fine for me across a dozen or so matches. The joystick can get sticky, and it's easy to accidentally start recalling yourself back to base, but other than that, I haven't had any issues. So long as you aren't planning to go pro, you should be fine. Riot seems to have found a nice balance between streamlined controls and giving you lots of information. The game also has fewer characters to choose from — around 60, compared to well over 100 in the PC version — simplifying yet another aspect of the experience.



表示“(常通过简化办事程序)使(机构)效率更高;简化”,英文解释为“to improve the effectiveness of an organization such as a business or government, often by making the way activities are performed simpler”举个🌰:

Streamlining management could save at least 8 percent in costs.


So basically, Wild Rift is a slightly lightweight take on League. But aside from the controls and smaller map, the thing that really makes it work is the onboarding. Wild Rift has an excellent tutorial series that teaches you the basics — how positions work, why you might want to wander off to kill a dragon — and it even gives you some in-game rewards for completing it. You can also bring up a version of the in-game map at any point and refresh yourself on everything from how the monsters work to what a top laner is supposed to do. It's still an incredibly complex game, and you won't learn everything from the tutorial, but it does an excellent job of easing in new players by explaining the basics in simple terms.



表示“新员工入职培训;新用户引导流程,顾客引导”,英文解释为“the process in which new employees gain the knowledge and skills they need to become effective members of an organization”举个🌰:

The right onboarding process can make a huge difference in the long-term performance of a new employee.


A mobile version of League makes a lot of sense — so much so that it's surprising it took so long. Most of the biggest online games are available on smartphones. Sometimes, like with Fortnite and Genshin Impact, those games offer an identical experience across platforms. Others, like PUBG, Rocket League, and — now — League of Legends, have opted for a mobile-specific spinoff. (That strategy worked out for PUBG, which recently celebrated 1 billion downloads.)

手机版的《英雄联盟》有很大的意义--以至于它花了这么长时间,令人惊讶。大多数最大的网络游戏都可以在智能手机上玩。有时,像《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)和《原神》(Genshin Impact),这些游戏在不同平台上提供了相同的体验。其他游戏,如《绝地求生》(PUBG)、《火箭联盟》(Rocket League),以及现在的《英雄联盟》(League of Legends),都选择了针对手机的衍生游戏。(这一策略对《绝地求生》很有效,该游戏最近下载量突破10亿次。)

so much so

表示“到…程度”,英文解释为“to such a great degree”举个🌰:

It was a great project, so much so that it won first prize.



表示“选择”,英文解释为“If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.”举个🌰:

Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other.


It may be a decade old, but League is arguably as popular as it’s ever been, with multiple spinoffs and even an animated series in the works. Wild Rift may be a bit late to the party, but it looks to be an important part of the game's next decade.


in the works

表示“在筹备中;在完成中”,英文解释为“in the process of being planned or done”举个🌰:

Changes to the system are already in the works.










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2019 搞笑诺贝尔奖揭晓

2018 假期结束 · 节后综合征

2017 今天微博为什么会瘫痪!

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