

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)宣布,她将在11月美国总统大选中投票给民主党总统候选人乔·拜登。

Taylor Swift endorses Joe Biden (from: Reuters)


Taylor Swift endorses Joe Biden for President


Taylor Swift fans have known "All Too Well" by now who she’s voting for in November — and the pop singer made it official on Wednesday by endorsing Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

"So apt that it’s come out on the night of the VP debate," Swift said to her more than 87 million followers. "Gonna be watching and supporting @KamalaHarris by yelling at the tv a lot."

She spoke to V Magazine's Thought Leaders Issue and wished that her vote for the Biden-Harris ticket will help start the nation's "healing process."

Swift said Biden's message is one of healing and that it advocates for women, the LGBTQ community, and people of color.

"The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included," she told the magazine.

Swift has previously stayed out of politics, in fear of isolating her audience. But in 2018, Swift made her political debut when she endorsed former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, in the Senate race against Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn.

Bredesen lost the race, but Swift remained politically vocal since.

"In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now," she said in 2018 on social media. "I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country."

In August, the "Blank Space" artist criticized President Donald Trump and the ongoing threat of Covid-19.

"Donald Trump’s ineffective leadership gravely worsened the crisis that we are in and he is now taking advantage of it to subvert and destroy our right to vote and vote safely," Swift said in an Aug. 15 tweet. "Request a ballot early. Vote early."

Joe Biden thanked Swift for her endorsement on Twitter and added: "Election Day is right around the corner — are you ready for it?"

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Taylor Swift endorses Joe Biden for President


Taylor Swift fans have known "All Too Well" by now who she's voting for in November — and the pop singer made it official on Wednesday by endorsing Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的粉丝们现在已经很清楚她在11月会投票给谁--这位流行歌手周三正式宣布为民主党候选人乔·拜登(Joe Biden)背书。


昨天在劝大家不要眨眼了文中才刚解释过,再复习一下。endorse作动词,1)表示“(公开)赞同,支持,认可”,英文解释为“to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action”举个🌰:

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.


2)表示“(在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品)”,英文解释为“to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it”;

3)表示“(在支票背面)签名,背书”,英文解释为“to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account”;

🎬电影《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)中的台词提到:After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park. 仔细考虑以后 我决定不为你的公园背书



know all too well

这句话很有意思,双关,1)泰勒·斯威夫特有一首歌就叫《All Too Well》;2)know (sth) all too well本身表示“很熟悉,很清楚,非常了解”,英文解释为“To be very familiar with something, usually something difficult, bad, or unpleasant. A noun or pronoun can be used between "know" and "(all) too well."”

"So apt that it's come out on the night of the VP debate," Swift said to her more than 87 million followers. "Gonna be watching and supporting @KamalaHarris by yelling at the tv a lot."

“在副总统辩论这天晚上宣布(这个消息)太合适了。”斯威夫特对她的8700多万粉丝说。“我会在电视前呐喊来支持卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)。”

apt /æpt/

表示“适当的,恰当的;合适的”,英文解释为“suitable or right for a particular situation”,如:an apt comment/description 中肯的评论/贴切的描述。

come out

表示“(信息或结果)公布,揭晓”,英文解释为“If information, results, etc. come out, they are given to people.”举个🌰:

The exam results come out in January.


She spoke to V Magazine's Thought Leaders Issue and wished that her vote for the Biden-Harris ticket will help start the nation's "healing process."



2020年8月11日,拜登提名美联邦参议卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris民主党副总统候选人。2020年8月19日晚,民主党全国大会正式提名美国加州参议员卡玛拉·哈里斯为民主党副总统候选人。


Swift said Biden's message is one of healing and that it advocates for women, the LGBTQ community, and people of color.


"The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included," she told the magazine.


Swift has previously stayed out of politics, in fear of isolating her audience. But in 2018, Swift made her political debut when she endorsed former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, in the Senate race against Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn.

斯威夫特之前一直不参与政治,担心会孤立她的听众。但2018年,在民主党人前田纳西州州长菲尔·布雷德森(Phil Bredesen)与共和党候选人玛莎·布莱克本(Marsha Blackburn)的参议院竞选中,斯威夫特公开支持了菲尔·布雷德森,这是她的政治首秀

stay out of

表示“不介入,置身于…之外”,英文解释为“to not become involved in an argument or discussion”举个🌰:

It's better to stay out of their arguments.



表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


Bredesen lost the race, but Swift remained politically vocal since.



1)表示“喜欢畅所欲言的;直言不讳的;大声表达的”,英文解释为“often expressing opinions and complaints in speech”举个🌰:

During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal.


2)表示“嗓音的;发声的”,英文解释为“connected with the voice”,如:vocal music 声乐。

3)作名词,通常复数,表示“(乐曲中的)歌唱部分,声乐部分”(the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather than played on a musical instrument),如:backing vocals 伴唱。

📍看过《乘风破浪的姐姐》的小伙伴应该对这个词很熟悉,所谓的“倭寇担当”,就是“vocal 担当”,可惜 vocal /ˈvəʊkl/ 真的不是读作“倭寇”。

How to pronounce VOCAL in British English (from: Collins A-Z)

"In the past I've been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now," she said in 2018 on social media. "I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country."


cast a/one's vote


All the votes in the election have now been cast and the counting has begun.


In August, the "Blank Space" artist criticized President Donald Trump and the ongoing threat of Covid-19.

8月份,这位《Blank Space》的创作者批评了唐纳德·特朗普总统及其因疫情所带来的持续威胁。

"Donald Trump's ineffective leadership gravely worsened the crisis that we are in and he is now taking advantage of it to subvert and destroy our right to vote and vote safely," Swift said in an Aug. 15 tweet. "Request a ballot early. Vote early."



表示“严重地;严肃地;严峻地;沉重地”;形容词性grave,表示“严重的,重大的,严峻的”,英文解释为“seriously bad”,如:a grave situation 严峻的形势。

📍2017年政府工作报告「Part1」中就有这么一句:过去一年,我国发展面临国内外诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患交汇的严峻挑战。In the past year, China's development has faced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks and dangers both at home and abroad.


表示“颠覆;暗中破坏”,英文解释为“to try to destroy the authority of a political, religious, etc. system by attacking it secretly or indirectly”举个🌰:

Our best intentions are sometimes subverted by our natural tendency to selfishness.


ballot /ˈbælət/

1)表示“记名投”,英文解释为“A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.举个🌰:

The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.


2)表示“选票”,英文解释为“A ballot is a piece of paper on which you indicate your choice or opinion in a secret vote.”举个🌰:

Election boards will count the ballots by hand.


Joe Biden thanked Swift for her endorsement on Twitter and added: "Election Day is right around the corner — are you ready for it?"





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