

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26






Blame Alpha Sizing for Shopping Woes


You've probably wondered why you can be a size 6 in one store and a size 8 in another. Women's sizing is endlessly frustrating. My boyfriend can buy the same size pants in Macy's as he would at Banana Republic, but when I shop, it can be anything from an extra small to a medium depending on the brand. According to the Wall Street Journal, alpha sizing is the reason you can wear a varied range of sizes.

Alpha sizing is a simplified system for sizing apparel. When you see the word "small" instead of a number, that garment indicates two combined number sizes. But there is no standardized way to do this, which is why you can be a "small" sometimes and a "medium" or "large" other times. According to WSJ, the rise of alpha sizing has something to do with the increased popularity of relaxed fashions (baggy t-shirts, yoga pants) that rely less on exact fit. But alpha sizing can be really damaging to the psyche of shoppers, especially female shoppers.

The appeal of alpha sizing for retailers is a no-brainer, especially financially. From the WSJ:

"Alpha sizing's biggest draw of all is financial. Clothing makers can reach just as many customers while producing clothes in a smaller range of sizes. "If I only have to build four sizes instead of eight, my supply chain is going to be much more efficient," says Ed Gribbin, president of Alvanon Inc., a New York firm that consults on sizing and fit strategy."

From a consumer perspective alpha sizing has some surface level benefits as well because it's such a simplified process.

"Having five or six sizes to choose from, you are more willing to go into that rack, take it into the fitting room, try a couple of sizes on," Ms. Bricker says. With numerical sizing, there might be 10 sizes or more to wade through, which shoppers can find daunting."

But the problem with alpha sizing is that it is inconsistent across the industry. A size large in one store does not necessarily equal a size large in another. Fewer size options lead to inexact sizing, which is such an issue when trying to find flattering clothing. Not all women are shaped like clothes hangers, and we need specific sizes to help us determine the best fit.

I have had countless dressing room breakdowns because of "sizing up" in a particular dress or top. You can blame this on my insecurities, if you wish, but here's the thing — those insecurities are not my fault. They are the fault of a society that prizes skinny over healthy and airbrushes the hell out of every woman featured in a magazine so that the rest of us believe that fat rolls are the work of Satan instead of, you know, natural.

When you place women in "small," "medium," and "large" categories, you aren't doing those women any favors. You are reducing them to the size-based word on a tag. Size matters when it comes to clothing, and some women wear larger sizes than others. Numbers aren't perfect, but they are far less judgmental and far more exact. If stores are going to employ alpha sizing, the least they can do is standardize the process and save us some grief.

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Blame Alpha Sizing for Shopping Woes


You've probably wondered why you can be a size 6 in one store and a size 8 in another. Women's sizing is endlessly frustrating. My boyfriend can buy the same size pants in Macy's as he would at Banana Republic, but when I shop, it can be anything from an extra small to a medium depending on the brand. According to the Wall Street Journal, alpha sizing is the reason you can wear a varied range of sizes.

你可能想知道为什么你在一家商店买是尺码6,而在另一家是尺码8。女性的尺码总是令人沮丧。我的男朋友可以在梅西百货(Macy's)买到和香蕉共和国(Banana Republic)一样大小的裤子,但当我购物时,根据品牌的不同,可能是超小号到中号不等。根据《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的报道,字母尺码是你能穿出各种不同尺码的原因。


woe /wəʊ/的复数形式woes,表示“麻烦;问题;困难”,英文解释为“the troubles and problems that sb has”举个🌰:

Thanks for listening to my woes.


而woe做不可数名词时,表示“悲伤;悲哀”(extreme sadness),举个🌰:

Her face was lined and full of woe.



表示“希腊字母表的第1个字母”,英文解释为“the first letter of the Greek alphabet (A, α) ”。

Alpha sizing is a simplified system for sizing apparel. When you see the word "small" instead of a number, that garment indicates two combined number sizes. But there is no standardized way to do this, which is why you can be a "small" sometimes and a "medium" or "large" other times. According to WSJ, the rise of alpha sizing has something to do with the increased popularity of relaxed fashions (baggy t-shirts, yoga pants) that rely less on exact fit. But alpha sizing can be really damaging to the psyche of shoppers, especially female shoppers.



apparel /əˈpærəl/ 表示“服装;尤指礼服”,英文解释为“Apparel means clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion.”举个🌰:

Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall sizes. 



📍attire /əˈtaɪə/ 表示“服装;衣服”(clothes),如:dressed in formal evening attire 穿着晚礼服。

📍garment 表示“(一件)衣服,尤用于衣服生产和销售的领域”(A garment is a piece of clothing; used especially in contexts where you are talking about the manufacture or sale of clothes.)如:woollen garments 毛衣,winter/outer garments 冬装/外衣,举个🌰:

Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.



baggy /ˈbæɡɪ/ 表示“宽松的”,英文解释为“If a piece of clothing is baggy, it hangs loosely on your body.”如:a baggy sweater 一件宽松的毛线衫。


psyche /ˈsaɪkɪ/ 表示“心灵”,英文解释为“In psychology, your psyche is your mind and your deepest feelings and attitudes.”举个🌰:

His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.


The appeal of alpha sizing for retailers is a no-brainer, especially financially. From the WSJ:



表示“非常容易的问题;容易作的决定”,英文解释为“If you describe a question or decision as a no-brainer, you mean that it is a very easy one to answer or make.”举个🌰:

If it's illegal for someone under 21 to drink, it should be illegal for them to drink and drive. That's a no-brainer.


"Alpha sizing's biggest draw of all is financial. Clothing makers can reach just as many customers while producing clothes in a smaller range of sizes. "If I only have to build four sizes instead of eight, my supply chain is going to be much more efficient," says Ed Gribbin, president of Alvanon Inc., a New York firm that consults on sizing and fit strategy."

“字母尺码的最大吸引力是财务方面。服装制造商可以在生产较小尺码范围衣服的同时接触到同样多的客户。”艾尔朗公司(Alvanon Inc.)总裁埃德·格里宾(Ed Gribbin)说:“如果我只需要生产四个尺寸而不是八个尺寸,我的供应链就会更有效率。”艾尔朗公司是一家为尺码和合身战略提供咨询的公司。


表示“有吸引力的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“a person, a thing or an event that attracts a lot of people”举个🌰:

She is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.


From a consumer perspective alpha sizing has some surface level benefits as well because it's such a simplified process.


"Having five or six sizes to choose from, you are more willing to go into that rack, take it into the fitting room, try a couple of sizes on," Ms. Bricker says. With numerical sizing, there might be 10 sizes or more to wade through, which shoppers can find daunting."

布里克女士(Ms. Bricker)说:“有五种或六种尺寸可供选择,你更愿意进入货架,把它带到试衣间,试穿几个尺寸。如果采用数字尺码,可能会有10个或更多的尺码需要尝试,购物者会觉得很畏惧。”


作名词,表示“架子;搁物架”,英文解释为“a frame or shelf, often formed of bars, that is used to hold things”如:a luggage rack 行李架。

wade through

表示“艰难地处理;费力地阅读”,英文解释为“to deal with or read sth that is boring and takes a lot of time”举个🌰:

I spent the whole day wading through the paperwork on my desk.



daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ 表示“使人气馁的,吓人的;使人畏缩的;令人发怵的”,英文解释为“Something that is daunting makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.”举个🌰:

He and his wife Jane were faced with the daunting task of restoring the gardens to their former splendour.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:and those standards can at first seem daunting. 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏。

📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Just the idea of owning a car wash seems daunting, 收购洗车房的主意听起来不切实际。

But the problem with alpha sizing is that it is inconsistent across the industry. A size large in one store does not necessarily equal a size large in another. Fewer size options lead to inexact sizing, which is such an issue when trying to find flattering clothing. Not all women are shaped like clothes hangers, and we need specific sizes to help us determine the best fit.



表示“使人显得更漂亮的;奉承的”,英文解释为“making someone look or seem better or more attractive than usual”,如:a flattering photograph 更显漂亮的照片 ,举个🌰:

That suit is very flattering.


clothes hanger

表示“衣架”,就等于hanger,英文解释为“a curved piece of wire, wood, or plastic on which clothes are hung while they are being stored”。

I have had countless dressing room breakdowns because of "sizing up" in a particular dress or top. You can blame this on my insecurities, if you wish, but here's the thing — those insecurities are not my fault. They are the fault of a society that prizes skinny over healthy and airbrushes the hell out of every woman featured in a magazine so that the rest of us believe that fat rolls are the work of Satan instead of, you know, natural.



表示“神经衰弱,精神崩溃”,英文解释为“a period of mental illness in which sb becomes very depressed, anxious and tired, and cannot deal with normal life”举个🌰:

She's still recovering from her breakdown.



表示“上衣,上装”,英文解释为“a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body”举个🌰:

I need a top to go with this skirt.



表示“用喷枪喷绘;用气笔修改(照片)”,英文解释为“to paint sth with an airbrush; to change a detail in a photograph with an  airbrush”举个🌰:

Somebody had been airbrushed out of the picture.



表示“脂肪堆积的部位,肥胖的部位(尤指腰部);(人或动物身上由于肥胖而突起的)赘肉,肥肉”,英文解释为“an area of too much fat on your body, especially around your waist”举个🌰:

Rolls of fat hung over his belt.


When you place women in "small," "medium," and "large" categories, you aren't doing those women any favors. You are reducing them to the size-based word on a tag. Size matters when it comes to clothing, and some women wear larger sizes than others. Numbers aren't perfect, but they are far less judgmental and far more exact. If stores are going to employ alpha sizing, the least they can do is standardize the process and save us some grief.



表示“动辄评头论足的,动辄批评人的”,英文解释为“too quick to criticize people”举个🌰:

You must try not to be so judgmental about people.



熟词僻义,表示“使用”,英文解释为“If you employ certain methods, materials, or expressions, you use them.”举个🌰:

The group will employ a mix of tactics to achieve its aim. 









- 那年今日 -

2020 特朗普83岁姐姐录音遭曝光

2019 霉霉《Lover》一定会大获成功

2018 高铁座霸男博士装病强占座位

2017 强生再陷“致癌门”

2016 里约奥运闭幕了


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