

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,拜登总统正式宣誓就职。其新任白宫发言人珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)上班第一天,首次白宫新闻发布会中,一下子把拜登名字喊成了奥巴马...“Also today President Oba... Biden ehh...”



Jen Psaki, Biden’s new press secretary, pledges to bring ‘truth and transparency back.’

The New York Times

Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, conducted the first news briefing of President Biden’s administration on Wednesday and vowed to bring “truth and transparency back to the briefing room.”

Ms. Psaki’s appearance at the White House lectern just hours after Mr. Biden’s inauguration was designed to draw a stark contrast with the previous administration, which had engaged in verbal combat with reporters and had all-but abandoned briefings.

Unlike Sean Spicer, Mr. Trump’s first press secretary, who lashed out at the news media and lied about Mr. Trump’s inaugural crowd size during his first appearance in the briefing room, Ms. Psaki engaged in a largely civil exchange of information with reporters.

“There will be moments when we disagree, and there will certainly be days where we disagree for extensive parts of the briefing even, perhaps,” she said to about a dozen journalists in the room. “But we have a common goal, which is sharing accurate information with the American people.”

Ms. Psaki, a Connecticut native, worked for the 2004 John Kerry presidential campaign and Mr. Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

During Mr. Obama’s second term, Ms. Psaki served as the chief spokeswoman at the State Department and then was runner-up to be White House press secretary when Jay Carney left the White House and was succeeded by Josh Earnest in 2014. She was Mr. Obama’s communications director through the end of his term.

Ms. Psaki, 42, was a surprise choice to serve as Mr. Biden’s chief spokeswoman; she did not work on his campaign, instead working as a CNN commentator and for private public relations clients. But Mr. Biden’s familiarity with her during the Obama administration outweighed any advantage for others who helped him win election.

Ms. Psaki started the briefing with a rundown of the executive orders that Mr. Biden signed earlier in the evening. She then answered a series of questions, including providing information about planned calls between Mr. Biden and foreign leaders and answering a question about the government’s response to a recent cyberattack.

Ms. Psaki called on Zeke Miller, a reporter for The Associated Press, to ask the first question. The move was a return to a briefing room tradition — allowing the wire service the first question — that the Trump administration had abandoned.

For reporters and others familiar with news briefings before the Trump administration, her briefing was extraordinarily normal.

“We reserve the right to respond at a time in a manner of our choosing to any cyberattack,” Ms. Psaki said. “But our team is, of course, just getting on the ground today, they’re just getting onto their computers. So I don’t have anything to read out for you or to preview for you at this point in time.”

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Jen Psaki, Biden’s new press secretary, pledges to bring ‘truth and transparency back.’

The New York Times

Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, conducted the first news briefing of President Biden's administration on Wednesday and vowed to bring “truth and transparency back to the briefing room.”

白宫新闻秘书珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)周三主持了拜登总统执政后的首次新闻发布会,并发誓要将“真相和透明度带回简报室”。


今天的高频词,表示“简报,简要介绍;简明指示;情况介绍会”,英文解释为“information that is given to someone just before they do something, or a meeting where this happens”举个🌰:

We had to attend a briefing once a month.



表示“起誓;立誓;发誓”,英文解释为“If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.举个🌰:

While many models vow to go back to college, few do.


Ms. Psaki's appearance at the White House lectern just hours after Mr. Biden's inauguration was designed to draw a stark contrast with the previous administration, which had engaged in verbal combat with reporters and had all-but abandoned briefings.



表示“(教堂中的)诵经台;(演讲的)讲台”,英文解释为“a stand for holding a book, notes, etc. when you are reading in church, giving a talk, etc.”

📍区分:lectern, podium, dais, rostrum

A lectern is the stand on which the speaker's notes are placed, the podium is the platform on which the speaker and lectern stand, a dais is a platform for several people, and a rostrum is a platform for one or more.


表示“就职典礼”,英文解释为“An inauguration is the process of swearing a person into office and thus making that person the incumbent. Such an inauguration commonly occurs through a formal ceremony or special event.”

📍形容词性:inaugural表示“就职的,就任的(演讲)”(An inaugural speech is the first speech someone gives when starting an important new job.)另外,inaugural也有“首次的,初始的”的含义(An inaugural event is the first in a series of planned events.)

verbal /ˈvɜːbəl/

1)表示“口头的”,英文解释为“You use verbal to indicate that something is expressed in speech rather than in writing or action.”举个🌰:

They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse.


2)表示“词语的;文字的”,英文解释为“You use verbal to indicate that something is connected with words and the use of words.”举个🌰:

The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.


🎬电影《旗鼓相当》(Grudge Match)中的台词提到:And I say, "Well, women are more verbal than men." 然后我说"女人比男人更善于言辞"。

Unlike Sean Spicer, Mr. Trump's first press secretary, who lashed out at the news media and lied about Mr. Trump's inaugural crowd size during his first appearance in the briefing room, Ms. Psaki engaged in a largely civil exchange of information with reporters.

与特朗普先生的第一任新闻秘书肖恩·斯派塞(Sean Spicer)不同,他在第一次出现在简报室时对新闻媒体大发雷霆,并对特朗普的就职人群规模撒了谎,普萨基女士与记者进行了算是友好的信息交流。

lash out

表示“(突然)狠打,痛打;抨击,斥责”,英文解释为“to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way举个🌰:

I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face.


Why's Jane in such a bad mood? She really lashed out at me when I was late for work.


🎬电影《男孩别哭》(Boys don’t cry)中的台词提到:从这里控制住,那样...那样我就不会去揍别人了 Gets a control of this thing inside of me so I don't, you know, lash out at someone.


除了表示“交换,互换”,也可以指“交谈,对话;争吵”,英文解释为“a short conversation or argument”举个🌰:

There was a brief exchange between them.


“There will be moments when we disagree, and there will certainly be days where we disagree for extensive parts of the briefing even, perhaps,” she said to about a dozen journalists in the room. “But we have a common goal, which is sharing accurate information with the American people.”


Ms. Psaki, a Connecticut native, worked for the 2004 John Kerry presidential campaign and Mr. Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns.


During Mr. Obama's second term, Ms. Psaki served as the chief spokeswoman at the State Department and then was runner-up to be White House press secretary when Jay Carney left the White House and was succeeded by Josh Earnest in 2014. She was Mr. Obama's communications director through the end of his term.

在奥巴马先生的第二个任期内,普萨基女士担任国务院首席发言人。在2014年杰伊·卡尼(Jay Carney)离开白宫时,由乔希·欧内斯特(Josh Earnest)接任白宫新闻秘书。普萨基在奥巴马先生任期结束前一直担任他的通讯主任。


表示“亚军,第二名,英文解释为“A runner-up is someone who has finished in second place in a race or competition.”注意,复数形式为runners-up,举个🌰:

The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine. 


此处可以理解为她排在乔希·欧内斯特(Josh Earnest)后面,也就是接替职位候选人的第二名,因此乔希·欧内斯特接任该职位,她没能被选上。


📍run-up表示“(重要事件的)前夕,前奏,前期,准备阶段”,英文解释为“the run-up to sth the period of time just before an important event”,如:in the run-up to Christmas 圣诞节前夕;

📍run-up也可以指“(踢球、跳高等之前的)助跑,助跑距离”,英文解释:the act of running, or the distance that you run, before you kick a ball, jump over a pole etc.

Ms. Psaki, 42, was a surprise choice to serve as Mr. Biden's chief spokeswoman; she did not work on his campaign, instead working as a CNN commentator and for private public relations clients. But Mr. Biden's familiarity with her during the Obama administration outweighed any advantage for others who helped him win election.



1)表示“(在重要性或意义上)超过”,英文解释为“If one thing outweighs another, the first thing is of greater importance, benefit, or significance than the second thing.”举个🌰:

The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages. 


2)表示“比(某人)重”,英文解释为“If you outweigh someone, you are heavier than them.”举个🌰:

He outweighed her by about 20 kilograms. 


Ms. Psaki started the briefing with a rundown of the executive orders that Mr. Biden signed earlier in the evening. She then answered a series of questions, including providing information about planned calls between Mr. Biden and foreign leaders and answering a question about the government's response to a recent cyberattack.



表示“解释;描述”,英文解释为“a detailed report”举个🌰:

Here's a rundown on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors.


Ms. Psaki called on Zeke Miller, a reporter for The Associated Press, to ask the first question. The move was a return to a briefing room tradition — allowing the wire service the first question — that the Trump administration had abandoned.

普萨基女士请美联社记者齐克·米勒(Zeke Miller)提出第一个问题。此举是对简报室传统的回归--允许新闻媒体提问题--特朗普政府已经放弃了这一传统。

wire service

等同于同 news agency,表示“有线服务机构; 为报纸、无线电台和电视台提供新闻等的机构;通讯社”,英文解释为“an agency supplying news, etc, to newspapers, radio and television stations, etc”。

For reporters and others familiar with news briefings before the Trump administration, her briefing was extraordinarily normal.


“We reserve the right to respond at a time in a manner of our choosing to any cyberattack,” Ms. Psaki said. “But our team is, of course, just getting on the ground today, they're just getting onto their computers. So I don't have anything to read out for you or to preview for you at this point in time.”









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