

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


REPORT: Marvel's Shang-Chi Committed to Only Casting a Chinese Actor


For Shang-Chi, Marvel Studios is reportedly looking to cast its lead role soon, with only Chinese actors in contention - possibly for a reveal at San Diego Comic-Con. With all three of 2019's Marvel Cinematic Universe installments officially released (the last being Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures' Spider-Man: Far From Home), fans are looking ahead at the wide open landscape of Phase 4.

Bob Iger, CEO of Marvel's parent company Walt Disney Studios, promised fans that the upcoming MCU Phase 4 slate would be revealed this summer, and Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has assured reporters on multiple occasions that announcements would be made following the release of Far From Home.


此处cast作动词,表示“为…挑选演员,选派(角色)”,英文解释为“to choose which people will act particular parts in a play, film etc”举个🌰:

The producer finally cast him in the male lead.


in/out of contention

in contention表示“有获胜机会”,英文解释为“having a chance of winning something”举个🌰:

His goal kept England in contention.


out of contention表示“失去获胜机会”,英文解释为“no longer having a chance of winning something”举个🌰:

Injury has put him out of contention for the title.



表示“(报刊上连载故事的)一集;一部分”,英文解释为“An instalment of a story or plan is one of its parts that are published or carried out separately one after the other.”举个🌰:

The next instalment of this four-part series deals with the impact of the war on the continent of Africa.


Although no official announcements have been made, the Black Widow movie is filming, The Eternals is casting, and Shang-Chi has a director in Destin Daniel Cretton, if not a star - just yet. So fans know a little about what to expect from Phase 4. For its part, Shang-Chi will mark Marvel Studios' first feature with an Asian-American lead, and it appears the studio and the film's creatives are dedicated to making sure they do the superhero justice.

Now, according to the latest reports, it seems Marvel Studios is moving quickly to cast the lead role of Shang-Chi, and they're being particular in their search for the next MCU hero.

Variety's Justin Kroll reported on Twitter that Marvel is putting out test offers to a group of actors for the role of Shang-Chi. Per Kroll, Marvel is "adamant" the men are of Chinese descent specifically, not another Asian ancestry, to portray the Chinese superhero. As of yet, it's unclear if Marvel Studios and an actor will reach a deal in time for San Diego Comic-Con, but the studio has roughly one week to do so. Marvel Studios is set to hold a SDCC panel on Saturday, July 20 in Hall H.

per/as per

此处的per sth=according to sth,实际上常用的是as per sth,表示“按照,根据”,如:as per instructions 按照指示,根据说明,还有另一个短语是“(as) per usual/normal”表示“照常,按惯例”(as usual),举个🌰:

He was late, as per usual.


那么,per和as per有什么区别呢?此处的as是否冗余了呢?

The fact is that both per and as per have existed in English in the sense “according to” for a very long time–since the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. The choice of which to use (or avoid) is entirely a matter of taste. The more ponderous as per is often found in business and legal prose, or in writing that attempts to adopt a formal tone.

It is not incorrect to use, but some find it overly legalistic and counsel avoiding it for that reason. On the other hand, it has been used to good effect in facetious mock-business-English (“as per the President's shiny new Environmental Policy Act”). As in so many matters of diction, the tonal needs of a particular passage should guide your choice. (Merriam-Webster)


表示“固执的;坚定不移的;坚决的”,英文解释为“determined not to change your opinion or a decision that you have made”举个🌰:

She begged me to change my mind, but I remained adamant.


Given Shang-Chi will be the first major Chinese superhero in the MCU, the role is highly coveted. A number of actors in Hollywood have publicly put their names forward, including Grey's Anatomy's Alex Landi and Inhumans' Mike Moh - though it's unclear if they also reached out to Marvel Studios. Meanwhile, a recently rumored short-list for Shang-Chi included Ludi Lin (Power Rangers). Though it's unclear how much truth was in that report, Lin was born in China so he may be in contention after all.


表示“垂涎的;梦寐以求的”,英文解释为“You use coveted to describe something that very many people would like to have.”如:one of sport's most coveted trophies 体育界最令人向往的奖杯之一。

《实习医生格蕾》(Grey's Anatomy)

亚历克斯·兰迪(Alex Landi)

维基百科:Alex Landi (born September 28, 1992), is an American actor and model of Korean and Italian descent born in New York City.


麦克·毛(Mike Moh)

维基百科:Mike Moh (born August 19, 1983 in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American actor in film and television.

《超凡战队》(Power Rangers)

林路迪(Ludi Lin)

维基百科:Ludi Lin (born November 11, 1987) is a Chinese-Canadian actor and model. He is known for playing Zack, the Black Ranger in the 2017 Power Rangers reboot, the underwater warrior Murk in Aquaman in 2018 and Lance in the Netflix series, Black Mirror.

However, it's not yet known who exactly Marvel Studios sent test offers to. At least fans can take heart in Marvel Studios being dedicated to having a Chinese actor play the Chinese Shang-Chi character. Fans will have to wait and see who eventually gets cast as Shang-Chi, but they may not need to wait too long. With Marvel Studios holding a Hall H panel at SDCC next weekend, there are sure to be plenty of Phase 4 announcements - including, perhaps, who will play the lead role in Shang-Chi.

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Who is Marvel superhero Shang-Chi?

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