
贝克汉姆被禁驾半年 只因开车时看了一眼这东西

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



David Beckham banned from driving for using mobile phone


David Beckham has been given a six-month driving ban for using his mobile phone while behind the wheel.
The former England captain previously pleaded guilty to using the device while driving his Bentley in central London on 21 November last year.

behind the wheel

表示“开车”,英文解释为“driving a motor vehicle”也有“主管,掌舵”(in charge)的含义,举个🌰:

I'm a different person when I'm behind the wheel.



表示“(在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护”,英文解释为“to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime”,如:to plead guilty/not guilty即表示“认罪/不认罪”,举个🌰:

How do you plead? (= said by the judge at the start of the trial)



Bentley Motors Limited (/ˈbɛntli/) is a British manufacturer and marketer of luxury cars and SUVs—and a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group since 1998. 宾利汽车是一家发迹于英国的豪华房车和GT车的制造商,是由沃尔特·欧文·本特利(1888年-1971年)在1919年7月于英格兰创立的。(Wikipedia)

A court heard he was photographed by a member of the public holding a phone as he drove in "slowly moving" traffic.


熟词僻义,表示“审理;听审;开审”,英文解释为“to listen to and judge a case in court”举个🌰:

The appeal was heard in private.


Today the jury began to hear the evidence.


Beckham, 44, received six points on his licence to add to the six he already had for previous speeding matters.
He was also fined £750, ordered to pay £100 in prosecution costs and a £75 surcharge fee within seven days.


1) 表示“起诉”,英文解释为“Prosecution is the action of charging someone with a crime and putting them on trial.”如:a criminal prosecution 刑事诉讼。

2) 也可以表示“(刑事案件的)检控方,控方”,英文解释为“the prosecution the lawyers who try to prove in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime”。


surcharge fee

surcharge表示“附加费,额外费用”,英文解释为“money that you have to pay in addition to the basic price of something”,如:a 10% surcharge on airline tickets 飞机票 10% 的附加费。

A surcharge fee is an extra cost added to a bill the consumer is already expected to pay. Surcharge fees are imposed for a variety of reasons, including fuel costs, services, travel time and equipment use. A surcharge fee may be a flat rate or calculated as a percentage of the original bill.

District Judge Catherine Moore said she acknowledged the slow pace of the traffic but told him there was "no excuse" under the law.
Bromley Magistrates' Court heard Beckham was seen "operating a handheld device at knee level" while driving along Great Portland Street in the West End.


表示“法官;审判员”,英文解释为“a person in a court who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions”,如:a High Court judge 高等法院的法官。

Prosecutor Matthew Spratt said: "Instead of looking straight forward, paying attention to the road he appeared to be looking at his lap."
Beckham's defence barrister Gerrard Tyrrell said the former Manchester United midfielder had "no recollection of the day in question or this particular incident".


1) 表示“公诉人;检察官”,英文解释为“a public official who charges sb officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court”,如:the public/state prosecutor 公诉人;州检察官。

2) 表示“原告律师;控方律师”,英文解释为“a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court”。

defence barrister

barrister 表示“(英国有资格在高等法院出庭的)讼务律师,大律师”,英文解释为“a lawyer in Britain who can argue cases in the higher law courts”;

之前我们在刘强东性侵案再起风波 京东也成被告一文中,也提到attorney也表示律师。


表示“律师”,英文解释为“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer.”比如我们可以说a prosecuting attorney,即“公诉律师”。




表示“中场球员”,英文解释为“In football, a midfielder is a player whose usual position is in the midfield.”此处the former Manchester United midfielder即指:贝克汉姆,前曼联中场球员。


表示“记忆,记忆中的往事;往事;回忆的事”,英文解释为“something from the past that you remember”,如:have a clear/vivid/dim/vague recollection of sth 对某事的记忆清晰╱历历在目╱模糊不清╱依稀如烟,举个🌰:

To the best of my recollection (= if I remember correctly) I was not present at that meeting.


He added: "There is no excuse for what took place but his view is that he cannot remember."
Mr Tyrrell told the court that Beckham found driving a relaxing pastime.


表示“消遣,娱乐”,英文解释为“something that you do because you think it is enjoyable or interesting”举个🌰:

Learning English was my favourite pastime.


"He takes his children to school each day when he can and he picks them up when he can, and actually to deprive them of that is something that he will acknowledge," he said.

deprive sb of sth

表示“剥夺”,英文解释为“to prevent someone from having something, especially something that they need or should have”举个🌰:

A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal home life.


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