
谷歌要重返中国?已在北京组建AI团队 招聘人才

2017-09-05 LearnAndRecord


Google building artificial intelligence team in Beijing


Despite being all but locked out of China, Google is ramping up* efforts to tap* a vital technology resource in the country: engineering talent.


*ramp sth up

1)to increase the speed, power, or cost of something 加快(速度);增加(威力);提高(费用)

2)If a business ramps up its activity, it increases it. (公司)扩大,增加,增多(业务等)

To stay competitive, they'll have to ramp up product development as well as cut prices.


*tap:to get or make use of something 开发;开辟;着手利用

For more than a century, Eastern cities have expanded their water supplies by tapping ever more remote sources.


The US tech giant is advertising for artificial-intelligence experts in Beijing, where it has expanded rapidly in the past few years. Google hinted in May, at an AI summit near Shanghai, that it was looking to set up its first China-based AI research team.


The move pits Google in the race for talent against domestic group Baidu, which is also headquartered in Beijing's northwestern tech village and has been stepping up its own efforts to hire AI researchers in Beijing and Silicon Valley.

此举使谷歌与国内科技集团百度(Baidu)开展一场人才争夺战。百度一直竭力在北京和硅谷(Silicon Valley)招募AI研究人员。

Google's recruiting creates additional pressures for [its competitors],” said Mark Natkin of Beijing-based tech research firm Marbridge Consulting. “There's still great benefits for a Chinese engineer going to work for a large US firm, in the same way there's [more] cachet* in going to a second-tier UK university than a top Chinese one,” he added.

“Google的招聘(对其竞争对手)造成了更大的压力,”北京科技研究公司迈博瑞咨询(Marbridge Consulting)的马克•纳特金(Mark Natkin)说。“中国工程师去美国一家大公司工作还是有很大好处,就像上英国二流大学比就读中国顶级大学会获得(更高)声望一样,”他接着说。

*cachet ['kæʃeɪ]

a quality that marks someone or something as special and worth respect and admiration 声望,声誉;威信

Although Google's search engine has been blocked in China since 2010, the company has maintained a presence in the country and has made progress in mending relations, most recently by collaborating with local government on the AI summit in the town of Wuzhen.


It has relaunched Google Translate as a Chinese-language mobile app, and earlier this year a senior official told the Financial Times that relations with Google were improving.

谷歌已重新上线了此前遭屏蔽的谷歌翻译(Google Translate)——这是一款中文手机应用。今年早些时候,一位高级官员告诉英国《金融时报》,中国政府与谷歌的关系正在改善。

But its Google Play app store is blocked in China — home to a third of the world's users of Google's Android smartphone operating system.

但Google Play应用商店目前在中国已被屏蔽。中国拥有全球三分之一的谷歌安卓(Android)智能手机操作系统的用户。

For its part, China's government considers technological innovations such as AI key to reviving its slowing economy, and has outlined plans to become the world's premier AI innovation hub by 2030.


China has the benefit of huge pools of personal data to feed into AI research, and a vast market for AI applications for its smartphone-savvy consumers. But experts say it lags behind the US in fundamental AI research.


Analysts say that while Beijing's universities are turning out plenty of computer-science talent, there is a lack of top-level figures such as Baidu's former chief scientist Andrew Ng, who left the company earlier this year.

分析人士称,虽然国内的大学正在培养出大量的计算机科学人才,但是缺乏百度前首席科学家吴恩达(Andrew Ng)那样的顶级人物,吴恩达在今年早些时候离开了百度。

Four of 20 positions being advertised by Google in Beijing are for its machine learning programme — part of its AI research initiative — and require expert qualifications, such as those equivalent to an assistant professor's.


Google's more than 600 employees in mainland China include an advertising sales team, where business is booming as a result of Chinese companies' desire to attract foreign customers, and engineers working on Google's still-blocked search engine.


Google declined to make any immediate comment on its AI hiring plans.




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