
DINZ德网 | ANG Restaurant · 日本当代生活方式

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29

Jonas是一名建筑师,也是Norm Architects的创始合伙人,拥有超过十年的建筑师、设计师、艺术总监和摄影师经验。Jonas分享了他对现象学(人类经验的哲学研究)的热情,曾为知名设计品牌、国际杂志和私人业主服务,他分享了对空间、物体和图像的理解。Jonas曾在丹麦皇家美术学院和哥本哈根商学院学习,他将商业战略思维与概念性思维相结合,将创意项目带入生活。谈到自己的作品时,他说:“我有一种强烈的愿望,那就是创造出有想法的、与众不同的、低调而精致的项目。

Keiji Ashizawa出生于1973年。1996年从横滨国立大学毕业后,以建筑师的身份开始了他的职业生涯,并在橱柜制造商、照明设计工作室和Super Robot得到了提升。2005年,他成立了自己的事务所,Keiji Ashizawa Design。合作商包括karimoku、MUJI、宜家等,以及与松下家居的试点建筑项目。

ÄNG Project是位于瑞典 Tvååker 的一个极简空间,由Norm Architects和 Keiji Ashizawa Design合作设计,作为Karimoku Case Study的一部分。日本当代生活方式品牌Karimoku Case Study展示了其第六个案例研究,米其林星级瑞典餐厅ÄNG在经过重建阶段后于7月1日正式重新开业。位于一栋新建的现代玻璃屋内,毗邻当地的葡萄园Ästad,Norm Architects、Karimoku的创意总监和首席建筑师定制和实施的室内设计方案,实现简单而美丽的视觉效果。专注于斯堪的纳维亚设计原则和宁静之美,定制的内饰探索了日本和斯堪的纳维亚之间的相似之处。

ÄNG Project is a minimal space located in Tvååker, Sweden, designed in collaboration between Norm Architects and Keiji Ashizawa Design as part of Karimoku Case Study. The Japanese lifestyle brand Karimoku presents its sixth case study, the Michelin-starred Swedish restaurant ÄNG that officially reopened its doors on July 1 after a reconstruction phase. Located in a newly built, modern glass house and neighboring the local vineyard Ästad, Norm Architects, creative directors of Karimoku and lead architects for this case study, have implemented a custom-designed interior concept to strikingly simple yet beautiful effect. Focusing on Scandinavian design principles and serene materials, the bespoke interior explores similarities between Japanese and Scandinavian expression.

在案例中,品牌、建筑和设计工作室Norm Architects和Keiji Ashizawa Design的两位联合创始人都设计了新的定制家具和配件,这些家具和配件将于今年秋季正式加入该系列。项目展示了Karimoku Case Study第六个系列。Karimoku的所有案例研究均基于现实生活中的案例,这些案例与当地环境相呼应,并确保对室内、定制家具和周围环境采取整体方法。

For case study 06, both co-founders of the brand, architecture and design studios Norm Architects and Keiji Ashizawa Design have designed new bespoke furniture items and accessories that will officially be added to the collection in autumn this year. This new project presents the sixth case of Karimoku, following the completion of bespoke retail as well as private housing projects. All case studies by Karimoku are based on real life cases that respond to a native setting and ensure a holistic approach to the interior, bespoke furniture items and surrounding environment.


ÄNG位于瑞典哈兰郡,毗邻当地 Ästad 葡萄园。对于第六个系列,Norm Architects实现了一种定制设计的室内设计理念,选择天然和精致的材料,融入了瑞典当地风景,创造出一个宁静的栖息地,将现有的乡村建筑原则与ÄNG现代的理念相结合。提供分时段的餐食。

Emerging from the tranquil meadow in the Swedish county Halland lies Restaurang ÄNG, neighboring and integrated into the local vineyard Ästad. For case study 06, Norm Architects realized a custom-designed interior design concept characterized by a selection of natural and refined materials. Inviting the Swedish local scenery surrounding Restaurang ÄNG inside the modern greenhouse, Norm Architects created a calm and tranquil retreat that merges the existing rural architectural principles with the more contemporary experience of ÄNG. The new restaurant ÄNG is located in a newly built, solitary, lush greenhouse in the middle of a meadow, where dinner will be served in different stages.

一楼的包括酒吧、休息区、地下室的酒窖、用餐区和酒廊,围绕美食和美酒创造一种更加丰富的用餐体验,增加瑞典高级美食的感官体验。由于全玻璃的立面允许自然阳光进入,并且可以欣赏到房屋周围湖泊的全景,因此乡村风光在Norm Architects的材料选择中得到了体现。

Comprising a bar and lounge area on the ground floor as well as a wine cellar, dining area and wine lounge on the basement level, the goal was to create an elevated experience around food and wine, adding to the sensory experience of Swedish haute cuisine. Thanks to the window facades of the greenhouse that allow for natural sunlight to enter and a panoramic view of the Swedish landscape and lakes surrounding the premises, the rural scenery is mirrored in Norm Architects’ choice of materials.


Selecting natural materials, such as pure oak for the bespoke furniture items, canvas wall panels or stone flooring, all materials have been slightly refined or processed to make them more delicate. Dinesen, Denmark’s leading manufacturer of exclusive flooring, provided its high quality wooden planks for the floors and part of the wall cladding at ÄNG. In finding a balance between the rural and ocal on the one side, and the refined and elevated on the other, this new, extensive Karimoku case study dwells on the interplay of nature and culture, capturing the spirit of the unique locus and allowing for an extraordinary hospitality experience.

物质丰富的理念也是Karimoku品牌标识的核心。餐厅展示了由Norm Architects和Keiji Ashizawa Design为ÄNG特别设计的新家具产品,以及大量来自Karimoku现有系列的作品,同时也凸显了Karimoku工匠的精湛工艺和对木材特性的深厚了解。基于极简主义和斯堪的纳维亚主义设计原则,家具和配件均由日本橡木制成,并在 ÄNG 的各个领域使用。

The philosophy of material richness also lies at the core of Karimoku’s brand identity. The new furniture items specifically designed by Norm Architects and Keiji Ashizawa Design for this case study as well as a vast number of existing pieces from the Karimoku collections that were chosen for Restaurang ÄNG illustrate the craftsmanship of the artisans of Karimoku Furniture as well as the deep understanding for the material properties of wood. Based on Japanese and Scandinavian design principles of soft minimalism and timeless aesthetics, the new delicate bespoke furniture items and accessories are all made of Japanese oak and are being used throughout the various areas of ÄNG.

Norm Architects成立于2008年。我们的工作领域包括工业设计,住宅建筑,商业室内设计,摄影和艺术指导。

Norm Architects的工作的本质在于丰富性与克制之间,秩序与复杂性之间的平衡。每个项目无论是建筑,室内设计,设计还是创意方向 - 都充满了同样的内在品质:简洁。在身体和心灵的指导下,而不是在趋势或技术的指导下,我们的项目探索的想法新颖:极简主义得到深化。我们的工作清晰明快,散发着我们对质量,细节和耐用性的关注。

Keiji Ashizawa Design

Keiji Ashizawa Design是一家由不同背景和技能的成员组成的设计公司。专注于建筑,室内,家具,照明和产品设计,提出“Honest Design”,无论项目的大小和形式。

“Honest Design”贯穿于每一个项目,小到产品设计,大到建筑项目。他用心地处理每个项目,为业主设计解决方案。这一过程从普遍的观点产生了多方面的解决方案,它放大了每个元素,并闪耀着材料的强度和美感。在建筑项目中,他注重与环境的关系,从景观到造型,用各种手法综合协调空间。对于产品,他不仅考虑功能和限制,而且考虑到与空间和建筑的关系和效果,擅长对材料进行微调的产品设计。另一方面,他也热衷于从建筑的角度去探索设计和创意对社会的贡献。

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