
DINZ德网 | Studio LIFE/STYLE · 精致美学,少即是多

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


LIFE/STYLE是一家多元化的商业和住宅设计公司,位于加州西好莱坞。由创始人Shannon Wollack和首席设计师Brittany Zwickl执掌。Shannon和Brittany共同创造了大小风格各异的空间,以满足每个客户的特定需求。STUDIO LIFE/STYLE的天才设计团队擅长通过精致的美学创造当代奢侈品,完美平衡舒适和功能。

LIFE/STYLE is a multifaceted commercial and residential design firm located in West Hollywood, CA. At the helm is Shannon Wollack, Founder and Partner, and Brittany Zwickl, Partner and Principal Designer. Together Shannon and Brittany have created beautifully curated spaces ranging in size and style to meet specific needs of each client. The talented design team at STUDIO LIFE/STYLE excels at creating contemporary luxury through their refined aesthetic, perfectly balanced with welcoming comfort and functionality.

Pacific Palisades位于洛杉矶西区的一个富人区。距离洛杉矶市中心以西约20英里,拥有高耸入云的拱门、横梁和令人印象深刻的石材地板,白天阳光普照,傍晚则可以感受海面上的落日余晖。

Its skyward reaching arches, emphatic beams and impressive stone floors, a newly built family home in the California suburbs is truly a cathedral for living. About twenty miles west of downtown L.A., it’s flooded with sunlight by day and suffused in the evening with the mellow rays of sunset over the nearby ocean.

FaunaAUNA Chandelier @ Demiurge New York→ 


In the house, the entry foyer and other in-between spaces embody the early modernist dictum ‘less is more’ – a console, a mirror, a bench, all with great clarity of form, are sparely deployed almost to the point of Zen.

Belgard Sofa @ Dmitriy & Co → 

空间设计师Shannon Wallack和Brittany Zwicki摒弃了色彩,但在比例、形状和质感上大胆创新。映入眼帘的嵌入式壁炉,天然纤维地毯上摆放着一组造型利落的家具、一张方形茶几和一个原木边几。再加上一棵绿植,简约不失格调。

Great room, as elsewhere, principals Shannon Wallack and Brittany Zwicki veered away from color but went bold on proportion, shape and texture. A suite of assertively shaped upholstered pieces, a square coffee table and a raw wood console are arrayed on a rug of natural fiber in front of the built-in fireplace wall. Add a towering potted tree and little else is needed.

Untitled Rush Woven Stool @ Stahl + Band → 


A dramatic architectural feature like the curvaceous stair rail, the elemental subtlety of a round travertine table tucked in a corner produces a harmonious effect.

通过一系列高耸的拱形走道,餐椅和木桌带有明显的纹理细节,餐厅从简洁中获得力量。Rose Uniacke设计的锥形铁链吊灯呈排列状悬挂于餐桌上方,这是Studio lifestyle通过重复的形式建立视觉节奏。餐厅的玻璃钢推拉门外,有一座砖砌的露台。

Through a series of towering vaulted walkways, the dining room gets its strength from simplicity. Texture comes from nubby upholstered dining chairs and a wood table with pronounced grain and butterfly detail. Conical pendant lamps from Rose Uniacke, suspended from chains, march in a line across the table, an example of the way Studio Lifestyles establishes visual rhythm through repetition of form. Beyond the dining room’s steel and glass sliding doors, a brick patio with fire pit awaits.

Swivel Pouf @ Stahl + Band→ 


California indoor-outdoor lifestyle is evident in the wood-beamed family room, open to the pool, where long, low furnishings with soft coverings invite relaxation. Stahl and Band armchairs swivel from the TV to the outdoor scene; an upholstered ottoman slides under the custom coffee table when not in use.


Ceiling is more intimate in scale (but still requires a ladder to reach the uppermost shelves!) There’s a daybed for lounging as well as a pair of whimsical velvet-upholstered barrel chairs.


Bath suite, lined with cedar slats recalling Japanese bath houses, includes a sauna, an integrated stone vanity and narrow floor tiles from Clé.

户外凉廊,白色软垫家具、大型抽象艺术画和天然材料,包括来自Cuff Home的织物,延续了室内设计主题,使室内与室外无缝过渡。当设计被如此娴熟地执行时,少即是多。

Loggia, white upholstered furnishings, large-scale abstract art and natural materials, including the woven fixtures from Cuff Home, continue the interior design themes and make for a seamless transition from indoors to out. When design is so masterfully executed, less is more than enough.



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