
DINZ德网 | ADD加设计 · 深圳南山科技园希尔顿欢朋酒店

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



When the theater is closed,

the whole world presents itself.

Theatrical Hotel都会剧场酒店/ 看戏,做梦,探险
深圳城市夜景City night view

从前看深圳,是一片一片的丘陵,似乎是一夜之间,深圳成了一片平地,跟着高楼林立,车水马龙……80年代改革开放带给深圳颠覆性的变化,作为粤港澳大湾区——世界四大湾区之一的“引擎”,深圳迈向了国际化大都市。酒店坐落在深圳核心的科技园CBD商圈,这座城市几乎所有关于国际化的梦想和构建,都从CBD出发。深圳南山科技园希尔顿欢朋酒店拥有客房170间,集休闲、娱乐、餐饮、康体、会议等功能于一体,以一个充满戏剧色彩的剧场空间出现在繁华闹市的中心。Shenzhen used to be rolling hills. It seems that overnight, Shenzhen has become a flat land, then high-rise buildings and busy traffic... The reform and opening up in the 1980s brought subversive changes to Shenzhen. Shenzhen, as the "engine" of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area - one of four major bay areas in the world, has become an international metropolis. The hotel is located in the central business district of Shenzhen Science and Technology Park. Almost all international dreams and conceptions of this city start from the CBD. Hampton by Hilton Shenzhen Nanshan Science and Technology Park has 170 rooms, integrating leisure, entertainment, catering, fitness, conference and other functions. It appears in the center of the bustling downtown as a theatrical space full of drama.

《戏剧性的想象力》"the Dramatic Imagination" 


The theater is full of possibilities. Within the limited space of the stage, it can span time and space, allowing people to be inspired and explore, think and imagine together. Life is always busy, crowded and monotonous. We can't do the same things in the same way every day, but expect different results... The hotel learns from theatre, and uses dramatic imagination to open the curtain in the city center, staging scene after scene of splendid drama at the theatrical hotel.

Scene 1






Through imagination, drama fulfills the expectation of a soulful journey. It is a seed sown in the most distant land. After stepping into the Theatrical Hotel, behind the wooden door of the atrium is a narrow glass porch, which blocks the noise from the outside.

玻璃大门缓缓打开,从城市地标建筑的剪影图景中穿梭而过,身影融进深圳建筑剪影的图画中。从中庭到玻璃长廊再到前厅,身体经过两道门的压缩与释放,仿佛跨过了某个结界的大门,正式来到另一个世界。The glass door opens slowly. The visitor passes through the silhouette of the city's landmark buildings, with his shadow blending into the silhouette of Shenzhen's buildings. From the atrium to the glass corridor and then to the front hall, the spatial sense of his body is compressed and released through two doors. It is as if he has crossed the gate of a certain enchantment and officially entered another world.



The door opens between the curtains, and here lies the magic of drama. The curtain is pulled open layer by layer, there is the hovering chair, and a greeting is written on the wall.


The opposite pillars in different places prop up the space in the front hall of the hotel, and the vertical lines of doors, windows, walls and folds of the curtain also help to advance the event. This continuous gaze at each other apart creates a wonderful atmosphere in the space. It seems that a time-space dialogue has been triggered. 


From the front door to the entrance of the lobby, the flow of the interior space of the lobby forms a preview in the doors and windows passing by, and natural tranquility is introduced into the landscape courtyard, creating a throbbing sense of ceremony in the high space.

时空之门开启,所有过去曾经有过的,和未来可能出现的,都在剧场这一特殊的时刻相遇。无限的可能,瞬间,历史,眼前,世界,将在舞台上的一场一幕之间呈现。The gate of time and space is opened, and all that has been in the past and what may appear in the future meet at this special moment in the theatrical space. Infinite possibilities, moments, histories, current events, the world... will be presented on the stage from scene to scene.

Scene 2




酒店大堂空间是一个搭建在木屋里的剧院,以戏剧舞台想象和讲述的力量,让人们以全新的方式感受世界和彼此。The hotel lobby is a theater built in a wooden house. The imaginative and storytelling power of the theatrical stage enables people to experience the world and each other in a new way.

大堂吧将地面抬高限定出舞台空间,绿色的帷幕与天花笼罩出夜色的悸动,如同闭上的眼睑。在巨大的Disco灯球中心,三角形碎片螺旋排列,折射形成流转的涡流发出灿烂的光芒穿透黑暗,照进深圳80年代声色犬马的鎏金岁月。The lobby bar lifts the ground to define the stage space, and the throbbing of the night is in the enclosure of the green curtain and ceiling, like closed eyelids. In the center of the huge Disco ball lamp, triangular fragments are spirally arranged. The vortex formed by refraction emits a brilliant light that penetrates the darkness and shines into the golden merrymaking years of Shenzhen in the 1980s. 

皮革包裹的复古红椅以模块化的组建方式充当了舞台布景中的道具,那段流光溢彩的岁月是人们在灯红酒绿中留下的一个模糊又明亮的回忆。Set in a modular manner, the leather-wrapped retro red chairs act as props in the stage. Those glorious years are a vague and bright memory of people left from feasting old times.


The abstract pictures of the four major bay areas in the world, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the New York Bay Area, the Tokyo Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area, form a dynamic scene rotation by using the classic boom and pulley structure of the theater curtain as the suspension components.


A gap is opened on the stage, and the scenes of windows, doors and passages are overlapped and placed into a common field of vision. Like a staged drama, the content of stories in different time and space is presented on the same stage, forming a multi-thread parallel narrative.


It is as if through a magic mirror, in an endless stream of images, life is reflected in a never-before-seen order and simplified and magnified.


The background wall of the reception desk of the hotel uses hexagonal point lights to form a star-strewn map of Shenzhen, forming a dazzling night view of the city. The welcome wall displays the historical story of Hampton from its birth and development in the United States, and the flashing neon signs give a Broadway modern and colorful theatrical attribute to the story.


Open a window sash and look beyond the window to the dining room and to more other spaces. The sight travels through multiple openings, and vaguely you can see people dining, people waiting, still objects, and flowing scenery. 


The lobby bar and the gathering area form a dramatic effect on the stage and off the stage. When the scenes of guests resting in different areas appear in the same frame, the complete spatial structure creates a dramatic and wonderful connection between independent stories, subverting the limitation of time and space.


By establishing a sense of place, the hotel guides guests into the poetic and romantic rendering of the theatrical space, and by creating a beautiful metaphor, it evokes their inner truth and life experience that resonates with other people.


The allure of the theatre as we know it is that it is full of stage "phantoms". It leads the audience/visitors into themes and conceptions by conjuring up the peculiarities of the place. It's a rather fantastic field that involves not just logic but magic.


The tree shadows at the entrance of the restaurant opens up the interior green space in a natural way. When the dramatic imagination evokes the truth in the heart, everything is like stepping into a historic site, and the stories of the past flood into your mind and reappear in front of you.


Flannel seat back, leather seat surface, net curtain, paint... different material elements present a rich and pure texture in the green box.


The fuzziness of the net curtain defines the space, making the booths independent of each other while maintaining a hazy perception.


Net curtains and grilles are containers for light and shadow. The intermittent moonlight and even and soft lamp lights at night are hidden on the window panes of the whole wall, interweaving a subtle atmosphere of half-dreaming and half-awake.

酒店如同戏剧,剧场作品抽离了演出者、抽离了观众,也只是一堆材料的组合。重要的是在墙壁、家具、道具这些表象之外,被这些东西所包覆的空间,它们所创造出来的特殊体验,所有的一切都将融合成一股具体的冲击。The hotel is like a drama. Without the performers and the audience, dramatic works are also only a combination of materials. The important thing is, beyond the surface appearance of walls, furniture, and props, the space enclosed by these things and the special experience they create. Everything will be integrated to produce a concrete impact.

除了前厅,酒吧在玄关入口设置了窄门作为隐藏路线,如同古老剧院的包厢小门,为尊贵的客人带来方便。In addition to the front hall, the bar has a narrow door as a hidden route at the entrance of the porch, just like the small door of a private box in an ancient theater, offering convenience to distinguished guests.


Passing through the narrow door, in the framed scene, the two arched spaces form a dramatic contrast: virtual and solid, high and low, light and dark, like a magical dramatic stage.


The vaulted shape of the classical theater is combined with the orange wall, and the incoming sunlight is added as an element to this exploration of senses. In this journey, the theatrical art presents only half of itself. The other half of the fragments are waiting for unknown audience to discover through intuition, comprehension, and imagination.


The bright yellow light falls on the net curtain, and the soft texture of the yarn brings a comfortable and elegant dining experience in the space. The pink seats present different shades of light and shadow in fresh red tones, actively enriching the spatial expression without destroying the overall simplicity.


The bar serves as a dining space in the crisp light of the day. At night, when the lights dim, the bar transforms into a relaxing space full of fragrant wine. As if the closed curtain is opened again, a new world unfolds before our eyes, and a blurred and ambiguous story permeates the theater.


In the lamp light, following the curvature of the arc shape, the grille produces a gradient from light to dark. These discrete and charming lights cast shadows in the gaps that echo the leaves of plants, creating dramatic tension in the contrast of indoor and outdoor light perception.


During the long, quiet light adjustment, something wonderful happens. As we lift the scene out of the shadows, by letting the beam sweep diagonally across columns, the lights come on like a spell, making the scene come alive step by step until it seems to breathe right in front of you.


In the circles of halo, the life of the theater continues to move forward. It is a life that we can perceive, understand, and love at the same time. 


Standing in the elevator hall and looking back, we imagine going back to the Stone Age. After a long day of hunting, two strong leaders, the first actors in the world, were enthusiastically enacting today's intense lion hunting process to others, while one of them was dressed in a lion's fur. Under the shadow of night, we sat around the campfire and watched the premiere with trembling fear, feeling our heart beating strongly in tension, fear and joy.


Thousands of years have passed since the birth of the theater at an epiphany, and we still like to imagine, just like a thousand years ago, and be fascinated by this wonderful theatrical art.


Different from the lively atmosphere of the public area, the guest rooms have a quiet and warm miniature theater. The symbolic urban cultural elements and hanging paintings abstractly express the historical highlights of the city. The flannel curtains of the stage curtain combined with the back of the bed and the upholstered sofa create a compact and warm dreamland.


The fast pace of life in the city often compresses people's heart and spiritual world, but the theatrical and artistic space can give people the opportunity to imagine and meditate on the relationship between themselves and the world and between themselves and the true self.

剧场世界比我们所认知的世界更为敏锐、清澄、迅速。这也是为什么我们愿意走进剧场,花几个小时把自己沉浸在这个非比寻常的世界,然后从中获得新的生命。The world of the theatre is a world of sharper, clearer, swifter impressions than the world we live in. That is why we go to the theatre, to dwell for an hour in this unusual world and draw new life from it.

Scene 3第三幕





在生命的历程中,我们都经历过一种抽离自我的状态,我们扮演的角色一如演员在舞台上所演绎的角色。It happens to each one of us at times to feel separated from ourselves, going through the business of living as if we were at once a character in a play and the actor who impersonates that character.


We feel the presence of this other self when some moment of stark reality strikes through the conventions of our everyday lives. There is no one who has not experienced at some time or other the sense of inward withdrawal.


All life is indeed a play in which we act out our roles until the final curtain falls. This idea of the theatre goes deep. We recognize its truth in our inmost hearts.


We know that it is true as we know that our souls are immortal. I am persuaded that the consciousness of a dual personality-the sense of otherness, of apartness, the sense that we are possessed, that another's voice ever and again speaks through us--is a thing that is very common in human experience and that it is the only thing that separates us from the brutes. Perhaps it was the sense of theatre that made us human, ages ago.

项目名称 | 深圳南山科技园希尔顿欢朋酒店发  展 商 | 宏富酒店管理(深圳)有限公司设计单位 | ADD加设计项目类型 | 酒店项目地址 | 深圳南山区竣工时间 | 2022年1月主案设计 | 李想项目管理 | 陈万镁 邓洁方案设计 | 吴柏 廖江童 夏俏 郑晓枫 吴镒锴软装设计 | 朱川平 陈永婷 林炳琴传媒管理 | 郑华纯 项目摄影 | 禾火火

加设计创始人&总设计师 / 李想 


合伙人 / 陈万镁  李想  陈睿  朱川平加设计有限公司成立于2008年,公司业务范畴涵盖酒店空间、餐饮空间、豪宅等类型。提供国际化的建筑、室内、软式以及产品设计服务,致力于为大中华区及世界各地客户提供专业的一体化设计解决方案。加设计以国际化的视野,前卫的设计理念,前沿的技术工艺以及完善的项目控管模式为客户提供高质量的设计作品,以系统化的全产业链设计服务提升项目的产业价值。


公司设计完成的商业项目分布在全国的几十个主要城市,如:北京、上海、深圳、广州、三亚、成都、武汉、海口、长沙等地,作品在全球各大权威设计大奖中屡获殊荣。加 设 计 近 期 推 荐 案 例深圳南山科技园希尔顿花园酒店



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