
Sarah I’Anson丨单色纯粹主义美学

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


Sarah I’Anson

Venroy Armadale


Sarah I 'Anson带我们来到西班牙海岸,打造澳大利亚休闲装品牌Venroy在墨尔本的第一家零售商店。位于Armadale非常时尚的街区,空间捕捉了品牌的主旨,那就是生活的极致放松。

Sarah I’Anson transports us to the coast of Spain for Australian leisurewear label, Venroy’s first Melbourne store. Located on the very fashionable High Street in Armadale, the space captures the embodiment of the brand, that being to live life supremely relaxed. 


Australian limestone shines as the hero element, underpinning Venroy’s signature retail aesthetic composed of natural materials and an understated, neutral colour palette. Quarried from South Australia, the singular use of material en-masse is reminiscent of traditional limestone villas in the Mediterranean and plays into the importance of travel within the brand narrative. 

 Srah I’Anson



Natural materials including the use of red American oak, coir, linen, and sisal are key features of the store design. Their textural appeal creates a sense of ease and warmth in the space, evoking feelings of nostalgia for times spent on holidays in the sun. Custom stainless-steel metalwork and a Venetian plaster ceiling bring the space back to a contemporary, retail setting. 

I’anson和Venroy的创始人兼总监Sean Venturi携手合作,空间参考了Jørn Utzon在西班牙马略卡岛的度假屋。他的单色纯粹主义美学对设计充满了致命的吸引力。作为悉尼歌剧院背后的建筑师,这是Venroy的灵感来源。

The design was a collaborative process between I’Anson and Venroy’s Founder and Director Sean Venturi, directly referencing Jørn Utzon’s holiday home in Majorca, Spain. His purist aesthetic and use of a monochromatic colour palette was particularly appealing to the design. As the architect behind the Sydney Opera House, this was a conscious source of inspiration. 


In introducing a bricks-and-mortar concept to Melbourne, Venturi says of the design — “My vision for Armadale was to create a space which felt like a hotel lobby in the Mediterranean; a place where people could shift their mindset to a more idyllic escape.”

精心设计的家具包括Henry Wilson Pillar Lamp、Olivia Bossy和玻璃雕塑《Like Butter Table》,以及从The Vault采购的老式控制台,这些都是室内的关键装饰,也是作为对悉尼设计师的另一种致敬。

In another nod to Sydney designers, a curated edit of furnishings including a Henry Wilson Pillar Lamp in honey onyx, stainless steel and glass sculptural Like Butter Table by Olivia Bossy and a vintage burl console sourced from The Vault are key accents in the interior. 


受酒店大堂和机场的启发,弯曲的形状直接参考了由Verner Ebbesen设计的标志性沙发,该沙发位于香港机场国泰航空头等舱休息室。室内装饰由Vincent van Duysen和Anna Vilhelmine Ebbesen设计,使用捻线和雪尼尔制成柔软的把手,同时也充满动感的外观。Venturi说:“我们使用自然材料符合悠闲、度假的审美,在社区的喧嚣中创建一个修道院般的避难所。”

Inspired by hotel lobbies and airports the custom seating captures the spirit of travel and transient locations. The curved shape directly references the iconic Cloverleaf Sofa designed by Verner Ebbesen, found in the Cathay Pacific First Class Lounge at Hong Kong Airport. Upholstery is designed by Vincent van Duysen and Anna Vilhelmine Ebbesen, using a twisted yarn and chenille for a soft handle, but also the appearance of movement. “We played with natural materials in line with our laid-back, resort aesthetic but purposefully designed the space as an elevated visual landscape, using textures and features to create a monastic-like sanctuary amongst the bustle of the community,” says Venturi. 

Sarah I 'Anson在Armadale商店中编织了一段关于夏季度假的纹理叙事,与Venroy的休闲风格保持一致。

Balancing Mediterranean vibes with Australian materiality Sarah I’Anson has weaved a textural narrative of summer vacation into the Armadale store in line with Venroy’s laidback ethos.




Therese Carrodus以设计熔铸时间

