
首发 | 知白设计 · 大白至简, 大白无形

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29





After two years of precipitation, Zhibai Design has moved from the 1.0 era to the 2.0 era. Our white box has also doubled compared to before. We hope to break the original living scene and upgrade it to artistry in the new office space. , Improve the temperament of the space. As our own Party A, we use "Zhi Bai Shou Hei" as the source of space design, and interpret the understanding of "Zhi Bai" in terms of space and vision.
I am trying to explore an entity called "white" to find the source of those feelings set by people's own culture. In other words, I tried to find the source of simple and subtle Japanese aesthetics created through the concept of "white".
In some cases, white means "empty". White is transformed into a symbol of "nonexistence" as "no color". But being empty does not mean "nothing" or "zero energy". In many cases, it actually refers to a state, or "before the machine", which means novice: it will be filled with content in the future. Based on this assumption, the use of white can form a powerful energy for communication.——Kenya Hara

01 入口·Entrance
白 / White

"Black" and "white" are naturally opposite, corresponding to "dark" and "bright" respectively. Black and white are relative and coexist. If you know why white is white, you know why black is black, and you know that black and white are possible. Mutual transformation. The space entrance enters from a black wall into a white space, and then into a curved space. The transformation of space is in different combinations and connected in series. The relationship of different directions and scales presents interesting contrasts and relationships. Rhythm, private to open, narrow and relaxed, dark and bright, and convey different spatial emotions.

02 洽谈区·Conference Room
圆 / Round


Although squares,circles and triangles are rooted in traditions that will never go out of style,once the traditions become rigid and copied in large quantities, it is aburden. Modernism, like all styles in the past, stands on the side that it onceopposed and becomes the shackles of architects.

In terms of visual form, it can be the formation of points and lines, or even the processing of forming surfaces. Gives people a focused visual experience, the performance is direct and clear, easy for the audience to understand and remember, and easy to attract people's attention. The circle is called a perfect graphic, and it is very inclusive. It can be matched with almost any shape of the element layout. It is intuitive. The circle is not as sharp as the square, giving people a more easy-going and warm feeling. The reconstruction and innovation of the circle in the space, the choice to the semi-curved surface, and the abstraction of the circular figure are the exploration of the use of new figures.

The arc-shaped walls are intertwined with each other. The transparent and semi-permeable space increases the “breathability” of the space, creating an ambiguous and soft space boundary. The arc-shaped space encloses and blurs the tension of the space and adds The fun of space. The curvilinear enclosing form of the reception space is not as plain as a straight line, nor as blunt as a broken line. It has some soft but free and easy, humble but unruly feeling.

03 会客区·Reception area
方 / Square

Three elements of composition: segmentation, viewpoint and balance. Today's classification is based on segmentation and geometry. Basically, it will never escape from the three basic geometries: square, triangle and circle. These three simplest geometries can be compared to the three basic pillars in architecture.

The white cube is a simple box, and the core of the space is positioned through the volume of the cube, highlighting the focal point of vision. The basic geometric form has long occupied the commanding heights of aesthetics. The entire black louver is used to intensify the visual center, and the spatial focus is placed in the outdoor urban exterior scenery, highlighting the urban landscape. The entire box is given simple and pure colors and materials, and the folding line from the ceiling to the wall presents a rich and interesting spatial composition and a sense of level extension.

The large and small boxes are stacked on each other, and the basic squares are combined to produce different positive and negative spaces. They are connected in series in different combinations to meet various functions. The setting of the fireplace reflects the movement of the space and the space for improvement. The overall atmosphere.


04 电话间·Telephone room
时空 / Time And Space

Space-time refers to any external reality constructed on the basis of our collective experience of the space between objects and the time between events. Each time and space runs in accordance with a certain rule. They are parallel. Generally, there is no crossover, but there is a time sequence. However, in exceptional cases, time and space cross and instantaneous space is disordered.


As a central axis space, we made two scenes in a small space. In the space, we simulated a vacuum space as a telephone room, giving people a quiet, small grid space, and one for making private calls. The space allows other people in the office to not be disturbed and improves efficiency. It also creates a space scene, which dramatically merges the real space and the unreal space, and different time and space are intertwined, creating a huge contrast.

05 办公区·Workspace
序列 / Sequence
Spatial sequence refers to the organization of the space's rise, inherit, turn, and union changes according to a certain streamline. In the field of architectural design, designers often try to follow this sequence of changes to highlight the artistic harmony. At the same time, the spatial sequence aims to focus on the interrelationship between urban space and the environment, emphasize the continuity and organizational relationship of its space, and show a sense of organic order.

The organization of the office area through the sequence space is based on the premise of satisfying the various functions of the office area space, enriching the details of the form through repeated changes, and forming the spatial sequence with the rhythmic configuration of opening and closing, rapid, tight, etc. The material counter and the bar counter are integrated, and the black and white space integrated with the ceiling cabinet implies the division of space and separates it from the office area.

06 细部·Detail
线 / Line


The curve expresses akind of soft beauty, like a woman's fullness, sensibility, lightness, softness,flow and other characteristics. The use of curves is mainly to break thedivision between the linear space and the environment, and to transition thespace through soft curves.



项目名称 | 知白设计研究室
项目地址 | 长沙复地星光天地
建筑面积 | 182㎡
设计时间 | 2020 .10
完成时间 | 2021 .04
空间设计 | 知白设计研究室
设计团队 | 周海飞,王子林,田静 ,况伟峰
灯光设计 | 石客照明
项目摄影 | Nantu南图摄影
主要材料 | LA’BOBO岩板,莫洛尼壁炉,沃伦系统窗,芬琳乳胶漆,梵品木饰面,IRON.PLUS系统内门,黑色喷砂不锈钢,超白玻璃
家具品牌 | 锐驰,舒梵,奥卡姆拉,MAGIS,HAY


知白设计| Zhibai Design,正式成立于2019年,专注于室内空间的设计。我们追求极简、纯粹、物尽其用的设计理念,致力于最佳的空间规划方案以及完整的品牌战略方案,通过对空间的再创造提升设计的整体水准。我们重视设计的过程同时也同样在意施工最后的完成度。

针对设计 愿永葆一颗纯净之心。

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