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DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29








The Yuerong East project is located in Chengdu high-tech zone, taking the millennium-old civilization of Sichuan as the keynote, incorporating elements such as mountain, water and humanities, combining the city's long-standing and leisurely culture, and using the modern oriental temperament and aesthetics to run through the outdoor gardens and indoor spaces, to create a unique life environment.

隐悦之境 对话自然

In astate of hidden

joy dialogue is natural


Hidden, is a kind of city, but also a state. Nature hidden in architecture, architecture hidden in nature, architecture, nature and man in the relationship between the three here with a new attitude. The Oriental Gardens are lush and hidden, as if through time and space, telling the story of Chengdu.


Fresh environment, open mind, in one breath, one spit between, listen to the melody of nature, to explore those spiritual pursuit from the heart, give the heart a chance to talk with nature.

然空灵之境 扁舟一叶

However the ethereal

realm a leafboat

“扁舟一叶”,映出蓉城锦江的时光记忆,这是尉方山口中的“渔舟一叶荡烟来”, 也是陆游笔下的“潋潋玉船摇画烛”。以舟为引,揭开蓉城时光悦好的场景序幕。

"A leaf of a boat" reflects the memories of the Jinjiang River in Chengdu. This is the "fishing boat with a leaf of smoke" in the pass of Wei Fang, and "the billowing jade boat with candles" in Lu You's works. Take the boat as the introduction, opens the Chengdu Time Yue good scene prelude.


A large area of garden borrow scenery, to limited space, create infinite scenery, in the space encounter nature, like exposure to the picture. To the scenery, to the scenery, from the inside to the outside extension of "a leaf boat to steal a half-day free" of the ethereal realm.

闲适之境 心之所至

A state of leisure is

where the heart is



Ink Gray, Calm White, such as a gentle gentleman, so that the restlessness of the heart can be placed.


Suddenly look back, the shadow of that little agate red, is a quiet leisure in the pen, bright and clean modern Oriental breath and quiet aesthetic temperament jumped out, immersed in this side of heaven and earth, itself is a "steal a floating life half a day free" Rongcheng leisure.


Sit opposite the green, enjoy a cup of green tea, and enjoy the tranquility, ease and sense of belonging.

静雅之境 悦蓉东方

Quiet and elegant

place, Yue RongEast



To simplify, quiet and elegant.


High - set soft decoration, exquisite ornaments, elegantpillow, the space condensed out and send the beauty.


Build inside collect gentle atmosphere, as if to remind people to purify worldly flashy, fine taste life and artistic bit elegance. 


The collision of Oriental connotation and modern fashion breaks through the region and time, sublimates artistically, and reshapes the beauty of modern Orient.


项目名称 | 悦蓉東方营销中心
项目地点 | 中国 成都
项目甲方 | 渝太地产集团.润达丰控股集团
硬装设计 | 开戊设计
软装陈设 | 开戊设计
项目面积 | 1800 ㎡     
项目摄影 | 聿空间
竣工时间 | 2021年3月                            

『 天工“开戊”.匠心之路 』

开戊空间设计 ( K5 Design ) ,二零零九年创立于成都。十数载一直致力于深耕住宅地产、高端酒店以及其他泛商业空间之室内设计。开戊设计以用户需求为核心点,追寻斗转星移般变幻之艺术,汲取日新月异的科学、材料、工法之技术,塑造出兼顾理性逻辑与卓越创意之设计方案。目前公司员工近百人,长期与华润、东原、朗诗、大悦城控股等一线房地产集团保持战略合作关系,在成都、西安、武汉、郑州、昆明、南宁等华西、华中和华南区域设计与服务了数百个项目,创意设计能力与勤勉尽责态度深受各个客户单位的一致赞誉。

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