
拓维设计 | 塑造艺境 光遇未来

媒体专员/Vvan 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


It's said in Tao Te Ching that Tao models itself after nature... nature can last forever!All the pursuits of wonderful things in the future come from the pursuits of nature and the fantasy of future.

塑造艺境 光遇未来

Shaping artistic conception and meeting the future in the light


If space exists in the architecture, conversely, can architecture grow in the space? Space and architecture are intermingled and contain each other here. Natural factors are embellished, filling the space with air and sunshine. This design attempts to make people talk to architecture, make architecture talk to space, and make space talk to nature so as to create a situational combination of architecture, nature and space.


Space can be regarded as a visional pattern formed by the inverse of a real one to illustrate the relative relations between the visional and the real as well as the positive and the negative, the space formed after the inversion of the real pattern becomes a space being carved. The space and walls are stratified, divided, sliced, and redistributed; the space, in this process of dispersion and reorganization, forms a meaningful and expressive space; meanwhile, it expresses the subtle relationship between incompleteness and completeness as well as the real pattern and visional pattern through three colors, black, white and gray.

HEGFOUND is a tile brand with a long history based in Foshan. The first floor of its headquarters is nearly six meters high; this is an excellent advantage that we fully utilize to transform the space with architectural language and build a duplex space through the inserts of several empty boxes so as to make the space full of three-dimensional properties of the building. The spatial geometries corresponding to various functions are interwoven in the empty space so that the space and people form a dialogue with tension, and the uniqueness of the space is completed. 

The public area of an enterprise is an extremely open space. The casual coffee bar surrounded by open staircases, waterscape, trees and artistic installations allow guests and staff to relax, communicate and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air of the nature. In addition, the empty boxes on the second floor are turned into negotiation rooms in consideration of privacy and commanding broad vision.


The negotiation rooms are particularly processed in design; cantilevered boxes with oblique cutting design are taken as the architectural structure so that the space is unique and rich in tension. Sectorial stair space is connected with the box structures on the left and right to make the space interlace and echo with each other. The warm wood material and the cold marble floor collide with each other as if they are not a man-made structure. The boxes are suspended in the air through roof welding, subverting people's conventional feeling of mechanics!

Besides the aesthetic feeling on the space, what is more important for a commercial space is the regeneration and utilization rate of functions; each corner should have its unique use value, the attributes and characteristics of the space should be made full use, the stairs are turned into a terrace classroom for informal meetings, small salons, a public book bar, or a small theater......

Special materials are used to continue the characteristics of architectural design, glittering and translucent crystal bricks and white marble bricks are mixed to form a natural screen in order to block the direct sunlight from the west.

Green plants are placed at the back, the strong sunlight shines on the crystal wall in the afternoon through the trees and create a unique and dreamy scene through the refraction effect of the crystal wall. The structure of the shimmering stainless steel ceiling changes with the force of light and auxiliary of art so that the fusion degrees of light also make a difference, it changes the atmosphere of the whole space through delicate tonal change during the alternation of day and night. "

The sunlight is shining on the water through the trees, and moose are walking leisurely..." Romantic means are used in the leisure space of the lobby to present a natural oxygen bar atmosphere. Large area of green plants and the water surface created by corrugated stainless steel make the trees more profound through the mirror reflection. The broadness and delicacy collide and enhance with each other, extending the wonderful flowing atmosphere as well as the harmony between human beings and nature. 
The designers bring the scenes into the rooms and create an encounter with the sense of life for the visitors; the light and shadow produced from the specific wall add radiance to the flexible lines, meditative mind, bright moon and mottled shades, and increase an elegant taste.

意大利建筑师布鲁诺·赛维在《现代建筑语言》中指出,在现代建筑中,室内空间由光与实体(造型)来变现,人对空间的感知和体验是在光和形成空间的实体元素的参与下完成的。” 换言之,光是室内设计必不可缺的一部分。光作为一种特殊媒介,它对空间氛围营造有着重要作用,恰到好处的光线处理能更好地感知空间,唤起其空间的共鸣。巧妙地利用自然采光,能让室内外景观建立起联系,并能增强空间与自然室外景色的互动。
Italian architect Bruno Zevi pointed out in The Modern Language of Architecture that in modern architectures, interior space is realized by light and solid (modeling), and people's perception and experience of space are completed with the participation of light and the entity elements that form space. In other words, light is an essential part of interior design, as a special medium, it plays an important role in creating space atmosphere. Proper light processing can better perceive space and arouse its space resonance. The ingenious use of natural lighting can establish a connection between the indoor and outdoor landscapes, and improve the interactions between the space and the natural outdoor landscapes.

In real life, what people dream amid the hustle and bustle of reinforced concrete cities is a clean place that hides from the world. And a creative backyard is just the right trial to realize this ideal.  The urban courtyard made using elegant cement bricks and simple wood builds a place to get rid of fickleness and purify the soul. The enclosed leisure area on one side of the courtyard is comfortable with the oven placed outdoor, giving people warmness. This is the original intention for the creation. 

The selection area centers on product display for the narrative made through a sequence of sparse-and-dense geometric blocks. The relatively complex yet rich asymmetric space finds its balance point in the spatial dimension, creating the unique artistic form of the space in terms of the relationship between the spatial volume and the dense geometric block forms. When it comes to the treatment of details, the seams, edges, and proportions of the material are carefully sculpted, designed, and refined. To pursue quality represents the sense of respect shown to architecture users. Metals like the low-key brass appear in the space, contributing to varied changes of the interior serenity. The wood and stone are used to warmly and meticulously express the space.

项目名称 | 恒福陶瓷总部展厅
Project name | HEGFOUND Headquarters
项目类型 | 办公空间、展示空间
Project type  | Working & exhibition space
项目地址 | 佛山市禅城区南庄陶博大道29号
Location | No.29,Taobo Avenue,Nanzhuang Town,Chancheng District,Foshan,China
设计主创 | 汪志科&李小水
Chief designers | Wang Zhike & Li Xiaoshui
设计团队  | 拓维设计
项目面积 | 1800平方米
Project area | 1,800 sqm
设计时间 | 2018.11
Start time | November 2018
竣工时间 | 2019.4
Completion time | April 2019
主要材料 | 加拿大CHOIMER涂料,恒福瓷砖,玻璃砖
Main materials | CHOIMER paint, HEGFOUND tiles, GLASS BLOCK
业       主 | 恒福陶瓷
摄  影 师 | 欧阳云 
Photography  | Ouyang Yun




主创设计师 汪志科(左)、李小水(右)

佛山市拓维室内设计机构, 专注于企业总部,展厅空间,办公空间,娱乐空间、酒店、商业卖场、等商业空间项目,为客户提供项目规划、园林、建筑外观、室内空间、软装陈设一系列整体解决方案。 Based in Foshan, China, TOPWAY DESIGN is dedicated to working on a wide range of commercial interior projects including headquarters, exhibition spaces, offices, entertainment spaces, hotels, and shopping malls, etc., and provides clients with integrated design solutions that cover project planning, landscape, architectural appearance, interior space, decoration and furnishings.
拓维设计公司在设计上坚持空间独创性和人文情怀,将功能性、文化性、唯美性进行有机融合的设计理念,除满足空间在五觉体验感的同时最大限度的创造商业附加值,重视商业逻辑和运营法则在空间中的重要性,并强调概念转化和最终落地,主张将艺术自然概念和商业空间进行完美融合,用国际化的视野将东西方美学思想融汇贯通,将跨界思维和当代设计思想融汇到具体项目中。The company adheres to originality and humanism of spaces, and advocates the coordinated integration of functionality, culture and aesthetics. In addition to providing unique experiences for all five senses, we strive to create added value for spaces to the largest extent possible, emphasize the importance of commercial logic and operational principles for spaces, and attach great importance to execution and realization of design concepts. Besides, we insist on fusing art and nature with commercial spaces in a perfect manner, work on combination of Oriental and Western aesthetics with an international vision, and strive to incorporate trans-boundary thinking as well as modern design philosophy into specific projects.
拓维设计公司聚集了一群年轻、专业、富有激情和活力的团队,从前端项目规划到设计创意再到技术支持最后到落地实施,全方位多维度为项目顺利实施保驾护航,正是团队的精诚合作和不懈努力,拓维赢得了市场的认可和行业的赞誉,使我们成为业界最具创造商业价值空间设计公司之一。  FOSHAN TOPWAY DESIGN is equipped with a group of young, professional, energetic and passionate people, which ensures a smooth process for each project in every step, ranging from preliminary planning to design scheme, technical support, execution and realization. Thanks to efficient cooperation and unremitting efforts of the team, Topway Design has won wide recognition and praise from the market and industry and has established itself as a world-class spatial design company excelling at commercial value creation.拓维设计公司立足于广佛地区,项目范围辐射全国,所服务的一线品牌众多,并保持每年有大量的项目作品的记录,其中多项作品荣获国内及国际奖项。我们将继续努力为客户创造更多具有设计和品牌价值的作品!

So far, FOSHAN TOPWAY DESIGN has completed lots of projects throughout China and served for multiple prestigious brands, and is productive each year. Plenty of our works have been awarded by various domestic and global design competitions. Looking forward, we will continue to create more works that feature exceptional design and deliver brand value for our clients. 

拓 维 设 计 近 期 案 例

VIRG casa总部展厅

供稿 / 佛山市拓维室内设计机构

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例


DINZ德国室内设计网 品牌设计


