

New Ideas for Researching and Teaching Interculturality










Researching and teaching interculturality in higher education: Highlights from a journey between science and business  


This talk is structured around three main guidelines: a) Provide a longitudinal view of intercultural studies and of the concept of interculturality as movement, communication, dynamics, as an encounter between cultures, with the purpose of discussing their pragmatic effects in science, teaching, business, and society; b) Present intercultural competence as a condition for effective communication, generating mutual intelligibility between different worldviews and sharing alternative concepts and epistemologies, both in the business and the academic context. c) Describe culture as a profitable commodity, as an asset for higher education, as a tool and object of business and development, to be understood and managed with the same accuracy, knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as any other asset. In short, this conference aims to question and reposition motivations, discourses, definitions, and strategies of cultural interaction, bearing in mind the potential of their framing in inclusive teaching, research and entrepreneurship. 


Clara Sarmento

Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

A PhD in Portuguese Culture and Aggregrate in Cultural Studies, Clara Sarmento is the coordinator of the Centre for Intercultural Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto, where she is a Tenured Professor and the director of the Master’s Program in Intercultural Studies for Business. She is the author of numerous books, essays and articles on Anglo-American Studies, Portuguese Literature and Culture, and Intercultural Communication. 



Reflexivity in teaching Interculturality


The approach shared by Nathalie Auger is based on enabling students to recognise the emotions that can lead to the reproduction of stereotypes, to identify and deconstruct them using well-known analytical tools from different fields such as sociology and anthropology. The notions of representations and otherness, (amongst others) are central in the processes of reflection that the students have to experience. Images, media discourses, excerpts from textbooks and personal stories can serve as support to do so. The end result is not so much to focus on the image of the other itself but, rather, to reflect on oneself


Nathalie Auger

University of Montpellier (France) 

Nathalie Auger is a full professor at the University of Montpellier-Paul-Valéry France. She teaches to students from all over the world intercultural dimensions in the master degree to become French as a foreign/ second Language Teacher. She has run many projects in Europe and Canada regarding using cultural and languages resources to teach/learn French as a second language. She has worked with newly arrived pupils, Roma and Gypsy students and their families in a holistic and maximalist way to include the students with their multi-faceted identities. She has published a dozen of books and created films and websites on this topic in various languages. 



Language, Culture and Interculturality


As a line of inquiry, interculturality focuses on the role of interactions and discursive practices in negotiating the relevance of (cultural) identities and differences between self-oriented and ascribed identities. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the research in this area and discuss its contributions to a nuanced understanding of what people do with cultural identities and in particular, how it can help us resist stereotypes and challenge Othering.  


Zhu Hua

University College London (UK)

Zhu Hua(祝华)  英国社会科学院院士,国际跨文化研究学会院士。现任英国应用语言学会主席,UCL IOE教育学院教授、国际跨文化研究中心主任。主要研究多语交际、跨文化交际及儿童语言。现任劳特利奇(Routledge)《语言与跨文化交际》丛书联合主编,《剑桥应用语言学关键话题》丛书联合主编及《剑桥应用语言学元素》丛书联合主编。担任Language, Culture and Curriculum, Language, Culture and Society, Contrastive Pragmatics, Applied Pragmatics, Chinese Language and Discourse,《外语与外语教学》等期刊编委。香港科研基金委员会人文和社科学部语言学和心理学课分委会主席,香港高等教育学院2020科研评估教育学科评委(Hong Kong UGC Research Assessment Exercises2020),英国高等教育学院2021科研评估教育学科评委(UK REF 2021)。



Understanding Intercultural Business Communication Processes for Global Managers: A Situated Cognitive Perspective


In order to extend the field of intercultural business communication, this chapter proposes a theoretical framework based on situated cognition through using language as a tool to conceptualize the process of intercultural communication. Specifically, we combine it with insights from cultural discourse studies and situated cognition to understand communication processes. These processes use the emic-etic continuum to co-construct relatenesses in business activities with the cultural Other. Furthermore, to explicate these communication processes, we develop a matrix model incorporating both relatedness and future orientation, which can be applied in the discourse analysis of intercultural business communication for global managers.  


Yunxia Zhu

The University of Queensland (Australia)

Dr Yunxia Zhu (PhD, Australian National University) is Director of Internationalisation of University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project, Associate Professor in International Business at the University of Queensland Business School. She is Vice President of the Asian-Pacific Region for the Association for Business Communication. Senior Fellow of Higher Education Association, and an award-winning researcher and educator including an Australian National Citation Teaching and Learning Award. She is visiting Scholar to Imperial College London, Lund University and University of Michigan.

Dr Zhu has an international reputation in cross-cultural management and communication. She has written two scholarly books and has published extensively in prestigious international journals (e.g., Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Knowledge Management, Annuals of Tourism Research, Asian Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Management International Review, Public Relations Review, Discourse and Society, Discourse & Communication, TEXT, Discourse Studies, etc.). She serves on a number of editorial boards such as Journal of World Business, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Academy of Management Discovery, Discourse and Communication, Management and Organization Review, and Public Relations Review. Dr Zhu is also actively engaged in consulting and executive training with industries, holding adjunct and honorary professorial positions with a number of Chinese universities and co-authored books including a recent book on Belt-Road development and challenges.



Doing interculturality through food?: Ambivalence and (in)authenticity in the representation of Chinese food and foodways at tourist cooking schools 


This talk examines interculturality through looking at how people engage with food in international tourism. It has been well-established that food constitutes an important part of one’s culture and identity, but the role of food in intercultural communication has not received enough scholarly attention. The talk builds upon the premise that food is an important element in cultural tourism – people consume food during tourism not just out of physiological needs, but also as an experience of destination culture. To the extent that food represents local culture and place identity, various forms of touristic engagement with food can be understood as discourses of intercultural communication (Long 2004, Walter 2017). In this presentation, I focus on one particular form of culinary tourism, tourist cooking classes wherein tourists explore and participate in the foodways of the Other through shopping, cooking, eating, as well as talking about food. Based on analysis of online reviews of two cooking schools in Yangshuo, China, I discuss three themes found in the touristic representation of Chinese food and foodways: the unsightly and smelly Other, the English-speaking Other, and the in(authentic) Other. It is argued that these discourses show the ambivalent and binary nature of Other representation wherein Chinese food and foodways are both desirable and despicable. And yet, these representations are ideologically consistent in their reproduction of tourist privilege and cultural superiority. The talk ends by emphasizing the importance of examining power differentials and inequalities in food-mediated intercultural encounters and practices.   


Shuang Gao

University of Liverpool (UK)  

Shuang Gao is a sociolinguist working at the Department of English, University of Liverpool, UK. Her research uses linguistic ethnography and discourse analytical approaches to understand the relationship between language, social change, and social inequality. Specifically, her research interests include language and globalization, sociolinguistics of tourism, multilingualism, language and food, and language and social media, with a focus on global China. She is the author of Aspiring to be global: Language and social change in a tourism village in China (2019) and co-editor of Unpacking discourse on Chineseness: The cultural politics of language and identity in globalizing China (2021), and Language and intercultural communication in tourism: Critical perspectives (2021).  




