
SCHEDULE| SUFE Centres Launch Ceremony

Time: 20 November, 2020 13:30-18:00

Venue: Room 626, Red Tile Building

Welcome to Join us via Zoom!

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Speech by Vice President of SUFE followed by Unveiling Ceremony

Prof. Lingzhen Yao


Centre introductions by the Centre Directors Prof. Sandro Jung and Prof. Qionglin Tan


Online Contributions by member of the Advisory Board/ Testimonials from external Scholars

 Invited by Prof. Sandro Jung

Prof. Timothy Erwin

University of Nevada

Prof. Barbara M. Benedict

Trinity College Hartford

Prof. Eleanor Shevlin

West Chester University

Prof. Jürgen Pieters

Ghent University

Prof. Gerard Carruthers

University of Glasgow

Dr. Carson Bergstrom

University of Salford

Dr. Kwinten Van De Walle

Freiburg University

Dr. Lisa Walters

Liverpool Hope University/ University of Queensland

 Invited by Prof. Qionglin Tan

Prof. Gary Snyder

University of California, Davis

Prof. Patrick D. Murphy

University of Central Florida

Prof. Scott Slovic

University of Idaho

Prof. Mark Gonnerman

Foothill College, California

Prof. Bron Taylor

University of Florida

Prof. Jason Wirth

Seattle University

Prof. Stephen Roddy

University of San Francisco

Jose Luis Regojo

Editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Poemame

Prof. Julia Martin

University of the Western Cape

Prof. Jia-ru Chang

Brooklyn College of City University of New York

15:50–16:00 Coffee break

16:00–17:30 Discussion session

Prof. Qinglong Peng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Prof. Tianhu Hao (Zhejiang University), Prof. Carsten Rohde (Sun-Yat-sen University), and Prof. Haifeng Hui (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) in conversation with Prof. Sandro Jung.

Prof. Guoqiang Qiao (Shanghai International Studies University), Prof. Hong Chen (Shanghai Normal University), Prof. Xin Wang (Shanghai International Studies University), Prof. Min Zhou (Hangzhou Normal University) in conversation with Prof. Qionglin Tan.


Introduction of the literature team of SUFE followed by conclusion.

