
Elon Musk 致投资人公开信:特斯拉放弃私有化

Chris Zheng 42号车库 2019-08-12

Elon Musk 又发公开信了,与我们之前的判断一致<特斯拉是不会退市的,这些才是你应该关心的>,在大多数机构股东提出异议的情况下,Elon 最终决定放弃私有化,转而专注于带领特斯拉团队实现「加速世界向可持续能源的转变」这一公司使命。



Earlier this month, I announced that I wasconsidering taking Tesla private. As part of the process, it was important tounderstand whether our current investors believed this would be a goodstrategic move and whether they would want to participate in a private Tesla.



Our investors are extremely important tome. Almost all have stuck with us from the time we went public in 2010 when wehad no cars in production and only a vision of what we wanted to be. Theybelieve strongly in our mission to advance sustainable energy and care deeplyabout our success.


我们的投资者对我非常重要。从我们 2010 年上市的时候开始,几乎所有股东都与我们保持信心同步。当时我们还没有生产汽车,只有我们想达成的愿景。他们坚信我们的使命是加速推动世界向可持续能源的转变,并深切关注我们的成功。


I worked with Silver Lake, Goldman Sachsand Morgan Stanley, who have world-class expertise in these matters, toconsider the many factors that would come into play in taking Tesla private,and to process all the incoming interest that we received from investors tofund a go-private transaction. I also spent considerable time listening tocurrent shareholders, large and small, to understand what they think would bein the best long-term interests of Tesla.


我与 Silver Lake、GoldmanSachs 和摩根士丹利做了一些沟通,他们在这些问题上拥有世界级的专业知识,考虑将特斯拉私有化的各种因素,并处理我们从投资者那里得到的所有先发。为私人交易提供资金。我还花了相当多的时间聆听现在的大小股东,了解他们认为特斯拉最好的长远利益。


Based on all the discussions that havetaken place over the last couple of weeks and a thorough consideration of whatis best for the company, a few things are clear to me:




  • Given the feedback I’ve received, it’sapparent that most of Tesla’s existing shareholders believe we are better offas a public company. Additionally, a number of institutional shareholders haveexplained that they have internal compliance issues that limit how much theycan invest in a private company. There is also no proven path for most retailinvestors to own shares if we were private. Although the majority ofshareholders I spoke to said they would remain with Tesla if we went private,the sentiment, in a nutshell, was “please don’t do this.”


  • 鉴于我收到的反馈,很明显,特斯拉的大多数现有股东都认为我们作为上市公司会更好。此外,一些机构股东表示,他们有内部规定,限制他们可以投资私人公司的数量。如果我们私有化了,大多数散户投资者也没有经过证明可以拥有股票的途径。虽然与我交谈的大多数股东表示,如果我们私有化,他们会留在特斯拉,但简而言之,他们的态度是“请不要这样做”。


  • I knew the process of going private wouldbe challenging, but it’s clear that it would be even more time-consuming anddistracting than initially anticipated. This is a problem because we absolutelymust stay focused on ramping Model 3 and becoming profitable. We will notachieve our mission of advancing sustainable energy unless we are alsofinancially sustainable.


  • 我知道私有化的过程会很有挑战性,但很明显它会比最初预期的更耗费时间和分散注意力。这是一个问题,因为我们绝对必须专注于提升 Model 3 的产能和实现盈利。除非我们在财务上可持续,否则我们无法实现加速世界向可持续能源转变的使命。


  • That said, my belief that there is morethan enough funding to take Tesla private was reinforced during this process.


  • 也就是说,在这个过程中,我认为有足够的资金来让特斯拉私有化。


After considering all of these factors, Imet with Tesla’s Board of Directors yesterday and let them know that I believethe better path is for Tesla to remain public. The Board indicated that theyagree.




Moving forward, we will continue to focuson what matters most: building products that people love and that make adifference to the shared future of life on Earth. We’ve shown that we can makegreat sustainable energy products, and we now need to show that we can besustainably profitable. With all the progress we’ve made on Model 3, we’repositioned to do this, and that’s what the team and I are going to be puttingall of our efforts toward.


展望未来,我们将继续关注最重要的事情:打造人们喜爱的产品,并改变我们共同生活的地球村的未来。我们已经证明,我们可以生产出可持续发展的能源产品,现在我们需要证明我们可持续盈利。随着我们在Model 3上取得的所有进展,我们有能力做到这一点,这是我和特斯拉团队将把我们所有努力付诸实践的目标。


Thank you to all of our investors,customers and employees for the support you’ve given our company. I’mincredibly excited to continue leading Tesla as a public company. It is aprivilege.



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