
RTSM|More Than The Immune Problem:刘小东 & Rania Lee KHALIL

CAFA ART INFO 中央美院艺讯网 2020-10-15

More Than The Immune Problem | 免·疫

Reflecting the Sharing Moment | Section One


2020艺讯网英文版最新线上展览项目“Reflecting the Sharing Moment(缩写为RTSM)”正式开启,首期“免·疫”已上线!我们邀请了来自世界各地的艺术家,带来他们在2020的思考和创作。第二期即将上线,敬请期待!

Further Reading|推荐阅读:

RTSM|2020 Online Exhibition: "More Than The Immune Problem"

RTSM|“免·疫”线上展览艺术家:YANG Jiechang & Simone DOUGLAS

RTSM|“免·疫”线上展览艺术家:LIN Yan & Tom BUTTER

With the first attempt of the ongoing project “Reflecting the Sharing Moment(abbr. RTSM)” organized by CAFA ART INFO, the online exhibition More Than The Immune Problem invites both domestic and international artists to record and present their reflections on the world and themselves in the year 2020. Diversified thinking and expressions from these artists are expected to be shared and discussed in a broader sense.

In this section, we would like to introduce artists LIU Xiaodong and Rania Lee KHALIL, as well as their artistic reflections to the year 2020. 

LIU Xiaodong

"Spring in New York"

Liu Xiaodong was born in Jincheng, an industrial town in the north of the country, in 1963. Considering art as a possible way to a better future, his parents sent him to live with his uncle, who had previously trained as a painter, where Liu Xiaodong learned to use watercolors to copy the British masters and also the Russian school of painting. 

In 1980 Liu Xiaodong was admitted to the High School Affiliated to CAFA and he later went on to attend the Central Academy of Fine Arts, where he eventually graduated in 1988, and then started his career as professional painter by focusing on the everyday life of his peers.  

Through figurative painting techniques, he has depicted the living conditions of ordinary people in the age of historical transformations and thereby has become one of the leading figures among the “new generation” artists, participating in several exhibitions in China and abroad.

In recent years, he has turned his eyes to the world, zooming in on people from various cultures and countries against the backdrop of globalization today. Aside from China, Liu has painted from life in Italy, Cuba, Japan, Korea, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Germany, Britain, and Greenland, etc.

Scan the OR Code to View LIU Xiaodong‘s Page


"Forget it New York lad, as long as you are happy. These days the image of Chinese people is questioned anyway (called in question? challenged?). But then again don’t Beijingers look down on out-of-towners? (strangers?) It’s the same everywhere."

 ——Cited from Liu Xiaodong: Spring in New York

Children's Park, 26x36cm, Watercolor on Paper, 2020

At My Doorstep, 36x26cm, Watercolor on Paper, 2020

NYU, 36x26cm, Acrylic on Photograph, 2020

Twins, 36x26cm, Watercolor on Paper, 2020

Untitled, 36x26cm, Watercolor on Paper, 2020

  Rania Lee KHALIL

"Sinai (a story i tell my daughter)"

Rania Lee Khalil makes performances and moving image for live audiences. Her artworks reflect on the beauty and disappearance of indigenous plant, animal and human (culture)s.  Her embodied and research based practice interweaves reflections on ecology, postcoloniality, third world feminism, and healing. In her videos she explores lo fi and analog systems of making. Originally trained in dance and somatic movement, Khalil brings a sense of quiet to her performances and moving images. The daughter of Egyptian immigrants to the U.S., Khalil lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Her original works have been seen in places including The Judson Church, La Mama Galleria, Martin Segal Theater, Utopia Station and The Ontological-Hysteric Theater in New York; Aomori Art Museum Japan, Al Ma’mal Contemporary Art Foundation Palestine, Zawya Cinema Egypt, Kiasma Museum for Contemporary Art Finland and the 56th Venice Biennale.  Awards include NYFA (US), Kone Foundation (Finland), CIMO foundation (Finland), Erasmus Mundus (Europe), Fund for Women Artists (US), Zebra Poetry Film Festival (Germany).  She is completing her practice based doctorate at the University of Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy and teaches in the MFA program at Parsons, The New School. 

Artist Homepage: www.ranialeekhalil.net

Scan the OR Code to View Rania Lee KHALIL‘s Page


Sinai (a story I tell my daughter)

This year, I was very moved to read about coyotes who returned to the areas around the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, because there was no traffic, they could move around in peace. Sheltering in place, in the early months of the pandemic, I would imagine these wolves walking around, grand city in the background, no cars.  I spent time thinking about what cities were like before they were cities. I imagined the city where I live (New York City) a forest leading to water. I imagined the indigenous people who once lived here, fishing and bathing, in a quiet like that of those spring coyotes. I wondered how they would feel to see the two lane highway that runs along the water near my home. In Sinai (a story i tell my daughter), I reflect on our earth, and a twin dimension of earth, in which all of its tragedies did not happen.  

Image, Video, and Text Courtesy of the Artists.

Edited by Sue and Emily/CAFA ART INFO

About the Exhibition

More Than The Immune Problem| "免·疫"

Reflecting the Sharing Moment | Section One

2020艺讯网线上展览 | 第一回

Launch Date: 2020.09.29

Participating Artists

 (in alphabetical order of surnames):

Tom BUTTER, Simone DOUGLAS, Anna DUMITRIU, Rania Lee KHALIL, LIN Yan, LIU Xiaodong, Michal MARTYCHOWIEC, QIU Zhijie, SPAM Church, SU Xinping, SUN Yuan, WEI Jia, YANG Jiechang, YU Hong, John Z Long, ZHANG Yanzi

Curator: Emily ZHOU

Visual Design: Yizhi ZHANG

Organizer: CAFA ART INFO

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