
因学术而思想 因思想而光华︱2023北大光华经济金融校友学术论坛圆满收官

北大光华校友会 北京大学光华管理学院 2023-12-27








(左:翁翕教授  右:王亚平教授)


主会场结束后,学院金融学系副教授王亚平、金融学系教授贾春新和应用经济学系助理教授Lukas Hensel分别担任了分会场主持人,围绕“中国经济与金融体系”、“大数据与文本分析和消费”、“劳动力市场与机制设计”三大主题继续分享和讨论,9位学术校友分享了他们的最新研究成果。

(左:王亚平教授 中:贾春新教授 右:Lukas Hensel教授)




(左:江萍校友 中:谭娅校友 右:谢晓晨校友)


(左:张红校友 中:曾建光校友 右:关冲校友)


(左:陈靖校友 中:赵浩校友 右:黄娅娜校友)



(左:翁翕教授 右:王冬霞老师)


 (左:高勇校友 右:李巍校友)

(左:任萍萍校友 中:姜燕校友 右:宋云锋校友)





Navigating Political Risks: The Role of Firm Political Alignment


合作者:Jing Li (西蒙弗雷泽大学)、Minjia Li(英属哥伦比亚大学)、Jenny Li Zhang(英属哥伦比亚大学)

论文摘要:We examine the determinants and consequences of an important but understudied strategy in managing political risks—firm political alignment (FPA). Using a GPT large language model, we measure FPA as the extent to which firms align their actions and commitments with government agendas as presented in annual reports.  Leveraging two political events in China, we find that: 1) as the anti-corruption campaign that started in 2012 and later spread across different provinces serves as a staggered shock that reduces the effectiveness of political ties, firms increase their FPA in response; 2) the extent of FPA largely mitigates the negative market reaction around the announcement of the common prosperity policy in 2021 which heightens policy uncertainty for non-state-owned firms. Overall, our findings provide novel evidence that firms engage in FPA to manage political risk.

From Connections to Merit: Anti-Corruption Reform and Occupational Mobility in China’s Civil Service



论文摘要:In China, being employed in the public sector as a civil servant is perceived as the primary pathway to leadership roles in the government. This paper examines the role of family background in shaping the choice to enter the civil service and investigates the impact of the anti-corruption campaign, which began in 2012, on this process. While we find that college graduates whose parents hold managerial roles in the civil service are more likely to take a civil service job, by using a difference-in-differences approach we demonstrate that such occupational persistence decreased by 18% after the anti-corruption campaign. We further demonstrate that the primary mechanism driving this change is a reduction in the use of social networks by parents to help their children secure civil servant positions. Our findings provide insight into the role of social networks in shaping occupational outcomes in China and suggest that anti-corruption efforts have had significant intergenerational impacts beyond the incumbents.

Survival and Growth of Small and Mid-Sized Firms: Evidence from Corporate Income Tax Cuts in China



论文摘要:Our study examines China's notch-based corporate income tax cuts from 2014 to 2018 aimed at aiding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Analyzing tax data, we find that these cuts both encourage covered SMEs to boost production and prompt some above-notch firms to reduce production for tax arbitrage. Then we develop a structural model illustrating tax policy's substantial impact on firm output. Our counterfactual analysis assesses policy implications on economic output and SME expansion. Ultimately, we compare support policies, suggesting that kink-based tax cuts and size-based precision subsidies may achieve tax revenue goals more efficiently while stimulating SMEs like notch-based policies.



BigTech Finance Usage and Household Agricultural Income: Evidence from China



论文摘要:Based on a Chinese BigTech finance usage index and household data from China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), our paper analyzes the causal impact and mechanism of BigTech finance usage on household agricultural income. Results show that BigTech finance usage significantly improves household agricultural income, and findings are robust after considering sample selection, omitted variables, and instrumental variables. Mechanism analysis implies that BigTech finance usage can affect household agricultural income by easing household budget constraints and promoting risk-resistance capacity, and consequently increasing agricultural inputs and improving agricultural production efficiency. Moreover, the impact of BigTech finance usage primarily benefits marginal households with lowest-income, moderate level of ability and knowledge, who face insufficient access to traditional financial services, as well as in areas with lower traditional financial development and in households without bank loans. These distributional effects shed light on the potential of BigTech finance in fostering financial inclusion and enhancing welfare.

Cybersecurity Perception and Market Excess Returns under Algorithm Optimization



论文摘要:How does the level of risk perception of internet security (cybersecurity perception) by investors affect the asset prices of internet wealth management? In the current era of continuously optimizing artificial intelligence algorithms, will algorithm optimization actually impact the perception of cybersecurity? Using the algorithm update of Baidu's search index in 2018 as an external event and the Baidu search index for the term "Yu'ebao stolen" as a proxy variable to measure the perception of cybersecurity, this paper examines the influence of cybersecurity perception on the seven-day excess return of Yu'ebao in order to address the aforementioned questions. Our studies have found that an increase in the perception of cybersecurity significantly increases market returns. However, there is no significant difference between the relevant indices and excess market returns when using two different artificial intelligence algorithms. The above findings confirm the existence of the revenue compensation effect on the perception of cybersecurity. However, they also indicate that algorithm upgrades have not had a significant impact on cybersecurity perception. The instrumental variable test, which is based on the proportion of Android system usage in the installation of apps on smartphones, supports the robustness of the conclusions. Heterogeneity testing shows that optimizing the algorithm reduces the sensitivity of excess market returns to cybersecurity perception when the yield of Yu'ebao is low. However, in the case of tight monetary policy, optimizing algorithms increase the sensitivity of excess market returns to cybersecurity perception. Further research has found that a stronger perception of cybersecurity will increase the willingness of Yu'ebao investors to participate in the stock market. Strengthening cybersecurity awareness helps enhance investors' ability to bear market risks.

Navigating Success in Carbon Offset Projects: A Deep Dive  into the Determinants using Topic Modeling   


合作者:Chongwu Xia(新加坡新跃社科大学)、Ding Ding(新加坡新跃社科大学)、Teng Yun(新加坡新跃社科大学)

论文摘要:Carbon offset projects play a crucial role in tackling the global challenge of climate change. 9 However, there is limited understanding of the factors contributing to the success of a carbon offset 10 project. In this study, we utilize the latent Dirichlet allocation method to extract topics from the 11 descriptions of carbon offset projects sourced from the Gold Standard Foundation. Our findings 12 reveal that projects encompassing both safety and efficient cooking stoves for households command 13 higher prices. These results imply that an effective carbon offset project should mitigate individual 14 household emissions while enhancing safety. Our research carries significant implications for stake-15 holders involved in carbon offset projects and can serve as a foundation for policy formulation and 16 standard regulations.



Local shock Experience, Beliefs and Scarred Consumption  


合作者:Tianyuan Jiang(中央财经大学)、Manling Zhang(吉林大学)

论文摘要:This paper represents the first attempt to show how local shock experiences help explain the sluggish trajectory of household consumption. Using a large-scale household survey with 16,507 observations combined with geospatial transportation big data, we identify a novel belief-updating mechanism through which crises may exert prolonged impacts on consumption patterns. A one standard deviation increase in local shock experience is associated with a 10.82% reduction in daily household consumption. We demonstrate that an experience-based learning perspective lends support to resolving the long-lasting overreactions to negative shocks via belief revisions. Additionally, we find that households with different individual-based shock experiences may exhibit varying perceptions of external shocks, resulting in disparate belief revision processes. While working in the public sector stabilizes beliefs, job loss experiences function to amplify shocks.

An efficient mechanism to mitigate stock externalities in rights-based common-pool resource management: Theory and experiments 


合作者:David Porter(查普曼大学)

论文摘要:The inter-temporal resource allocation efficiency of a rights-based common-pool resource management system is threatened by a stock externality when one user’s extraction lowers the resource stock and raises the extraction cost for others. This paper proposes a novel decentralized rights-based allocation mechanism (DRAM) to restore the efficiency loss. DRAM includes two stages. In a voting stage, agents collectively determine a binding extraction target for each period via weighted majority voting; in a market stage, agents trade extraction rights assigned to them within each period. We build a theoretical model to illustrate the efficiency loss from a standard property rights market and demonstrate that DRAM can implement the socially optimal allocation under mild conditions. Labo- ratory experiments confirm that DRAM outperforms the standard property rights market in aggregate economic efficiency.

MULAN in the name: Causes and consequences of gendered Chinese names

黄娅娜 (中国社会科学院)


论文摘要:Drawing on data from the 2005 China mini-census, this study aims to measure the genderedness of Chinese names and explore the determinants of gendered names and their impacts on a range of economic outcomes. The Gendered Name Index we constructed shows that male and female names have been converging over the past century, mainly attributed to the defeminization of female names. A regression analysis reveals that the gender characteristics of Chinese names are highly correlated with parental characteristics, the strength of kinship networks, and local socioeconomic conditions. Additionally, the genderedness of a name has mild but statistically significant effects on a series of life-cycle outcomes. Notably, a more masculine name for a man would likely result in longer education time, later marriage, and better performance in the labor market. In contrast, a more feminine name for a woman would bring about opposite outcomes. These findings support both gender identity and gender discrimination mechanisms.





















